Trump, truth, lies, and the gradations of evil

By Elliott Middleton

President Trump was conned by the Neocons and the World Economic Forum

The con

Many Americans believe that President Trump was conned in some way in 2020. Jeffrey Tucker, the founder of the Brownstone Institute, has recently pinpointed the day President Trump was tricked into locking the country down.

It was March 10, 2020. The day before, the president had tweeted that the new virus was not very different from the common flu and could be treated similarly. By March 11, he was willing to commit the Federal government’s entire force to fight the pandemic.

Responsibility for fighting SARS-CoV-2 was transferred to the Department of Defense around this time, although as Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have documented, the groundwork for this was laid years before. Robert F. Kennedy’s masterful The Real Anthony Fauci details the development of the “biosecurity network” from Bill Gates’s fateful meeting with Anthony Fauci in 2000 when Gates proposed a mutually beneficial “partnership.”

What was the classified information given to President Trump on March 10, 2020, that caused him to change his mind? Jeffrey Tucker states that we will probably never know, but guesses that Trump was told that the virus was made in a lab and was potentially very lethal. If he simply locked down until the miracle mRNA “vaccines” were available he would be a hero. Operation Warp Speed!

Trump fell for it. The lockdowns began to create excess non-Covid deaths in 2020 almost immediately. Lockdowns kill. Dr. Fauci, of course, delayed delivery of the vaccines until after the election.

The double con and gradations of evil

But it was a double con.

We need to discuss gradations of evil. I submit that there are two possibilities concerning the Covid genetic injections.

The first type might be called “genocide for profit,” and in this case Big Pharma and Bill Gates were simply greedy with very little regard for human life, in the traditional model of the Sackler family that pushed narcotics on the American people suffering from chronic pain, causing a sizable genocide. There is an excellent docudrama on Hulu titled “Dopesick” about these unrepentant people and the citizen movement that led to lawsuits that put them out of business.

The greater evil that I believe is being perpetrated upon the world now by agents of the World Economic Forum in their Great Reset might be called genocide for profit *and* depopulation.”

Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are both part of a neo-Malthusian camp that believes that the human population is too great to be supported on this earth. Among these folks, this belief has persisted for centuries, even as the human population doubled and re-doubled and living standards rose fantastically.

They are just very greedy.

It was not enough of a risk for the WEF to release a genetic therapy without any of the standard human testing covering many years, often a decade.

No. When the Chinese sent over a virus genome sequence in January 2020, saying that it was “SARS-CoV-2,” Big Pharma said, “no problem, we can create synthetic mRNA to reprogram this sequence in people’s bodies, and we’ll include the toxic spike protein because that’s what seems to be causing the problems.”

So while the Department of Defense was calling the new virus a Bioweapon, Big Pharma was creating a genetic therapy “countermeasure” to re-create the Bioweapon in recipients’ bodies.

It is hard to believe Trump fell for this, but apparently, he did.

As Daniel Horowitz has documented based on FOIA-obtained documents, the government expected a massive amount of adverse effects from the genetic injections. The clinical trial results supposedly establishing that the injections were “safe and effective” were lacking in thoroughness and showed the signature of fraud in places. Big Pharma attempted to hide clinical trial results for 75 years.

In at least one clinical trial, there was more death (“all-cause mortality”) in the treatment arm than in the placebo. (But all the genetic injection had to do was produce an antibody response, so who cares about all-cause mortality?) An early 2020 presentation to the FDA reveals a long list of possible adverse side effects, many of which have developed.

An early Japanese study of the distribution of the lipid nanoparticles within the body – the technology carrying the mRNA that was supposed to stay in the arm muscle – circulated and precipitated in the heart, brain, testes, and ovaries particularly. Subsequently, the world has witnessed depressed fertility rates and sperm counts, and women’s reproductive functions disrupted by the jab.

Not to mention the many sudden deaths,

apparently from heart attacks brought on by endothelial aggravations caused by the spike protein, many of which have been captured on film; or the many vaccine injuries around the world that have been documented on film.

Bill Gates said in 2020 that the pandemic would not end until virtually everyone in the world had been injected. Eminent virologists screamed that this was the worst thing you could do in a pandemic, especially with a virus that posed little risk to young and healthy humans, because it would produce many more variants by viral escape and delay herd immunity.

No one listened.

The continent that by and large rejected the mRNA injections, Africa, has fared remarkably well. Having had experience with Mr. Gates’s ministrations in the past, they avoided them like the plague that they were.

For a succinct itemization of all of the evidence that the Great Reset intends to harm humanity, see Spartacus’ post “It wasn’t a lab leak, it was intentional.” He describes all the iatrogenic tricks that were played in the Covid response, inexplicable except by evil intent.

The revelations of foreknowledge by policymakers of the damaging effects of the mRNA injections are coming fast and furious. Reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System blew past any credible safety signal in early 2021, as Dr. Peter McCullough has pointed out ever since. About 3 million employed people who were probably mandated to take the genetic injection have reported new disabilities since 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Where are we?

So where does this leave the United States of America and the rest of the Western world who have been lied to for three years, injured, and killed by their governments?

Governments are still pushing “the Narrative” that the genetic injections are safe and effective.

A significant portion of the population is so dazed and confused as to be almost brain-dead, saying they just want to “move on,” grumbling that it was all Trump’s fault. Dr. Robert Malone, a biosecurity network insider who has become a critic, says unprecedented information and knowledge warfare has been deployed on the world by the WEF-controlled mass media.

The major challenge to humanity is to develop the critical thinking skills to throw off these monsters before they impose their CCP-style central-bank-digital-currency-tied-to-a-social-credit-score system of human slavery.

Though not covered by the mainstream media, protests are erupting around the world.

There was a small percentage of the population who perceived this monstrous enormity early on. I was one of them. I didn’t take the shot. I tried to warn my liberal family that we were entering a genocide, and was canceled. Waves of excess death are now being observed in countries around the world, far beyond Covid deaths. Economists and epidemiologists can argue for decades about the threads of causality and they will never reach a consensus — partly because a good number of them are paid not to see any harm at all.

The world is experiencing a level of evil — genocide for profit and depopulationthat none of us have seen in our lifetimes. I called my blog “End Times Meditations” because it looks and feels like the end times, but only God knows if it is. In the meantime, until the Neocons are thrown out of power in the US and the Great Reset stopped in some sort of worldwide revolution, those who oppose “the Narrative” become targets for the fascists.

God bless Elon Musk and Substack for supporting free speech. May they thrive!

The Neocons want a world war

The Great Reset is a plan for global domination. The pandemic was only the first battle. I detail their plans for world war in “Escalation Inevitable?”

The next phase of the Great Reset is a world war.

More of the same — genocide for profit and depopulation.


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April 15, 2023 4:18 pm

2 years ago, that explanation that Trump was duped, and fell for it, might have held water. However, at this juncture, with him still proud of this achievement (pushing the jab through the FDA in record time) and, still bragging about the “millions of lives I’ve saved…” doesn’t pass the smell test. Nope, that dog don’t hunt.

April 15, 2023 8:42 pm

OK short stuff, you might be right about Trumpy or you might be smoking crack (again)…….Do you do logic and facts and use them to develop an actual position? Trump is seeking power, he will say anything to obtain power….that makes him another DC douchebag……that does not make him part of a genocidal cult of evil doers……..If you think Trump is involved……well give us something, anything that supports your claim other than “that dog won’t hunt”…….

April 15, 2023 8:59 pm

They are all actors and will follow the script. You are just the audience with no say in the script.

April 16, 2023 5:23 am

“Trump is seeking power, he will say anything to obtain power”…the very definition of evil my friend. Take another spin at the wheel.

April 16, 2023 9:22 am

Your comment implies the existence of a “genocidal cult of evil doers” behind the coronahoax and government response.
It further implies that this cult “tricked” Trump into enacting the cult’s agenda.
These two implications are fine by themselves, but they hardly add up to a ringing endorsement of Trump.

However, you also state that “Trump is seeking power, he will say anything to obtain power”, but then draw the exact wrong conclusion.
Trump doing and saying anything to obtain power definitely DOES make him part of the cult of evil-doers.

You, martelshammer, are the one who has failed, embarrassingly, to “do logic”.
Given your emotional knee jerk defense of someone who seeks power and will say (or do) anything to obtain it, you have also failed to “do” morality and basic human decency.

April 16, 2023 6:44 pm

Seeking power? What power? The only power he’s seeking is the power to keep fooling you. No one is allowed to become a billionaire unless he’s part of the club, and he’s no exception. The only power that presidents hold is the power that his masters allow him to have. Presidents are just puppets pretending to be in charge.

April 15, 2023 4:43 pm

The major challenge to humanity is to develop the critical thinking skills to throw off these monsters before they impose their CCP-style central-bank-digital-currency-tied-to-a-social-credit-score system of human slavery.

Yes it is. And too bad it is already probably too late.

I see a very large number using their phone as a payment device. With Debit and Credit cards many are at the age now where they HAVE NEVER USED CASH other than possibly allowance as a child.

Many have no idea what CBDC really is and simply think it will be convenient, because that is all they are told. Just like everything else in life, these people don’t bother doing their due diligence at all. “sounds good, I’m in” they will bleat.

Also, social credit scores? Sure, the thinking and curious like many here understand the danger, but lots won’t see it as anything other than a way to get more ‘likes’, just like social media.

It will be rammed down our throats one way or another anyway. Only a matter of when.

April 15, 2023 5:02 pm

It’s NOT too late. The battle is in its opening rounds. Read Michael Malice’s book “The White Pill: A Tale of Good and Evil.

April 15, 2023 6:58 pm
April 15, 2023 8:08 pm

I like it “White Pill” . Yeah “White Pill”. …and what Brewer said.

April 15, 2023 4:52 pm

“It is hard to believe Trump fell for this, but apparently, he did.”

Bullshit. This crap is intended to convince the voting sheep they can vote themselves free. There is value to a presidential campaign but not for the reasons we were conned into believing in 8th-grade civics class. But it can serve to upend the official narrative as Ron Paul did. His campaign got thousands of the University of Michigan students to light one dollar bills on fire and chant in unison “END THE FED.

Who holds that torch now? Robert F Kennedy, Jr.

April 15, 2023 5:08 pm

Bullshit: “ It is hard to believe Trump fell for this, but apparently, he did.”

April 15, 2023 5:17 pm

The ONLY way to deal with the cringe world is to become so absolutely based that your very existence is an act of fuckery. Hold the line………

Chris Valenzuela
Chris Valenzuela
April 16, 2023 7:37 am

Or he is controlled opposition.

April 15, 2023 5:36 pm

September 17, 2019 – the day the SOFR died. Rates up from 2.20% to 5.25% in 48 hours. This was the singularity event that was used to justify the USD $17.66 trillion printed up by the US Treasury via REPO between Sep 2019 and Jun 2020. Hyperinflation would have followed so SARS-CoV-2 released at Wuhan World Military games starting Oct 18 and just a coincidence Event 201 began on same day. Consumer demand had to be destroyed so developed world was locked down and vaccine distributed to kill demand permanently by killing consumers.

But a funny thing happened along the way on Trump’s watch – USD $12 trillion of that $17.66 trillion went missing from the combined Fed / US Gov balance sheets. So in the final analysis SARS-CoV-2 was in fact just cover to commit not the crime of the century, but the crime of the millennium.

Find the missing USD $12 trillion and you will find the perpetrators.

April 15, 2023 7:08 pm

If this is the crux, why hasn’t TBP posted as much or more info on this as the jab and the plandemic?

April 15, 2023 8:04 pm

The Macroeconomics of Depopulation

April 15, 2023 7:31 pm

That’s rich.
“The major challenge to humanity is to develop the critical thinking skills” and in the same sentence regurgitates the “CCP-style central-bank-digital-currency-tied-to-a-social-credit-score system of human slavery” bullshit.

(Other viewpoint, turn on automatic translated subtitles:


April 16, 2023 9:25 am

Enjoy ze bugs.

April 15, 2023 8:05 pm

Trump was not conned. He WAS the con. How can anyone believe he gives a crap about this nation after 4 years of betrayal.

April 15, 2023 8:14 pm

m is a Trump troll.

April 16, 2023 4:14 am

Totally. I’m moving to Russia to support Trump there!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 15, 2023 9:44 pm

If he simply locked down until the miracle mRNA “vaccines” were available he would be a hero

That is all it took to sway “the brightest man in the room” (his words, not mine). His ego took over and the rest, as they say, is history.

  TN Patriot
April 16, 2023 8:32 am

I don’t think there is an ego bigger, nor skin thinner than his. Rip him and out comes the high school name calling.

April 15, 2023 10:00 pm

Elliott Middleton
“Elliott Middleton graduated with distinction in English literature from Yale and received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado. He taught at small colleges for 17 years before entering financial services as a decision scientist, at US Bank, Chase JP Morgan, UBS, and others.”

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
April 15, 2023 10:40 pm

“CONNED”? Naw. It’s seems only neocons, and religious folks make excuses for Trump these days. The buck stops here! No more excuses!

  Billy the Kid
April 16, 2023 9:34 am

The astounding thing is that the Trumptards consider his being conned as a reason to re-elect him to the Presidency.

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
April 16, 2023 10:55 am

Sadly. I was hoping they were smarter than the Obama is Jesus Christ and King crowd on the left. I am starting to have my doubts at this point, so late in the stage of bs .

Trumps being an obvious attack on the right should be obvious to any, and all by now. Yet, so many are still marching of the cliff, and to hell with this con man. Shit, the mans an attack on anyone who stil loves America and freedom, from within. He’s a blue falcon, a backstabber. Go back to the Democrats Trump!.

April 16, 2023 7:10 pm

Trump is the con.