Race Discrimination Against White People Has Been Institutionalized Precisely as I Predicted in my Book, The New Color Line, decades ago

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In the United States of America white people are now officially second class citizens as this 16 minute video by an Asian man makes completely clear:  https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/06/daisy-luther/viral-video-asks-what-are-we-doing-to-white-people/

There is much in the video to disturb us, but notice especially that most of the colored and white young people denouncing white people as a race have been thoroughly brainwashed by their university education that blacks are entitled to hate white people because blacks were enslaved by whites.  That is not the case, and the university professors who indoctrinate the students know it.  Blacks were enslaved by blacks.  Blacks conducted slave wars between themselves. 

The premier enslaver was the black Kingdom of Dahomey.  The facts are historically established.  There is no doubt about it.  Yet, American youth have been brainwashed into believing that white people went to Africa, seized blacks from their homes, and brought them to America to be enslaved.  The actual fact is that blacks enslaved one another and sold the surplus slaves first to Arab slave traders and then as a labor force for the new world.

When even elite universities have no respect for truth and incorporate  blatant lies into courses designed to indoctrinate hatred against white people, we have to face the fact that education has been molded into a weapon to be used against white people, just like the FBI, Department of Justice, entertainment, media, Identity Politics, Critical Race Theory, the normalization of sexual perversity, and Democrat administrations at every level of government.  Even corporate advertisements are used to disappear the white family despite the fact that white people are the majority of their customers.

The fact that racial hatred and demonization of white people has been institutionalized in America means that the racially diverse, multicultural society that has been created in the United States since 1965 has no prospect for social stability.  The inculcation of racial hatred of white people has destroyed American prospects.

Keep in mind that it was not blacks who did this.  The indoctrination came from white professors, administrators, and school teachers.  Critical Race Theory is not a black creation.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 16, 2023 6:41 am

You cannot win a rhetorical argument with facts. The only way to regain what has been lost is not to go on the defensive, but to stop engaging them at every level. It is time to withdraw completely and become the solution you seek.

If you build it, they will come.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 16, 2023 6:58 am

They aren’t going to let us withdraw peacefully because they need us. They are parasites.

ursel doran
ursel doran
  hardscrabble farmer
June 16, 2023 9:31 am

“Since banks today exist in a vast matrix of interconnected obligations — promises to pay this-and-that — fear grows that the rot from one bank, such as SVB, will infect many other banks that are no longer able to keep their promises about paying this-and-that, leading to a daisy-chain of things not getting paid. For an economy, that’s about the same as the blood ceasing to circulate in a body.”

Money Troubles

June 16, 2023 6:48 am

“That is not the case, and the university professors who indoctrinate the students know it.” I’m not so sure about that. Most university professors are DumbA@@ communists. They’ve had sole control over media for decades but that has been changing recently. Hopefully its not too late to turn things around.

June 16, 2023 6:49 am

Ungrateful Phuckers

Without the advancements in modern medicine made possible by the achievements of generations of White physicians, scientists and researchers, most people in the West as well as around the world in various shithole nations would live far shorter lives. Just a century ago in 1925, the average life expectancy in the U.S. was only around 58…

What changed? Two major factors account for almost all of this. One is the enormous advances in agriculture that have made farmers, especially American farmers, capable of feeding billions of people while remaining a very small percentage of the overall global population. The other factor is the rise of modern medicine and advancements in disease treatment and prevention. In both cases, the advancement are essentially exclusively the result of White innovators.

Looking more specifically at medicine. According to Wikipedia there have been 224 individuals awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Only 12 of them have been chicks, or about 5 percent of those receiving the awards. After scanning the list of laureates and their pictures twice, I saw a handful of Asians and one Lebanese guy in 2021 named Ardem Patapoutian. The rest were White (or “White presenting”). The total number of blacks?


The same is true for physics and chemistry as you would expect. In fact it is true for virtual all significant human achievements and advances…

comment image

I would dare say that modern American blacks should view the enslavement of their ancestors as a small price to pay for living in a society that is by every measure vastly better than what they would live in had they stayed in Africa living in huts, being eaten by crocodiles and worshipping mounds of elephant dung. Whatever economic benefit the U.S. gained from chattel slaves picking cotton was more than lost in death and destruction from the Civil War, and ever since blacks have been an enormous anchor holding America back. In stark contrast to their ridiculous We Wuz Kangz narrative, blacks have been the albatross around the neck of America.

Ungrateful Phuckers

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
June 16, 2023 12:45 pm

Whew, too much to unpack so little time and space. Has it ever occurred to you the Noble Prizes are political that some if not all categories are rigged? How else would a Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama get the Peace Prize?! Are you aware many of the so called medical break throughs were the result of horrific experiments and mutilation of victims who did not give their consent (like the people who took the COVID jabs)? https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/ugly-past-u-s-human-experiments-uncovered-flna1c9465329 Are you familiar with the term iatrogenic, if not please research it. Lastly personal hygiene and available clean water had more to do with improved public health and rising life expectance than drugs and surgery.
I know this runs counter to your cosmovision but Africans had stable cultures and productive existence prior to the invasions of the Eurasians, Arabs and Europeans. Western imperialism and colonialism stifled African development by imposing domestic slavery, social , cultural and ecological disruption, arbitrary land redistribution and resource monopolization just to cite a few examples of Western meddling.
Are you saying Europeans didn’t and still don’t live in huts and shacks?
What you call the Civil War was the product of a mentality of a people who love war, look at European history! Look at US history, the US has been at war for over 90% of its history! https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/595752-the-us-has-been-at-war-225-out-of-243-years-since-1776 Europeans spread their cultural heritage of war all over the world.
The American farmers you boast about depleted the soil and and created major ecological problems, a Black man named George Washington Carver saved US agriculture from itself by sharing an African concept called crop rotation.
A people who live in a culture that loves war, who have been brainwashed and programmed to love violence and war (check out most US entertainment video games TV film etc.) would justify/glorify rape, torture, genocide, war, pillage and plunder and call it progress which is why the world is in such a precarious situation now.

  Junious Ricardo Stanton
June 16, 2023 4:18 pm


June 16, 2023 4:16 pm

Modern day medicine is mostly a scam to perpetuate sickness by suppresing symptoms without treating the cause. Most MD’s (the real quacks) are nothing but modern day snake oil salesmen pushing toxic drugs for Big Pharma.

June 16, 2023 7:10 am

“Critical Race Theory is not a black creation.”

Hmm, that’s certainly news to me. Who created it then?

June 16, 2023 10:17 am

Take a wild guess.
Hint: they also created the NAACP.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 16, 2023 1:46 pm

(((Who))), indeed?

June 16, 2023 10:14 am

Keep in mind that it was not blacks who did this. The indoctrination came from white professors, administrators, and school teachers. Critical Race Theory is not a black creation.

(((White))) professors, administrators, and school teachers.
(((Critical Race Theory))) is not a black creation.

The master plan, which is being executed flawlessly, is to only have one small (((tribe))) that is cohesive, while the masses of others are fragmented, atomized, and self-loathing. That’s how the (((few))) control the many.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 16, 2023 10:24 am

Pushback is becoming more common. Mark Dice does some great work. The only problem is his big blind spot for Trump.


Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
June 16, 2023 11:44 am

“Keep in mind that it was not blacks who did this. The indoctrination came from white professors, administrators, and school teachers. Critical Race Theory is not a black creation.”
You cannot solve a problem if you are unwilling to face it squarely an truthfully. The problems PCR and his ilk face are multifaceted. First they have to shift the blame for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade away from European monarchs, Popes and monopoly charter company shareholders by citing Africans sold Africans to Europeans, which they did. But Roberts leaves out the fact they did it through negotiations with European middlemen serving the interests of their monarchs, Popes and venture capitalists who sold them European weapons and gave them strong alcohol to undermine their moral foundation ( just like they did to the indigenous inhabitants of North America) who supplied rewards for the captured prisoners of war. By the way only a few African Kingdoms actively cooperated with the Europeans or the Arabs earlier!
Second, Roberts et al have to diminish the role every day whites played in the slavocracy both in North America and Europe. Keep in mind the first slaves in British colonial America were whites, euphemistically called “indentured servants” or bond servants but that system proved ineffective and unprofitable. (The Europeans were not able to pacify and enslave the Native Americans so they determined to exterminate them or put them in concentration camps called “reservations”)
The importation of African prisoners of war “solved” their problem! Roberts and Co. ignore the policies of the colonial administrators and the “Founding Fathers” that cunningly codified slavery into the US Constitution (Article I Section 2, Section 9, Article IV Section 2) and made it government policy to collect duties and taxes on the importation of “said persons” Next they have to pretend the horrors of slavery did not exist and perpetuate the lie “the darkies were all happy and well taken care of”. Roberts and Co. ignore the rapes and sexual depravity (“Breaking the Buck for example) that were part of the enslaved experience. Over the years Roberts has been a main propagator of the lie the War Between the States was not about slavery when slavery was the life blood and economic engine of the nation especially the South! He never mentions to rabid violence unleashed upon Blacks after the troops were withdrawn from the South following the 1877 deal between the power brokers of the North and the former planter aristocracy which left Blacks defenseless during decades of racial oppression and caste.
Roberts longs for “the good ol’ days” when oppressed Blacks had no rights and could not participate in governance prior to the Civil Rights era.
To cut this short, Roberts fails to look at how white business interests profit from media that promotes racial division and animus like “rap” and the decades of dumping of lethal drugs in the Black communities when the government looked the other way or profited outright (like the Bu$h family).
What goes around comes around is an old saying. KARMA is catching up to America. The same thing the plutocrats did to the Native Americans and Black people they are now doing to Joe and Jane Sixpack and it get uglier: the two tiered “justice system”, intellectual debasement and promotion of moral degeneracy, overt discrimination and outright oppression are coming your way soon and it is not Black people who are paying for it or instigating it! A few Blacks are being paid and duped (like Black Lives Matter and some elected officials) by the real shot callers. Pardon my long rant (if it is posted) but there is so much deceit and disinformation accepted as truth and reality which is why were are in the situation we are in now.

June 16, 2023 12:29 pm

But too many people of all stripes are silent……

June 16, 2023 12:38 pm
