The Biblical Story of the First Bank Run

Via Birch Gold Group

The Run on Pharaohs Bank by Lance Wallnau

By Lance Wallnau, for Birch Gold Group

Recently I was rereading the story of Joseph – remember, he led the Israelites out of Canaan during a famine and settled, with the Egyptian pharoah’s permission, in the land of Goshen.

Now, of course I’m familiar with the story. What I hadn’t remembered, that struck me this time, was there was some kind of monetary crisis going on. Here, let me show you:

Genesis 47:15 (KJV):

And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.

“Money failed” in Egypt. What exactly does that mean? I decided to find out.

Before I started digging, I expected this to be one of those stories of currency debasement – the kind we’ve seen, over and over, throughout history. I thought Pharaoh had tried old-fashioned “quantitative easing” by making smaller coins, or diluting their precious metal content with base metal.

I was totally wrong. The real story is a lot more interesting than that..

Bread and beer as money

The Egyptian Middle Kingdom period had the idea of money, but not as we’d recognize it today. Workers were paid in bread and beer. Why beer? It wasn’t a luxury – it was about the safest thing to drink. Egyptian beer was much less alcoholic, and higher in calories, than modern beer.

Egyptians had standardized the size and shape of pans for bread-baking, and beer came in uniform jars. They knew how much grain it took to make a loaf of bread or a jar of beer – and this became their unit of monetary measurement, pefes or “baking value,” probably equivalent to about one pound of wheat.

Unskilled workers, day laborers and the like received their pay fresh out of the oven. They didn’t make much more than a subsistence wage. Obviously, if they didn’t work, they didn’t eat.

Skilled artisans might earn anywhere from twice to fifty times as much as a laborer. Imagine trying to collect 65 loaves of bread (not to mention 50 jugs of Old Memphis Light) at the end of the day! Unless you’re feeding the whole neighborhood, it’s just not practical to lug a cart of bread and beer home every day. Where would you store it? How would you keep the bread from going moldy?

The solution is pretty simple… Since a loaf of bread and a jar of beer each have a standard “baking value,” instead of withdrawing the food they didn’t need, middle-class Egyptians left their extra pefes on deposit in Pharoah’s grain banks. In exchange, they got a papyrus receipt.

And since nearly everyone kept their extra grain at the grain bank, they used their receipts for trade and barter (way easier than handling the grain directly).

That’s right – ancient Egypt invented their own version of both paper money and central banking.

And if there’s one thing we know about paper money, it’s only as good as whatever backs it.

A run on Pharaoh’s grain bank

Remember, famine in Canaan drove Joseph and the Israelites to relocate. The famine followed them.

Genesis 47, 13-14 (KJV):

And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine. And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought…

This next part includes some speculation, but I think it’s well-founded. Sounds to me like Joseph, being both wise and having recently experienced famine, saw what was coming. He “gathered up” all the paper money he could and took it to the grain bank and cashed out “the corn which they bought.” (Note: In historic context, “corn” is a non-specific word that refers to any sort of grain.)

We know what happens next – the Egyptians come to Joseph and beg for food because, they explain, “the money faileth.”

The grain banks were empty. One day, the people of Egypt woke up and discovered all their papyrus receipts, all their paper money was backed by nothing! An empty silo! Pharaoh’s broken “promise to pay” wouldn’t fill their bellies. Even worse, once word got around the grain banks were empty, no merchants would accept their paper money. Overnight, all their savings vanished. They were left with nothing but a handful of paper.

No wonder they told Joseph “the money faileth” – the money failed when they most needed it.

The lesson of Joseph

Now, there are a ton of things we can learn from Joseph. Today, I want to point out just two specific lessons:

  1. When Joseph saw trouble coming, he took action. He didn’t hide his head in the sand. He didn’t panic, or waste time in argument or debate. Instead, he did what was necessary to make absolutely sure he and his people would be okay.
  2. When the starving Egyptians came begging, Joseph fed them – but he made them pay for it. By the end of the famine, Joseph not only owned all the Egyptians’ livestock, he had them working as sharecroppers on the farms they once owned (Genesis 47:16-27).

In other words: in his wisdom, Joseph was able to turn a crisis into an opportunity – and created massive wealth at the same time.

I sincerely believe every person of faith must be prepared to do the same. I don’t mean stockpiling bread and beer. I mean:

  • Looking at reality
  • Anticipating likely outcomes
  • Acting decisively
  • Taking care of your tribe
  • Taking care of others

Joseph had faith in his God and himself. The Egyptians had faith in Pharaoh’s grain banks instead.

Joseph’s faith and obedience saved the nation. The Egyptians lost everything.

Ask yourself: where’s your faith? Where would you be if your paper money became worthless tomorrow – if “the money faileth”? Would you be positioned to safeguard yourself and your loved ones?

Would you be Joseph, or would you be the begging Egyptians?

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Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 23, 2023 4:52 pm

Well, I guess I’ll never look at that story the same way again.

June 23, 2023 6:38 pm

Should food run out,
It will not be pretty.

June 23, 2023 6:42 pm

Hard People, Hard Principles, Hard Assets -Stack them broad and deep, you are going to need them.

June 23, 2023 7:20 pm

What a stupid person! Joseph led no one into Egypt. Jacob, his father did. Joseph was viceroy of Egypt when the Israelites entered Eypt

Kinda harsh?
Kinda harsh?
June 24, 2023 3:52 am

“What a stupid person!”

Sort of an abrupt shift, (In Genesis) but an exceptional resource imo.
Through covers the (rudimentary) subject matter.

With the Author’s explanation, even i could follow along.

Entirely up to ‘You’. Free Will and all that.

Many here are lightyears beyond my beginners grasp.

One Would need to be Deaf & Blind to NOT see ‘Something’ is going on in a big way.

P.S. When ‘abrupt shift’ is mentioned? NOT really. Genesis is a logical place to start.

Was most helpful in making sense of The Word(s).

“Genesis is the book of beginnings. It records the beginning of time, life, sin, salvation, the human race, and the Hebrew nation. It begins with primeval history centered in four major events: the Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the dispersion of the nations. Genesis then narrates the history of four great patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

Title: The English title, Genesis, comes from the Greek translation (Septuagint, LXX) meaning “origins”; whereas, the Hebrew title is derived from the Bible’s very first word, translated “in the beginning.” Genesis serves to introduce the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Old Testament), and the entire bible.

The influence of Genesis in Scripture is demonstrated by its being quoted over 35 times in the New Testament and hundreds of allusions appearing in both Testaments. The story line of salvation which begins in Genesis 3 is not completed until Revelation chapters 21 and 22, where the eternal kingdom of redeemed believers is gloriously pictured.

The title, Genesis (Greek, “Beginning”), was applied to this book by the Septuagint. The Hebrew title (bereshit) comes from the first word of the book in Hebrew (“In the beginning”). The book is divided by 10 units (toledot) under the rubric: “These are the generations of.” Thus, some have suggested that Moses had access to the patriarchal records.

Authorship – Date: With very few exceptions, Jewish and Christian scholars alike believed that Moses wrote Genesis. His authorship is supported by the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Palestinian Talmud, the Apocrypha (Ecclus. 45:4; 2 Macc. 7:30), the writings of Philo (Life of Moses 3:39), and Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews 4:8:45; Contra Apion I.8.

Moses life totaled 120 years (Deut. 34:7). The first 40 years (1525–1485 B.C.) he spent as Pharaoh’s son, learning the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22). He spent the next 40 years (1485-1445 B.C.) in the desert of Midian as a shepherd (Exodus 2:15; Acts 7:30). The final 40 years (1445-1405 B.C.), he spent wandering in the Sinai wilderness with the children of Israel (Deut. 8:2). He very likely wrote all of the books of the Pentateuch after his call to lead the people out of Egypt, as recounted in Exodus 3. This would have been in his last 40 years of life, during the wilderness wanderings.

Background – Setting: The initial setting for Genesis is eternity past. God then, by willful act and divine Word, spoke all creation into existence, furnished it, and finally breathed life into a lump of dirt which He fashioned in His image to become Adam. God made mankind the crowning point of His creation, i.e., His companions who would enjoy fellowship with Him and bring glory to His name.

The historical background for the early events in Genesis is clearly Mesopotamian. While it is difficult to pinpoint precisely the historical moment for which this book was written, Israel first heard Genesis sometime prior to crossing the Jordan River and entering the Promised Land (ca. 1405 B.C.). Genesis has 3 distinct, sequential geographical settings:…”

no one
no one
June 23, 2023 10:13 pm

So what did Joseph’s tribe do to bankrupt Egypt and make money while doing it? Ponzi schemes? A central bank that only benefited the tribe? Instigate self-serving wars that they profited from while making the Egyptians fight their wars? Secretly buying up all the government grain and quadrupling the price? Accused the Egyptians of antisemitism and demanded reparations? Oy vey!

Branch Fluoridian
Branch Fluoridian
June 23, 2023 11:04 pm

You are missing the part of the story where Joseph set up the entire system to “gather up the surplus” and then shorted the system, ended up with all the food, and there after, ended up with all the wealth.
Likely, he had the crops or irrigation deliberately sabotaged to increase the value of his holdings.

I suspect Abram had run a similar scam right before leaving Ur.
You know, because he left with great wealth, likely after running another ponzi or confidence scheme of some sort.

You are missing the part of the story...
You are missing the part of the story...
  Branch Fluoridian
June 24, 2023 3:58 am

…Where Joseph was sold. By His Brothers.

Gwynned Owain
Gwynned Owain

“Where Joseph was sold. By His Brothers.”

The human nature that gives us things like Google ,wikipedia has existed as long as humans have been writing things down.
Applying knowledge of how wiki, google or the New York Times operate, to the ancient texts…one may ask…
So what if a thing is ancient?

Being old does not automatically confer a thing with honor or respect.
People have been “lying in print” as long as people have been writing.
Read those past accounts with knowledge of the behavior of current leaders in your mind.

It's A Training manual/Field Guide...
It's A Training manual/Field Guide...
  Gwynned Owain
June 24, 2023 6:00 pm

“Being old does not automatically confer a thing with honor or respect.”

…kinda like Cosmopolitan© was in my unrepentant youth.

One Might say my intended ‘outcome’ (Is That A Pun?) is vastly different.


Free Will.

June 24, 2023 1:59 am

The bible is a book of allegorical myth and false history via the grapevine of Rabbinical created mental illusions and magic they conjure from Gnostic myth. Dare I say it? People are followers of myth; they love it if it fits their subconscious feel good energies! This magic of the Gnostics has been sold as the greatest story ever sold…Vis Caesars Messianic historical accounts of joseph Bar Mathias, aka Joseph Flavian…
“(Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus: Flavian Signature Edition (p. 10). Kindle Edition.)”:
This imperial family, the Flavians, created Christianity, and, even more incredibly, they incorporated a skillful satire of the Jews in the Gospels and Wars of the Jews to inform posterity of this fact.
The Flavian dynasty lasted from 69 to 96 C.E., the period when most scholars believe the Gospels were written. It consisted of three Caesars: Vespasian and his two sons, Titus, and Domitian. Flavius Josephus, the adopted member of the family who wrote Wars of the Jews, was their official historian. The satire they created is difficult to see. If it were, otherwise, it would not have remained unnoticed for two millennia. However, as readers may judge for themselves, the path that the Flavians left for us is a clear one. All that is really needed to walk down it is an open mind. But why then has the satirical relationship between Jesus and Titus not been noticed before? This question is especially apt in light of the fact that the works that reveal their satire—the New Testament and the histories of Josephus—are perhaps the most scrutinized books in literature. One part of the explanation is clear. Viewing the Gospels as satire—that is, as a literary composition (as opposed to a history) in which human folly is held up to ridicule—required a reader to contradict a deeply ingrained belief. Once Jesus was universally established as a world-historical individual, any other possibility became, evidentially, invisible. The more we believed in Jesus as a world-historical figure, the less we were able to understand him in any other way.”
(“Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus: Flavian Signature Edition (p. 10). Kindle Edition.”)
Myth and all of its rhetorical allegorical truths have been here for millennia, bar any misinformation, disinformation of our current century of lies that are repeated by folks without a clue of their true spirituality aka. SUN Worship and the cosmic gamma rays that permeate us all from our cosmic mother and her Sun the god of this universe called the Milky Way!
Too bad the season of reason and logic is lost to the past by most humans. The Egyptian Aryans have impregnated the minds of humans for thousands of year with their pseudo ideological life of the hereafter! People such it up in the fallacies that keep the psychic magic alive that spreads like fire and fear of never coming out of the ground again. The so-called knowledge of seed after its seed is what life is all about in our heavenly domain, a breathing mother earth that supports our type of carbon fiber, a miraculous compilation of organic materials fond nowhere but here on Mother Gias breath of life! No breathing no life as we know it… It is also said that god or the creator is the breath of life! Just roll up in a ball like a snowball on its way to heel and Mearl Haggard said, while we watch the behaviors of people creating a living hell! “The Okey From Muskogee” Lets go forward and leave the past behind and become the heavenly beasts of love and good will!
Nuff for now!

Your 'faith' is strong?
Your 'faith' is strong?
June 24, 2023 4:01 am

“The bible is a book of allegorical myth and false history via the grapevine of Rabbinical created mental illusions and magic they conjure from Gnostic myth.”

But 1 (One) Truly unpardonable sin.

June 24, 2023 5:44 am

Dishonest, stupidity and ignorance are an not only unhealthy for the physical body, but create suffering for the eternal soul, too . Seek mental and spiritual help, bruh.

” Because consciousness is not produced by the brain, and because we are more than just physical stuff, we should be open to the possibility of some form of life after death. Consciousness will not come to an end when our brains and bodies die. In fact, evidence (for example, from near-death experiences and after-death communications) suggest an afterlife in which we continue to have a sense of individual identity.

The mind exerts a powerful influence on the body. It can bring about healing and illness, and even change the structure of the body. This is because, while both mind and body are expressions of consciousness, the mind is a more subtle and intense manifestation of consciousness.
Paranormal phenomena such as telepathy and precognition do not contravene the laws of science… They are not only possible but natural. For example, since we share the same essential consciousness with other human beings, it is not surprising that we sometimes sense each other’s thoughts and intentions (as in telepathy).”

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 24, 2023 8:08 am

Jesus existed and his interacting with perhaps millions of people over the last 2,000 years is a proof, even though the New Testament does have plenty of myths.

June 24, 2023 3:47 pm

The bible is a book of allegorical myth and false history via the grapevine of Rabbinical created mental illusions and magic they conjure from Gnostic myth.

The Bible is a virtual swiss army knife of layers.
Some taken literally? Are false.
If you want to understand the bible, you have to understand yourself. Anything else and you will find yourself serving someone else’s “understanding” instead of your own.
“The kingdom is in you.”
Example of bible uses:
A messaging system.
By running various stories in the news, 9ne could feasibly call the Operation:Pestilence, or Operation:Open Babylon Gates, or Operation:Sodom and Gomorrah.

Exploring actual real world applications of bible stories should easily expose to the bible believer the exact true nature of Babylon the Great, and take steps to prevent family catastophe that is coming. Literally.

Whether you believe the bible is God inspired or not, it appears to me to be a messaging system that the masses are completely missing.
Even the Bible believers don’t seem to see.

June 24, 2023 5:18 am

If Joseph had just backed his papyrus script with gold…..reeee

Will the Scot
Will the Scot
June 24, 2023 6:37 am

He backed it up with something better than gold — FOOD! (Gold is practically worthless in a severe famine.)

June 24, 2023 5:29 am

The history of mankind has been one of war, cruelty, and corruption, and all the gold backed papyrus in the world wont change the nature of the fallens’ propensity for evil. Outside of Divine intervention there is no hope for peace, mercy and justice in the world as it exists today. Prepare accordingly.

June 24, 2023 6:53 am

Money never fails in DC…the best cover-ups are always inside jobs.

Rep. @mattgaetz spends five minutes destroying Durham for not going after Andy McCabe, investigating the Mueller team and why they smashed phones, or who honeypotted George Papadopoulos, or putting anyone in jail, comparing him to the Washington Generals who get "paid to lose."

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 21, 2023

June 24, 2023 12:01 pm

The sheep will be the begging Egyptians…because, then as now, the Jews used the system to rob the middle class.

“Joseph was able to turn a crisis into an opportunity – and created massive wealth at the same time.”

June 24, 2023 5:22 pm

Now you’re seeing it Bill!

Abram left Ur, likely with much of their wealth.
Probably gained through he usurious loans Abram made to the Urians.

the pharaoh got a 1/5Th?
the pharaoh got a 1/5Th?
June 24, 2023 5:53 pm

Been a while.

And 👁’m NOT A Bible Scholar/Bible Study Instructor.

You need to read the ‘Whole Story’ for context?

Need a little sexual intrigue? Try

More than one instance. Throughout The Bible.

Same as Daniel. AND all the rest of The Books. HARD to make sense of “Ye Olde Engrish”, Plenty of resources, thanks to algore.

Read it/don’t read it. Free Will.

EVERYBODY is ‘entitled’ to their own beliefs.

WHEN i die? IF that’s it? So be it.

‘Late Bloomer’, The Bible, (KJV) as i understand it. Even Killers will be in Heaven, and there is NO Eternal Burning. When the fuel is gone? Ashes. Few Stripes/Many Stripes ‘reads’ true, to me.

Enough. Again, believe what Ya wanna.

Just some ‘Minor Technical Difficulty’ happening on A World-Wide Basis. SURE things are going back to ‘Normal’. Any Day Now.

ONE verse that i refer to on a semi-regular basis?

Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”

lots of ‘Good Stuff’ in that immediate vicinity.

Rube that 👁 be?

We don’t think like God.

Sincerely, Best of luck.

  the pharaoh got a 1/5Th?
June 26, 2023 8:59 pm

You need to read the ‘Whole Story’ for context?

Any other advice?

I think I’ve read that tiny collection of disjointed stories many times.
If the bible was assembled from 66 scrolls/books, what was contained in the tens of thousands of scrolls the apostates who assembled “The Holy Bible”, rejected?

Tell me, it was apostates who assembled the modern bible, right?

The fact that the Jesus story is a regurgitation of earlier stories, casts this important story as a myth or a lie, instead of the allegory it actually is.

Idiots keep worshipping the Story, never learning the lessons.

June 25, 2023 1:09 am

Simple version:
Joseph jewed.