Putin “Ready” To Negotiate End To Ukraine War, But West Wants To “Tear Apart” Russia

Via ZeroHedge

In a Sunday interview with Rossiya 1 state television, Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country is now ready to negotiate an end to the conflict in Ukraine. However, he once again pointed the finger at the West for making any dialogue toward an acceptable end to the fighting all but impossible.

“We are ready to negotiate with everyone involved about acceptable solutions, but that is up to them – we are not the ones refusing to negotiate, they are,” Putin said.

Kremlin pool via Reuters

“I believe that we are acting in the right direction, we are defending our national interests, the interests of our citizens, our people. And we have no other choice but to protect our citizens,” he added.

From Moscow’s point of view, a signal of Ukraine’s ‘seriousness’ about talks would likely hinge on Kiev’s willingness to compromise on territorial concessions, especially regarding the Donbas in the east. Additionally the Ukrainians would likely have to acknowledge Russian control over the Crimea.

However, President Zelensky on Wednesday in his speech before Congress pledged “absolute victory” and has of late been vehement in rejecting any talk of letting go of territory as a non-starter, especially as the months-long Ukrainian counteroffensive has met with some significant successes.

Also in the interview Putin continued his theme of the US and NATO waging a proxy war using Ukraine as a pawn. He said in the Sunday comments that the West is attempting to “tear apart” Russia.

“At the core of it all is the policy of our geopolitical opponents, aiming to tear apart Russia, the historical Russia,” Putin said. “They have always tried to ‘divide and conquer’… Our goal is something else – to unite the Russian people.”

On Friday the US State Department said that Putin is belatedly “acknowledging reality” given that the day prior he for the first time ever used the word “war” to describe Russian actions in Ukraine. Putin had said in the Thursday televised news conference: “Our goal is not to spin this flywheel of a military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war,” adding that “This is what we are striving for.”

A State Department spokesperson reacted to Putin’s unprecedented word choice by saying: “Since Feb. 24, the United States and rest of the world knew that Putin’s ‘special military operation’ was an unprovoked and unjustified war against Ukraine. Finally, after 300 days, Putin called the war what it is.”

At this point, and despite Putin’s fresh remarks, all parties involved appear no closer to the negotiating table; instead, they seem further from this scenario than ever – given also US Patriot missiles are about to be transferred to Ukraine and could be a ‘game-changer’, while at the same time Putin is vowing his forces will destroy them.

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The True Nolan
The True Nolan
December 25, 2022 3:48 pm

Russia has been TRYING to negotiate with the US and NATO for 25 years. The result? The traitors in the West have broken their promises and their treaties at every opportunity. Putin would be a fool to ever trust the US. The simple truth? There is no one in the West who can negotiate in good faith.

Making deals with the US is like loaning $10K to your meth addict brother-in-law because “he is planning to finish his medical degree and needs money to buy books.”

  The True Nolan
December 26, 2022 12:36 am

I though we agreed to lay off Hunter for a little while.

December 25, 2022 5:47 pm

“…the West wants to tear apart Russia”…say what you want about Vlad, he has a solid grasp of the situation.

December 25, 2022 5:53 pm


Most people would not even know, much less remember, prancer’s name if that was EVER the situation. Part-n-Parcel.

December 25, 2022 10:23 pm

Yeah, Vladimir Putin? Who the the hell do you think I’m talking about?

December 26, 2022 3:45 am

“…say what you want about vlad,”

“Who the the hell do you think I’m talking about?”

mr. astute

December 25, 2022 5:56 pm

putin wants to negotiate? what a fucking idiot. even angela merkel basically called him an idiot for believing the minsk negotiations were anything but a ruse and a fraud. russia has failed miserably and will grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

it will be a replay of germany in 1918 which lost not an inch of territory but gave up tens of thousands of square miles for the jewish overlords.

December 25, 2022 10:25 pm

Using your logic I’m just going to assume you’re not a moron. Glow fag?

December 25, 2022 10:40 pm

using your logic i’m just going to assume you’re a cunt.

December 26, 2022 7:42 am

Such clever repartee.

December 25, 2022 6:49 pm

Russia, with complete justification, embarked on a Special Military Operation.
(((The United States Government))), a criminal enterprise incapable of minding it’s own business, turned it into a war.

December 26, 2022 4:44 am

Ashkenazi rhetoric at work in the political structures now holding our congress in check… AIPAC the ADL, all the traitors and Judas Goats of the commie neo-con insiders that lobby from the outside in. With parasitic efficiency, and blackmailing the new continuants’ naiveté hopes of changing the Status Quo. The liberal Jewish agendas of money given to the Ukrainian government and the state of Zionist Israel’s head hunter types like Jeffrey Epstein, murdered before he could expose these Judas Goats. The residents of congressional politicians and their deceitful foreplay, are jerking us all off, just to keep us desiring more of the same lies printed as truth, and the media dervish of mixed religious political deceptive practice’s, that now rule with impunity and immunity from prosecution, or any prison time, for their trichinous parasitic brothers and sisters who control the committees on foreign affairs. Specifically those that keep taxpayer money doing the works of genocidal Israel’s murder of humans, they do not think are humans… Yet, when the bell sounds the toll, and all who are controlled by the latter, the true pain and sufferings for these non-Ashkenazi goyim souls, will be thrown into the lions den and swallowed whole for their ignorance of who these deceitful masters of illusion are!!! Is

Is there any hope for our country’s emancipation form tyranny??? The Jury is out, and the Judges are mostly full of special intrest and divers corruptive political insider pit’s of money and collusion… Only a Magical miracle could possibly divert the outcomes now rolling down the hill to hell, As the infamous merle haggard song “Are the Good Times Really Over”

Nuff said!!! 😢