Biden And DHS Secretary Claim ‘White Supremacy’ Is The Greatest US Terror Threat

Via ZeroHedge

If you were ever confused as to why the political left has been using the words ‘white supremacy’ every time they mention conservative ideals in their rhetoric, then you might just be a regular person trying to think logically.  After all, millions of minorities are also conservative, libertarian and pro-constitution.  Millions of minorities are anti-socialist, pro-2nd Amendment and pro-meritocracy.  The accusation of white supremacy simply doesn’t apply.

Yet, this narrative continues.  Why?  It’s called social conditioning – Tell a big enough lie, tell it thousands of times, and eventually the public might subconsciously associate conservatives or conservative principles with racism even if the claim is provably false.  They will even suggest a conservative is a “white supremacist” despite the fact that he or she is not white.

It’s confusing because it defies all reason, but that’s the point.  You cannot reason with zealotry.  You cannot argue facts with mental patients.  Their goal is chaos; their strategy is to use madness to bewilder their victims.

Recently we showcased a Department of Homeland Security propaganda program uncovered through FOIA which was intended to use a choose-your-own-adventure style narrative to teach the public how to identify “radicalized” domestic threats.  The majority of dangerous persons provided in sample cases were people espousing conservative values.  In other words, the DHS is seeking to actively target conservatives as the primary terror threat in the US.

This revelation comes just as the White House launches a domestic terror tour, with Joe Biden proclaiming in an address to the exclusively black Howard University in Washington DC that:

“The most dangerous threat to our homeland is white supremacy … and I’m not just saying this because I’m at a black HBCU.”

Biden warns of “sinister forces” trying to reverse racial progress, stating that the battle against racism is a “battle that’s never really over.”  But that’s because Biden and his associates don’t want it to be over, and the sinister force he speaks of trying to reverse racial progress includes people like him.

It’s perhaps not a coincidence that Biden makes this declaration just as Title 42 is ending and the US southern border is being overrun will illegal immigrants.  It’s also probably not a coincidence that Biden’s rhetoric is growing ever more divisive as the US economy faces increasing debt crisis risks and a fast approaching presidential election.  It makes sense in a disturbing way that the establishment would want to divide America along racial lines as much as possible before stagflation turns into a crash.

Better to let the masses fight each other rather than placing any blame on politicians and corporate leaders where it belongs.  And, ideally, the powers-that-be would greatly prefer that liberty minded Americans become the all encompassing bogeyman that they need to distract the populace from their problems.  When they say they’re going after “white supremacists,” what they really mean is they are targeting anyone of any color that opposes their ideology.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas notes that he agrees with Biden’s conclusions and suggests the focus of the DHS will be American citizens.  Mayorkas extends Biden’s definition of the threat beyond white supremacy, stating that domestic violent extremism are the danger  Does this include leftist trans school shooters like Audrey Hale?  And what about groups like Antifa engaging in open terrorism in places like Atlanta?  Biden and the DHS are ignoring such dangers in favor of a weighted interest in conservative groups.

The trick is that many Americans might not take such rhetoric seriously because they don’t see themselves as “surpremacists” or “extremists.”  What do they have to worry about?  But the truth is that the definition of extremism is changing daily to include values that common people hold dear.  Today you are a good and moral person; tomorrow, you’re a terrorist.  That is how these things have always worked.

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ursel doran
ursel doran
May 15, 2023 12:16 pm

“But an election contest between RFK, Jr. and Donald Trump would be a most salutary exercise for our country. Both of them want to dismantle the overgrown surveillance apparatus and severely reform the agencies under the executive branch.”

Dirty Secrets

May 15, 2023 12:25 pm

This may backfire on the Bastards. Both Vivek Howsyourmommie and RFK, Jr are preaching peace and bringing people together. I think that may sound much better than this obvious bullshit. I realize college professors and the Upper East Side and Blue Route old cunts aren’t reachable but millions of Americans may find the togetherness message appealing. I can see Bobby’s ad now: His father speaking of peace and love in 1968 side by side with the Satanic message “Biden” gave last August gushing venom on Trump voters, all 75 million of them. I wouldn’t bet the farm but it’s conceivable.

May 15, 2023 12:30 pm

Vivek is the ONLY one who has Ali’s CONSTITUTION,I believe Trump has no idea what is says…….

May 15, 2023 5:59 pm

Ramaswamy is a ringer for the Trump campaign.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 15, 2023 9:23 pm

He’d make a great VP. He’ll fight. He has very good ideas. He brings energy.

some idiot
some idiot
May 15, 2023 7:33 pm

No one is going to vote for a guy whose name they can’t pronounce. Furthermore he works in biotech. Big red flag IMO.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  some idiot
May 15, 2023 11:43 pm

As a VP candidate he might sway Asian and Indian-American voters in swing states. He’s also dark enough to refute the “Trump is a racist” claim – at least enough to let white women vote for Trump/Ramaswamy.

Note to Brits: In America, we don’t consider Indians “Asians”. We consider Indians Indians – unless they’re Injuns. Then we consider them Injuns.

May 15, 2023 12:36 pm

When they called you a ” bitter clinger deplorable ” you should have known they want to exterminate you.

May 15, 2023 12:40 pm

Add Gerald Celente to the liberal DEM club, he is in the RFK junya column.

May 15, 2023 12:45 pm

Migrant Processing Center in El Paso PACKED with Illegal Aliens – Nearly ALL are Military Age Males (VIDEO)

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
May 15, 2023 12:52 pm

When they say they’re going after “white supremacists,” what they really mean is they are targeting anyone of any color that opposes their ideology.

No. The propagation of an ideology is not mutually exclusive of the prosecution of a war on one particular subgroup that just happens to embody the majority of the opposition to that ideology.

I find this “they re tying to divide us, don’t let them divide us” messaging curious in how the least racially aware identity is being constantly told to put down that identity because some other identities (which are totally great to celebrate, BTW!) are getting caught in the dragnet being used to destroy that identity by nature of supporting elements championed by (and for) that identity in a former Nation founded to serve that identity.

A more useful conclusion to me would be that the lengths that TPTB will go to in order to subjugate – or short of that, destroy, White heritage and culture – in all its diverse forms, is so paramount and so entwined in their impulse toward humiliating Whites at every opportunity, that like the rest of the death cult’s rationale it is no longer burdened by being yoked to reality.

And how we got to this great divorce from reality is in no small part due to Whites policing their own people for any nascent signaling of symbols or messaging that might be construed as positive reflections of their own culture without the appropriate tribute paid to our greatest strength and apologist posturing to all the other groups anointed victimhood of white superiority throughout the latest version of revisionist wiki-history.

  Dangerous Variant
May 15, 2023 1:30 pm

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Doesn’t seem so “extreme” now, does it?

Toujours Pret
Toujours Pret
May 15, 2023 1:27 pm

The real “white supremacists” are biden, mayorkas, yellen, blinken, dimon, newsome, etc. and their enablers. All members of the “white when convenient otherwise not white” club.

  Toujours Pret
May 15, 2023 1:51 pm

The same people who said ‘ no guns for blacks ‘

comment image?w=480&ssl=1

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 15, 2023 9:33 pm

Now there’s something you don’t see every day. The Winchester Musket. I believe they were issued to the Canadian Northwest Mounted Police circa 1880.

  Toujours Pret
May 15, 2023 2:55 pm


The dems are the REAL raycists


May 15, 2023 2:53 pm

comment image

May 15, 2023 9:50 pm

Well, niggers are ugly.

May 15, 2023 3:33 pm

I try very hard to be a Christian of good standing.

I will not mind in the least if God, you decide his last breath is in 2023 ( as long as he

doesn’t take millions of Christians with him).

May 15, 2023 4:38 pm

ZH is a day late and a dollar short. Biden … and a shitload of other Demoncrats … have been calling whites America’s greatest threat since the inauguration, if not before.

Personally, I like that a lot. I like walking into a supermarket (or wherever) and thinking to myself “Get out of my way assholes, I AM a dangerous motherfucker!!” Feels gooooood.

May 15, 2023 6:46 pm

Don’t forget to claim…hell insist upon your white privilege!

May 15, 2023 5:23 pm

Nothing terrifies these parasites more than White people deciding that we’ve had enough.

And we have.

We shouldn’t be third class citizens in our own countries.

We shouldn’t be subjected to a hostile, anti-White, government in our own countries.

We shouldn’t tolerate these people at all, and we don’t need to.

May 15, 2023 5:58 pm

Pray tell what is the prescription for a gov’t that openly foments hatred of you?

May 15, 2023 8:31 pm

Simple: Expel the Jews.

May 15, 2023 6:28 pm

These morons can ESAD.

May 16, 2023 7:18 am

I read the linked article. It’s mostly about protecting jews.

some idiot
some idiot
May 15, 2023 7:32 pm

The crime statistics say otherwise.

May 15, 2023 7:52 pm

If there was any justice in the world at all, Biden and Mayorkas would be swinging by their necks side by side.

May 16, 2023 6:39 am

The radical extreme right is a few guys playing militia in the mountains in some isolated place like Idaho or Montana. The extreme radical left is many people in power in Washington DC, in the Presidency, Senate and most of the Federal Courts. They are the ones dangerous to our democracy, not he ones playing war games in the mountains.