Has the US Gone to DEFCON 3?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

NATO has effectively declared war on Russia hiding behind Ukrainian surrogates. Ukraine launched new versions of their marine drones in an attempt to sink the Russian Fleet base in Sevastopol. They were blown up just before hitting Russian ships as the Russians managed to intercept them. The Russians know that these attacks are carried out under NATO directives. Meanwhile, NATO has sent 300,000 troops to the border in Poland with Russia. They are strategically placed and could launch an invasion of Russia, which has been the plan all along. In Asia, the US routinely invades China’s claimed territory in the South China Sea simply claiming the US does not recognize China’s territorial border.

The US Administration has launched its early warning nuclear missile detection vessels from Pearl Harbor. The Neocons have been pushing for war very hard and the launching of these ships indicates that we are heading into a major nuclear crisis which may be up there with the 1962 Cubas Missle Crisis which by next year will be 2x Pi – 62 years ago. These Neocons have no interest in the nation, or the people, only their dream of destroying Russia and China and forcing Regime Change. They have pushed for endless wars and have NEVER won a single one so far. Their track record is horrible. But they have seized full control of the Biden White House.

Blinken has come out and said that Putin should be arrested and handed over to the ICC which has surrendered to his fellow Neocons. He knows that would provide World War III. This is their agenda. I have warned that the game of borrowing year after year with no intention of ever paying off the debt has come to an end. There is no outcome other than the default. They need war to cover up decades of fiscal mismanagement and they will get it.

Blinken has most likely taken the United States to a DEFCON 3 situation. US Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, a former adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, openly admitted before the Senate Armed Services Committee that Ukraine must win. This obviously is to use the Ukrainian people to accomplish this Neocon goal without US casualties as they have done in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, just to mention a few. He testified stating:

“The reasons for this American interest are many. This war threatens the American-led international order that our fathers and grandfathers painfully won in the Second World War, and in the Cold War that followed. Our prosperity right here at home depends directly upon the maintenance and perpetuation of that order, with America in a leading role. We cannot be secure in that position while Russia pursues a war of aggression that overturns the global order, destabilizes commodities markets, and renders food-supply chains unstable. The fact that Russia does so as a strategic ally and partner of America’s number-one rival and threat, the People’s Republic of China, only accentuates the danger. Make no mistake: weakness against Russian aggression is weakness against the Communist-Chinese threat. We know from history that the dictatorial powers watch and learn, to discover just how far they can get: and we know that Russian victory in Ukraine today almost certainly means war for Taiwan tomorrow.”

The problem is that the US has back-tracked on the one-China policy under Biden and that is what has suddenly put Taiwan in danger. But to think if Putin wins then China will take Taiwan is nonsense. China has been slapped in the face and it will take Taiwan regardless of what transpires in Ukraine. If anything, it would make more sense to wait for NATO to engage Russia and then move against Taiwan.

It is very clear that the Neocons have taken the US military most likely to DEFCON 3, which is generally seen as a standby level of alert, and it is the highest level of alert during peacetime.

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March 26, 2023 7:55 am

From the article: We cannot be secure in that position while Russia pursues a war of aggression that overturns the global order, destabilizes commodities markets, and renders food-supply chains unstable.

March 26, 2023 12:23 pm

That was a quote of US Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg

March 26, 2023 4:02 pm

He was john bolton’s man.
You hear these rumors from china about harvesting prisoner’s organs, here they just make it a law.


From the article, and thank goodness it is for people of color, “While Black and Hispanic people tend to have a higher need for organ donation because of certain health conditions, discriminatory incarceration rates limit matches and lead to long waitlists for Black people…”

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
March 27, 2023 3:16 am

And, of course, PPH has been harvesting organs for sale for years … funded in part by US Citizens and their taxpayer dollar$ …

March 26, 2023 8:56 am

Impressive tuff talk from a gang of losers who just got their asses kicked by a group of boy-humping goat herders in Afghanistan. My money is on Vlad.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
March 26, 2023 4:34 pm

tuff talk from a gang of losers who just got their asses kicked by a group of boy-humping goat herders in Afghanistan. 

I bet Russia would just destroy Afghanistan.
Make the US look bad, that would.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Euddolen ap Afallach
March 27, 2023 3:17 am

The Russians weren’t fighting the Afghans … they were fighting the CIA proxies there … fully funded, trained and armed by US …

anon a moos
anon a moos
March 26, 2023 9:39 am

They have pushed for endless wars and have NEVER won a single one so far.

Their intensions are not to win anything, better profits and propaganda when the wars are sustained as opposed to capture.

March 26, 2023 9:44 am

The alien tribe that rules America are not Americans . They’ll risk the destruction of our Nation to collect one more shekel and when it’s done and our Republic is left in smoldering ruins, they’ll move on to infiltrating and converging a new Nation, just like they have done 109 times before.

March 26, 2023 12:02 pm

Is that the ss tidybowl.

March 26, 2023 1:37 pm

Wait until one of the USSA’s carrier groups sits at the bottom of the sea. Bastards will have to pay attention to that. The only thing that they will listen to is death, because they have no choice in the matter. I simply can’t believe that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would join our military.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
March 26, 2023 2:46 pm

Have you seen the videos of new recruits? They are so deep into Clownfaggotworld I wager when they pull a trigger only confetti shoots out.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  Harrington Richardson
March 26, 2023 4:37 pm

They are so deep into Clownfaggotworld I wager when they pull a trigger only confetti shoots out.

The military will eventually ban all ammo that makes noise, because it triggers the flaccid, feeble minded recruits.

March 26, 2023 4:45 pm

America is a failed state. Admit it, bring the troops home, and get used to a Haitian lifestyle from now on.