How the West has long planned to use Ukraine to fight a proxy war with Russia

Guest Post by Olga Sukharevskaya

Using Kiev to take on Moscow has been a meticulously planned strategy, long in the making.

In this aerial view, A Ukrainian Army tank drives over an infantryman during a training exercise on May 09, 2022 near Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine. © Photo by John Moore/Getty Images

Since the beginning of Russia’s military offensive, almost one year ago, Ukraine has received tens of billions of dollars from the West. These funds are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, including civilians in the east of Ukraine. Primarily focused on their own interests, the US and its allies are full aware that the war would have ended long ago, without their largesse.

Billions spent on murder

The process of pumping Ukraine with money and weapons didn’t begin in 2022. It started eight years earlier, in the wake of the Maidan coup in Kiev. According to Transparency International, in the period from 2014 to 2017, the US alone provided Ukraine with $658 million in technical assistance. By March 2022, US military assistance to Ukraine had topped $2 billion.

Prior to Russia’s military offensive, arms supplies to Kiev were falsely labeled as ‘defensive’ and ‘non-lethal’. In 2016, for example, Lithuania gave Ukraine about 150 tons of ammunition (mainly 5.45 × 39 mm cartridges), 60 KPV, and 86 DShK heavy machine guns. In 2017, Vilnius supplied weapons worth 2 million euros: 7,000 Kalashnikov rifles with cartridges, 80 machine guns, several dozen mortars and anti-tank guns. Since 2018, the United States has been supplying Ukraine with Javelin AAWS-M missiles.

But the real pot of gold landed in Ukraine’s hands last year. By the beginning of October 2022, Western aid commitments to Ukraine amounted to $126 billion. By comparison, the country’s official nominal GDP was $130 billion. According to the Kiel Institute of World Economy, direct military supplies and financial assistance intended to cover Ukraine’s budget deficit due to increased military spending amounted to about $93 billion. The figures show that three-quarters of the West’s ‘aid’ to Ukraine goes into combat operations.

It added that the US made the biggest commitment to support Ukraine as of October 2022. This amounted to 45%, or $55 billion, with two-thirds consisting of military aid. Next came the European Union with $48 billion. EU institutions accounted for $19.2 billion, and the rest was provided by individual states. Poland has spent the biggest amount – $7.6 billion, including $4.5 billion on helping refugees. Next came the United Kingdom ($7.4 billion), Germany ($6.7 billion), Canada ($3.2 billion), the Czech Republic ($1.8 billion), and Norway ($1.6 billion). Finally, another $4.9 billion was allocated by international institutions (the IMF, The World Bank). Kiev’s most active “friends” are Estonia, whose aid amounted to 1.51% of its own GDP, Latvia (1.29%), Poland (1.28%), Lithuania (0.83%), and the Czech Republic (0.74%). On the whole, the EU has allocated 0.28% of its GDP, and the US – 0.26%.


Russian servicemen fire a 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer towards Ukrainian positions in the course of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, at the unknown location. © RIA Novosti / Sputnik


Faster, bigger, further

Landing in Ukraine, the huge funds (even by Western standards), transform into masses of weapons that are used to attack residential neighborhoods in Donbass. According to Bloomberg, since the beginning of Russia’s military operation, Western countries have given Kiev over 4,000 units of armored vehicles, tanks, planes, helicopters and drones, artillery weapons, aircraft, and other weapons systems.

But that’s not all. President Vladimir Zelensky has recently toured Western Europe in search of more weapons. Germany finally gave in to his demands and promised to ship 143-145 tanks between March and May. These include: 17 Leopard 2A6s, 24 Leopard 2A4s, 30 Leopard 1A5s, 14 Challenger 2s, 30 PT-91s and 30 T-72Ms.

The donation of 31 US M1 Abrams tanks has been postponed to the end of 2023 or early 2024. Towards the end of the summer, Germany expects to put 20-25 Leopard 1A5/A5DK on order, and most of the Leopard 1 tanks (124 units) will also be delivered in 2024. That’s 249 vehicles in total.

There are also active discussions around supplying Kiev with missiles with a range of up to 550 kilometers. According to The Times, these could be Harpoon anti-ship missiles with a range of 240 kilometers and Storm Shadow cruise missiles that can hit targets at a distance of over 550 kilometers. Moreover, Kiev has been eager to get its hands on Washington’s ATACMS ballistic missiles with a firing range of up to 310 km and MQ-1C Gray Eagle drones that can be equipped with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles.

Military jets are also on the agenda. Both the Netherlands and Poland said that they will transfer F-16 Block 70/72 Viper fighters to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During a meeting with Zelensky, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak asked Secretary of State for Defense Ben Wallace to find out which jets London could potentially hand over to Ukraine, and expressed readiness to train Ukrainian pilots. The British military then suggested other means of guarding Ukrainian airspace, including longer-range missiles and drones.

Regarding fighter jets, German Minister for Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock commented that it’s “not a discussion we are having.” Yet, given how Berlin initially refuted tank supplies as well, these words can hardly be trusted.


Soldiers who were among several hundred that took up positions around a Ukrainian military base walk towards their parked vehicles in Crimea on March 2, 2014 in Perevalne, Ukraine. © Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images


Slaughter machines as a gift from NATO

Western ‘aid’ is killing Ukrainians by the thousands. In November 2022, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, estimated that Kiev had lost at least 100,000 servicemen, before deleting her comments after uproar from supporters of Ukraine. Three more months have passed since then.

Big expansions to cemeteries have sprouted up all over Ukraine. Trying to make up for losses, the authorities have ordered more mobilization. This process has turned into a hunt, with men being dragged to war by force, as dozens of videos freely available online show.

Given equipment losses, it’s likely that attacks on the civilian population of Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson, as well as Russia’s border regions, are carried out almost exclusively using Western weapons.

Evidence of this is seen from video footage of destroyed civilian infrastructure in Donbass. American “gifts” in the form of HIMARS strike residential areas in Donetsk and in the deep rear of the Lugansk city of Schastye. The Kalinin hospital in Donetsk and a hospital in Novoaidar, Lugansk, were both destroyed by NATO weapons. And this is only a small portion of the slaughter being committed by Kiev, using Western supplies.

According to UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu, at least 7,100 civilians have been killed in the course of combat operations since February 2022. “The real numbers are probably much bigger,” Nakamitsu said. Norwegian Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen estimates civilian casualties at 30,000 people.

There is also evidence that some long-range missiles currently publicly only under discussion have already been provided to Kiev. The head of the administration of the Russian part of Zaporozhye Region, Vladimir Rogov, has reported that Ukrainian missiles hit the hotel complex ‘Hunter’s Camp’ in Melitopol, resulting in civilian deaths. However, the city is located more than 100 km from the frontline.

Fighting Russia until the last Ukrainian

The lives of the Ukrainian people have been sacrificed in the interests of a geopolitical confrontation planned by the West. At a meeting of the Council of Europe on January 24, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said, “We (the EU) are waging a war against Russia, not against each other.” She was subsequently forced to take her words back, but other Western officials have said the same thing, even if in less straightforward ways.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has stressed, “If Putin prevails, it will mean a defeat not only for Ukraine but for all of us.” As for Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, he went so far as to call the defeat of Russia “the Polish and European meaning of life.”

Politicians generally tell the truth only after resigning. Statements from former German chancellor Angela Merkel and former French president Francois Hollande have revealed that the 2014 and 2015 Minsk (peace) Agreements were signed only in order to arm Ukraine and buy it time before a full on military confrontation with Russia.

In other words, waging war with Russia by proxy through Ukraine has been a meticulously planned strategy, long in the making.

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Steve Z.
Steve Z.
February 17, 2023 8:17 am

War is about as destructive as you can get regarding the environment, use of dwindling resources and its effects on “climate change”. You’d think they would want to negotiate just to “save the planet”.

  Steve Z.
February 17, 2023 11:02 am

This is the first major war in over 200 years where the Rothschild family will lose money as they have not been able to back both sides. That explains the rabid behavior of the UK politicians who are in the control of this family, as they have been ever since the Battle of Waterloo. Go Russia!

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
  Steve Z.
February 17, 2023 12:45 pm

War is about as destructive as you can get regarding the environment, use of dwindling resources

I agree with you on the part above, and consider it a good observation. I suspect the part about “climate change” was just good old-fashioned sarcasm.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
  Dying Sun
February 17, 2023 11:23 pm


  Steve Z.
February 17, 2023 5:26 pm

War is about as destructive as you can get regarding the environment, use of dwindling resources

Agreed. We should demand vehicles, explosives and projectiles be outlawed entirely for warfare. Neutron bombs only from now on. Let’s stop wasting resources having to manufacture otherwise useless military vehicles and rebuild bombed cities.

I am not sure if I am serious……

February 17, 2023 7:01 pm

It would take care of overpopulation, too.

February 17, 2023 9:05 am

Russia should’ve dropped the fucking hammer on this jew dwarf and flattened Kiev 10 months ago, yet they hesitated and still hesitate, which makes this situation even worse.

Now watch the situation really escalate when Russia starts killing these Ukulele “trainees” in Western countries while they’re still training in those countries. What’s the US going to do in that situation? Invade Russia? LOL, yeah ok.

February 17, 2023 9:46 pm

I don’t claim to be wise enough to know if flattening Kiev or assassinating Ukraine’s Jewish oligarch rulers would make things better in the long term.

February 17, 2023 9:15 am

The John Coleman book , Conspirators Hierarchy , seldom mentioned anywhere , goes into great detail on world powers behind the scenes. Groups like The Club Of Rome have wanted to break up Russia for a long time to make ” their ” new order easier to manage.

February 17, 2023 9:36 am

In other words, waging war with Russia by proxy through Ukraine has been a meticulously planned strategy, long in the making

And as I’ve been saying all along, the only preplanned class of people dying are in the working class.

The rulers are all warm, indoors, and sipping expensive cognac, with each other.


February 17, 2023 9:45 am

To any American with 2 active brain cells on jumper cables this was obviously a foreign policy series of blunders by design .
Peace and coexistence with Russia as a powerful Allie and trading partner helps no one in the WASHINGTON DC elitist structure .
The K-Street lobbyists buy the elected representatives votes and the Wall Street backers of the military industrial complex all cash in !
The puppet government of Ukraine corrupted by US CASH will grind Ukrainian people to dust using weapons US taxpayers were buried in debt for the CIA installed Ukraine parasites.
Russia is not the bad guys in this we are especially any politicians in the US with a Ukrainian flag pin

February 17, 2023 9:48 pm

I don’t think any explanation fits as well as pure ethnic hatred for Russians.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 17, 2023 10:42 am

I have questions:

Is it the ‘west’ waging the war? Or just our compromised leadership? Who owns them?

And why is a Jew using Nazis to fight Russians?

Enquiring minds.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Francis Marion
February 17, 2023 12:19 pm

This whole deal is like something Lewis Carroll might have written were LSD available in his day.
Yes, it is the elites causing all of this for their own goals which are very evil.

World War Zoo
World War Zoo
  Harrington Richardson
February 17, 2023 5:16 pm

TPTB know the 5-year script and it is moving fast. They don’t have to finesse the PR for we peasants anymore.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  World War Zoo
February 17, 2023 5:30 pm

Seems that way. I think they’re pissing the peasants off though. That never ends well.

Don k
Don k
  Francis Marion
February 17, 2023 5:32 pm

Most of the high ranking nazi leadership in world war 11 were Jews.
No different now. Nazi jew jew nazi all the same.

February 17, 2023 1:12 pm

The US does not care about Ukraine at all. Ukraine is a pawn, in a much bigger game. The real purpose of this war is to divide Russia and Germany and to weaken them both. The US and UK have long feared the economic union of Russia and Germany, and have fought 2 world wars to prevent it from ever happening.
With Germany’s engineering and product quality, combined with Russia’s massive natural resource reserves, the economic combination of the two would surpass the US / EU hegemony easily.
James Corbett did a in depth study on the causes of WW1 in which he explains the history behind it.

The WWI Conspiracy

The Nord Stream pipeline was exactly the kind of Russia / Germany economic ties that the US fears most, and so it had to be destroyed.

Don k
Don k
February 17, 2023 5:33 pm

jdog yes

February 17, 2023 7:10 pm

plus 100 jdog. Thumbs up all the way!