What’s with the huge increase in Chinese migrants hopping across our southern border?

Via Not the Bee

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Since the media won’t even admit there’s a problem at the border, you might not know that the illegals pouring into America aren’t just from Mexico and Central America. There are hundreds of thousands of people from as far away as Pakistan and China pouring into the country… and being released.

Check it out:

This is happening all over. The number of Chinese migrants crossing our border has jumped 900% to 1200% in the last few months.

If you’ve got two brain cells, you understand that there are multiple oceans and thousands of miles between these Chinese migrants. They’re not just walking over.

So how are they getting here?

Through Ecuador, apparently, since they don’t need a visa to travel there.

We’ve got millions of military-age men (15-35), mostly single, that are pouring over US-Mexico border. The fact that there are crowds of people from the other side of the planet waiting to cross illegally into America tells you just how large the human-trafficking network has become.

In fact, it’s become so easy for this migrant highway to be followed that some people from Asia are also bringing their babies along for the walk!

There are reasons this is happening beyond Joe Biden and Sec. Mayorkas and their “the-border-isn’t-open-wink-wink” policy.

Despite what the wokies tell you, America is still seen as the beacon of liberty and opportunity in the world.

Also despite what the wokies tell you, communist wastelands drive people to flee en masse when they are able. China has become a living hell for its citizens since Covid started. For the first time since the tens of millions who died under Mao’s “Great Leap Forward,” the average Chinese citizen is truly coming to understand how evil their government is.

Whether you like it or not, there’s a new mass wave of immigration here that will fundamentally change America in the decades to come.

Since Joe Biden is going to keep the border wide open for at least two more years, we’ll see what happens after a cool ten or twenty million illegals have poured into America with court dates 4 years out.

The Dems want these immigrants for votes and cheap labor so they can implement their transgender-communist utopia: What you can do is teach these immigrants, legal or not, what makes America truly special. And since they generally believe in the goodness of America and traditional values, that’s not a hard task.

Imagine tens of millions of based Hispanics and Asians voting against the woke commies!

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May 17, 2023 8:29 pm

The immense amount of illegal immigration is clearly a problem. I hope that these people will get sent back.

But the idea that they are “fighting-aged males” is just more theater to scare us.

Fighting-aged males are pretty much any guy (and more than a few trans-girls) who are aged between 17 to 30 years. This is when men are the most fit. It is also the time when men are single, have fewer responsibilities, and are trying to figure out what they’ll do with their life.

So that age range is the prime time for males to immigrate, change jobs, travel, try new things, and so on. It is also when they take on responsibilities and form families.

Whether or not a man is “fighting-age” has very little to do with whether or not he can actually fight.

These men are not a “fighting” threat. They can potentially cause all kinds of problems, and many will just by being here. But this is not an army that will conquer a-la-Red-Dawn.

It would be better to refer to them as “farming-aged” males, or “factory-aged” males, or even “family-aged” males, since that is where they’ll work, and what they’ll start when they get established.

The men come first, because they can handle the increased risk. When they set up a “beach head” (ie. a job, apartment, and income) they will find or send for a woman to start a family. So they are most definitely a demographic threat.

But they ain’t an army. If they had that training, they’d be kept home.

May 17, 2023 9:25 pm

A Bunch of them living in a school gym next to where school girls shower after phys ed class, or after participating in their school’s sports program. What What could go wrong?

May 17, 2023 10:59 pm

I am glad the fighting aged males could not escape so easily back in 1776-1781, but then, people were made of tougher stuff back then.

Be armed when you go to Home Depot.

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
May 18, 2023 7:10 am

The genetic waste of the world love to go to the US for free stuff. I’m sure it will help the economy…of the nations they keep fleeing from.

  Let the world burn
May 18, 2023 10:32 am

The problem is that when the US government can.no longer give them.the free shit that they consider themselves entitled to, they will group up, gang up and take what they want from the average person in the US, especially those nasty yucky YT devils.

It’s just like the Vikings who ravaged late medieval Europe; or the gothic hordes that took down the Roman empire. Except the Nuevo Democrats are a whole lot worse.

It’s my guess that if we were to compare where we are verse the Romans, the year is about 473-474.
Rome fell in 476.

May 18, 2023 9:44 am

” These men are not a “fighting” threat. ”

Hahahahaha….. Delusional ! Embedded among the millions are sleepers.
They are being financed $$$$. They do not make the climb over the Darien Gap , Mountain Of Death. They get FLOWN RIGHT IN !

May 17, 2023 9:20 pm

If the Democrats thought that Las Nuevo Americanos were going to vote Republican the US border would look like the Korean DMZ

May 17, 2023 9:46 pm

They are just the next group of pin cushions.
The last one is running out.

i forget
i forget
May 17, 2023 10:06 pm

export the industrial base/jobs.

(i know llpoh others say the stats prove otherwise & the domestically mfg’d prfoducts are there to be had, with a little search effort, but across-the-spectrum-wise the locally grow-factured things are rule-prove-exceptions).

import green cards to offset carnage done to local report cards (“education” standards don’t lick theselves, ya’ll).

import the laborios that not long ago the jobs/mfg were exported to.

thats some george costanza architecture. & even GC knew he couldn’t slap his name on that.

“Art Vandalay” – importer/exporter slash architect

cuz “borders” is whatever the show ’bout nuthin’ says they are. which means … ?

May 17, 2023 10:07 pm

“For the first time since the tens of millions who died under Mao’s “Great Leap Forward,” the average Chinese citizen is truly coming to understand how evil their government is.”

When will the average USSA citizen truly understand how evil THEIR government is???? Chip

May 17, 2023 10:11 pm

Jew ponzi schemes always need a need group of participants.

May 17, 2023 11:05 pm

Right! FJB is Jewish, just like you, Iggy.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 17, 2023 10:22 pm

I’m going to need to see more pictures of the women before I decide on this.

May 17, 2023 10:54 pm

If they speak English with anything less than an American regional accent…fuck ’em.

It has come to that and it aint Our fault.

Sorry for the honest immigrants but the demoinvaders have made it necessary.

I worked for a company once that gave me the authority to OK who got to work on the property and it was my pure pleasure to make the beaners show their IDs and green cards and if they didn’t have their shit, I sent them to a corner.
When I was done, I gave the green cards and ID back to those that had them and met the job foreman in the corner with the illegals to tell him we will not engage with illegal activity and to get them off the property pronto and that we would not be paying the time for him to do it.
I loved it.

May 17, 2023 11:25 pm

The Dems want these immigrants for votes and cheap labor…

I strongly doubt that these are the real reasons for why this is happening. The real reasons are likely a lot more sinister.

May 18, 2023 10:39 am

Exactly, they don’t need them to steal elections, they just count the votes on election day, if they’re short even after their mail in ballots fraud, they stop the count, figure out how many more they need to steal it.and simply print up the extra ones they need and start the count again, running the newly created ballots.through the counters multiple times for good measure. And since there’s no consequences for doing it, they will continue to do so.

It’s a deliberate attempt to take the whole thing down and Crash everything, Clowerd Piven style. Remember that much of the power of the Fed Gov was acquired y FDR during the Great Depression.

May 17, 2023 11:33 pm

They better end up on the right side of what is coming.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
May 18, 2023 12:50 am

To illustrate the extremes of immigration policy, my Filipina wife cannot get a visitor visa to go to the US with me. Turned down twice. That is F’d up.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
  Visayas Outpost
May 18, 2023 8:55 am

Don’t bring your wife to the USA!!!!

The feminists will get hold of her. Your marriage will turn into a shitshow and she will divorce your sorry ass.

May 18, 2023 7:03 am

Maybe they are coming to work on repairing the nation’s railroads, like that story of the elves and the cobbler shop.

May 18, 2023 7:14 am

Just how did they all get to our southern border?

May 18, 2023 12:16 pm

USGOV, Soros, UN.

Note from Nevada
Note from Nevada
May 18, 2023 7:57 am

We have no idea what the intention of these Illegals entering “Our” country is……

Biff Spackle
Biff Spackle
May 18, 2023 8:12 am

White people better start learning how to build and defend ‘Orania’ just like in South Africa.

May 18, 2023 9:00 am

People all over the world with the internet are talking about how to get to our southern border and walk on in and live the American dream. My kids have told me about this. the U.S. is fuked up but apparently not as fuked up as many countries around the world.

anon a moos
anon a moos
May 18, 2023 9:59 am

Just as the murikan people have been conditioned to the militaristic patriotism their entire lives from childhood onward, so has the ideal of opportunity and becoming wealthy also been propagandized.

The usausa has been primed into the minds of people around the globe to be representative of freedom, opportunity and a chance at becoming insanely wealthy, for some. For many its the free ‘services’ that the govt gives out to immigrants, services out of reach in their own countries.

The usausa is a land of opportunity for criminals and mafia types. Where the markets are for illicit goods, people and drugs, there you will find the criminal cartels. Bottom line is poor countries are not necessarily screwed up, just poor.

May 18, 2023 11:47 am

My favorite scenario:

Major influx of chineese imigrants

China decideds to take Tiawan

America starts the same shit it did with the ukies

Dedicated sleeper cells are given marching orders and strike monitary infrastructures and transportation

China sends us a message basically saying ” you have a nice country folks, be a shame if something happened to it “.

American government over reacts and suspends the constitution and locks down the country like Boston on crack.

The American Citizen finally has had enough of this bullshit and wakes up.

Everything sounds good but the last part. That part is total fantasy. 😂

May 18, 2023 12:30 pm
