Hunter’s ‘Love Child’ and Conservative Madness

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Right-wingers (and The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd) are browbeating President Biden for not embracing his son Hunter’s illegitimate child — the result of drug-crazed, unprotected sex with a stripper.

Conservatives are so enjoying bashing the president that they’re taking a strikingly unconservative position. We don’t believe in polyamorous three-person “families” or “Heather Has Two Mommies” or “Junior, meet your half-brother from Daddy’s unprotected sex outside of marriage!”

We’re the ones who believe that marriage means something. (Thus, our opposition to gay marriage.) Ideally, a man wouldn’t have any “parental rights” to a kid he fathered unless he’s married to the mother, and she wouldn’t get access to the sperm-donor’s bank account unless she’s married to him.

But the law has come a long way from such straightforward rules, so, yeah, Hunter is going to have to pay up — and I hope he has to pay through the nose, pay so much that it hurts. But the idea that a crack-fueled roll in the hay entitles the mother to be treated like an honored member of the family is absurd.

What are conservatives and Dowd imagining exactly? That the stripper — accompanying the 4-year-old child — should be invited to Biden family dinners, weddings and vacations? How will this be explained to the other grandchildren? Uncle Hunter smoked crack cocaine then ejaculated inside a woman who takes her clothes off for a living. Be polite and ask her how she enjoys her work!

Just because Hunter is a total degenerate doesn’t mean society should allow unfit mothers to use their capture of his sperm as a winning lottery ticket, entitling her entree into someone else’s family.

The stripper is getting 18 years of child support payments and the Biden genes — which I’m sure never even occurred to her when she was having unprotected sex with the son of a former vice president. She could just as easily have forgotten her diaphragm with the guy selling tube socks on the street.

The Kardashians are a bad enough influence. How will a stripper’s “love child” showing up on the White House Christmas card affect other girls looking to upgrade with an “unwanted pregnancy”? Punish Hunter with massive child support payments, not by turning the mother and her child into heroes.

Under English common law, going back to 1235, any child born outside of wedlock had no rights at all, was unable to inherit, and was “looked upon as the son of nobody,” as Sir William Blackstone put it. (If that were still the law, I bet the stripper would have remembered her diaphragm.)

It doesn’t matter that “it’s not the kid’s fault.” Of course it isn’t. This is like the anchor baby argument. We’re supposed to ignore our borders because IT’S NOT THE CHILD’S FAULT! And now we’re supposed to ignore the purpose of marriage because IT’S NOT THE CHILD’S FAULT! We don’t take a sledgehammer to the basic building blocks of civilization to avoid somebody, somewhere, having hurt feelings.

Sorry, but we can’t legislate that all children be born to good parents. We can, however, legislate that marriage, and marriage alone, carries legal consequences unavailable to the unmarried. That’s a pretty good incentive for would-be parents to spare future generations the heartbreak of being born out of wedlock. Rushing to salve the hurt feelings of today’s illegitimate children merely ensures that we’ll have a lot more illegitimate children tomorrow.

It was (of course) the Warren court that cast aside the collective wisdom of 48 states and hundreds of years of common law to nuke the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate kids. Using infantile logic, Justice William O. Douglas (author of Griswold v. Connecticut) announced in Levy v. Louisiana (1968) that illegitimate children ARE NOT NON-PERSONS! Therefore, state laws that required marriage for the creation of certain rights and duties violated the Equal Protection Clause.

Justice John Marshall Harlan II dissented, saying it was “preposterous to suggest that the State has made illegitimates into ‘nonpersons,'” pointing out that, a “man may recover for the death of his wife, whether he loved her or not, but may not recover for the death of his paramour.” That does not make the paramour a “non-person.”

That very year, black people in Detroit released a hit song discouraging illegitimacy (“Love Child“), even as a cranky, four-times-married white man in Washington, D.C. (Douglas) opened the floodgates.

Since the court found it “unconstitutional” to distinguish between the children of married parents and unmarried parents, the illegitimacy rate in the U.S. soared from 24% for blacks and 3.1% for whites to 69.4% for blacks, 28.2% for whites and 39.6% overall. With that came an explosion in child poverty, criminality, educational deficits, teen pregnancies, behavioral problems and on and on and on.

Conservatives used to care about those things. But the fun of bashing Hunter seems to have overwhelmed their respect for marriage, as well as their understanding of incentives.

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Caitlyn Jenner's testicles
Caitlyn Jenner's testicles
July 12, 2023 5:10 pm

Another blabbing word from this hideous wench?

  Caitlyn Jenner's testicles
July 12, 2023 5:51 pm

This commentary of hers is the first in a very long time where she doesn’t find a way to bash Trump or his Family.
I bet it hurt.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
July 12, 2023 5:18 pm

Ann the Man is still around?? I thought I said to drop this loser. The customer service around here is lacking.

July 12, 2023 5:21 pm

Interesting read –

July 12, 2023 5:32 pm

Another ridiculous meaningless article that ignores the root of our problems in this country. More puppet drama ala TMZ or Inside Edition.

July 12, 2023 5:34 pm

Funny how she is against the bastard child having no rights as far as the father but then hopes the father pays through the nose. She seems to practice exactly what she has accused others.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 12, 2023 5:45 pm

I wouldn’t want this poor child to have to have anything to do with those scummy Bidens or that den of evil, the White House. I am against people presenting false facts. Old Man Biden saying he has 6 grandchildren when he has 7 is bullshit. He should be called out as a liar, for this obvious lie. All the other lying he’s done for the last 55 years is just in keeping with this particular baldfaced lie.

July 12, 2023 5:54 pm

The only people who care about this are soap opera fans. The unmarried coalburner isn’t going to change that.

July 13, 2023 7:16 am

But they’ll continue to pay the toll…

Archaeopteryx Phoenix
Archaeopteryx Phoenix
July 12, 2023 7:07 pm

My mom continues to stun me with her understanding of the world at 84 years old. We watched the 6 and 6:30 news over dinner and discussed the stories and ads. Here is what I learned she knew tonight:

* she knows that the Ukraine war is bullshit.

* she knows that it is bizarre that black people are in so many ads and in all positions in the news.

* she knows that they under-report the incidence of murders committed by blacks on Whites. (Memphis surgeon murder)

* she knows that the FBI director Wray was lying.

* she knows that inflation is far above 3% as they just reported. She actually laughed.

* she knows that the Bidens are a crime family.

* she knows that Climate Change is bullshit and not responsible for the flooding occurring.

And she spends no time online. None. It must be because she is constantly (and I mean constantly – all day, every day) engaged in her community, neighbors, and friends. She is like a teenager on the phone after dinner with her friends until 10 pm. She is go, go, go, go, go all day without stopping, working for the community, bringing gift certificates for shopping to a woman who is low income and just had surgery, the list goes on.


  Archaeopteryx Phoenix
July 12, 2023 7:43 pm

Wow is right God bless her!

  Archaeopteryx Phoenix
July 12, 2023 8:04 pm

Beautiful, thanks. My mom was also an extremely wonderful person.

July 12, 2023 7:28 pm

The great Ann Coulter who has never been married or had children preaching to us poor right wingers.
Some say she is not really a woman, but a bitch never-less.

July 12, 2023 7:44 pm

She’s a paid liar/deceiver like all the rest

July 13, 2023 5:37 am

She is a bitter bitch.

July 12, 2023 7:57 pm

All I haveever heard conservatives say is Biden should acknowledge his grandchild. That would be enough for some, and maybe a birthday and Christmas present. Yes I believe in the family and know whatever a family ‘s problems are, it is not the kids fault. That child has a right to know both sides of the family, her half siblings and cousins. Would you just throw her in the trash because she was born out of wedlock? Get over it and think about the child

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 13, 2023 7:28 am

The greatest way to impose some sort of societal influence on behavior is to institute some form of negative response to unwanted behaviors. They impose them now on anyone who challenges the orthodoxy of the Woke culture in the exact same way they did it during the Trad culture of the last century.

If you reward people and praise them for their strength and courage for having children out of wedlock instead of shaming them, and financially incentivize that kind of behavior, what do you think will happen?

You say “think of the child” but you are saying it to the wrong people. The people who should think of the child are the ones who made it, not the ones who observe that in doing so you cripple that child forever, socially, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, etc. in order to boost your own esteem and economic standing.

These are all excereable people with the values of alley cats and all of society pays the price.

If you want to think of the children, think of the ones prduced by loving in tact families that have to fight against the current of a debased culture that denigrates and undermines that type of family structure deliberately.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 13, 2023 7:43 am

If you reward people and praise them for their strength and courage for having children out of wedlock instead of shaming them, and financially incentivize that kind of behavior, what do you think will happen?

The same government that puts up signs in parks saying “Don’t feed the wildlife, they will become dependent on handouts”, spend shitloads of your money feeding the human wildlife.

Kind of exemplifies all of government “thinking”.

July 12, 2023 9:22 pm

Conservatism is a failed joke. We don’t need Regan (or Trump). We need Franco. No, we need someone harder than Franco.

July 12, 2023 9:42 pm

We need someone harder than Hitler.

July 12, 2023 10:55 pm

I had to look up to the by-line to see who this based writer is, but then I stopped reading and went to the comments.

July 13, 2023 1:12 am

I stopped reading and went to take a dump.