Who Is Better at Raising Your Child, You or the State?

By Mattias Desmet

parent child state


The Belgian politician Connor Rousseau and his social-democratic Vooruit party want to require parents to send their children to day care and kindergarten. There are still politicians who think of the children. And the logic is conclusive: the first six years of life are decisive for the future life of the child. That cannot be left to the parents. The state must take its responsibility and release money. A few billion is enough to get the job done.

No one knows where that money will come from. But if necessary, some additional printing can be done. That is actually a way to make the population pay more taxes without them realizing it. Citizens nowadays pay barely 53 percent taxes. A little more loyalty to the state is welcome. Moreover, it is for their own good, and that of their descendants. Citizens do not realize enough how important it is that their children are brought up well. Just as they do not realize that they cannot actually do that themselves and that the state must do it for them.

And if inflation leads to the collapse of the financial system, then a solution is already at hand: the introduction of the CBDC – the digital currency of the central banks. This will be linked to the digital passport and a social credit system. In this way, the state will educate not only the child, but the parents as well, according to a system of punishment and reward that Pavlov tested on dogs.

Granted, Pavlov concluded that his system of rewards and punishment really only works if you know the character of the individual dog. Every dog ultimately reacts in its own way to rewards and punishment. We can ask ourselves whether the state will also take the individual character of the child-puppies in daycare into account in its state education. That chance is small. Connor Rousseau believes that every child should receive equal opportunities and thus an equal education. Whether the child actually benefits from it or not is beside the point.

The state has to guarantee the quality of education and will therefore also have to monitor and evaluate it. Just as the state cannot trust the weighty job of parenting to parents, it cannot trust the job of childcare to childcare providers. They will therefore have to be subjected to strict protocols, as befits a good bureaucracy. And those protocols will be designed by experts who have scientifically determined which conditioning techniques lead to the best adapted little New Citizen.

During the coronavirus crisis, those experts – not the same, of course, because there are experts for every part of your private life – also took control of your health and that of your children. Just as you don’t know how to raise your child now, you didn’t know then how to take care of your own health and that of your offspring.

We were all urged to get ourselves and our children vaccinated, especially so that grandma and grandpa would not get infected. Here and there, rare critical scientists suggested that a vaccine could not prevent infections, partly because coronaviruses mutate quickly. People didn’t listen to such nonsense–these scientists were thrown off Twitter and robbed of their jobs.

And those who refused to get vaccinated were treated as second-class citizens. They were no longer allowed to go to a restaurant or a theater. In some countries they were banned from taking public transport. French President Macron believed that their lives should be made into a living hell. Totalitarian leaders are so convinced that their logic is the only correct one—one that will ultimately lead to Paradise—that all basic tenets of humanity get thrown overboard in pursuit of that logic.

Unfortunately, the totalitarian logic, as it has throughout history, failed. The Great Guardian of American public health, Anthony Fauci, now says pretty much the same thing as those critical voices – that the virus is mutating too quickly to develop a vaccine that protects against infection on a long-term basis. Experts refer to this as the progressive nature of science. Apparently science progresses very quickly these days. Almost as fast as Pfizer’s share price during that same year.

Chances are, childrearing expertise is a work in progress, as well. When parents notice that their little New Citizen, through his state upbringing, is not as happy and perfect as protocol had promised, their only consolation will be that by willingly giving their child to the state they have contributed to the advancement of Science.

The problem with this kind of “science” is that it fails to recognize that education and health are both phenomena that deal primarily with individuality – a person’s unique characteristics as a subject. The literature on placebo and nocebo effects should in itself be enough to dispel any doubt: the subjective appreciation of a treatment determines its therapeutic effects. In the same way, the core of a good upbringing focuses on the individuality of the child. The educator must see the child in his singularity—he must love the child for his uniqueness. Without that love, education becomes indoctrination.

A protocol-based education inevitably fails. Although the Great Parenting Experts will probably explain their failure in a different way. It will still be the parents’ fault, after all. And the Great State Education should actually start even earlier, preferably in Huxley’s bottling room.

And if your love for your child should give you the courage to call the state to account, you will find that you actually have nowhere to go. Hannah Arendt noted about bureaucracies 50 years ago: “In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.” (Hannah Arendt, On Violence).

Just to say: I would be careful with the idea of an Ideal State Education. If the state has to protect children from their parents, parents have to protect their children from the state.

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May 15, 2023 12:23 pm

Most parents I observe when I’m out in public shouldn’t even have children.
People that should don’t have enough or any at all, the ones that have no business having any have too many.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 15, 2023 8:14 pm

Your brush is too wide … personally, we should be grateful that most of the mouth-breathing and shouting banshees of the radical left don’t have (m)any children … it’s bad enough dealing with those ‘adults’ — imagine what kind of children they’d (re)produce …

May 15, 2023 8:17 pm

The real tell is, there are people right now who have not publicly educated their children for centuries in our midst, and done very well at it.

(Look up “Amish Serial Killers” and see what you find: ONE, and since he has multiple MSM documentaries about him, he was a probable Government Friend.)

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 15, 2023 12:26 pm

I had an essay to write in high school arguing exactly this topic.

We were graded on the soundness of our argument and logic of the essay, not if our conclusion matched the teacher’s opinion.

My argument revolved around the love that parents have for their children, something that no stranger can ever have, regardless of their training and even if their knowledge in childhood development is superior to that of the parents.

Funny, how my life essentially followed that essay.

  Svarga Loka
May 15, 2023 12:35 pm

“We were graded on … our arguments… not if our conclusion matched the teacher’s opinion”

Yeah, … uh … they don’t do that anymore.

Not in the U.S. anyway.

May 15, 2023 1:06 pm

From my experience they haven’t done that since at least 1980 when I started college. Which is why I decided I didn’t need their approval to learn what I wanted to learn or do.

May 15, 2023 12:30 pm

For most, education stops at young adulthood – even though the only thing needed to keep it going is to read a book occasionally

May 15, 2023 2:53 pm

And have some curiosity.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
May 15, 2023 12:32 pm

Who Is Better at Raising Your Child, You or the State?

Well, obviously the State. They’ve done so well in everything else they’ve taken control of. For example, (musical interlude)…. Oh, never mind. Just do what your told.

May 15, 2023 12:44 pm

Most American parents would be thrilled to foist their little nose miners onto the state as early as possible.
Those little bundles of joy that they thought they wanted are so horribly inconvenient to maintaining a certain lifestyle. You know, that lifestyle that they claim to strive for solely for the benefit of the kids.
Lifestyle trumps life … and love.

Throw in the automatic funding at the expense of people without young children, and it’s a no-brainer (which is convenient for most Americans seeing as how most lack brains).

May 15, 2023 12:49 pm

Public education = Subsidized baby sitting

May 15, 2023 1:07 pm

Sounds like my ex.

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
May 15, 2023 1:09 pm

One of the many jarring and demoralizing social phenoms that emerged during “covid” was the not even sarcastic lamentations of parents who “literally” could not stand to be around their own kids all day.

All the stay at home nonsense had them in all kinds of fits over what to do with them, how to maintain the lifestyle to which they had grown accustomed, while farming their kids out to various government and other third-party vendors was under duress.

My wife works in early childhood education. While some welcomed the time to actually grow with their kids and love and learn, just as many were beside themselves with angst over having to actually parent.

They wanted to mask up the kids and get them back in school asap.

This already in a system that had a mandatory 10 hour max in which the children could remain in the schools which was a point of contention for many of the parents. “How can I go to yoga after work?”

The tears of separation as they hand over their infants are real. And the children suffer real trauma that as a culture we decide is no big deal too.

But even so, how quickly people adapt to the idea that their own children are burdens to the material life they desire and that the State – or expensive private counterparts, are essential to the Good Life, of which a majority of time is spent apart from their Children, to be backfilled with screens and things acquired by means of that same trade.

It is heartbreaking to watch. To see those with the means to still hand over their kids and those without the means entrap themselves in the financial cuffs of two working parents. That atop the busted family single mom disease.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Dangerous Variant
May 15, 2023 1:13 pm

You’re on a roll today, D.V. Thumbs up!

May 15, 2023 12:53 pm

Being a single unemployed mother is a career choice now.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 15, 2023 4:33 pm

I exchanged some emails with the Ethical Skeptic. Wished I knew who he was. Him and Ed Dowd, in my view, among the best big data analysts of our time.

May 15, 2023 2:20 pm

The Children’s Story, by James Clavell

May 15, 2023 2:52 pm

Government is the greatest evil ever created by man.

May 15, 2023 6:30 pm

Since when does an authoritarian and/or totalitarian society/gov’t care one wit about efficacies, wherein the goal is submission, complete and unflinching subordination?

May 15, 2023 7:02 pm

There are many many homeschooling. We should watch for some kind of attack.
It will ve progressive and round about like gun control.

I think part of the labor shortage is moms had to stay home, got life fixed around it, and opted to continue.

May 15, 2023 7:20 pm

Still no big discussion on the labor shortage. Maybe it’s different in MT.

i forget
i forget
May 15, 2023 9:11 pm

even if ‘states’ were demonstrably better, parents capitulating to the cornering, & handing their kids over (just as the parents, & grandparents, & the beast with the back-back-backs were handed over) would still be merely argument for the inertial-tradition of an irresponsible bad habit.

pubsch is method-act training for big boys/girls prison.

May 16, 2023 6:42 am

Who is better to pervert and indoctrinate your children? Government schools for sure!