Poland would not survive a Russia-NATO war

Via RT

Dmitry Medvedev lashes out at Poland’s prime minister, who expressed confidence in the bloc’s military superiority over Russia FILE PHOTO: Dmitry Medvedev. © Sputnik/Ekaterina Shtukina

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed that Poland would cease to exist if a direct war were to occur between Russia and NATO, regardless of the outcome. He was responding to remarks by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who expressed confidence that the Western alliance would win such a conflict.

Morawiecki, who is currently visiting the US, commented on the Ukrainian conflict in an interview with NBC News on Friday. Host Kristen Welker asked whether he was concerned that Ukrainian strikes outside its territory risked “a wider war, drawing Poland… into the conflict.”

The prime minister replied that he was not concerned, as it would be “a war between Russia and NATO, and Russia would lose this war very quickly.”

“They believe that fighting with Ukraine they are fighting with the West and fighting with NATO, whereas the fact of the matter is that we are only supporting a brutally invaded country”, Morawiecki said.

Medvedev, who serves as deputy chair of Russia’s National Security Council, tweeted in response that he was not so certain about which side would win, “but considering Poland’s role as a NATO outpost in Europe, this country is sure to disappear together with its stupid prime minister.”

The Russian official has previously warned against a possible escalation of the Ukraine conflict, which Moscow perceives as a proxy war against it by the US and its allies. If that were to happen, hostilities could go nuclear, Medvedev believes, and all sides would be catastrophically harmed. The former president has branded European leaders who underestimate this risk as incompetent.

Morawiecki is one of the most outspoken critics of Russia and its involvement in Ukraine. He has claimed the country is similar to Nazi Germany in its goals and methods, and accused nations in the EU that do not fully support Ukraine, of appeasing Moscow.

During his visit to the US, the Polish leader delivered a speech to the Atlantic Council, a pro-NATO think-tank, in which he reiterated his case for investing in Ukraine. If Kiev loses, he claimed, the West’s “golden age” may end. (RT)

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April 15, 2023 2:37 pm

This should help with any future negotiations….

April 15, 2023 3:09 pm

Always nice to see diplomatic tact.

April 15, 2023 3:27 pm

The end of Poland would not be a great loss to the world…

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
April 15, 2023 3:45 pm

What, no polka? Lived in Chicago briefly as a child, next door neighbors were Polish. Their joke?

What is the second largest Polish City? Chicago.

April 15, 2023 6:25 pm

Poland has disappeared from the map twice already and came back twice. Poland is not going away. Their problems like most countries stemed from a very corrupt nobility in the old days and corrupt politicians now. Not anything new.

April 15, 2023 7:25 pm

That’s what the Central Europeans say about Poland.

April 15, 2023 8:02 pm

Not true? O yes it is.

April 15, 2023 5:09 pm

I really don’t understand the fervent animus toward Russia by the Polish gov’t and media. Yeah, the history is complex and often tragic, but to openly antagonize the Russians doesn’t seem well thought through or on the face of it, in the Polish people’s interests. It would seem that a more measured, nuanced approach, not unlike the Hungarian gov’t, would better serve their interests. The EU has attempted to undermine the ruling Polish gov’t coalition for years via lawfare and media agitprop, so the Polish gov’ts intense Russian hostility seems even more inexplicable.

Small nations usually need to navigate between the interests of two powerful nations within their spheres of contested influence. This isn’t 1939 Europe. The Polish gov’t is removing a vital diplomatic/political/economic option of maneuver by savaging the Russians, not just regarding the Russo-Ukrainian War, but on the historical and ethnic essence that is Russia.

April 15, 2023 6:32 pm

The Poles must be some of the most stupid people on the planet. You would figure that they would have tired by now of getting caught in the crossfire between Russia and its enemies. Nope, they’re as stupid as most Americans evidently.

Call me Jack
Call me Jack
April 15, 2023 6:52 pm

I don’t know about that. American Sheeple set a pretty high bar for stooooopid.

  Call me Jack
April 15, 2023 11:35 pm

Maybe it’s in American well water. Or it could be in the genes, since the ancestors of many Americans came from Poland.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 15, 2023 7:07 pm

Drodzy Polacy,

Nie dajcie się wciągnąć w bardziej słowiańskie bratobójstwo; to straszne marnotrawstwo drogocennej krwi i skarbów. Polska i jej wspaniali ludzie zasługują na coś więcej niż zniszczenie ich nowoczesnego, pracowitego, czystego, dostatniego kraju przez głupotę lub łobuzów ze Wschodu lub łobuzów z Zachodu; Południe lub za Oceanem Atlantyckim.

System WEPH/BBB/B3RG*/NWO/Beast nienawidzi Polski, Polaków, polskiej kultury; Polska miłość do Boga i Jezusa.

Wybierz mądrze.

Miłość, Ciociu

Dear Polish people,

Do not be drawn into more Slavic fratricide; it is a horrible waste of precious blood and treasure. Poland and its wonderful people deserve better than to have their now modern, industrious, clean, prosperous country destroyed by stupidity or the bully on the East or the bullies on the West; South or across the Atlantic ocean.

The WEPH/BBB/B3RG*/NWO/Beast System hates Poland, Polish people, Polish culture; Polish love of God and Jesus.

Chose wisely.

Love, Auntie

  Aunt Acid
April 15, 2023 7:51 pm

Auntie- It’s because the Poles are WHITE and Christian. Any white Christian countries are on the demolition list. The cabal that wants them dead is also white and from the same geographic area. Go figure…..destroy all competition, maybe.

April 16, 2023 2:17 am

How many Poles does it take to destroy Poland?

King Coel of Wales
King Coel of Wales
April 16, 2023 11:33 am

How many Poles does it take to destroy Poland?

None. The job’s been contracted out to NATO.

Not Safe For Hyperventilating Wokesters Jokes

A Polack goes to the eye doctor. The bottom line of the eye chart has the letters:

C Z Y N Q S T A S Z.

The Optometrist asks, “Can you read this?”

“Read it?” the Polack replies, “I know the guy!”

Q: Why do they play on artificial turf in Poland?

A: To keep the cheerleaders from grazing.

Q: What’s the difference between a Mexican and a book?

A: A book has papers.

Q: Why are Jewish synagogues round?

A: So they can’t hide in the corner when the collection box comes round.
Q: What’s the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral?

A: There’s one less drunk.
Q: Why did Pope Benedict have reservations about accepting his papacy?

A: It meant moving to an Italian neighbourhood.

Do I get points for “inclusivity”?