Tucker Carlson Exposes the January 6 Insurrection Hoax and is Denounced by Leaders of the Republican Party and, of course, the Whore Media

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Kevin McCarthy, released video tapes of the alleged “January 6 Insurrection” to Tucker Carlson, who used the video evidence to demonstrate on his popular Fox News program that the “insurrection” was a hoax created by Democrats, media whores, federal agents, and Capitol Police.  The rioting was done by federal agents pretending to be protesters and, with the police, acting as provocateurs.

For example, Carlson showed a video of Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, who according to Democrats and whore media was beaten to death by “insurrectionists” on January 6 and died from head injuries, walking around inside the capital keeping protesters who had been allowed in the Capitol in line after he allegedly was murdered by Trump insurrectionists.  Carlson reports the autopsy report from the Washington, D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office that rules  Sicknick died from natural causes on January 7 unrelated to events on January 6, not from “death in the line of duty courageously defending Congress and the Capitol” as the Democrats’ Capitol police and whore media claimed.

Sicknick family members, who hoped to financially capitalize on his death disputed Carlson’s factual report, but a family member some time ago disputed the beating death, and Carlson showed video footage of Sicknick wearing a helmet.

The greatest outcries came from Rino “Republicans,” such as Mitch McConnell, the leader of “Republicans” in the Senate who denounced Carlson for telling the truth.  For honored Members of the Establishment like McConnell, truth is disruptive and very unwelcome.  McConnell sees Carlson as an obstacle to getting rid of Trump, who is a threat to the Establishment and must be exiled from political life.

McConnell was not the only Republican protesting the truth. North Carolina Republican Thom Tillis, Louisiana Republican John Kennedy, South Dakota Republican Mike Rounds, and of course the whore media, such as CBS, lied through their teeth, again claiming Sicknick was beaten to death.  For CBS and the whore media, this is a chance to get Carlson.  Just as Senate Republican Leader McConnell was a powerful ally of Democrats in getting rid of Trump, he has allied himself with Democrats in an effort to be  rid of Carlson. Why do Senate Republicans choose for their leader a person who represents the ruling elite instead of the American people?

My most horrendous  thought is that Kevin McCarthy’s critics are correct that McCarthy is himself part of the establishment and has given Carlson doctored videos in order to discredit him.  Apparently,  this is not the case. The real story is coming out. Unlike the presstitute media, The Epoch Times, available both online and in print, is providing objective reporting: https://www.theepochtimes.com/newly-released-surveillance-footage-challenges-official-jan-6-narrative_5105498.html?utm_source=Morningbrief&src_src=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2023-03-08&src_cmp=mb-2023-03-08&utm_medium=email&est=iKBavkQInuZMMZGIAmpJr50OkWmzos2HFpLgn9Z6OIRFrG996z20zQ%3D%3D 

The whore media, the Department of Justice (sic), the Democrats and Rino Republicans will lie, and lie, and lie.  Will Americans continue to trust them and, thereby, be shorn of any possibility of representation in Congress?  Are Americans  too dense and too trusting of authority to remain a free people?  The ruling establishment has them and will not voluntarily let go.

Currently the Justice (sic) Department is doing all it can to prevent attorneys for the wrongly accused Trump supporters from delaying the kangaroo  trials and coerced plea bargains until they can view the 41,000 hours of video evidence that has been withheld from the defendants.  I suspect that the corrupt Biden Justice (sic) Department has gamed this and that all is in the hands of corrupt Democrat judges and corrupt Democrat prosecutors.  The January 6 Insurrection is a coup against those citizens who have figured out that American democracy has been replaced by an elite oligarchy in which the people have no voice.  

The convictions of the “Trump insurrectionists” were either coerced plea bargains of people held in prison who could not afford to defend themselves or “convictions” obtained by corrupt Democrat judges and prosecutors withholding exculpatory evidence from the trial and substituting lies for facts. With Russiagate, January 6 Insurrection, and all the rest of the orchestrated hoaxes, the Justice Department has made it clear that the US justice system is capable of actually delivering Justice.


The tyranny that Americans face is not in Russia and China.  It is in Washington.  Americans have no greater enemy than “their” government whether it is Democrat or Republican.  Patriotic Americans who wrap themselves in the flag are too blind to see.

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March 8, 2023 8:29 am

Tucker Carlson Exposes the January 6 Insurrection Hoax and is Denounced by Leaders of the ===> RINOblican <=== Party and, of course, the Whore Media
But even that is nonsense, because Big Orange is no solution, either. Burn it all. Secede. 2023 = 1776.

March 8, 2023 8:33 am

We only got a few minutes of video on night one. Nothing last night. The beating death of Roseanne Boyland was not worth Fux’s time.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
March 8, 2023 10:47 am

I have seen private cell phone video of that on a political/comedy show, Tommy’s Garage, taken near “the tunnel.”
I think we may be on the cusp of FOX becoming the squishy RINO/assclown network officially. Rumor is Carlson, Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and Jesse Waters are going to get the axe.
If they all go to RAV or Real Americas Voice, we may see the first time a streaming network becomes dominant.
Carlson is already half way out the door at FOX. He has his own studio in Maine. All he has to do is change where the video streams to.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 8, 2023 8:36 am

Is anyone here surprised by this?

  Mary Christine
March 9, 2023 2:37 am

Dallas taught them the lesson about how easy it is to pull off, regardless how twisted the “facts” may be.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
March 9, 2023 5:02 pm

In Dallas, only Zapruder had film of the event. January 6, there were 1,000’s of hours of video taken by hundreds of people.

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
March 8, 2023 8:44 am

It’ll be ok. I’m sure The Innocence Project will be all over this.

anon a moos
anon a moos
March 8, 2023 9:42 am

Scripted. Limited hangout

March 8, 2023 10:20 am

Some of them were also repulsed by the police.


Sir! The peasants are revolting!

Yeah, you’re not so hot, either, Pvt. No-Class.

Freddy Uranaus
Freddy Uranaus
March 9, 2023 8:52 am

thumbs up for the funny face!

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
March 8, 2023 1:07 pm

As the rioters were wearing masks, they were ok then.

anon a moos
anon a moos
March 8, 2023 10:26 am

Whats funny, but not, is the sheep still kept confined to the roped off area. Totally uncontrolled milling about in the allowable spaces. Muh, democracy was threatened.

March 8, 2023 10:59 am

comment image

March 8, 2023 11:07 am

Practice, practice, practice.

World War Zero
World War Zero
March 8, 2023 2:46 pm

Would be laughable as the two simps next to Little Big Horn were rapidly identified as antifa from social media profiles. The Confederate flag parader was identified as a New Hampshire registered Democrat. Also John Sullivan, antifa/BLM provocateur, (whose adopting father is a white, DoD comm. officer at Pentagon) was allowed to changed his story a half-dozen times, finally settling on CNN stringer (who urged entry into the bldg, “now’s our chance!”) and avoided DNC/uniparty gulag. And of course “news” blackout and awkward FBI stonewalling on Judas goat, Old Boy Epps.

Just an endless warren of BS crammed rabbit-holes But, I do believe, most importantly of this disjointed psyop: MSM claimed that FIVE Capitol Hill police officers “committed suicide” within the month due to stress from, the incident. Why, for lobbing non-lethal tear gas into the crowd (to force a stampede toward the bldg) -OR- for escorting quiet, guided tours of the New Temple of Mammon? Either these LEO didn’t exist, or they, like Seth Rich, were murdered by Deep-State for not being fully onboard with a coup.

Unpossible that 5 cops would all kill themselves in an accelerated time frame for BS reason, but there it was, to be wheeled out for the next 3 months to shame conservatives and silence questions about the mass voter fraud. THEN that whole improbable element of the story disappeared, completely memory holed after Joe Burden firmly installed.

Those clearly ridiculous suicide claims would not survive long-term scrutiny as alt-public began piecing the story together from crowdsourced intel. Thus, focus was deflected by prompting conflict over the unanswerables of Ashli Babbitt murder being “real” or not. All that mattered was a black policeman was made untouchable by the lawless Wretched City regime after killing (symbolically or not) a non-threatening, unarmed, white female.

The whole Jan6 setup warrants a non-trivial response from any sovereign State legislatures whose citizens are being falsely imprisoned under cruel/unusual conditions of long-term solitary confinement by the fedgov kakistocracy.