Our Bourbons

By Eric Peters

There isn’t a single EV available in this country that costs less than $40,000 that can go more than about 250 miles on a charge. This makes them impractical for people who do not live in or near cities, where there are “fast” chargers.

As well as unaffordable.

All of the EVs for sale in this country that cost less than $40,000 are compact-sized vehicles that aren’t suitable as family cars – even if they could go 500 miles on a charge. And never mind that most families cannot afford to buy one anyhow. Let alone two – in order to make up for the fact that a family would need more than one of these things.

In plain language, electric vehicles are elitist vehicles.

All of the models that can go 300 miles or more cost $50,000 or more. All of the mid-sized and larger models cost that much or more as well.

What will happen when the only vehicles available are vehicles like that – as the Biden Thing’s EPA intends to assure, having just issued regulatory fatwas that effectively outlaw alternatives to them, without actually outlawing them? The regs don’t say a manufacturer cannot build a given kind of car; only that it must comply. The cost of the latter being too high to make it worth building.

That’s how the government outlaws something without the bother of having to pass a law.

I was discussing this on the radio the other day with my old friend Henry Payne, who writes car reviews for the Detroit News. Henry owns a Tesla. But he also owns several other cars, which he can afford because he’s a successful writer (and cartoonist). He can afford to indulge, in other words.

But he recognizes that most Americans cannot.

And it’s not just the cost of the EV, itself. If you cannot afford a single family home, owning an EV is difficult because you haven’t got a place to garage it. More to the point, you probably don’t have a place to charge it.

At least, not at home.

People who live in apartments and condos can’t run an extension cord out to their EV, parked on the street below. And even if they could, they can’t – because normal extension cords cannot be used for that. The cabling isn’t the right size and the transmission losses over the distance involved are such that it just won’t work – even if you could run a normal extension cord 100 yards from your apartment window to the street below.

Also, if you haven’t got a garage your EV will get cold sitting outside in the winter – and the battery will lose charge trying to keep itself warm overnight. The only way to avoid this is to keep the EV in a warm garage – and plugged in – neither of which you can do if you have to park it outside.

Never mind.

Or rather, never think. At least, one hopes.

Henry and I talked about the probability of out-of-touchness as regards what you might call our Bourbon Class, in reference to the ossified court and courtiers of pre-revolutionary France circa 1789. One of them – the king’s wife, Marie Antoinette – supposedly (and infamously) said, Let them eat cake when told the peasants were starving due to lack of bread. Apparently, this was not meant maliciously. The woman assumed that cake was available if bread wasn’t.

Didn’t everyone have plenty of cake?

She was out-of-touch. And for that, she eventually lost her head (along with the king and lots of other Bourbons, too).

Our “Bourbons” are similarly out-of-touch and for similar reasons. Like the French Bourbons, they do not have to worry about bread (as in money) because they have so much of ours. The Biden Thing is a multi-millionaire and so are most of the rest of these things. Such things do not sweat the cost of a $40,000 EV.

Doesn’t everyone have one?

Well, in their circle – probably. But – like the French Bourbons, they do not see that the people who are not in their circle don’t. Such “deplorables” are as invisible to our Bourbons as the starving peasants were to Marie Antoinette.

And it may be something worse than that. Our Bourbons do see – and don’t care. They know perfectly well that most people cannot afford a $40,000 vehicle – especially one that only goes maybe 200-ish miles before it forces them to park it at a “fast” charger nowhere near where they live and which is much harder to live with if they haven’t got a cozy single family home and a warm garage with a 240V outlet to plug it into.

They know it – and they continue to push for more of it.

That makes them much worse than poor Marie Antoinette, who was probably a nice (if vapid) woman who meant no harm.

They might stop to think how she – and the other Bourbons – ended up once the people had enough of them.

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June 23, 2023 4:53 pm

Let them eat bugs.

Sounds the same.

June 23, 2023 7:03 pm

Make them eat bugs, but yes

June 23, 2023 5:46 pm

The people of the US are living the new Feudalism. The royalty of the US live in luxury while the working people struggle in debt and live to make the rich more wealthy. The average worker in China actually lives better than the average worker in the US because the cost of everything they need is so low. Rents are cheap, transportation is cheap and public transportation is wonderful. In China their income tax is 9%. You can buy a basic EV for 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Medical care is provided free. College is free. Cities are basically crime free. Now if a Communist country can deliver those kinds of results why can’t the western democracies? Because in the west, all the money is being stolen by the government and the wealthy people who own the government.

June 23, 2023 6:56 pm

No, Western countries can’t deliver because we don’t have a homogenous culture like China has and we are nothing more than a rooming house for hordes of 3rd-world muds that are incapable of civilization… while killing the Golden Goose paying for all that dysfunction.

June 23, 2023 8:20 pm

Fuck China and fuck those commie zipperheads. Better dead than red.

June 24, 2023 5:34 am

We’ve all heard the same wonderful tales about every communist utopia, from the Soviet Union to East Germany to Cuba.

For closing in on a hundred years we’ve heard the communist sales pitch in a dozen different versions.

Thanks for your version.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 24, 2023 11:24 am

You must have missed the reports about the 10,000 chinese (presumably CCP bigwigs) who’ve run off with more than $1.6 TRILLION of their people’s wealth … and, in fact, the chinese government has implored our own FBI and such to help arrest those folks and try to get the chinese people’s money back …

Even the most dreadful communist countries have elites … folks of extreme wealth as to make many capitalists blush … but, then, that’s one of those very ‘inconvenient truths’ …

June 23, 2023 6:52 pm

Stop bringing up the fake Marie Antoinette quote.
She never said it, and Ann Coulter debunked it
in her book “Demonic”

June 23, 2023 7:04 pm

But we still are screwed nonetheless

June 23, 2023 6:59 pm
June 23, 2023 10:22 pm

Hahaha! not only are electricity prices rising 25 % you have to pay the “Man” 4 cents a mile because you use the road and don’t pay fuel surcharge taxes. Come in and enjoy the EV owners complete Rape-a-thon. Also when the batteries degrade so does your resale. Lease ’em or burn them at 6 years for the Insurance payout.

June 24, 2023 9:13 am

Also when the batteries degrade so does your resale.

Thank you. Hybrid batteries present the same dilemma plus another hypocrisy.

“I thought you guys don’t like electrics?”

“We don’t. This is a hybrid. gets 40mpg.”

June 24, 2023 5:28 am

In Amerika, EVs screw you.

June 23, 2023 7:31 pm

I don’t understand why the hood, roof, and trunk is not made out of solar panel material.

World War Zero
World War Zero
June 23, 2023 8:37 pm

Because those parts are made from bug flavored cake.

June 23, 2023 10:15 pm

pedestrian safety as well as durability, when you want to smash your EV for taking so long to charge

June 23, 2023 10:51 pm

The Prius with its engine that kicks in and keeps you from being stranded works well for some people I have met.
I prefer hydrogen power be developed, batteries are not very environmentally good.
the idea is for people NOT to own a vehicle and live in a city. I think an app with a subscription-based EV taxi will become popular in cities. I’ll just drive my gas hog truck.

June 24, 2023 5:40 am

Hydrogen has to come from somewhere and be stored somehow.
Hydrogen power is a pipe dream far worse than even EVs.

June 24, 2023 6:38 am

and almost impossible to store – and very, very highly and easily explosive.

June 24, 2023 9:18 am

I’m no rocket scientist. What I’ve researched about hydrogen it’s simply not an option now anyway.

June 25, 2023 8:44 pm

It takes electricity to disassociate the hydrogen out of water.

June 24, 2023 9:23 am

batteries are not very environmentally good.

And there lies the hypocrisy about hybrids , plug in or conventional. It’s amazing even so called “conservatives” are buying hybrids.

Gas hog truck. Yes sir, approaching 300,000 miles. 14mpg but thank goodness it’s a “farm truck”. Sees only about 3000 miles per year now.

June 24, 2023 3:07 am

Timely article. Was the only person exiting the train and when I made it to the parking lot only one other person was there and charging their car. The lot has two charging stations with more to come. I told the driver that I just read an article and asked how long his car was charging. He responded all day plus the 20 minutes since the previous train arrived (20 mins). Seeing my reaction, he admitted that he did have better ways to spend a Friday evening.

June 24, 2023 6:14 am

Just mad a road trip from Detroit to Naples Florida. Could not imagine trying to do it in a vehicle with a 250 or even 500 hundred mile range.
Most of the gas stations we stopped at were packed and we often waited 10 minutes to get to an open pump. Could not imagine what a charging statin would be like, then sitting there for hours in the heat while your vehicle charges.

June 24, 2023 6:38 am

For one thing, the original French phrase that Marie-Antoinette is supposed to have said—“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”—doesn’t exactly translate as “Let them eat cake.” It translates as, well, “Let them eat brioche.” Of course, since brioche is a rich bread made with eggs and butter, almost as luxurious as cake, it doesn’t really change the point of the story. But the queen wouldn’t have been referring to the sort of dessert that English speakers often imagine.

EV’s are just that, a rich fancy substitute for the real thing, almost the same, but different that most people can’t afford.
You can buy hambuger buns, or brioche buns for two or three times the price of a regular hamburger bun.

June 24, 2023 9:53 am

Unless the WEF types ( recalling Mr. Trump is a participant) completely eliminate horses the future looks bright for a resurgence in horse and buggy.

June 24, 2023 11:48 am

I’ll bring the pike…and some pitchforks and rope…