Do Not Drive . . .

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It was enough that a handful of kids were killed by drivers who were unable to see them when they inadvertently backed-up over them for the federal government to mandate that every car be fitted with a back-up camera system.

It is not enough, apparently, that a number of people have been killed by defective/aging air bags to reconsider the mandate that requires every new car made be fitted with multiple air bags.

Including the three kills confirmed by Stellantis, parent company of the Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram truck brands. The most recent of these reportedly occurring on May 13, when an airbag killed the front seat passenger who was riding shotgun in a 2003 Ram 1500 pick-up.

Now Stellantis is urging people who own older Ram trucks (as well as Dodge and Chrysler vehicles) equipped with the potentially lethal “safety” devices to not drive them until the explosive devices in the steering wheel and dash can be replaced with new explosive devices.

Many people think of air bags as cushions – which they are, in part. It is the other part that has the potential to kill. That has killed.

And will kill, again.

That would be the explosive part.

In order for the air bag to cushion the person facing it from an impact with the steering wheel or dashboard it must inflate within fractions of a second after the car impacts (or is impacted by) something, such as another car. This requires explosive force (generated by fast-burning chemicals) which is supposed to be dissipated almost immediately, once the air bag, itself, has been inflated.

But for this to work properly, it is necessary that everything always work as designed – and that there are never any defects in the design. Neither risk can be eliminated entirely because nothing made by human hands will ever be – much less remain – perfect. It is defective air bags that are blamed for the recent spate of deaths but the fact is that airbags have also killed when they worked as designed.

It is as misleading to think of these devices as cushions as it is to think of the gene-therapy drugs that were pushed on people as “vaccines.” But there is a commonality in that both of these things have been pushed on people, who have been effectively forced to assume all of the risks – as well as the costs – for the sake of “benefits” regarded by others as worth the risks.

This is pretty halting thing, when you think about it a little.

If something can hurt you – if that something has proved hurtful to others – then no one else, arguably, has a moral right to pressure (much less force) you to assume the risks. For it is not the ones pressuring (and forcing) who pay the costs – in mayhem and money – if those risks prove to be actualities.

Maybe if the government promised to cover those costs a better case could be made for government imposing the risks. It would still be immoral in principle for the government to  place people at risk. But at least the people forced to assume the risks would not be left holding the bag for the costs of those risks.

Millions of people literally face such risks – as regards air bags – every single day. Each day that passes increasing the chances they will one day pay the costs. This latter is an important fact not being conveyed to people – for essentially the same reason that the facts about the gene-therapy drugs not being vaccines weren’t conveyed to them.

Air bags – including the explosive components – age. Just as we do. Just as cars do. Over time, the odds of something going wrong with the air bags increase, just the same as the odds of developing heart disease or a bad knee go up as we age. The wiring gets brittle. Connections fray. Materials deteriorate. Sensors go faulty. Eventually, something’s not going to work as  designed.

It is an inevitability – because it is just a matter of time.

So it’s not just the several hundred thousands “affected” Stellantis vehicles (including the Ram 1500) that could kill you. It is every single vehicle that came with an airbag – because every vehicle is affected by the passage of time.

It is probably true that most air bags won’t malfunction before the vehicle is so affected by the passage of time that the time has come to junk it. Just as it is true that most air bags are not defective. But that will be cold comfort if it turns out that one of those air bags – the one in your car – malfunctions.

Or was made with defective parts.

The government – the bureaucrats and politicians – do not care about any of this, of course. If they did, they would accept that it’s rightfully your business to decide whether the risks are worth the (supposed) benefits. And they would cover the costs of any injury or damages caused by their making you assume the risks.

From the point-of-view of these bureaucrats and politicians, you are a statistic. One of many – over whom they haughtily wield the power of cost-benefit.

As well as life and death.

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Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 13, 2023 7:18 pm

My son is an ophthalmologist.
He does surgery on people’s eyes that
Have been ruined by airbags every day.
Usually the are blinded.

  Colorado Artist
July 13, 2023 7:59 pm

Never knew that. Wowsers.

  Colorado Artist
July 13, 2023 8:03 pm

There must be a way to remove the explosive charge from the airbag, has anyone tried to do that?

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
July 13, 2023 11:48 pm

My 99 clk 320 should be disarmed by now. So good reminder of an article.
While thinking an answer over regarding your question ASIG, I’m left in doubt as to how. Another good question is why they explode. Airbag brain wrongly detonates them or is it the chemical charge gone awry?
The charges are encased in a pretty solid and tamper proof housing (aluminum) and I’m not aware of ever seeing them disassembled. Certainly not in the factory schools.

July 14, 2023 12:16 am

Years ago I removed the whole thing from my Jetta. Make sure you disconnect the battery when you do. I swapped out the steering wheel for fun but you could put the old one back if you wanted to. If you do that though, put in a 4-point harness. With an airbag taking up the space it’s harder to twist out of the standard lap and shoulder belts. Without it you can come out of them much easier. The 4-point is even better than the combo of 3-point and airbag too. Less shrapnel, no explosions, better retention. With that said, one did save my life 12 years ago almost to the day. But, I’d still pull it and do the 4-point. I might not have gotten the racing stripe on my head after I took out the rearview mirror during the rollover.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Colorado Artist
July 13, 2023 8:33 pm

Blinded or injured by what, exactly — the chemicals in the bag mechanism? What?

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Anthony Aaron
July 14, 2023 12:31 am

The 300 mph impact and then the suction when it instantly deflates.
It literally sucks eyes out if your face aligns with the bag over the socket.

  Colorado Artist
July 14, 2023 1:36 am

OK, now you’re clearly roaming into bullshit territory:

“the suction when it [the airbag] instantly deflates”

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
July 14, 2023 2:49 am
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
July 14, 2023 2:53 am

Yikes! Never realized how dangerous airbags can be. Got into an accident about a month ago & wondered why the airbags didn’t trigger. Seems like they should have. Guess I’m glad they didn’t inflate now.

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
  Abigail Adams
July 14, 2023 9:55 pm

If you’re going slow enough and/or depending on the angle of impact, airbags won’t deploy. I’ve been in accidents where it didn’t deploy, and in others where they deployed as they should have. I had a face full of airbags once, prevented me from head-butting the steering wheel like it was supposed to do. I wanted to kill the wacky Paki that ran a stop sign & forced me to T-bone him – he was lucky the cop got to him first before I did.

As a sidebar, when I had to sit in the back of the squad car on the way to the police station, I noticed the cop constantly running license plates whenever we were stopped at intersections.

  Abigail Adams
July 14, 2023 3:43 am

Remember those videos when a stuntman jumps off a 10-story building onto a 10+ feet high air cushion, which then deflates in a controlled manner when he lands on it?

That’s how an airbag works, except that it get blown up/prepared in a fraction of a second.

How could such a device have suction effects from deflation??

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
July 14, 2023 4:06 am

I have no idea. I didn’t even know they caused serious injury. But after a quick search of airbag injuries, it appears that Colorado Artist may be correct.

I saw some say it’s like a bomb going off right in your face. Maybe has to do with the lightening speed of inflation/deflation vs the controlled manner with the stunt man.

  Abigail Adams
July 14, 2023 7:48 am

Maybe it has something to do with body parts being inside the space the air cushion is supposed to be placed, in case of collision.

July 13, 2023 7:41 pm

A long while ago I read an article on how airbags can decapitate small women and or children. Some guy in a parking lot got in a very light fender bender with an Asian woman and the air bag tore her head off and blew it out the window.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 13, 2023 7:49 pm

Anything you have in your hands or lap becomes a 300 MPH projectile.
Dogs, groceries, a child, an IPhone.
When they deploy, they also instantly retract, sucking your eyeballs out
with the powerful vacuum. Look it up if you have the stomach for real gore.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
  Colorado Artist
July 13, 2023 11:54 pm

Back in the day my training revealed a two stage system that increased the rate of speed from 3 to 5 mph before the bag deployed if the safety belt was used.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
July 13, 2023 7:50 pm

The question is do air bags save more people than they kill?

I believe the answer is pretty clear.

Can they be improved? Yes

  A cruel accountant
July 13, 2023 8:00 pm

Please provide numbers for that assertion, number guy. Also, may I opt out of .gov’s one-size-fits-all edicts . . . while airbags await improvement? If not, abolish the state.

  A cruel accountant
July 13, 2023 8:08 pm

You’re missing the entire point of the article. The fact that airbags are mandated in automobiles removes the free market choices and actions of the individuals who purchase and operate the vehicles. This, along with the absence of responsibility taken by the mandating body (governmental agency) when defects and injuries invariably occur.

by the way, you claim they can be improved. please describe how

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 14, 2023 7:10 am

NOT as long as you are FREE to buy a used car without airbags. The choice is yours. Don’t pretend you don’t have a choice just because you don’t LIKE the choice you’ve been presented with. That’s just gay.

For that matter you don’t HAVE to drive at all! God gave you two good feet and some sort of brain. Use them to find a bus stop!

  A cruel accountant
July 13, 2023 8:36 pm

Hold up. Plenty of other factors to consider.

Does having an airbag and seatbelts give people a sense of invulnerability? Does that lead to less attentive driving? More risky behaviour?

I can tell you I am VERY aware of what is happening around me in my tiny, exposed, pre-safety sports car. I won’t crash from inattention. I want to live and know paying attention and anticipating what others might do is key. Same with my motorcycle, only even more.

Would more people be saved if more people were paying attention simply for self preservation?

Air bags are reactive. Driving well and paying attention is pro-active.

July 14, 2023 12:00 am

Another factor to consider is that airbags have to be designed to protect drivers and passengers NOT wearing their seat belts. This makes them much more powerful than they need to be. If seat belts were a requirement for airbag deployment, an exploding airbag couldn’t shatter a credit card.

July 14, 2023 12:28 am

I feel the safest on the freeway when I’m on my sportbike. Same mental game as your sports car but with a whole lot more agility, acceleration and stopping power. Safer on the CA surface streets in my truck though.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
July 13, 2023 8:36 pm

I remember the yuppie soccer moms in LA in the ’80s who’d be driving around with their infant child in a contraption across their chest that placed the child between the mother and the steering wheel/air bag … sort of an energy-absorbing child.

I’d bring that to their attention whenever I saw them doing it … never seemed to do much good.

I guess infants always get to bear the price for arrogant and/or stupid parents …

Sad sondra
Sad sondra
July 13, 2023 10:17 pm

The active safety system, which also includes the front seats, relies on the passenger behind you to absorb much of the crash energy. Doesn’t work out so well for that passenger though,

July 14, 2023 5:09 pm

Airbags or not , unless the “don’t tell me what to do” morons slow their ass down it does not matter. Yeah, yeah , yeah, libertarian thought, “ I should be able to drive 100 MPH on Cedar Springs Blvd. in downtown Dallas.”