The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Never before have there been massive excess deaths following vaccination.

Never before have there been children, young adults, athletes in their prime, entertainers, dropping dead “cause unknown” following vaccination.

Of course, the cause is known.  The leading doctors and medical scientists of our time–which excludes health agency bureaucrats, such as Fauci, who serve as marketing agents for Big Pharma and corrupt, politicized state medical boards and HMOs–have explained why and how the mRNA “vaccines,” which are not vaccines, kill, destroy the immune system, and cause health injuries.  What is not known is why some die immediately after receiving the deadly substance, others a month later, and others remain, so far, alive.  Some researchers think the content of the “vaccines” differed by lot, and some think some of the jabs were placebos for the purpose of producing an uninjured cadre to tout the safety of the jabs.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky has collected here — — a number of videos documenting the widespread sufferings and deaths of the vaccinated.  It is not the unvaccinated who are “mysteriously” dropping dead all over the world.  It is the vaccinated.

Yet the coverup continues.  The western media–a collection of whores–are at work covering up for themselves as well as for Fauci, Biden, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the FDA, NIH, CDC, and the utterly corrupt and irresponsible medical profession.  Big Pharma and the FDA continue to push jabbing babies with the killer vaccine, and there are still parents so utterly stupid and insouciant that they participate in the murder of their own children.

With people all over the world so stupid and so blindly trusting of authority, we can see why the Satanic Bill Gates and Satanic Klaus Schwab are confident that they can succeed in reducing the world population and effecting their Great Reset.

What do I mean when I say Gates and Schwab are Satanic? Think about it this way.  From time to time when discussing the subject, someone will say that people can be so awful they can understand why some would want to genocide them.  I ask them if they would be willing to push the genocide button, and they say “no.”  They understand that they have no right to cause people’s deaths in behalf of  their opinion or a climate or ideological agenda.  The difference between them and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab is that Gates and Schwab are willing and eager to push the genocide button.  What is so horrifying is that this willingness has acquired a high moral position. Exterminating people has become the way to save the planet.

The perpetrators of this mass murder are confident that their crime is too huge to be recognized as such.  Naive populations simply won’t believe that “their” governments would do this to them.  No one wants to admit that they executed their own family members and their own children by blindly trusting “authorities” who had announced their genocide agenda in advance.

In the United States only a tiny percentage of the  people have any idea what is happening. The time and energy of the population is used up in making ends meet and in entertaining themselves.  They fall for one transparent crime after another.  Whatever government announces they accept–President John Kennedy’s assassination, Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Covid pandemic, “safe and effective” Covid vaccine.  They never learn.

Now they face genocide, and they still haven’t learned.

The perpetrators of mass genocide are still in control.

If it is not genocide, tell me what it is when distinguished medical scientists warm in advance about the mRNA “vaccine” and are censored and punished, when the inventor of the PCR “Covid test” states that the test does not indicate the presence of the virus and is ignored, when the evidence of the harmful effects of the “vaccine” are kept secret by Pfizer and the FDA, when medical doctors are prevented from treating Covid with known cures Ivermectin and HCQ,  when pharmacies refuse to fill doctors’ prescriptions for the cures, when illegal and unconstitutional mandates are used to force citizens under threat of loss of job to submit to being injected,  when no official attention is paid to the massive increase in excess deaths among the vaccinated, when the media carries on a deceptive campaign of lies and propaganda?

Americans–indeed the world–are faced with a monstrous criminal enterprise.  Do they have the strength and intelligence to recognize it?  Are they going to do anything about it?

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January 9, 2023 7:18 am

Mostly pertinent information, but PCR needs to read “Saddam’s Secrets” by General Georges Sada. He was one of Saddam’s inner circle and outlines not only all the weapons of mass destruction he possessed, but where they were taken during our interminable year-long build up to the invasion.

January 9, 2023 7:26 am

So the good ole USSA is the only country allowed to hold these weapons along with funding GOF research? Might makes right, huh?

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
January 9, 2023 5:05 pm

It’s been more than 15 years since I checked out Sada’s story but I was DEEPLY unconvinced. In essence, he was in Saddam’s inner circle and he got in trouble — like “maybe you’ll be assassinated, maybe not” sort of trouble. He eventually fled to the US and after the war against Iraq started, he wrote a book claiming to have WMD info. The heart of the info boiled down to “I met a unnamed pilot who told me he was hauling barrels to Syria. They were supposed to be earthquake disaster aid, but I think they were WMDs.”

Not convincing.

January 9, 2023 8:37 am

“The western media–a collection of whores–are at work covering up”

Lots of whores seizing up and dying right on camera. Who will be left to continue lying?

“In the United States only a tiny percentage of the people have any idea what is happening”

Not so sure about that. I’ve read that only 15% of people eligible for a booster (meaning they must have gotten the first jab) have actually gotten the booster. So maybe people are waking up.

January 9, 2023 10:03 am

That means 85% are “anti-vaxxers”.

January 10, 2023 2:55 am

and need to be exterminated, per Gates & Co.

January 9, 2023 8:45 am

Ignorance can be overcome by remaining teachable. I try never to confuse ignorance with delusion.

DELUSION implies an inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real, often as the result of a “disordered state of mind”.

“Disordered state of mind” – The Western World suffers from this malady on a mass scale. Left untreated it will only get worse. Our destruction will continue until it’s natural end. Like a circuit breaker we will hit critical current and then it’s lights out. Seems to me that will be the real “Reset” or the awakening. The trillionaires won’t matter anymore, they will be laid bare same as you and I. History teaches this lesson quite clearly with an predictable outcome. We are not the exception, just another cog in the wheel.

January 9, 2023 9:37 am

Call me when PCR calls for tribunals and arrests begin. Until then , this is just another article telling us what we already know. The sheep won’t know until it’s way too late and then will wait for the government to to punish the evildoers/itself. In other words nothing will be done about this genocide just like all the rest.

January 9, 2023 10:48 am

You’re not wrong, I just hope that the bulk of the vaxx deaths are behind us

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
January 9, 2023 2:55 pm

The vast majority are ahead. Sorry if you have family you’re worried about. The strength of the poison varied greatly depending on batch and manufacturer. That’s why some folks died within minutes and others are waiting for the right pathogen to find the right weak area of their damaged immune system. Phased murder.

Doc Adams
Doc Adams
  Tree Mike
January 10, 2023 2:56 am

The human body has around 25,000 genes. Not all respond to poisons the same way.

  Tree Mike
January 11, 2023 11:01 am

>>>The vast majority are ahead.

Hard to know. The mRNA injections are a subtle toxin, some recipients dying immediately, some not dying for years.

This is presumably a design feature, to enhance deniability.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 9, 2023 10:35 am

This book might be relevant to article:

“The renowned Dr. Antoine Bechamp, one of the world’s foremost scientists and bacteriologists, observed that the micro-organisms that are ordinarily called germs, evolve out of decaying cells they helped to build, and take part in the decomposing of the ever changing life substance and help to form it into material usable again by nature. Thus, when germs are found within a sick body it is not that they entered from outside and caused the disease. It is because they developed from the decaying cells within the body and have an important part to play in helping to handle the waste and destruction brought about by serums, drugs and other poisons forced upon the body from without. Perhaps our modern bacteriologists have seen this activity of the “microzymas” and jumped to the conclusion that they are anti-bodies fighting disease and that they (the doctors) must inject more oL them into the body by way of vaccines. But anyone with common sense and reasoning can see that this would only interfere and disrupt the well organized efforts of nature. This is the reason why vaccination has taken such a heavy toll of lives and has produced such widespread disease.”

“Nature makes no mistakes and violates no laws. She is uniformly governed by fixed principles and all her actions harmonize with the laws that govern these actions.” (THE HYGIENIC SYSTEM, p. 48 — Shelton —)

“The best, indeed the only, method of promoting individual and public health is to teach people the laws of nature and thus teach them how to preserve their health. Immunization programs are futile and are based on the delusions that the law of cause and effect can be annulled. Vaccines and serums are employed as substitutes for right living; they are intended to supplant obedience to the laws of life. Such programs are slaps in the face of law and order. Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity.” (PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL HEALING — p. 478 — Shelton)


It has been claimed, by an unenlightened few, that vaccination is based on scientific principles and is of comparatively recent origin. But these claims have been proved false, first, because inoculation was practiced and abandoned as useless by primitive tribes many centuries ago, and second because Jenner and the modern experimenters in vaccination were not scientists and did not test and prove their theories by any scientific criteria before launching the hazarduous practice on the public.

For many years Edward Jenner was acclaimed a hero for what was thought to be his discovery of cow-pox vaccination. But this dubious honor was later admitted to belong to Benjamin Jesty, whom all the chroniclers name as the one responsible for the original discovery of cow-pox inoculation. Jesty, a farmer, Plett, a teacher and Jensen, a farmer, were named as ‘successful experimenters” in the field of cow-pox vaccination several years before Jenner’s first inoculation These and all subsequent vaccination experiments were then, and still are, haphazard and unscientific attempts at solving the problem of disease prevention.

Before we trace the ancient history of vaccination let us review some of the outstanding authorities who recognized that:


Many of the world’s greatest thinkers, scientists, statesmen and even doctors have condemned vaccination as being a crime against humanity, a fraud promoted for private gain, an insult to the race and a blot upon the name of civilization Yet, this treacherous practice of blood pollution, which was cradled in the lap of. ignorant savage tribes, has been adopted by, supposedly, enlightened government of the
present day and forced on the protesting population—for profit.

Euddolen ~It a pretty good book.
Sure many here will enjoy.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 9, 2023 1:02 pm

Thanks for the book … 

Our current medical model — similar to Dupont’s old saying of ‘Better Living Through Chemistry’ — was brought to US by the Rockefeller Family Foundation. It resulted in the total restructuring of medical schools and of medical practice — and the introduction of vaccines as ‘cures’ for what ails US.

Some of it is explained here …

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 9, 2023 1:35 pm

Dr. Antoine Bechamp and Louis Pasteur were bitter ideological rivals in 19th century France. Bechamp believed it was the body’s internal environment that was responsible for health and illness while Pasteur believed microbes were responsible for disease. It is said that on his deathbed Pasteur proclaimed Bechamp was correct.
John D. Rockefeller took Pasteur’s ideas and used them to create the modern pharmaceutical industry which he made sure would be petroleum based as opposed to plant based. He and Andrew Carnegie wanted to control the allelopathic medical education and pharmaceutical (drugs) industries so they paid for the Flexner Report which they used to reconfigure and change the US and global medical education system to get rid of homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, herbal and indigenous healing therapies.
It was their goal to monopolize and control medical education and the pharmacology industry. What we have today is a direct result of their collusion using their wealth to change healing. When we disregard the PR and pro germ propaganda these elites pay/paid for, we see the origin and rise of iatrogenic injury so prevalent today.
We are witnessing a recurring variation of this with the COVID scam/ psy-op funded in part by the Rockefellers and their billionaire peers.

January 9, 2023 11:07 am

I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express hotel last night, so I have sufficient credentials to offer the following fun facts.
Fun Fact #1: The covid shot does prevent you from getting covid. Have you ever seen a dead person get covid?
Fun Fact #2: The covid shot makes you vote democrat. Have you ever heard of a dead person voting republican?
For more Fun Facts go to

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 9, 2023 11:57 am

Dr. Hodge continues:
“After a careful consideration of the history of vaccination gleaned from an impartial
and comprehensive study of vital statistics, and pertinent data from every reliable
source and after an experience derived from having vaccinated 3,000 subjects, I am
firmly convinced that vaccination cannot be shown to have any logical relation to the
diminution of cases of smallpox, and —
“1 — That the practice of vaccination has been the means of disseminating some of
the most fatal and loathsome diseases, such as leprosy, syphilis, tetanus and
2 — That vaccination is not only useless, but positively injurious,
of protecting its subjects from contagion of smallpox, it actually renders them more
susceptible to it by depressing the vital power and diminishing natural resistance;
3 — That immunity from all diseases is to be realized through the attainment of
health, not by the propagation of disease;
“4 — That it is never necessary to set up one disease in a healthy organism to protect
against another; that such procedure is an appalling violation of the basic principles of
hygiene and sanitary science;
5 — That the performance of the vaccine operation in the very nature of the case,
violates the cardinal precepts of modern aseptic surgery, the aim of which is to
exclude the products of disease from the organism, and never to introduce them;
6 — That there is no evidence worthy of the name, on record, to prove that
vaccination either prevents or mitigates smallpox;
7 — That many healthy children have died from the effects of vaccination;
8 — That millions of vaccinated people have died of confluent smallpox while having
the plainest vaccine scars on their bodies;
9 — That smallpox epidemics invariably attack the vaccinated first;
10 — That smallpox follows closely upon flagrant violation of the laws of health,
hygiene and sanitation;
11 — That the occurrence of all the great epidemics of smallpox have coincided with
periods of sanitary neglect;
12 — That cow-pox and venereal-pox have much in common;
13 — That the analogy between the manifestations of vaccine and those of syphilis is
so close that several of the most eminent pathologists of the world regard cow-pox as
a modified form of syphilis;
“14 — That the so called, ‘spontaneous cow-pox’ is a myth; that cow-pox is a
disorder not natural to the cow; that it never occurs in bulls or steers, nor in young
heifers that have never been milked; that it is a disease of milk cows, which has been
communicated to them from sores on hands of milkers who were suffering from
“15 — That the serious killer diseases such as cancer, syphilis, heart trouble, polio,
tuberculosis, etc., will never be eliminated as long as blood pollution through
vaccination is continued;
“16 — That the community that has sanitary surroundings, a pure water supply,
wholesome food, good health and freedom from the blood-poisoning effects of
vaccination, need have no fear of smallpox or any other diseases;
“17 — That no man can be truly said to be susceptible to the contagion of smallpox or
to that of any other disease so long as he is in a state of perfect health;
“18 — That such a state resists and repels the assaults of all morbific influences and is
therefore the best protective against disease;
“19 — That vaccination has utterly failed to fulfill the promises made for it by Jenner
and his followers and that he saddled a legacy of disease and death upon the race for
which he was paid $150,000 by the British government;
“20 — That compulsory vaccination ranks with human slavery and religious
persecution, as one of the most flagrant outrages upon the rights of the human race.”
“21 — That Switzerland, England, Australia and other enlightened countries
abolished compulsory vaccination after it was tested and proved to be disastrous; but
laws sanctioning this crime still disgrace the statute books of “free” America.
“22 — That reforms are not made by those who profit by them so the doctors or the
government cannot be depended upon to abolish vaccination of their own volition;
that the people, themselves, must rise up and make demands for freedom from this
curse of greed, ignorance and destruction, for only then can we hope to see the light of
a new day of health, progress and harmonious adjustment.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 9, 2023 11:51 am

“The best, indeed the only, method of promoting individual and public health is to
teach people the laws of nature and thus teach them how to preserve their health.
Immunization programs are futile and are based on the delusions that the law of cause
and effect can be annulled. Vaccines and serums are employed as substitutes for right
living; they are intended to supplant obedience to the laws of life. Such programs are
slaps in the face of law and order. Belief in immunization is a form of delusional
insanity.” (PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL HEALING — p. 478 — Shelton)

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
January 9, 2023 1:03 pm

As bad as things are, they are truly horrendous and they will worsen there is resistance. There are many who are arousing from their stupor and slumber. There are large numbers of people like myself who refused to take the injection. Fortunately I am retired so no employer could force me to take the concoction; and peer pressure was ineffective. There are consequences; I have some family members and “friends” I no longer associate with who see me as persona non grata; but that’s okay with me. I am fully cognizant of the evil this country and government have wrought at home and around the world since its inception.
The facts about mRNA are coming out, the facts about government and Big Pharma Big Media collusion are now in front of our faces, it’s just that the duped, deceived and bamboozled populous has a vested interest in living in denial. They are unwilling to confront the depravity and evil of their society. To admit this is happening creates cognitive dissonance and internal stress. Once they accept this is happening it means they would have to do something about it to hold the culprits accountable! If they don’t do anything about it (and most won’t/wouldn’t) they have to deal with their cowardice and the ramifications of their gutlessness; so it is easier for them to live in denial.

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
  Junious Ricardo Stanton
January 9, 2023 3:02 pm

Very well put. I think most know that on some level, but you nailed it.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
  Tree Mike
January 9, 2023 3:27 pm

Thanks. We have to have empathy for our benighted fellows but not those who are foisting this evil upon the world!

  Junious Ricardo Stanton
January 10, 2023 3:05 am

Hey bub, you are in the first group to have your Social Security benefits permanently terminated.

January 10, 2023 7:57 am

This was a DOD countermeasure prototype operation. The goal was to make the MRNA Technology acceptable while hoping it might work against bioweapons in a massive experiment on the American people. The technology failed miserably. The hope, the cover-up, the censorship, and the repeated administration and complicity by government officials, public health authorities, media, and private companies is the crime, the largest crime in history.

See the DOD PSYOP on Politico released yesterday:

A coalition of the awakened must organize the criminal investigation. States governors, a few Congresspeople, Sheriffs, our media, our doctors would comprise that team with a few million strong street protesters. The protests could pick a target: Pentagon, Google, FDA, all would be acceptable.

We would need help from Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, and a few brave talk radio heads that are not beholden to the DOD/FBI/CIA.

Roberts could join that team.

It would probably be best to start with a coalition of governors.