Dude goes stiff and dies standing up…did they turn him off with 5G? This is nuts

Submitted by A Tarese

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January 8, 2023 8:38 am

Lots of things are fake and gay. How about this one?

January 8, 2023 10:16 am

Nah, that’s a dead dude, dude.
The side mirror was holding him up which is why it appears such an oddity.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 8, 2023 10:24 am

So one knee locked is holding this guy up!?!? Gotta go with glock on this, looks way to fake and they have a casket of sorts already there?? Don’t they usually just toss the guy onto a gurney or bag’m to transport off the streets?

And like Duke mentioned… 5G in mexico, perhaps in the larger cities but outside of that… not likely. My daughter is in PV, so I’ll text her and see if she can spot any antennae there.

  anon a moos
January 8, 2023 10:59 am

Stiff Person Syndrome. it’s just after Stiff Leg Syndrome and just before Stillbirth in the Pfizer list of 1200+ ill effects from their testing they tried to hide longer than the JFK files. Celine Dion has it. looks like a dose of myocarditis came with it in his case.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 8, 2023 11:13 am

yeeaahhh not buy’n it

  anon a moos
January 8, 2023 11:52 am

not selling, just speculatin’ the list is readily available to you. see for yourself. it’s alphabetical.

  anon a moos
January 8, 2023 11:53 am

He got out of car and started identifying as a stiff.

January 8, 2023 9:17 pm

Babble- He was doing a Celine Dion impression and died while simulating the Human Statue Stiffness Syndrome brought on by the vax. Celine is a human statue but still alive, I guess, who knows.?

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 8, 2023 11:11 am

Its almost like conductive metals from the vax inside his body shorted his nervous system out in full muscle lock up mode.

  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 8, 2023 5:14 pm

5G-activated graphene oxide:

A former Pfizer employee shows documentation of graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccines

When I read this information, I didn’t know a woman could cry as hard as I cried. … These are bioweapons. — Karen Kingston

According to Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee, graphene oxide is in the vaccines but not listed directly on the patents because its use is a trade secret. It is the main ingredient in hydrogel. Karen Kingston claims that the “Pegylated lipid” in the above illustration contains graphene oxide. It is made by SINOPEG in China. Lipids in the patent are listed on SINOPEG’s site.

The graphene oxide molecules can hold a charge. The ones used in the vaccines are supposed to be neutral. The potential exists that these graphene oxide molecules could become charged later. Graphene oxide is also capable of hosting a magnetic field. So even if the graphene oxide is not magnetic when injected, the possibility exists that it could become magnetically charged later.
Karen Kingston of Pfizer Explains How Graphene Oxide in the Vaccine Will Eradicate You


January 8, 2023 5:43 pm

You can’t fake being that stiff…

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
January 8, 2023 10:00 am

Does that look like a neighborhood with a lot of expensive 5G towers? If they were “taking out” people in Mexico with 5G, then why didn’t they do that with El Chapo’s kid, instead of getting dozens of cops killed?

Likely just another muy boracho

  The Duke of New York
January 8, 2023 5:21 pm

Maybe they have mobile 5G facilities. Who knows what the depop crew is up to?

January 8, 2023 10:50 am

When those two guys were moving the body the dead guy looked awful darn stiff. Rigamortus? If it’s fake they did a pretty good job with that part

January 8, 2023 12:04 pm

And even if staged it’s a big head’s up on how authentic a very flawed, fake human body can look.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 8, 2023 12:22 pm

odd how they already have a casket there. I think normal would be a gurney or bag to zip up and generally it ain’t the cops doing this. screams fake to me.

  anon a moos
January 8, 2023 2:08 pm

If not staged, we have no idea how long it was before anyone arrived. Looks to me like a cheap and easier carry/stackable transport for Mexican officials if not re-usable.

EC's ghost
EC's ghost
January 8, 2023 6:26 pm

rigor mortus

  EC's ghost
January 8, 2023 10:14 pm

Rigor mortis reaches its peak after about 6 hours.

So the dude had to be leaning against the car for several hours to get that stiff from rigor.

Not buying it.

I bought all I could with the fake covid videos back in early 2020. No longer a customer.


Arizona Bay
Arizona Bay
January 8, 2023 11:11 am

Pfizer found the cure for restless legs syndrome

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  Arizona Bay
January 8, 2023 11:12 am


Yes, mothers, new improved Whizzo vaccine containing 10% more less is absolutely indistinguishable from a dead crab. Remember, buy Whizzo vaccine and go to HEAVEN!

Booster Fish
Booster Fish
January 8, 2023 1:25 pm

That’s not fake or the dead guy would have had to flex when they lifted him up. Imagine someone lifting you off the ground from your elbow area and trying to hold your arms in the same place. You would have to compensate for the lift and release. A lot of people couldn’t even do that without faking being dead, and he doesn’t look in the best of shape. The first clip shows his lifeless eyes. What would be the point of making a fake video like this? He’s dead as a doornail and stiff as a board.

For the “casket is already there” people, it’s edited into actionable scenes. The first clip doesn’t show a casket. What are they supposed to do, just hold the camera on the dead guy for an hour while the coroners show up? Booooring.

Definitely not 5G though. That’s just stupid.

anon a moos
anon a moos
  Booster Fish
January 8, 2023 1:38 pm

it’s edited into actionable scenes.

So then its very trustworthy. Your whole argument is nonsense. I haven’t seen where this clip was even supposed to take place. Was it Mexico, Ecuador, Nicaragua, LA or maybe some other ethnic burro in a US town/city???

Waiting an hour for a coroner to show up with a casket!?!? That right there is about as dumb a speculation as one could make. Coroners don’t run about putting people into coffins to have them removed back at the shop later. Pretty sure they use gurneys which fold down to the ground, and raise back up, and all on wheels. Making transferring simple.

Cops don’t move bodies, its usually only the ems that handles bodies live or dead. You might want to go back to re-evaluating whats there and come up with something new that would be more plausible.

Booster Fish
Booster Fish
  anon a moos
January 8, 2023 5:57 pm

Cringe. Maybe you should try reading my reply again, because my whole argument makes perfect sense. Read it a few times.

So the city matters? No, although it’s safe to say it’s probably not first world.

Regarding the gurney, maybe in your country. Sounds like you’ve never been to a another country. I’ve seen far less professional handling of live injured people in real life…same people standing around in a circle staring, no roped off areas, etc.

The main person doing the upper body lifting doesn’t look like police. The police seem to be giving him a hand. You’ll notice his signal to the cop. Cops have been known to lend a helping hand from time to time, especially in countries where they don’t have a sense of self-entitlement or some other protocol stopping them (especially in countries were protocols are more like suggestions, and no consequences for breaking protocol).

What exactly do you think it is then? a movie prop? some guy faking being dead? I wouldn’t be as dense as you to say your reply is nonsense (to my perfectly sensical breakdown), but would say it lacks any “outside your standard of living bubble” thinking.

I see videos like this all the time, minus the bizarre pose. I see no red flags, other than the pose. The pose may be a first.

anon a moos
anon a moos
  Booster Fish
January 8, 2023 6:12 pm

You might want to go back and read the other comments before trying to bolster your speculations.

What exactly do you think it is then?

As I stated below. I think the guy IS dead but its not a 5G died standing up BS as presented. He’s dead, but was likely ‘placed’ there, perhaps as a message, who knows. Go read the other comments, I posted a rigor timeline, have a look at that and compare to whats being shown

And yep, lived in some pretty poor areas in other countries and in even the poor countries they have gurneys. If you are seeing video’s like this all the time and see no red flags… Then that tells me you aren’t looking at much beyond the surface. Nor really asking whats right and whats wrong with whats shown/ spoon fed to you in many instances.

TBP isn’t some sanitized clearing house, and there is as much counter intel here as anywhere. People posting rubbish, echoing, what the mockingbirds release and thinking we are somehow way smarter than everyone else. Thankfully there ARE many here who see thru the BS and raise questions about whats presented.

Booster Fish
Booster Fish
  anon a moos
January 8, 2023 7:29 pm

Oh man, these are exactly the type of convos I try to avoid comments sections for. However, at least we agree on the 5G thing.

So, if you think he’s dead, and I think he’s dead, we’re just arguing semantics then? Why would someone placing him there vs. someone dying in that position change the outcome of how they handle the body? It seems you’re conflicting your own point. What am I missing?

According to your timeline, in 8 hours completely stiff… If he died at 10pm, by 6am, he’s stiff as a board when the sun is coming up. If I died out in my complex at night, I guarantee 8 hours could pass before anyone noticed, and that’s with any neighbors walking by (that don’t know me) with their head down, assuming I’m just some drunk fool that passed out.

Seems like a nice day, and I don’t see the sun shining down.

Your theory is definitely possible. However, his body seems a little too form fit to that car to have come from somewhere else (especially his arms). Not only is the mirror holding him up, but his not so dry skin against that glass would create a nice resistance as well. Lock the knee and you basically have a tripod of sorts.

Either way, he’s dead. So, we agree. It seems your argument is that I’m a fool for believing he died standing up and for some reason they would handle a body differently if someone placed him there vs him just dying there. Does that pretty much sum it up?

Booster Fish
Booster Fish
  anon a moos
January 9, 2023 12:53 pm

I think I figured out what you’re saying…

The dead guy was laying on the ground “normal dead” somewhere. Medics picked him up off the ground and put him on the gurney and wheeled him around to just off screen of the video. After picking him up off the gurney, they realized they forgot to take the lid off of the plastic coffin and leaned him up against the car (like a broom). One medic had an emergency and had to immediately leave, so one cop was asked to help out (but only in this process of being leaned up against the car, banned from any other of the “normal dead” processes). Then we cut into the video when they are unpropping him from the car and dropping him in the box. Off video, they put him back on the gurney (in the box), wheel him away, etc.

Even after we officially concluded this story, I still fail to realize where the video is fake though. It’s not 5G; the guy is dead and going in a box; what’s fake?

Seriously though, what are we looking at here? You make some good points. Now he’s in the box, how are they going to move him? One guy to handle this? The cop flinched before helping out (they didn’t look all that helpful). We need the full video, not the tiktok version. It is a bit nonsensical when you overthink it. That’s why I try not to. Maybe he has a coffin dolly or forklift off screen.

anon a moos
anon a moos
  Booster Fish
January 9, 2023 1:16 pm

We need the full video, not the tiktok version.

Now ur get’n it. Its a short video with zero context, from some place unknown, date unknown, 3rd world likely as well, titled “Dude goes stiff and dies standing up…did they turn him off with 5G? This is nuts

This is giving the impression that 5G might have been used, BS and passing it off as a possibility is BS fake too and does NOT help in fighting the propaganda rampant with BS coming from the nonvax proponents.

LOTS of what ifs and speculation. A casket lift just out of sight?? Seriously that can’t be considered because if they have casket lifts they’d certainly have a gurney that raises and lifts.

Also you have to consider the shadows, they are all underfoot, sun overhead, cloudy day. So its midday approx when they decide to move the guy. So nobody in that timeframe of HOURS has gone over to see whats up with this guy??? In a neighbourhood where someone would probably know who he is. Doubtful.

Look at the people in the back ground, theres a few blacks. I’ve lived in Mexico and can’t remember seeing any blacks on the streets. Resorts, yes, but streets no. So this would likely be a Caribbean or central american place. So I’m going to say not mexico.

So why is the guy there and like that?? Who knows. Perhaps, my speculation, is that its a message of sorts. He died else where and the body placed there for a public message. Look at pictures of dead people on the ground or elsewhere an often you’ll see similar positions. When stiff it would be simple to stop, pull’m out, lean’m against a car and drive off.

My point is the title and impressions left are fake and entirely BS. The guy being dead, not so much. Does that clarify my position?? NOT saying I’m the one in the right either, but its WHY I’m calling BS fake.

Booster Fish
Booster Fish
  anon a moos
January 9, 2023 4:17 pm

He died else where and the body placed there for a public message.

Fair enough, definitely plausible. The only thought there is why not more of a message? The guy looks untouched other than being dead. Usually those type of messages come with more dramatic effect. Maybe they didn’t want to screw up their upholstery.

Maybe he OD’d (or similar) with his buddies and they were simply dropping him in front of his house with the least amount of being seen and didn’t want him to get run over. If you pull next to that white car, you could pretty much do the whole dump unseen, other than the car itself.

Anyway, so many questions, but seems we’re mostly on the same page.

Until the next one…

January 8, 2023 1:29 pm

He’s just dead drunk, someone poured him a stiff one.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 8, 2023 1:40 pm

far more plausible than 5G

January 8, 2023 1:45 pm

The stiffness is rigor mortis.
Peaks about 12 hours and can last 2 to 3 days after death.
Mans dies in a position with arm hooked on mirror and balanced against side of car.
Rigor sets in and he stays that way.
Notice leg does not unlock at knee and maintains position into the box.
And arm must be pushed down into box.
Pretty typical rigor.
Why’d he die?
Global warming.
It’s worse in Mexico.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 8, 2023 1:58 pm

0 – 8 hrs the body begins to stiffen but is still movable
8 – 12 hrs the body becomes completely stiff
12 – 24 hrs the body remains completely stiff
24 – 36 hrs the body begins to lose stiffness

So this guy was at the mirror for a minimum 8 hrs… lol


Look at the shadows, mid day?? So he was standing there all morning?? not likely.

  anon a moos
January 8, 2023 8:44 pm

Increase in temperature speeds up the process.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 11, 2023 4:39 pm


Pfizer introduces new product called
“Extreme Viagra”.

Advertising copy:
“EXTREME VIAGRA. Why just get a stiffy, when you can be a stiff?”

(Caution: May cause death, or hundreds of other hideous and painful conditions which will all end with death. Talk to your doctor or health care professional if you want to know what the pharmacide reps told them to tell you.)

January 8, 2023 4:40 pm

Option C – he didn’t die standing, he was dead long enough for stiff rigor and placed there.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 8, 2023 4:44 pm

imo, I’d say thats more likely