US Navy Enlists Drag Queen For ‘Digital Ambassador’ Role To Attract More Recruits

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The US military can no longer recruit the traditional backbone of the fighting force–white southern conservative heterosexual men.  Few Democrats can be found in America’s armed forces–only 29%.

White southern males see serving their country as honorable.  But when they see their country being taken away from them in every respect–in Budweiser, Gillett, Disney, Google, et. al., ads and public policy advocacy, in corporate advertisements that never show a white family, and when they suffer the outrage of being required as military recruits to subject themselves to brainwashing called “sensitivity training” in which they hear that they are racist and misogynist oppressors of blacks and women and find that those taught to regard them as oppressors are their officers, and that they cannot be promoted because they are racially and gender over-represented in the officer ranks, white heterosexual males unconfused about their gender simply have stopped joining the American military.

This fact is reflected in the US Navy, US Army, and CIA recruitment advertisements.  Just click the URL above and you will see how sick the US military is.  The US Navy is going to rely on transgendered people who don’t know whether they are male or female.  The US Army is going to rely on women.  The CIA is going to rely on immigrant-invaders who walked across the border.  This is the military/security complex that the neoconservatives are going to use to impose US hegemony on Russia, China, and Iran. Try to imagine America’s Drag Queen Army at war with Russia, China, and Iran.

The Biden Regime is the first in American history to promote sexual perversion not only in society but also in the military.  In a society in which sexual perversion is normalized, which is what the Biden Regime is achieving in America, the only immoral act is to oppose sexual perversion.  The only people likely to oppose sexual perversion are the majority heterosexual population.  Therefore, it is the majority population that becomes the target. “President” Biden recently told a black graduating class at Howard University that white people are the greatest threat.  Last year Biden said that black Americans live in fear of being “gunned down by weapons of war deployed in a racist cause.”

We see the demonization of white Americans in the prosecutorial targeting of Trump Americans. We see it in the requirement by government, corporate, media, and university employers that white heterosexual males must submit to “sensitivity training” as a condition of employment.  There is no requirement for blacks and Woke freaks to be indoctrinated to be sensitive to white heterosexual males.

White heterosexual males are simply being moved aside.  Already university enrollments show that white females outnumber white males in university enrollments by 20%.  But the day of the woman is already over. The London Telegraph reports that feminists “are routinely de-platformed and face protests when invited to speak on campus.”

Feminists understand that if men can self-declare as women, there are no more female sports.  Feminists understand that if men can self-declare as women, the gender identity of women simply disappears.  Feminists understand that if female pronouns cannot be used, there can be no reference to women.

Until very recently feminists were a powerful force, but today they are shoved off the stage by an extremely small number of men who think, or pretend to think, that they are women.

How can this be other than there is among the ruling elite the purpose of destroying the identity of each person in each person’s mind while demonizing the majority population?

We are confronted with Satanic evil in its full force.

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May 16, 2023 6:32 am

Satan knows that infiltrating any and all legacy institutions allows him to have “ears” everywhere, enabling our enemies to always know our movements – be they in actions or speech.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2023 6:53 am

US Navy Enlists Drag Queen For ‘Digital Ambassador’ Role To Attract More Recruits

If you see someone spraying a front porch with gasoline and then lighting it on fire, do you claim what he’s trying to do is powerwash the house?

This is a war on America and it’s people by agents of a global governance. The object is not to attract more recruits, it is to repel them. Just like the object of The Ukraine funding wasn’t to defeat Russia, but to deplete our armaments and empty the treasury. The reason we fled from Afghanistan and left everything behind was to arm the very people whose homes and families we bombed and mass murdered fro decades so hey’d come back at us. The reason the borders are open isn’t to attract more new Americans but to dispossess the ones who live here, etc.

We can’t keep ascribing to incompetence what is clearly malice.

Sometimes a banana is just a banana, Anna.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2023 9:39 am


  hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2023 2:06 pm

Hey buddy, you got it all twisted. Our military is all about wokeness and inclusivity. Killing our enemies and breaking shit is out. FISTING AND TODDLERS TWERKING ARE IN!

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
May 16, 2023 8:24 am

The Biden Regime is the first in American history to promote sexual perversion not only in society but also in the military

Don’t ask, dont tell Bubba Clinton about that.

May 16, 2023 9:20 am

Norm said it well:

May 16, 2023 9:28 am

You would have to be fucking crazy or a masochist to serve in the military. Fuck the USSA fuck Biden and fuck the military.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
May 16, 2023 11:14 am

I was half expecting to see Via Babylon Bee after reading the title. It shows how crazy this country has become.

  Dying Sun
May 16, 2023 8:42 pm

If it is stupid as hell, I assume real. Babylon bee going to be out of business soon, as who the f can keep up with this madness

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 16, 2023 12:37 pm

The narrative isn’t working…


  The Central Scrutinizer
May 16, 2023 8:39 pm

Can’t remember the actual meme, but something like “random bullshit go!” Was a animated dude throwing knifes. Can’t do much pic wise on my phone, hope y’all seen it so I don’t sound like a crazy person lol

May 16, 2023 12:57 pm

The Navy’s new pitch…All the meat you care to eat.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 16, 2023 4:12 pm

With that “Seaman special sauce.” (Wink wink – nudge nudge)

May 16, 2023 8:28 pm

Sorry for downvote but it is funny as hell but cant approve of the message. I was torn on wich way to go tbh

May 17, 2023 12:40 pm

And yet you did…I realize that comments and meme’s can be hurtful…try going to your safe space.