A.F. Branco Cartoon – I Dream Of Jeannie

Via Comically Incorrect

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June 2, 2023 7:44 am

White Guy and a Genie
Farmerjohn22 Published 01/24/2008

There’s a white guy walking along the beach and he finds lamp.

He rubs it and a genie pops out. But this genie, he’s a black guy. And he’s pissed off. He says, “Why you crackers always gotta find my lamp? And he tells him he’s gonna grant three wishes but he’s gonna give all the black people on the planet double what he wishes for.

“I’ll take a million dollars,” he says.
The Genie gives it to him and says every black person on earth just got two million bucks. “I don’t care, gimme a yacht.” Poof there it is. Every black person gets two yachts. The Genie says, “What’s your third wish?”

The guy thinks for a minute, and says “I want you to beat me half to death.”

Actually feel bad for them. After Women, They were the next bipedal weapon ‘Chosen’ for a “Fundamental Change” that has been in play since…

Apparently, the Majority of ’em are gonna be clueless until… The End

June 2, 2023 8:01 am

Yeah , but how do your know…reeeeeee

June 2, 2023 11:59 am

I dream of Jeannie eh?
They found video of the guy actually putting the noose around Jussie Smollet’s neck:
[Cued to play]
“He’s at the end of his rope!”