The fakery of Rabies shots for your’s big Pharma cashing in on fear they create

Submitted by SteveZ

Just a few years after the rabies immunization for dogs became available, in 1983 they released the movie “Cujo” that had Americans scared half to death of their dog becoming rabid and turning on them. Let’s put aside “rabies” for one moment and look at the system that billionaire funders of big pharma and policymakers quickly put into place. They made the vaccine mandatory, assigned an ID tag that dogs must wear, stored the information and address of the dog and its owner in a database, informed healthcare, retail, park services, and businesses that they should not provide services to those without this ID. If one doesn’t abide by this law, the owner can be fined, dog quarantined and force-vaccinated.

The system they are creating for human beings has long been tested on pet owners of dogs, and most dogs are even chipped. It is also being run through the livestock industry via RFID tags, which Corey’s Digs previously reported on. They want every living being tracked and controlled because ultimately, we are all livestock to them. Just as they are running obedience training PreK-Adult throughout the entire education system and beyond, they are doing the same obedience training through vaccine ID passports.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “But, but, rabies is truly dangerous and life threatening, making these laws justifiable.” As far back as 2008, a study showed that half of the puppies and kittens in the U.S. were not even being vaccinated at all, and trends have shown that more and more people have either completely stopped the rabies shot or are not doing follow-up shots because studies have proven that one shot provides immunization for up to 6 years, not just 3 years. There are over 90 million dogs inhabiting 63 million households in the U.S. with only 60-70 annually contracting rabies. According to the CDC, wild animals that carry rabies, such as bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes, account for 5,000 annual cases in the U.S., with just 60-70 dogs contracting it. Of those dogs who contract it, there is less than 1 dog bite of humans annually. In a 58-year stretch, between 1960-2018, there have only been 127 cases of humans contracting rabies, of which 70% were from bat bites.

So I ask, if nearly half the country has limited or forgone the rabies shot for their dog, do these numbers above reflect a significant risk? This isn’t to say that pet owners should forgo the rabies shot altogether, but if they choose that option, should there be a law in place that bans them from access to healthcare and other services for their dog? Should there be fines, quarantines, and forced vaccination? They have tested this system on pet owners for years, and half the U.S. population willingly went along with this without even questioning it. Sound familiar?

Whereas, there are some states allowing for a Titer test to determine if there are still antibodies in the dog to forgo a follow-up rabies shot, that option is scarce. And whereas, there are scientific studies proving it provides much longer immunity, states and establishments don’t seem to be taking that scientific evidence into account. Meanwhile, adverse events, and in some cases death, after receiving the rabies jab have become a grave concern for pet owners, leaving them feeling backed in a corner, much like the Covid-19 jab mandates.

When we take a look at Covid cases, it is the same pattern, only on a grander scale and with a much less life-threatening issue, with the main difference being the complete and utter exaggeration of the “virus” and case counts. So are lockdowns, mask mandates, mandatory jabs and boosters, vaccine ID passports being the only way in to restaurants and businesses, and mass scale data collection, justifiable, or have they done far more harm than good?

They are treating you like a dog, and they didn’t even show dogs the respect they deserve. You are nothing more than livestock to them. Do you want to be treated this way? Do you want your entire existence and that of your children’s to be controlled? Dogs may not be able to fight back, but we sure can.

by Dana Scott

What Every Vet (And Owner) Should Know About Dog Vaccines


Are you confused about how often your dog needs vaccines? You’re not alone … your vet probably is too.

At Dogs Naturally vaccine frequency is the number one question we’re asked about. And it’s a good question …. because, as you’ll find out, most dogs are being vaccinated too often.

And that’s dangerous for your dog.

Core Vaccines For Dogs

Let’s look at core dog vaccines and what the research says about how often they should be given.

But before we do, you should first understand that the core vaccines for dogs (parvovirus, distemper and adenovirus) are not required by law. The only dog vaccine that’s legally required in all US states and some (not all) Canadian provinces is rabies.

So other than rabies, nobody can force you to vaccinate your dog with any other vaccine you don’t want to give.


This is a decision best left up to you and your vet. But before you discuss vaccination with your vet … read on to make sure you know the duration of immunity of those vaccines – and the potentially lethal consequences of over-vaccinating.

Because most vets don’t know how long vaccines protect your dog. (Don’t worry, we’ve got a handout you can share with your vet at the bottom of this post).

Research Into Core Dog Vaccines

When it comes to immunity and duration of immunity for core dog vaccines, there’s one clear expert. Before his recent retirement, Dr Ronald D Schultz was one of three or four researchers looking at how long protection from veterinary vaccines actually lasts – and he did these studies over a 40 year period.

In fact, it’s Dr Schultz’s work that prompted the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) and AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) to re-evaluate their vaccine schedules.

Back in 2003, the American Animal Hospital Association Canine Vaccine Taskforce warned vets that:

Misunderstanding, misinformation and the conservative nature of our profession have largely slowed adoption of protocols advocating decreased frequency of vaccination’; ‘Immunological memory provides durations of immunity for core infectious diseases that far exceed the traditional recommendations for annual vaccination.

This is supported by a growing body of veterinary information  as well-developed epidemiological vigilance in human medicine that indicates immunity induced by vaccination is extremely long lasting and, in most cases, lifelong.

Dr Ronald Schultz And Dog Vaccine Guidelines

“The recommendation for annual re-vaccination is a practice that was officially started in 1978.”  said Dr Schultz.

This recommendation was made without any scientific validation of the need to booster immunity so frequently. In fact the presence of good humoral antibody levels blocks the anamnestic response to vaccine boosters just as maternal antibody blocks the response in some young animals.”

He added:  “The patient receives no benefit and may be placed at serious risk when an unnecessary vaccine is given. Few or no scientific studies have demonstrated a need for cats or dogs to be revaccinated.

Yet … despite the AAHA’s 2003 comments, they haven’t made any real progress in changing protocols. Their most recent (2017) recommendations are still very tentative:

“Following completion of the Initial Vaccination series and the initial booster dose, MLV and Recombinant Core vaccines will provide a sustained protective response lasting beyond 3 yr.”

This is a very conservative recommendation when you consider the results of the duration of immunity research Dr Schultz and his colleagues did on more than 1,000 dogs, for every major dog vaccine.

Two types of results are in the chart below: “challenge” (meaning exposure to the real virus) and serology (meaning antibody titer results) …

immunity time frame for dog vaccinations

And these numbers show the MINIMUM duration of immunity. The ceilings reflect not the duration of immunity, but the duration of the studies. In other words, if the studies had gone on longer, the research could have shown longer protection … and according to Dr Schultz, possibly for life.

Here’s what Dr Schultz explained …

“It is important to understand that these are minimum DOI’s and longer studies have not been done with certain of the above products. It is possible that some or all of these products will provide lifelong immunity.

In 2010, he published the following results on studies with newer generation, recombinant vaccines:

vaccine protection chart

It’s important to note that not only did the vaccines provide protection for a minimum of 4 to 5 years … but they protected 100% of the dogs tested.

Dog Vaccines: The Dangers

Why is it important to understand Dr Schultz’s work? Because your dog’s vaccines can create very real health problems.

Dog vaccines must be given only when necessary. Every vaccine has the potential to kill the patient or create debilitating chronic diseases including cancer and allergies. Here’s a list of potential adverse vaccine reactions, according to Dr Schultz, based on his research.

common reactions to dog vaccines
moderate reactions to dog vaccines
severe reactions to dog vaccines

And this is what vaccine damage looks like

With many thanks to Patricia Jordan DVM for her photos.

Pictures of dogs with vaccine reactions

Dr Schultz summarizes his 40-plus years of research with the following:

“Only one dose of the modified-live canine ‘core’ vaccine (against CDV, CAV-2 and CPV-2) or modified-live feline ‘core’ vaccine (against FPV, FCV and FHV), when administered at 16 weeks or older, will provide long lasting (many years to a lifetime) immunity in a very high percentage of animals.”

But the problem is, many vets are ignoring this research. If your vet is vaccinating your dog every year – or even every three years – he’s vaccinating too much! Your dog is already protected by vaccines he’s had as a young dog … and any additional vaccine will give him all of the risk with no benefit.

Protect Your Dog From Disease AND From Vaccine Damage

It’s critical to understand that we need to protect our dogs and cats not just from infectious disease, but also from vaccine damage. And in recent years that’s become a lot easier (and a lot cheaper) …

Titer tests are blood tests that can tell you whether your dog has responded to his vaccines and acquired immunity.

In the past, it’s been difficult (and expensive) to get titer testing done. But for the past few years, vet clinics have had the ability to offer inexpensive in-house titer testing (Vaccicheck and TiterCHEK).

With access to in-house titer testing, there’s never any reason to give any cat or dog over the age of 16 weeks another vaccine without a negative titer test first. So vets don’t have to GUESS at when to re-vaccinate. And with access to these in-house tests, you shouldn’t have to pay high fees to get a titer test for your dog.

But despite these new advances, vets continue to guess anyway … or give vaccines “just in case.” And many clinics still don’t offer these in-house titer tests. So most vets still vaccinate every three years (or even every year in some cases) … and they’re reluctant to use titer tests to avoid potential vaccine-induced health issues.

DNM RECOMMENDS: If you vaccinate your dog, give him Four Leaf Rover’s Protect to balance his gut after vaccination, It’s an everyday soil-based probiotic that contains ingredients that can help remove toxins and heavy metals from his body.

You and your dog rely on your vet to make the right decisions when it comes to vaccines. So please download this printable PDF and discuss it with your vet BEFORE you vaccinate your dog again.

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