Here’s Why NATO Isn’t the Strong Alliance You Thought It Was…

Guest Post by Chris MacIntosh

NATO Isn’t the Strong Alliance

Hungary is working actively to ensure their energy is independent of EU/NATO.

According to a reuters article,

Hungary will veto any European Union sanctions against Russia affecting nuclear energy, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told state radio on Friday.

Ukraine has called on the 27-nation EU to include Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom in sanctions but Hungary, which has a Russian-built nuclear plant it plans to expand with Rosatom, has blocked that.

So what to expect?

Well, we’ll likely see a flood of “aid” to NGOs in Hungary. USAID, for example, which is a well known face to the CIA will seek to bring everything from “media freedom” to “democracy initiatives” and whatever other doublespeak is required. Within 6-8 months I suspect we will see riots in Budapest. Don’t be misled, I’m telling you this now, ahead of time. They will be instigated by the aforementioned group or groups with the ultimate goal of unseating Orban, a democratically elected and wildly popular leader or the ruling party.

The difference this time is that it appears many are onto this tried and tested and repeated strategy. It is why Orban has been taking preventative measures ahead of time. Will it be successful or will there be a “color revolution” in Hungary? I dunno, but I do know there is a war on and it’ll not be televised — at least not what is really going on. Interesting times, my friends.

Now realize what Orban is up against here. Hungary is economically tied to the EU and highly dependent on trade with it. Any split will be painful, no matter what. As such, the natural and obvious thing to do is to shore up alternative alliances in order to mitigate the inevitable pain if — or indeed when — the Hungarians decide that, as painful as it is, an exit needs to take place.

This is why we’re seeing him taking the steps he’s been taking (military and building stronger relations with both Serbia and Turkey).


From our perspective, we’re watching the currency of this klustafuk known as the European Union.

The euro has rallied off recent lows in October of last year, but don’t be fooled, this is a currency that has every reason to fail. We expect it to continue to weaken against both Western alternatives and certainly against energy and precious metals.

What else? Well, I did note that the Hungarians have been forming some friendships with the Turks.

Hungary is committed to further strengthening economic ties with Türkiye, and is working to increase trade volume to an annual 6 billion dollars, Bertalan Havasi cited Orbán as saying. Türkiye’s stability and security are key to Europe’s stability and security, Orbán said at the meeting held in his office in Budapest, and he called on the European Union to support the country in handling challenges connected to migration.

Then we had Ankara’s interior minister tell the US, in no uncertain terms, to kick sand.

According to Middle East Eye news article, Ankara’s interior minister tells US envoy

I’m being very clear. I very well know how you would like to create strife in Turkey. Take your grinning face off from Turkey

Referring to the 2016 US led attempted coup, he had this to say:

Every US ambassador who arrives in Turkey is hurrying to find out how to make a coup possible in Turkey,

Holding nothing back for any to read between the lines…

“I address the US ambassador from here. I know the journalists you made write articles,” he added.

“Take your dirty hands off of Turkey. I’m being very clear. I very well know how you would like to create strife in Turkey. Take your grinning face off from Turkey.”

Remember, this is the US’s “trusted NATO ally” in the Middle East. Stop, you’re killing me.

So Turkiye and Hungary now have many common incentives to work together and bolster trade, military, and political alliances. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And realize that Turkey is in the stronger position here for a host of reasons.

Moving on now to the earthquakes in Southern Turkiye and Syria, which have since claimed over 28,000 lives— the tally likely being higher by the time you read this.

I did note that Hungary has been quick to aid while the EU, Turkiye’s NATO “partner,” has been accused of being slow to provide support. Weird, heh?

What is worth noting is that Turkish TV has run reports accusing US led NATO of using the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) weapon to create the earthquakes. If you don’t know what HAARP is, look it up. Actually, feel free to read more about it and don’t blame me for sleepless nights. It’s kinda nuts. This accusation came from a local mayor in Turkiye.

IB Times recently wrote an article on this. Turkey Earthquake Caused by US-Backed HAARP Attack? Conspiracy Theories as Strange Blue Lightening Seen in Skies Seconds Before First Earthquake

To be clear, we’ve no idea one way or the other here as I can’t even figure out how my microwave turns my cold coffee into pallet scorching, scaling coffee, and that’s not even the point. THIS is the point. If the Turks and indeed their allies believe that HAARP was used, then it is THAT which matters. In other words, their response in blaming the US for this tragedy highlights the incredibly fragile “ally” that Turkiye is to the West. It is worth remembering that the ever politically promiscuous Erdy has the second largest military in the NATO alliance, second to the US. Their ultimate withdrawal from NATO (which is coming as sure as night follows day) will be a severe blow to the hegemon. Right now, the risks are significant since the West knows this and recognises that losing Turkiye is incredibly significant. It’s hard to imagine they’re not panicking right now and THAT is very worrisome. I suspect it’s why they are pressing harder rather than trying to reduce tensions.

One thing that does stand out for me when viewing this fiasco is that the economic consequences of this war are of concern to Russia (Putin himself highlighted this multiple times prior to the military operation) but also to Turkiye and its neighbors. This appears to be in stark contrast with American-led NATO policies, where so far the economic costs have been not only ignored but an active gaslighting of the public campaign has been deployed insuring the hoi-polloi that inflation is either transitory, good, or not a problem. Shut up and be grateful, you serfs!

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April 15, 2023 3:22 pm

It’s always hilarious how everybody dances around the elephant in the room:
If Bulgaria shuts down Balkanstream pipeline, there is no more way natural gas can reach Hungary (and Serbia).

So why don’t they [Bulgaria] do it, respectively get pushed towards doing so by the [US-vassal] EU?
I’d guess there is much more going on behind the scenes than even conspiracy-theorists expect.

April 15, 2023 3:58 pm

I remember raiding a former Iraqi Colonels house and finding a bunch of USAID pamphlets inside.

April 15, 2023 7:29 pm

That cunt- Samantha Powers – was just in Budapest.

April 15, 2023 5:18 pm

Not strong. How could anyone come to that conclusion about NATO?

How indeed.
comment image

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 15, 2023 7:52 pm

Hickory dickory dock
that sergeant has a cock
the corporal “chick”
sports a dick quite thick
and the commander’s as hard a a rock.©

Love, Auntie

Copyright, Aunt Acid 2023

April 15, 2023 8:14 pm

Warren, wouldn’t you want to share a bunker with those military people?

April 15, 2023 9:02 pm

Not a chance. If it comes down to that, I’m going to sit here in Fort Repose, Florida; grab a couple of cases or three the Guinness, and sit in my 1955 era porch glider and watch the mushroom clouds percolate over Orlando and Tampa.
Alas Babylon.

April 15, 2023 5:39 pm

The US state department and CIA are in the business of destabilizing any nation that does not dance to the tune played by the Asshole of AMERICA Washington DC and the leftist tyrannical LBGQT turds determined to flood all nations with third world refugees creating instant shit holes

April 15, 2023 5:49 pm

Nice glass hangar there used for HQ. Would be a shame if someting happened to it.

April 15, 2023 7:28 pm

The Author is quite right about the putsch against Orban’s gov’t in the coming months. Its been in the works for at least months. The tempo is going to 11.

April 16, 2023 4:10 am

Yeah, and the 54% who voted for Orban’s party last election will idly sit by and watch the country be taken over by another color revolution. That’s totally going to work, for the West.

April 15, 2023 9:44 pm

Every well written article I go to on this site today , its like; yep , that’s almost exactly how I already had it figured . Its uncanny “.Take your grinning face off from Turkey “lol, yep , most of the world has DC’s number by now .( and the reality of that observation isn’t contingent upon them being particurly good or particularly better than DC either ) Sowing discord and destruction around the world simply out of a desire to hold on to unearned , squandered or ill gotten power . This ends very ugly eventually and it seems like sooner than later of late to me anyway .So my desire to see these “people”get theirs is only tempered by my realization that them getting what is coming to them is going to mean that there is going to be a very high price the rest us will have to pay also , who I suppose presided apathetically in our own ways over the gradual metastisization of their evil .So I guess we could just view it as akin to radiation therapy where ridding ourselves of this malignancy may very well kill us,, the host . Whaddya gonna do ?It is what it is and we know nobody gets out aliveno matter what anyway so ,Interesting times it is .