Is Russia REALLY an option?

Many families wishing to leave while they can.

It is an unavoidable conclusion if one has been living anywhere in the West for the past ten years or so that a sort of dark revolution is occurring. People feel less safe wherever they go; aggressive and often fatal government intrusions into everyday life for reasons that often defy common logic are on the uptick. Bizarre trends that strike at the very nature of what it is to be a human being are not just celebrated but enforced upon you. If you disagree, you find yourself canceled and doxxed. There are increased attacks against Christian churches, cemeteries, symbols, and sadly, Christians themselves. It all seems to say: “Christian, you are no longer welcome, and neither is your God. This is Satan’s land.”

Well, the majority of the people have spoken it seems, and they have chosen godlessness. So what options remain for a person or family who wishes to remain faithful when they wake up and find themselves in the heart of Sodom? One could try to rise up and rebel, but the odds do not look very good in the current situation. One could make a futile effort to try to reform the system from within, in the hope “things will get better,” in spite of every shred of evidence suggesting that things are only going to get much, much worse. Or, for the creative, adventurous, and bold there is a third option. Leave. Abandon the familiar. Abandon Sodom. Come forth! For the time is short! For these hardy, faithful folks, there is the option of Russia.

Russia is one of and perhaps the only openly Christian country left on the planet. The spread and protection of Orthodox Christianity and the protection of traditional values and morals is a matter of state policy. They enforce this with concrete actions and laws, not simply empty lip service. And thankfully, Russia just happens to be, by the grace of God, the largest nation on the planet. And it also happens to have a lot of rather sparsely populated areas. Areas you can settle in. Areas you can raise children in and call home. Away from perverts and gay parades. It will not be simple or easy, but it will be massively rewarding. The lives you save may just be your own and your family’s. For in the Satanic, Globalist West, martyrdom is coming.

Below is a translation from our Russian langauge sister site. We offer it for your information and education. Russia is seeking honest, faithful Christians of goodwill to come and join its people. It wishes to be the “Ark” that protects the faithful in these violent times. For those interested, please also see the site of American Orthodox Priest in Russia Father Joseph Gleason’s site on moving to Russia.

The following is machine translated. Please forgive any errors.

Thousands of Conservative Christian Orthodox Americans Ready to Move to Russia – Report

Several thousand American families who adhere to traditional Orthodox family values are ready to move to Russia. This was announced by Elena Branson, President of the American Club in Russia, to the participants of the meeting of the French Club in Moscow, dedicated to discussing the role of religion in modern society. It was held on February 17 in the I. S. Turgenev Library-Reading Room.

When and at what point the once established symphony between the state and the Church began to collapse, religious ideas and symbols began to be replaced by pseudo-ideas, pagan, and now satanic symbols, and when religion ceased to be one of the foundations of individual identity in the Western world. These and some other issues were discussed by the assembled experts.

Karin Bechet-Golovko, the club’s chairman, cited shocking figures of vandalism against Christian churches in France.
“In 2010, 214 Christian cemeteries were destroyed across France, compared to 7 Muslim and 12 Jewish cemeteries. Every year, there are about 150-200 such cases of vandalism. In 2015, the Government launched a program to ensure the safety of places of worship. In 2017, 872 Christian places of worship were destroyed, compared to 72 Muslim and 28 Jewish ones. Overall, as of 2021, there are 1,659 anti-religious acts of any kind, and the first victims are Christians. From 2016 to 2020, 26 churches were burned, ” said Karin Beshe-Golovko. In addition, today politicians in many countries use religion as a pre-election factor. Relying on the votes of Muslim voters, French politicians are increasingly defending the interests of this part of society, not paying attention to the problems of Christians.

Jean-Stephane Betton, a history teacher at the French Lyceum in Moscow, compared the life of Catholics in France and Russia, and put it bluntly: “We live here in a calm environment, we feel free, because in Russia there is more freedom than in France. The Catholic churches of Moscow serve us not only as religious, but also as cultural centers.” An example of how Catholics and Orthodox can co-exist together is the example of the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities, where a Catholic from Italy, Tiziana Gaultieri, has been working in the international department for many years.

Where a person’s life is constantly being tested, it is impossible to do without faith in God, no matter what name they call it, says Arnaud Develet, a lawyer, member of the bar associations of Paris and Washington. Arno often visits the Donbas and sees this for himself. And Nicolas Dolo, chairman of the Svarog Group in Moscow, goes further than his colleagues. “Nietzsche’s phrase’ God is dead ‘ referred to the crisis of faith in Europe more than 150 years ago. Today, the New Ethic allows for the insane frivolity of tick-tock girls and bearded women on the stage. Russia is very lucky, because its “fifth column” is leaving the country and with it the libertarian philosophy of individual success. Russia is increasingly posing as a model! And it has a great future ahead of it! ” – says Nicolas Doleau. He was supported by stormy applause from all those present.

Elena Branson, head of the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in the United States 2018-2021, said that 250 families of Orthodox Americans want to move to Russia, fleeing from the gender rampage in their country. The Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia welcomes into its fold those who are fleeing from godlessness and moral decline all over the world. “ROCOR has always sought to preserve the traditions of Orthodox piety dating back to pre-revolutionary Russia, and has been actively engaged in publishing and educational activities. In the post-war years, ROCOR also began to develop missionary service among the indigenous people of those countries where ROCOR parishes existed, Elena said. ROCOR has absorbed all the functions that the diaspora needs: spiritual, cultural,and educational. Nadezhda Kitsenko, a professor of history at the State University of New York in Albany (USA) and a lecturer at Holy Trinity Seminary in New York State, has shown in her research that it was precisely the membership of Russian immigrants in the ROCOR that allowed them to preserve the Russian language and self-awareness as Russians. As a result, Russians in the United States were able to preserve their identity. Until now, the descendants of the first immigration speak Russian, and this is already the fifth generation.”

Saint-Germe Thierry, a representative of the international civil Civil service of France, spoke about the terrible danger of complete spiritual degradation of humanity after replacing divine symbols and rituals with pseudo-religious cults, a fusion of occult practices of the New Age ideology. “The tyranny of new idiots and the widespread adoption of Schwab’s behavioral engineering” can lead humanity to the triumph of Satanism.

The topic was supplemented by Alla Shelyapina, a publicist. author and presenter of radio programs on the Russian World shopping mall, telling about the results of the population census in the UK in 2021. “The front page of the London Daily Star for February 2 reports that 70 people who identify as Satanists live in the quiet, sleepy town of Bungay in East Anglia, Suffolk. The mayor of the town was surprised to learn that his place is called the capital of the English Satanists. And under the article about this on the newspaper’s website, you can read a few approving comments. In a year or two, such news will have already graced the front pages not of the tabloid press, but of the Guardian and the BBC’s top news. And these will no longer be marginal individuals rebelling against something, but staid philistines in quiet, cozy towns in Europe and the United States. The creeping Satanization of Western society continues.”

The Russian world is based on the principles of Orthodox ethics and morality, protecting the basic, traditional values of man, given to him by God. And Russia, like Noah’s Ark, is ready to gather on its land all those who share these values, fleeing from the New post-human World. The Moscow region is ready to welcome all those in need. Here, from time immemorial, adherents of all religions of the Russian land have peacefully coexisted: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other recognized divine cults.

We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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February 27, 2023 6:52 pm

If I were younger………………..

this would be me…………..

in a heartbeat!

Russia doesn’t need old people like me whose lives are already ruined by our

Satanic Govt.

Good luck and God speed to anyone who has the guts to try!

Sadly, our Govt will be happy to have many Christians leave too…………

February 27, 2023 7:03 pm

I think anybody who is Christian and awake at this point in the US should seriously think about relocating. My family is grown and I am 69 years old, which makes me hesitant to leave them when I know what is coming. None the less, I am actually thinking about Mexico for myself, the slaughter there I would expect to be less than in the US once it arrives.

February 27, 2023 7:51 pm

Really? Cartels and gangs?

February 27, 2023 8:14 pm

The Cartels and Gangs in Mexico are much exaggerated by the US Gubmint, they exist, but not to the extent Americans are lead to believe. Many if not most of the shootings and problems exist close to the American Border due to the Narco and human trafficking. Some occur in other parts of Mexico pretty much to the same extent these things occur in Chicago, New Yawk and other big American Cities: Drug money and profit. It is really no worse in Mexico than It is here. I have a Spanish Lady who cleans my house monthly who is from Mexico and still has a home in Mexico and she confirms this. She feels safer there than she does in any big City in America. Mexico is still much more Christian (Catholic) than America is currently. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

February 27, 2023 10:18 pm

You know what? We are all slaves, until we come to that conclusion, everything else is a moot point.

Let’s come up with solution as a group to unslave ourselves from the parasites.

February 28, 2023 12:45 pm

There’s the legal route, where upon we hire leftist attorneys and spin the wheel there, administered by mostly liberal activist judges, or there is one other route which oddly enough got us this country to begin with. I’m pretty old, myself, but that’s because I’m so fucking out of shape. Numbers don’t lie of course. You are literally your age, but mentally I’m still young enough to take the war to swamp whores. I just need some exercise first if given time. Otherwise I’m ready.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 28, 2023 12:13 am

“No worse than St Louis” isn’t the strongest selling point. That being said, at my parish, the Spanish Masses are packed and the English ones sparsely attended – mostly by old folks. If I’m at the English one (as usual) it makes me feel young (which I’m not). At the Spanish Mass, I feel really tall.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
February 27, 2023 7:07 pm

Ahem, 93% Christian in Philippines and we are not in the top 10. 90% in Brazil, Russia comes in at 73% or something like that. Not dissing on Russia at all, I think there could be many reasons for people to want to try it. RINO also comes to mind (Religion in Name Only), as a common theme in the world today. I wouldn’t let this be the sole factor in determining where to live.

That said, when will the West wake up and realize that the Russian people have a lot more in common with ‘us’ than the Chinese do. It seems we should be natural allies in fact. The roots of this mystery lie in the City of London wanting to keep Germany and Russia at odds with each other for the last 120 years.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Visayas Outpost
February 27, 2023 9:00 pm

From my 40+ years in business and having had the opportunity to attend many meetings with people from all over the globe, I disagree with your assessment of the Chinese people. An engineer in China is no different than an engineer in Russia, the US, Germany or Brazil. They just want to work and take care of their family and do not understand why the government is hell bent on making someone their enemy. Governments are the enemies of the public. Always have been and will continue to be until Jesus returns to establish the new earth.

  TN Patriot
February 27, 2023 10:05 pm

I think this is the first time I’ve taken issue with you Tn.

You say:

“An engineer in China is no different than an engineer in Russia, the US, Germany or Brazil.”

I disagree.

The Chinese are very racist. Good for them in a sense. They are probably the smartest race. They have serious historical grievances against the Western powers. For example the Boxer rebellion which was their reaction to Western powers forcing opium addiction upon the Chinese masses. FORCING? Yes literally at gunpoint. Why? Because the Chinese had trade goods we desired. Tea, jade, delicate porcelain, silks and I’m sure, other goods. But they desired little of what we offered in trade. Gold? Sure. But we didn’t want to pay in gold. So we made junkies out of them.

They are insular by natural preference. They are, or were, satisfied to be the Middle Kingdom, walled off from the other races and influences outside their land.

They remember what we Westerners did to them. Oh and the b3rg too. But somehow (((they))) don’t seem to get the bad press.

  TN Patriot
February 27, 2023 11:44 pm

As long as race is real, you will always have more in common with a white man than a chink.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
  TN Patriot
February 28, 2023 12:50 am

The average Chinese does want those things, but they have other tendencies that make them less compatible in my opinion. I almost married one. Had an office there for a few years and many Chinese colleagues over the years so this is not a disparagement. Rather, it is a ‘musing’ why Russians are consistently made out to be demons, when we are ethnically and culturally more similar to them than we are to Chinese.

  Visayas Outpost
February 27, 2023 9:39 pm

Visayas Outpost says:

“That said, when will the West wake up and realize that the Russian people have a lot more in common with ‘us’ than the Chinese do. It seems we should be natural allies in fact.”

Damn right V.O.

February 27, 2023 8:09 pm

If you read/listen to Putin’s actual words, vs what we get in our MSM, I think you will realize that he sounds more like our founding fathers than any US politician in 100yrs.
And he acts on those words too.

February 27, 2023 11:46 pm

Everytime I’ve read him he sounds like a civnat who can’t help but bring up nazis all the time.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 28, 2023 12:23 am

In the West, “nazis “= “people who killed Jews. In Russia, “nazis” means “people who killed Russians”. For better or worse, there’s no ethnic state for white people and there’s not going to be one. Maybe it’s because women get to vote. Maybe it’s just white people’s proclivity to favor the Other over themselves. That Norse paganism is fun and all, but Scandinavians are – like Minnesotans – proud of themselves for increasing their diversity. The US, Canada and Australian are crafting their immigration laws to ensure that white South Africans can’t seek refuge in those countries. Maybe Russia will take them in.

  Iska Waran
February 28, 2023 3:29 am

To be more exact,
in Russia “nazis” means “people who want/wanted to kill every single Russian.”

February 28, 2023 1:41 pm

Which was propaganda.

  Iska Waran
February 28, 2023 2:23 pm

I have heard Russia is taking South Africans and I watched a couple videos about gardening by ones that have emigrated to Russia.

February 28, 2023 5:49 pm

South Africans gardening in Russia? Were they by any chance part of a religious movement or could you tell?

February 28, 2023 2:06 am

23 million to 27 million Russians died fighting Nazies. 8 million to 11 million soldiers and the rest were civilian deaths related to disease and famine from war. In less than four years Russia lost more people to Nazis than the US lost in all its wars* combined by more than 20 times. It leaves a mark.

When you go to war cemeteries in Russia, the graves go as far as the eye can see and there are many of them. Russians do not joke about Nazis. It is a major issue for all Russians. They do not invoke Nazis lightly or with any jest.

* In 2011, historian J. David Hacker concluded total US casualties was closer to 750,000 (and possibly as high as 850,000).

February 28, 2023 1:43 pm

Too bad they don’t take the jews who got their people killed in that war as seriously.

Taras 77
Taras 77
February 27, 2023 8:12 pm

If I were younger, if I were younger ….

I worked in Moscow in the 1990’s up until the collapse of the ruble and the yeltzen days when the harvard boys were looting Russia.

As said in the article, it would not be easy for anyone to move to Russia but I for one would certainly encourage it-it is a society of order and relative safety.

  Taras 77
February 27, 2023 11:16 pm

T77- Would the US look different if we did not have the black and migrant populations? A “society of order and relative safety” is far more attainable without black and migrant population. What would we be if we were majority white with a minority of Asian like Russia…..if only?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 28, 2023 12:25 am

Do you even have to ask? 12/53

February 27, 2023 10:32 pm

I think I’m going to stick around, there are a lot assholes that need to be dealt with when the SHTF. I’ve live a fairly long time, I’m nobody special but I’m thoroughly pissed off…

February 27, 2023 11:17 pm


February 28, 2023 10:41 am

Same here, not going to bail on where I’ve spent a lifetime. Hoping to take out many of whoever the fuck tries to eliminate our freedom and liberty. There are many enemies, true, but fuck em all!

February 27, 2023 10:46 pm

It’s seems rather peculiar that China and Russia have created an alliance when historically they’ve been adversaries. Russia being a Christian nation, especially under the Czars while Communist China is openly atheist and persecutes anyone which openly or declares their belief in Christ. It must be the enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of collaboration.

February 28, 2023 2:18 am

It’s not peculiar. It’s survival. Biden commented about Russia working with China and Iran back in the 90s. He mocked the possibility because he insinuated it would end in failure.

More than 20 years later, US policies encouraged that outcome. When a country is backed by sanctions into a corner and the only way out is make new friends or starve, the “make new friends” option is pretty good. Russia is strengthening ties with India and Brazil too. Russia is a mostly land locked country bordering China in need of a market. China is a big market. And they share a common adversary.

The US has been unilaterally sanctioning countries around the word for decades. Most of the southern hemisphere is calmly backing Russia.

February 27, 2023 11:02 pm

Glock- As of the end of 2022, the stats are as follows for percentage of population that attends church.

America- 47%

Russia- 8%

Russia is up from 4% to 8% in the last 10 years. Ethiopia has the highest at 82%.

February 27, 2023 11:19 pm

That 8% is prolly double EU attendance rates.

February 27, 2023 11:51 pm

France- 12%
Germany- 10%
UK- 8%
Spain- 15%

February 28, 2023 12:14 am

Kinda surprised, thx.

February 28, 2023 3:35 am

Care to reveal your source of that bullshit?

February 28, 2023 2:28 pm

47% seems high. Good news if true.

February 27, 2023 11:15 pm

We’ve talked about it, but we don’t want to live in a ‘CommieBlock.” Most of the world lives in high rises, but we’re too jealous of our land privacy to change.

February 28, 2023 3:38 am

LOL, you mean Russia has no space for you to buy a parcel of land and build a house on it?
Try outside of the biggest cities

February 28, 2023 6:07 pm

lousy infrastructure and imagine the non Russian trying to navigate their bureaucracy, along with the lack of much of any consumer amenities to build. We live in far Western NC, and even here, getting contractors; then contractors that aren’t gouging you, and then contractors that show up..etc. etc. etc., is a challenge. LOL back at ya.

March 1, 2023 1:56 am

Hmm, moving the goalposts…

You can evaluate the availability (and quality) of Russian consumer amenities and construction contractors from your place?

February 27, 2023 11:25 pm

This is a con on par with the 2 free acres they were offering in Siberia a couple of years ago.

February 28, 2023 3:49 am

You probably have only the fuzziest idea what encompasses Siberia

February 28, 2023 2:28 am

if i was in the us, i would stand and hold the line there.
not to say anything bad about russia, but we need exactly the kind of people who would want most to flee to a christian country, to stay and remain christian in america!

February 28, 2023 5:09 am

So, move to Russia where:
1) freeze your ass off
2) die young
3) freeze your ass off

Gee, sounds great. Count me in!

February 28, 2023 12:37 pm

So, after seeing this today; I have often looked for new horizons, so given what I’ve learned about Putin and Russia in recent months and what I’ve learned about my own country over the last, let’s say 40 years, although it goes much further than that, I dug a shallow hole because if I’m leaving this country for any country, while I should be grateful and gracious in having another country adopt me, that doesn’t mean I’m giving up God’s gift of the right to protect myself or any of the basic rights we were bestowed with by our Creator and recognized by our Founders. So, apparently in Russia if you become a permanent citizen, you may acquire only a shotgun for the first 3 years. After that, you might be permitted to get a rifle or maybe more than one, that seems you’d use for hunting. Yeah,right, hunting 😀. Handgun? Around $7-10 grand for the privilege. Nope. So, you think pretty much like here, what the ATF doesn’t know…Right? But you show Androv, your new Ruskie bro, your AR that you just built from various parts, while you’ve only been living in Russia for a year. Androv has a few too many vodkas and is overheard by an officer of the FSB. Next day, you’re in a Russian prison for the next 15 years, taking it in both holes by all your new Soviet roomies. I’ll stay here and send lead until either it’s gone or I’m gone.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
February 28, 2023 1:57 pm

Russia is very lucky, because its “fifth column” is leaving the country and with it the libertarian philosophy of individual success.

Not sure what is meant by fifth column but if the idea of individual success is leaving the country, why would any want to go there?

  grace country pastor
February 28, 2023 3:26 pm

For the idea of common success by humility, maybe?

February 28, 2023 3:56 pm

The traditional meaning of a “Fifth Columnist” has ALWAYS been to spread the communist idiology in other countries and to be embedded in other countries , such as America” to subvert and undermine the constitutional form of government. Some have been here since the sixties, they have been your neighbors or college profs.

To imply that Russians are leaving the motherland to spread libertarian idiology is a complete 180 to the traditional fifth columnist.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
February 28, 2023 4:36 pm

Thank you for the clarification.

February 28, 2023 6:10 pm

if you’d like to move to Russia due to the less socially depraved nature of that society, you should admit that you’re a fucking cunt who let it all slip away in the formerly mostly free US of A. Yes, fucking cunts.

March 1, 2023 2:03 am

Thanks, and go fuck yourself too. I grew up mostly outside of the US -not my decision-, and when I moved back in 2008 it became clear to me after a few years that the USA is beyond saving, in a conservative manner (in the original meaning of that word.)

Enjoy going down with the ship then.