Fooken Ukrainian LOO Addresses Congress

Weep for Amerika, prolls!!!  Try not to puke on your keyboard.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 22, 2022 8:28 pm

As some sage said elsewhere recently, Putin missed the small window of a cruise missile opportunity.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
December 22, 2022 9:09 pm

That would have destroyed a beautiful building that we would pay to rebuild, aside from being easily tracked. I’m sure TPTB have some sort of noxious odorless substance.

Cleanup in isle C from all the relaxed sphincters would be all that’s required.

December 22, 2022 8:33 pm

Sorry, but that did make me puke all over my keyboard, and it seeped into TBP – not my fault:

It’s only money: Congress set to pass ANOTHER massive $1.7T spending bill, thousands of pages long, without reading it

Biden regime says white people are causing Alzheimer’s disease in non-whites because of “racism”

WHO declares war on unvaccinated people, likens them to murderers by calling them “a major killing force globally”

Panic spreads across social media following new FDA study linking covid jabs to blood clotting

Buying too many guns, ammo could result in your bank shutting down your accounts

Twitter Files reveal the platform has been heavily involved in pushing Pentagon’s ‘psychological influence ops’

JOURNO-TERRORISM: Bloomberg calls for climate terrorism across America, says “property destruction” is the only way to achieve climate justice

Todd Callender warns: Experimental mRNA may now be in flu shots

Amazon becomes first company ever to lose $1 trillion in market value

Swedish ECO-TERRORIST Andreas Malm says embrace “intelligent sabotage” by destroying property in “all manner of ways” to supposedly save Earth from climate change

EU approves direct carbon taxes on individuals, buildings and road transport fuels

Pro-vax UK radio host ‘excited’ about 3rd jab now hospitalized with ‘lungs full of blood clots’

EU funds test of biometric payments from digital wallets

Pandora’s box has been opened: The ‘Deep State’ exposed as 100-plus former intel community members targeted conservatives to be ‘silenced’

Medical police state whistleblowers raise the alarm about “devastating” vaccine injuries, while the medicine supply chain collapses from wave of vax-compromised SICK CHILDREN

No soup for you: Americans in need being turned away from homeless shelters as they fill up with Biden’s illegal migrants

Looks like this may be the last Christmas, y’all. What utter maniacs are in power everywhere.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 23, 2022 11:44 am

Regarding this clot business, a lady showed me photos of her teenage daughter’s clots pulled out of her by a surgeon. It literally looked like someone had pulled a large can of stewed tomatoes out of her. No idea how the kid survived without having a stroke.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
December 22, 2022 8:34 pm

I think it was cool that he showed up in a sweatshirt and cargo pants to ask for (billions) more of our – and by our, I mean the 25% of us who pay 98% of the taxes – money. All we needed was he and Lurch from PA (Fetterdude) bro-hugging with Nancy and her saggers in the middle.

I’m to the point where this is just pure funhaving. I’m past yelling at the tube. Just take another sip of William Evans and smile.

We are truly living in some weird combination of the Matrix and the Truman show.

Like Sundance says, “once you see the strings…”

  Just Thinking
December 22, 2022 9:39 pm
December 22, 2022 10:50 pm

The tiny dot sports a tiny hat

December 23, 2022 12:47 am

What’s wrong with this DS picture?

December 23, 2022 1:38 am

No Satan’s takers on this easy question, look at the post and I mean all of it and ask your Satan loving self, why the fuck did I not see that?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 23, 2022 11:53 am

Merry Christmas Stucky. This is just like “Duck Soup.” She’ll go over there and slap Putin and he’ll slap her back and she can storm out saying, of course you know, this means war! While somewhere in the bowels of the Pentagon a lesbo or tranny full bird is begging a four star to let all the they/thems in the Rainbow Regiment show the world that “fruits can fight!!!!” Cue the final scene from “Blazing Saddles.”

Wayne K Wilson
Wayne K Wilson
December 22, 2022 8:50 pm

I heard he played piano for pedo joe and nancy. Unique style , ramrod style like dr. jill’s strap on.

December 22, 2022 9:08 pm

In a just world, he would have been arrested upon arrival, and executed rather than let speak to the traitors in our Congress.

Gods Tom Cullen
Gods Tom Cullen
December 23, 2022 12:59 am

Scripted Reality.
Pedo Clown World.
Satans Short Season.
Justice Is Inevitable.
Mercy Is Not.
Seek Mercy.

December 22, 2022 9:11 pm

I believe their hubris will one day be their undoing.

Amb. Cornholio
Amb. Cornholio
December 22, 2022 9:13 pm

If this was real:
So many problems would be solved by an iron asteroid strike at the appropriate time and location !!!

December 22, 2022 9:59 pm

Keep stocking up,times WILL get very interesting.

December 22, 2022 10:05 pm

Make no mistake about it, our destruction is assured. These people are either under the influence of the devil or cursed by the hand of God. Either way, we lose.

December 22, 2022 11:07 pm

There will be no WWIII, no famine, no diesel shortage, no CWII, no economic depression and no mass die-off. These are my predictions.

December 22, 2022 11:19 pm

Gettin’ skeptical of all the hype, huh? I don’t blame you, GnL, and you may just be right… If so, I still predict generally crappiness — with a big helping of clown world antics — for several more years.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 23, 2022 1:37 am

You could be right. Having the odds of nuclear war rise from 1% to, say, 15% would still leave you with an 85% chance of being right on that score.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 23, 2022 7:24 am

Russia JUST fully mobilized it’s entire military…including it nuclear arsenal.

Care to amend your predictions?

December 22, 2022 11:19 pm

Too late, I puked on my keyboard. Zel is a turd tapper personified.

December 23, 2022 12:04 am

My money is being robbed from me so this faggot can show Russia his ass.

December 23, 2022 12:49 am

That’s what you get for falling for the moon landing because of your hero Dad.

December 23, 2022 2:00 am’m a

December 23, 2022 5:58 am

Anon, free speech means people are allowed to arrive at different conclusions or opinions.

Respecting free speech means you don’t ad hominem those who disagree with you.

This is a free speech platform.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 23, 2022 7:26 am

What part of “FREE” do you ball fondlers not get? You came closest and you STILL missed the mark!

  The Central Scrutinizer
December 23, 2022 10:50 pm

Downvoting IS speech; plus, it doesn’t prevent others’ speech. Disagreement isn’t shutdown of speech, except to hysterical lefties.

Your speech wasn’t denied by the downvoting. It was merely more speech. Are you sure you’re old enough to be posting here?

Lighten up, Francis the Snowflake. Oh, and fuck you proactively, for your anticipated tantrum in reply, signifying a total lack of understanding.

And cut the dot-filled textspeak and grow up.

December 23, 2022 1:19 am

The tale of two countries, If anyone remembers Byzantium and the Architects that kept the government free from these neo-cons of their time… Traitors and Judas Goats, the very likes of Zelenskyy and his tribal affiliates of Mideastern decent or the Asian Khazarian Mafia that is running the American Dream into the ground! Mitch McDonald’s bought and paid for, year after year, he is being reelected by the same AIPAC, ADL including the SLPC of which transgress the Nationalistic forums of our original constitution and the Republic for which it stood! Now the Flag is upside down!!!
(According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying the American flag shouldn’t be flown upside down — with the stars at the bottom — “except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” U.S. Flag Code is officially a law, but there aren’t any federal punishments or enforcement for people who so…)
Needless to say, the congressional offices of the congress are now in league with true evil, as they are being lead down a garden path by these non-nationalistic counterfeits who call themselves citizens. They now have a country to go to, but still live here using us a slaves because of their parasitic natures… Asking for billions more of our blood sweat and tears for what?, In the end, they will cast us under the dirt of their refuse parasitic modus operandi via using other countries like the Ukrainian to tap the American people and the till of fiat money backed by a private bank that is keeping us in slavery every day of our lives as they steal the fruits of our labors… or continue as they have been for the last 110 years and some change.
People of this country need to awaken from this induced conditioning and brainwashed slumber… Turn the tide of evil with the rule of law and turn back the Constitution to a time that the rule of Law ⚖ served the progressive institutions of Laissez Faire Capitalism. The Latter, gives our best of efforts to those that put the effort in to make it work, instead of sucking the guts out of us shipping our jobs to other countries and destroying out economic livelihoods… I see no reason to believe that commie capitalism will ever deliver us from this horrible evil ideological and mycological idiomatic distortion of how the real world and people work togeather… We must return to develop a higher economic standard, as it has done for years… via work and respect for what charity was given when people actually did something to deserve a fair chance to change the outcomes of their hardships.
Freeloaders Like Zelenskyy, and their parasitic cousins across the planet, need to heal to the order of good works and not the evil they do to others. Putin is no saint, but he sees the wrong done to the Donbass Russian population for the last 7 years… and who knows, how long they have been terrorized by the practices of the Ukrainian government and their Gestapo Nazi police! Nuff said for the interim!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 23, 2022 1:52 am
South Vietnamese President Ngo Diem once addressed a joint session of Congress. 6 years later he was assassinated in a coup by generals who’d been given the green light by US Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. A recent Economist article spotlighted an interview with Ukrainian General Zaluzhnyi – a purported rival to Zelenskyy. You don’t get any more “establishment” than the Economist. There may be elements of the US government hoping to replace Zelenskyy. In any case, all the American money he can mooch won’t change the fact that Russia will end the war only when they’ve achieved what they want.

  Iska Waran
December 23, 2022 6:10 am

Great example. This is the difference between a deliberate, realist foreign/defense policy and petty squabbling over who gets to wear the crown.

Historically, selling out to the empire-of-the-day in order to wear the crown never ends well for both the ruler and the subjects.

December 23, 2022 8:02 am
December 23, 2022 8:28 am

Poor niggers-faggots and pedophiles !
The democrat party has moved on to worshiping a little Slavic runt kikenazi .

December 23, 2022 9:48 am

Just look who is running the gambit of socialistic commie liberals, Adam Schiff, the Chucky called Schumer and Pelosi’s husband on the outside in the tabernacle of deceit… One must remember that this racist creed of the latter never marry outside the tabernacle of the seven candled labra of the kabbalistic Zoharian mistic worship of the bull… Wall street is an example of the love of money and the gods it represents! Thusly, these parasitic political underspendings of the ADL AIPAC lobby control the powerful committees of fiat money lending with no payback in sight. Money for free, awash with free TV’s and main stream media FBI and CIA…NSA control of fake information and propagated mind control is paramount to their survival…

Arizona Bay
Arizona Bay
December 23, 2022 10:57 am

comment image

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Arizona Bay
December 23, 2022 11:25 am

Ahhhh … buyer’s remorse … but, hey, it’s worth it …