CCI Ammo Review: The Rimfire Gold Standard

CCI (Cascade Cartridges Inc.) ammo and I go way back. The CCI .22LR is the perfect plinking ammo; it’s affordable, reliable, and there’s no shooter’s guilt at the end of the day. While CCI is a popular ammo brand for .22 LR, the company offers more than just one small rimfire caliber. In fact, shooters can get everything from handgun ammo to primers!

But how does CCI stack up to other ammunition on the market? In our opinion, the answer to that question lies in what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for incredibly reliable and accurate ammo for target shooting, plinking, and general range work, then CCI is an excellent choice.

You can check out our full selection of CCI ammo HERE. But if you want to know whether it’s even worth buying, keep reading this comprehensive CCI ammo review.

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Devon Archer Spills The Beans: Tells Congress About Shady Burisma Dealings, Joe Biden’s “More Than 20” Conversations

Via ZeroHedge

Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer has spilled the beans to Congress, telling lawmakers in a closed-door session that Burisma Holdings pressured Hunter Biden in December 2015 to ‘deal with’ a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the firm for corruption – shortly before then-VP Joe Biden threatened Ukraine with a quid-pro-quo over US aid in exchange for firing said prosecutor.

According to Just the News, Archer also told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee that Hunter Biden was hired to sit on the board of Burisma because his family’s “brand” had value at a time when the firm was facing corruption allegations from not only Ukraine’s own prosecutor general’s office, but the US and Great Britain as well.

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Virtuous Babbling is the Self Esteem of Inadequate Men

When we lost our government to the wokies, what did we lose? We have lost our dreams and remembrances of past glories and ideals.  The wokey illusion of being illustrious guides showing the way to a better life to allegedly primitive societies has finally struck us at home. The “primitives” resent the concept  that they are inferior and we are hated for it as we should be.

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A Conversation with Chat GPT re Population Control

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

and the lies an AI will tell to protect US Government policy

Last week I posted Gavin De Becker’s essay on the Kissinger report and National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200, as well as links to those reports. In writing that report, Gavin used Chat GPT to try to find some answers to questions he had about the report and US government policy on population reduction.

Below is the text from the “discussion” that Gavin had with Chat GPT about population control and the Kissinger report. For brevity, I have only included last pages of the discussion, from where Gavin moves away from “fictional non-existent government” to the real USG. Here is the full link that the conversation. If you haven’t had an opportunity to use Chat GPT and wish to get some ideas on how to use it, this is a useful document to read.

I know that reading the pages below is a lot to get through – but if you can, at least speed read through the text. The bottom line is that Chat GPT seem to lie consistently and with ease, in an apparent attempt to cover up US government policy that somehow Chat GPT considers too controversial.

If this example doesn’t scare you straight about the dangers of AI – for even the most basic of everyday uses, I don’t know what will – RWM

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The Money Trails of the Pandemic Planning Racket

Guest Post by Jeffrey Tucker

pandemic planning racket

The Justice Department has dismissed all charges related to campaign finance leveled against Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the founder and CEO of the Bahamas-based crypto exchange FTX. The grounds were a bit unusual. Officials in the Bahamas said that such charges were not the basis of the extradition. “The Bahamas did not intend to extradite the defendant on the campaign contributions count,” said the Justice Department. “Accordingly, in keeping with its treaty obligations to the Bahamas, the Government does not intend to proceed to trial on the campaign contributions count.”

And just like that, charges are gone. What’s strange is that this claim jumps out in the financial trail of FTX. Indeed, it seems obvious. It was an impressive caper. FTX said it practiced “effective altruism” and so intended to give away $1 billion to charity. It raised venture funding from many sources that wanted to pay off politicians but were restricted from doing so by law. FTX classified this as investment and then altruistically gave money to many charities involved in “pandemic planning” but many were not real charities. They were 501c4s that fund political campaigns. With just a few hops in the money trail, this mechanism allowed vast funding of mostly Democratic political interests in advance of the 2020 election.

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Medvedev Says Russia Could Use Nuclear Weapon If Ukraine Offensive Wins

Via ZeroHedge

Senior Russian national security official Dmitry Medvedev has issued a dire nuclear warning and threat aimed at Ukraine and its Western backers (though certainly not for the first time).

He said in a Sunday Telegram post that Russia could be forced to mount nuclear attack if Ukraine’s counteroffensive succeeds. In effect it is to say that if Ukraine “wins”, nukes would be deployed. This would happen in the scenario of “part of our land being taken away,” he said.

“Just imagine that the offensive… in tandem with NATO, succeeded and ended up with part of our land being taken away. Then we would have to use nuclear weapons by virtue of the stipulations of the Russian Presidential Decree,” the former president and now deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council asserted, which is being widely cited in Western press reports.

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The Alliance

Banging one’s head against the wall is not a wise strategy.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Russia and China head an alliance that poses the first direct challenge to the American empire since its inception at the end of World War II. Their strategy has been to follow Napoleon’s advice—not interrupting the U.S. government while it makes mistake after mistake—and to pursue the opposite of its hapless policies. Their power waxes; American power wanes.

August 29, 1949, the day the Soviets detonated their first atomic weapon, was the beginning of the end of the American empire. The U.S. government’s unrivaled power lasted four years and 23 days, from when it dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The Soviet bomb gave the world a counterweight to an American nuclear monopoly.

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‘Facebook Files’ Reveal Despicable Disregard for the Constitution

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Last week’s revelation that Facebook took orders from the Biden Administration to censor even accurate information about Covid is the latest example of the US government’s disregard for our Constitution. Thanks to Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, we now know the extent to which the Biden Administration went in its proxy war against the First Amendment.

Getting the information wasn’t easy. It was only after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was threatened with being held in contempt of Congress that he relented and shared information with the Judiciary Committee about Biden Administration pressure to censor Americans on Facebook who disagreed with White House policy on Covid.

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Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Biden has restored the integrity of the Department of Justice”Dan Goldman, Congressman from New York

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Surely Merrick Garland is not running the Department of Justice, but which gloopy pseudopod of the Blob is? My guess would be some Intel Community politburo made up mostly of people you’ve never heard of. The trouble is these geniuses confuse political fuckery with the operations of law.

So, Saturday night when the lights were supposedly off at the DOJ, and much of America was tuned out — getting new tattoos, arguing with the re-po man, watching the Orioles — the Blob told a lawyer from the Southern District of New York, one Damian Williams, to send a letter to Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams asking her to set a date for one Devon Archer to report to prison on a bond fraud conviction that Mr. Archer is appealing on the grounds of DOJ sentencing misconduct. Like, can you hurry that up, please?

Continue reading “Blobulation”

GET READY … for the Greatest “Shock and Awe” False Flag Operation in Human History

Via State of the Nation

ETs & EBEs
Area 51 & RAF Rudloe Manor
Pine Gap & Groom Lake
Majestic 12 & UFO Truth Embargo
JFK Assassination & Forrestal Murder
Hillary Clinton & John Podesta
First Contact & SETI
Disclosure & The Galileo Project
Roswell Incident & Interstellar Oumuamua
Alien Abductions & Alien Invasions
Project Blue Book & Project Blue Beam
Alien Human Hybrids & Ancient Aliens
SDI & Star Wars Program
Space X & Starlink
Space Force & Secret Space Program
Breakaway Civilization & Autonomous Superintelligence
WTF is going on?!?!?!

Submitted by Cosmic Convergence Research Group

Really, what in the world is going on regarding the unparalleled flurry of UFO disclosures and alien leaks over the past year?!

It’s totally crazy … … … as in crazy like a
dangerously crazy Khazarian fox.

Now read this crazy little leak from a “Veteran Intelligence Analyst and Longtime UFO Researcher” about the exceedingly momentous 2016 POTUS election.

Hillary Clinton embracing her real father-in-law Laurance Rockefeller

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How the Fed Might Trigger Another Great Depression

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

How The Fed Might Trigger Another Great Depression

After the most recent FOMC meeting, Chairman Powell issued an official statement explaining the decision to raise interest rates another quarter-point.

That brings the Federal target funding rate to 5.25-5.5%, the highest rate in over two decades. (Granted, those were two decades of perpetual emergency, the lowest-for-longest rates in U.S. history.)

Powell summarized the FOMC decision as follows:

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Why Flatulent Cows Matter

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Flatulent Cows

We’ve all heard nonsense about cows presenting a danger to the continuance of life on earth – that methane gas from cow flatulence will bring on climate change faster than John Kerry’s jet.

Any thinking person (a sub-species of Homo sapiens that’s in decline but not yet endangered) would agree that the notion that an animal that’s existed in harmony with nature for over two million years could destroy the earth within fourteen years if they’re not exterminated is truly absurd.

And yet those whose ability to reason is on the decline are inclined to believe the claim. Presumably, these individuals are the same ones beginning to believe that men can have babies and that an individual can become something he or she is not simply by “identifying” as such.

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Tim Scott Is Too Soft to Be Our Nominee

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The rap on Tim Scott is that he is too nice to be a modern Republican, but that’s wrong – he’s too weak to be a modern Republican. The man consistently defaults to submission to the woke left, but the times call for a warrior and his brand is soft surrender. Yeah, it would be nice to live in an era where we have the luxury of a president who dodged the draft in the culture wars, but we do not live in that time. Tim Scott needs to stay right where he is, an affable but unaccomplished senator firmly within the tradition of the political puffballs that South Carolina’s GOP inexplicably turns out. Let him be nice somewhere where his alleged niceness won’t shaft us again.

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Nuclear war no worse than climate change – Blinken

Via RT

Warmer temperatures are the number one “existential threat” to the world, the US’ top diplomat has claimed Antony Blinken speaks to reporters at the State Department in Washington DC, July 17, 2023 © AP / Manuel Balce Ceneta

The threat of nuclear annihilation is no more serious than the threat of climate change, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has claimed. Blinken’s critics argue that Washington is risking nuclear war by arming Ukraine.

In an appearance on 60 Minutes Australia on Sunday, Blinken was asked whether nuclear war or climate change represented “the greater threat to humanity.”

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