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The True Nolan
The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 1:50 pm

Overdrawn at the First Bank of Baboon. Why don’t the White Tax Slaves work harder to give him money?

  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 1:55 pm

Forget OnlyFans, I hear the Metaverse has some outta this world babes. Onlyfans is soo….. human… ugh.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 4:39 pm

A “Do you know the only reason why people behave like assholes?”

B “No. Why?”

A “Because other people let them get away with it.”

Post Christmas Sale At Walmart
90% off complete seasons of Walmart’s “Wakanda Wars” on DVD!

~The OG King of Wales!

  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 6, 2023 7:56 pm

I’z be a shiftless Nigger and I wants da white man’s money. Fucking disgraceful porch monkey, no manners, no culture, an outright savage. You can take the NIGGER out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the NIGGER.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 6, 2023 10:58 pm

I’ve no reason to doubt you, anonymous asshole. I take you literally at your word. Why would a coward lie from cover, right?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 6, 2023 10:56 pm

Thig fuck thu fhèin, a dhuine uasail!

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 10:54 pm

I quit and he’s pissed!


January 6, 2023 1:53 pm

That is just another very low IQ criminal protected class status piece of trash created and enabled by the socialist indoctrinators inside the camps. Decades ago, it would be taken out back behind the woodshed. If that didn’t work, long-term prison with a vast work camp for doing hard physical labor.

All that decades of coddling this trash have proven is that the current agenda isn’t working and has never worked.

January 6, 2023 4:45 pm

It’s working exactly as designed: to destroy society for full-spectrum technocratic dominance.

January 6, 2023 1:53 pm

I wonder how that would have played in a casino if he tried that “I want my money” crap. They’d taken out that trash in a bag. That fist up in securities face should have been enough to use a taser if he had one. Should’ve had one anyway. I expect out of control violence from some black people. I also expect better from “security”.
It’s not that different than the fight at Wendys where the cop waved a gun or some such around and let the fighting go on and on shouting STOP! then let the other combatant waltz out like I didn’t do nuttin'”.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 6, 2023 2:04 pm

Well, they do have live entertainment, so thats a plus. and, maybe a little audience participation activities too. Maybe fun

January 6, 2023 2:07 pm

It’s wonderful that Hollywood has finally begun hiring African-Americans for action movies.

Rambo, meet Sambo.

No, wait:
It’s Alt Disney: The Crappiest, Slappiest, Gat-iest Place on Erf.

January 6, 2023 2:09 pm

Makes me sick that my tax dollars are going to them so they can sleep all morning and then go out and smash shit the rest of the day.

January 6, 2023 2:15 pm

It really is obscene – that white supremacist chimpout-Olympics (or is it Kilimanjarics?) exercise.

January 6, 2023 4:18 pm

OK, it’s not white supremacy or exercise or global warming or the legacy of slavery or mad African “scientisss” Jakub – it was leaded gasoline, after all:

Comments section always good there, too. Informative like ZH.

And, of course, it’s NEVER just blacks themselves. Out of the question.

January 6, 2023 4:47 pm

Nah, it’s the food. Think it was Rodal back in the day who if I remember correctly sponsored a school that raised all there own organic food. He said that the only time they would have problems was when a new student came in. Then after the new student was there for awhile all their behaviour problems disappeared also.
People aren’t fat because they eat to much, it is because the food they eat has calories, but no micronutrients, and because the body is lacking those nutrients it craves more food to try to get them.
Why do think most these people causing the problems are obese? See above about bad behavior.

January 6, 2023 3:06 pm

How come they tear each other’s clothes off? Also the only difference between them and primates are the apes throw shit at each other.

January 6, 2023 3:28 pm
Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 7, 2023 10:09 am

Wait for it………..

January 6, 2023 3:27 pm

Has anybody notified his employer so that he can be fired for violent racism?

January 6, 2023 3:50 pm

No you dint! Oh no you dint!! You puddin’ up dat racist stuff when we havin’ a meetin’ of de Society of Advanced African Achievement. We be discussing the Look Alike Lizzo Contest winner.

January 6, 2023 2:07 pm

Smoking weed and sitting on the couch all day isn’t working your ass off.

This looks like a small window into what’ll happen when the EBT cards stop working for the low IQ/impulse animals.

January 6, 2023 2:17 pm

Look what happens at Friday of Color (formerly known as Black Friday) TV sales? When it’s over food, it’ll be still-breathing Soylent . . . uh, brown.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
January 6, 2023 3:08 pm

Friday of Color for the win.

January 6, 2023 2:17 pm

So why is it that black people talk about white privilege, accuse whites of being able to get away with all kinds of shit and then a black guy goes full ape and is able to walk out the place without a worry on what just took place..

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
January 6, 2023 2:47 pm

“… then a black guy goes full ape and is able to walk out the place without a worry on what just took place ….”

That’s called black privilege.

  Dying Sun
January 6, 2023 3:05 pm

It’s called white indulgence of black misbehavior – or, perhaps, codependency.

Which could be construed as being condescending toward a lesser people, implying they cannot help themselves . . . which is often referred to as racism, by many.

But, is it justified?

That “free” labor for all that cotton goes up logarithmically every year. Some MIT math PhD candidate oughta do a calc of the actual cost so far and submit the results to the sociology dep’t. for reconsideration of public policy procedures.

January 6, 2023 3:50 pm

Black people owned slaves too!

In fact the first slave owner was Anthony Johnson, a black man from Angola.

Just wondering how the calculus would work if that fact was included.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 6, 2023 2:48 pm

Pretty much my exact thoughts.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
January 6, 2023 2:18 pm

18 year old former waiter turned security guard on his second day of work looking rather scared…

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
  Svarga Loka
January 6, 2023 5:12 pm

If he were to do ANYTHING which could possibly affect the situation he would be fired and probably sued. Grab hold of the guy? Push him toward the exit? Even just explain clearly and in vernacular words what a piece of trash the African is? Not only would he lose his job, but no other company capable of doing a Google search on applicants would ever hire him.

  The True Nolan
January 7, 2023 9:01 am

I think the only thing he could do is call the police. He wasn’t going to step in front of the animal

  Svarga Loka
January 6, 2023 5:20 pm

Coming soon;

We still have the plastic sneeze shields from covidiocy. Just need to add the guns.

January 6, 2023 2:30 pm

some moar black booty whoop ass

Herhito Yomammasan
Herhito Yomammasan
January 6, 2023 4:09 pm

” black booty whoop ass”

Tribute to their Sumo heritage?

  Herhito Yomammasan
January 6, 2023 4:47 pm

Yo Mamma San.

Stealin’ that . . .

January 6, 2023 5:00 pm

Free for the taking.

Much better than incurring the wrath for ‘anonymous’.

IMHO, Relevant (extremely Subjective all ’round) to the article ‘Name’ my latest modus operandi.

May as well laugh at myself. Too. Wife does it Constantly.

But a Question of time.

January 6, 2023 7:08 pm

Someone should make this into a pay per view sport. Millions could be made. Remember the guy who sold videos late night of girls simply pulling their shirts up and showing their tits? He made serious bank.

January 6, 2023 7:16 pm

Yeah, I was think some sort of reality TV show. But I think it should be added to the special olympics too.

January 6, 2023 2:37 pm

I’m sure those videos are in no way related to this….

Alabama Becomes Constitutional Carry State – Making it Half of the U.S.

On March 10, 2022, Gov. Kay Ivey signed the new permitless carry bill into law. Although there was controversy surrounding the bill, even from some in law enforcement, the new law took effect on January 1, 2023. Following the enactment of the new law, Alabama citizens no longer require a permit to carry a concealed pistol.

January 6, 2023 3:13 pm

Pure coincidence.

Climate Change? Yes, Climate Change Is Now Linked to Causing Black Gun Violence Across America (Somehow White Individuals Are Immune…)

Her Name Is Keris Riebel: White Female Newlywed Hacked to Death by Black Male on New Year’s Day at a Dollar Tree

A running compendium of one of our most intractable and most MSM-censored problems:

Sanctuary – for criminals:

January 6, 2023 4:12 pm

ESPECIALLY. “even from some in law enforcement”.

January 6, 2023 2:56 pm

Many years ago I attempted to explain to a black man how and why he continued to lose money in the bank even though his paycheck was direct deposit . As it turned out he would write a check mail it and a day or so later call the bank or stop in and get a balance check . The check he wrote earlier had not cleared yet so he would draw cash or write another check . Overdraft fees and bounced check penalties we’re eating up a large portion of his direct deposit.
Sadly his NIGGER BRAIN COULD NOT COMPREHEND THAT HE HAD RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS MONEY ! The comment said it all : Da mutha fuckin bank told me I had da money !

January 6, 2023 4:03 pm

Can’t expect much from them, what with an IQ below room temp.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 5:25 pm

Back when South Africa integrated and gave up White rule it did not take long for Blacks to move up in jobs and finance (deservedly or not). I remember reading that a lot of Blacks were very confused after opening up their first bank accounts with checks and credit cards. They thought that bank accounts just automatically put in however much money you needed. They had no concept of DEPOSITING money to be drawn out later. I would have been pissed off too if I had grown up thinking that “White people get money in the bank just for being White!”

Sad fact: Blacks here in the US have the same IQ (on average) as a White child in Middle School. That does NOT make them intrinsically bad or intrinsically useless — although their personal actions may do so. Sadder fact, at least for Africa: Blacks here in the US are CONSIDERABLY brighter than Blacks in Africa.

There are only three solutions I can see:
1) Eugenic breeding programs or (possibly with better technology) gene therapy to raise the intellectual and psychological abilities of Blacks.
2) Segregation
3) White Tax Slavery

  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 5:37 pm

“1) Eugenic breeding programs or (possibly with better technology) gene therapy to raise the intellectual and psychological abilities of Blacks.”
Why do you think they promote mixed relationships?

  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 5:45 pm

4) Harrison Bergeron

January 6, 2023 7:43 pm

HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1961)

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.

  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 6:07 pm

A white child in middle school has the same IQ in middle school as he does when he’s getting his PhD in Astrophysics from MIT (or working McDonalds after failing out of highschool).

  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 8:43 pm

We do not need to spend any efforts to make blacks more intelligent and functional in society !
The many of the ones graduating with a 1.6 GPA already have high self esteem and read and calculate math at a fifth grade level at best !

January 6, 2023 3:05 pm

Well most of these niggers don’t have bank accounts so they go to Walmart or check cashing places for their cash.They also are on the ebt benefits scam.So you can’t have assets or accounts in your name .

January 6, 2023 8:27 pm

And they are the freeist (sic) in the land of the free.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 6, 2023 3:13 pm

I think he’s mentally ill. Literally. He’s not a hood rat. He talks like he comes from an educated family. Even hood rats understand what insufficient funds means. They might steal some stuff, but they won’t tear up a credit card reader. Even hood rats understand that just because he gets an “ID” in the mail, it doesn’t mean you get money. He’s detached from reality – having a psychotic episode. Optimally, someone would call his family and they’d bring his meds.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Iska Waran
January 6, 2023 4:42 pm

Maybe so, but he was with it enough so that the moment that the security guy got on the phone (presumably to call the cops), he walked out. Not so eager to be tasered or arrested suddenly. People in psychotic episodes just stay and destroy stuff, not realizing what’s going on around them.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Svarga Loka
January 6, 2023 5:53 pm

Point taken. I didn’t notice that part.

  Svarga Loka
January 6, 2023 6:10 pm

No, but people with other mood or personality disorders do. I thought the same as Iska.

January 6, 2023 3:18 pm

He worked his ass off all day and now he doesn’t get paid? hmmm What do you call a person that works and doesn’t get paid… There’s a name for it but I just can’t recall it.

January 6, 2023 3:21 pm

That name was Kunta Kinte – but that ended over a century and a half ago – right?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
January 6, 2023 4:32 pm

He’s likely an Air Force grad, look at his shirt.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 5:30 pm

Yes, most of them today are called “White Tax Slaves”.

I went Gault 6 years ago. I was paying over 50% of my income in taxes and mandatory fees.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  The True Nolan
January 6, 2023 8:32 pm


January 6, 2023 4:06 pm

Wonder if the stupid cunt needs my coat too

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 6, 2023 8:33 pm

No. Stupid cunts like you are going to need your coats. Keep it…and get a name…or you’ll default to “fag” as your name.

January 6, 2023 8:30 pm

I thought this wuz gonna be the vid of the gurl with her titties out and floppin.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 6, 2023 10:44 pm

Life is full of disappointments bro. Let’s just tell ourselves this wasn’t one of those!

Stay positive like me!

I’m positve we’re all fucked!

January 6, 2023 4:45 pm

Need reparations!? (sic) He no doubt on the BOD of BLM.

Why the f__ do they not haul his ass to the drunk tank and leave him there-oh, sorry, that would be ray cisst.

January 6, 2023 4:54 pm

Perhaps some enterprising soul could put together a “Greatest Hits” compilation of these videos for presentation during Black History month coming up.

Every February, people in the United States celebrate the achievements and history of African Americans as part of Black History Month.

January 6, 2023 4:59 pm

TNB! Nothing a Louisville Slugger can’t take care of!

Doug grows potatoes
Doug grows potatoes
January 6, 2023 8:00 pm

What is a balanced budget??

January 6, 2023 8:19 pm

In a earlier, more moral America, that waste of carbon would be giving back: Ashes to ashes dust to dust.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 6, 2023 8:34 pm

Shall we gather at the river?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 6, 2023 8:30 pm

Stopped by this page for a laugh or two. I wasn’t disappointed!

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 6, 2023 10:53 pm

How can you watch that and NOT knock that motherfucker out cold?

That is literally an invitation to any white guy with balls.

Ooops! can’t find one of those! So…this is what you get to stand in line behind…pussies!

California has officially disappeared up it’s own asshole.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 7, 2023 10:26 am

Hollywood repackaged.

If they can’t fill seats in theaters, they decided to mass produce these “Pop-Up Wakanda Wars” live exhibitions.

It’s all part of the premarketing for “Wakanda III, The Fattening”

Starring: King Coal. Nappiel Black, and introducing-Dark Issues,

ursel doran
ursel doran
January 7, 2023 12:43 pm

From Status to Merit and Back to Status = The destruction of our society with ALL ground down to a low bar.
“This question might seem absurd, but already at Cal Tech, a premier institution of science and technology
there is talk of mathematics being racist and a tool of white oppression. Is math slated for the trash bin along with merit?
Such serious questions cannot be discussed, because they are racist and would destroy careers. The era of liberty has come to a close. From this day on, every child born in the Western world is born into tyranny.”

From Status to Merit and Back to Status