My Covid Joys And Fetterman Blues

I recall reading that depending on the cycle setting that a PCR test could show that a banana contracted Covid. So, I didn’t get one. So, I guess I’m guessing here. But, I’ve had a few colds in my life and what I got about 10 days ago was nothing like that. I’ve also had the flu three times as an adult and, again, what I got was absolutely nothing like that. And besides all that, I am told that the regyoulah flu has disappeared from the face of the Earth since Mr. Covid made his entrance. Amiright? For the record, I am un-vaxxed/un-boosted, and therefore according to some, un-protected and un-clean.

On Day 1 it started out as a mere sniffle and a scratchy throat. On Day 2 I started to feel feverish, very tired from the moment I woke up, and later in the day the coughing started. I never did lose my sense of smell or taste as many do. However, my appetite dwindled significantly … for the next 5 days I would eat only one small meal a day. The proverbial shit hit the fan that evening, and lasted two full days.

I woke up in a panic around 4AM choking and gagging. Apparently I had an enormous amount of phlegm in my lungs, and that was coupled with a strong case of heartburn. For several hours before going to bed I had been choking down stomach acids that had made its way all the way to my mouth … no idea what the hell that was all about. At any rate, it took a good long 10 minutes of gasping and choking until I could breath somewhat normal again. I wouldn’t get more than an hour’s sleep, if that, for the next two days.

The coughing!! It just would not stop for the next two days. I would cough for 2 or 3 minutes straight — which doesn’t seem like a long time — but it is! This was followed by a few precious minutes of peace, sometimes as long as 10 minutes, but usually the quiet time lasted five minutes or less before the next round of hack-a-lung started. It was friggen exhausting!

It was also scary as hell. All that coughing — or maybe it was the Covid itself, I’m not sure — constricted my throat. It got to the point where I was taking, or trying to take, huge gulps of air while simultaneously furiously coughing. It was exceedingly difficult to do and literally left me gasping for air. Eventually, I could breath somewhat normal again but I knew The Terrifying Thing was coming …. the next round of coughing, the next round of gasping for my very breath. This went on for hour after hour.

Then the chest pains started. Again, not sure if it was due strictly to the coughing, or something to do with Covid. First there was the “pressure” pain … not “stabbing” like what I read occurs during a heart attack, but “pressure” as if someone put my heart in vice-grips. Then my heart rate — beating so fast like I just finished a marathon. I honestly wondered if I was going to die, and wondered how long it would be until someone discovered I croaked. A week? A month? I am not exaggerating
any of this …. I physically just went through the worst 10 days of my life. (I’ve had worse days mentally.)

Anyway, I obviously survived. I’m still coughing but only occasionally and only briefly … although it sounds like have have a quart of sand in my lungs. I’ve identified about 11 different wheezing sounds my lungs can sing. I still have the sniffles. And that’s about it.

Even though it could have ended differently, I’m glad I toughed it out. Had I gone to the ER, and given my breathing issues,
I’m guessing I may have been put on a ventilator. What percentage of people die once they go on a ventilator? I think
it’s over half.

It was MY decision (my body, my choice) to rely on Belief (God + prayer + positive thinking), my natural immune system, and vitamin supplementation which pulled me through.

Regarding Belief I read of a documented case where a patient with advanced cancer was given a pill which the doctors said will cure him. The patient took the pill and over time the cancer went away … as in the cancer literally disappeared from all tests! But, guess what? The doctors gave him a sugar pill, a placebo. The patient eventually discovered he was given a placebo. The cancer returned, and he died within months. There are thousands of stories like this.

I believe. So, for the better part of the three terrible days I laid in bed keeping my body as still as possible, and quieting my mind also. Mind over matter. What exactly happens when you “decide” to move your pinky finger? Sure, it’s the muscles and tendons that perform the physical function. But, did the muscles and tendons get together over a beer and decide “hey, let’s go move that pinky!”. Nope. It’s ultimately the mind that’s responsible for moving Herr Pinky. Maybe that’s a bad example … sorry, I’m still recovering and it’s the best I got right now.

Anyway, back to my story … that’s what I did for the better part of 2+ days … talking to myself, commanding my mind to win the battle. “Don’t cough right now … wait another 5 seconds!”. “Don’t be afraid!”. “Relax, everything will get better!” “You can beat this. You WILL beat this!”. I would even give commands to my immune system. Really. “All right you T-cells, get to work!” “Hey macrophages, eat an extra helping of those damned
covid fuckers!”.  And, yes, I also kept my mind occupied with several favorite Bible verses.

As far as vitamin supplementation I took large doses of what I had on hand; Vitamin C and D, zinc, quercin, NAC. I also had a bottle of gingko and resveratrol so, what the heck, I took those also. I would have taken ivermectin, but didn’t have any. That’s my covid survival story and here I am, fit as a 69 year old fiddle can be.


But, it’s not yet quite the end of the story. A person has a lot of time to think when they’re sick and immobile. I mean, what’s up with this Fetterman Fiasco?

Democrats suck. So do Republicans. I hate most of them in both parties. The only thing I will concede is that one of those parties is less pathetically shitty than the other, by a small margin. Neither can stop The 4th Turning Storm that is coming that will likely end America as we know it. All these politicians are nothing but pawns anyway. They answer to a Higher Power — a very small group of immensely rich and powerful entities (individual and corporate) who are also Evil Personified. So, I really don’t give a rat’s ass that the Red Wave didn’t materialize as planned. It would not have changed one bit this nation’s downward trajectory. Nevertheless, I was surprised, and shaken by the election of John Fetterman.

It is said that people always vote in THEIR best interests. That’s why the poor will vote for the party they believe will give them the most freebies, and the old will vote for the party they believe will keep Social Security funded forever, and so on down the line. Every voter is a Special Interest of one.

But, Fetterman can’t even speak a single coherent sentence. He was against fracking before he was for it. In other words, he has no principles or core beliefs whatsoever. He wants to basically empty out the jails because those murderous inmates are just like us. He denies inflation is even an issue. My God, this guy is a hundred miles to the left of Bernie Sanders. In fact, he is much closer to Communism than any American elected politician of any era.

Therefore, HOW can casting a vote for him possibly be in ANYONE’S best interests??? Yet, the people of PA chose him. I have read many explanations why this happened but, I don’t like any of them. Let me very briefly give you my opinion; one is a secular answer, and the other is religious in nature.

The secular answer in one word; TRIBALISM.

Americans have gotten to the point where even self-interests no longer matter. “I’ll hurt myself as long as it hurts YOU more!!”  The only thing that matters is either the letter “D” or “R” next to the name. If you’re a Democrat you won’t vote for the name next to the “R”, even if that name is Jesus Christ. If you’re a Democrat you will vote for the name next to the “D”, even if that name is Beelzebub. Republicans are no different. It’s MY TRIBE, come hell or high water. It’s US vs THEM; and that kind of national division almost always ends in lots of violence and bloodshed and the end of nations.

Here is the opening paragraph in an editorial this week titled “Are the unvaccinated still a danger to the rest of us?”

“For almost two years, covid-19 vaccine holdouts have been the object of earnest pleading and financial inducements, of social media shaming and truth campaigns. They’ve missed weddings, birthday celebrations and recitals, and even forfeited high-stakes athletic competitions. Until last month, they were barred from entering the United States and more than 100 other countries. Now the unvaccinated are suddenly back in the mix. They’re dining in restaurants, rocking out at music festivals and filling the stands at sporting venues. They mingle freely in places where they used to be shunned for fear they’d seed super-spreader events. It’s as if they are no longer hazardous to the rest of us.”

You can almost feel the editor’s sorrow that the unvaccinated haven’t all dropped dead. And that’s how in is in America now; Us vs. Them, and not only with Corona, but just about everything. The president tells me I am a danger to democracy if I don’t vote Democrat. Others say I am racist no matter what I say or do, that it is part of my white DNA. If I object to a transgender twerking in front of my first grade child then I am a homophobe who deserves to lose his job. There is no end to the number of ways the seeds of division can be divvied up. We would be doomed as a nation even if there were no 4th Turning.

The religious answer; we have forsaken our Christian roots. That is according to a parable taught by Jesus in Mt. 12:43-45

When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”

At first glance this appears to be a parable about a possessed and delivered man who becomes repossessed. Could be true. But, the key is when Jesus says “So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” Thus, it is more than just a spiritual principle about a possessed individual but, rather, it is a prophetic warning about a possessed culture and civilization.

When Jesus taught this parable the known world (mostly the Roman Empire) was a civilization possessed by a pantheon of gods and spirits (small ‘g’ and ‘s’). But, into that house came The Word, the True Spirit, and set them free, a house cleansed and set in order. What happened to the gods and spirits that used to dwell there? They now dwelled in the shadows roaming the dry and desolate places. Eventually, the spirits find their way back into the house. How is that possible? Because it wasEMPTY“. For some reason not stated, the Spirit no longer resided therein. A clean and pretty house on the outside, but empty on the inside, will be repossessed. I am reminded of Jesus’s condemnation of the Pharisees whose house was clean on the outside but dead and filthy inside.

How does this verse relate to America? I believe it means that as a post-Christian nation we will end up in a far darker place than the pre-Christian era. Jesus said that a nation that once knew God, a nation delivered from gods and spirits, that should they turn away from the True Spirit that things would be seven times worse for them than it ever was. That’s why we got John Fetterman!  🙂 

Isn’t that what is happening to America before your eyes? We have all but legislated God out of existence in public life over the last 50 years. Christ is the only religious leader who can be spit upon, mocked, and even pictured in a vial of piss, and all done without impunity. So let’s not be surprised that it is the modern world, not the pagan one, which has produced the most death, mayhem, destruction, suffering, and evil on such a scale even the demons sit back in wonder. Seven times worse? I’m betting that before it’s all over it will be seventy times seven worse for America.  


Other things I thought about. What do I want my role to be here on TBP? Do I have anything left to say that I haven’t said a hundred times before? Is it time to close this chapter of my life? Hey, I had a lot of time on my hands!

I have Everything Fatigue! Trump fatigue, Pelosi fatigue, Democrat fatigue, Republican fatigue, Doom fatigue, POWM fatigue, I am even fatigued of fatigue! I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t give a rat’s ass about these things anymore. I don’t see myself commenting or submitting articles too much on these things in the future.  To be sure, I have felt this way before, and the feeling eventually went away.  But, it seems more real this time.

I will certainly continue commenting on the Russia-Ukie-USA war. That’s because the outcome may determine the existence of NATO and, therefore, America’s continued status as the World’s Unipolar Hegemon. Also,  it is of extreme interest to me to see firsthand the battle between a Christian nation (Russia) and a non-Christian nation (USA).

But, mostly I will return to my roots.  My roots are in things spiritual.  I pretty much learned English from Dick (and Jane) and from the Daily Messenger – a Catholic comic book depicting stories from the Gospels.  When I was in high school I’d climb out the bedroom window to go to Jehovah Witness meetings.  In the Air Force I joined a Jesus People Group known as The Way. Later I was baptized in the Mediterranean by Methodists. In my 40’s I took post graduate religion courses from a seminary.  Religion is in my bones. 

Besides, I got maybe a decade or a little more left to roam this earth.  What should I do?  Strive for a big fancy house,  get a brand new red sports car, play golf on weekends,  go fishing on my boat during the week,  drink wine with my much younger looking wife, never get sick, travel the world, a smile all day every day?? —- you know, like all those retirement commercials you see on TV?   Nah!!! Screw that!!

I want to spend my twilight years contemplating The Eternal One, what eternity might hold, whether or not I’ll make it, and maybe being nice to more people.  I’d probably be happy as a monk but, that ain’t gonna happen.

I might write about some of my more profound findings, if any.

Then again, I might not.  I’ve written about a dozen purely religious articles. It’s always a crap shoot. They usually get a lot of comments … mostly negative.  First, there are the atheists and agnostics. Other than saying “Bullshit!!“, they aren’t too bad to deal with.  It’s the believers who are a real challenge.  All the following comments have come from believers;  “Heretic!“, “You’re not rightly dividing …”,  “You don’t understand insert-anything-here“,  “Stop spreading lies!”,  and even “Why do yo hate God!?“.  They are a difficult group to please, and the effort required to put thoughts on paper not only goes unrewarded, but is punished.  I’m not sure I want to deal with that.  I’m not the shit-stirrer I used to be.  People change. I changed. I’m trying to be nicer … before I croak.


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 13, 2022 9:09 pm

Glad you recovered, whatever it was.

Come up and visit when you get a chance.

White Rationalist
White Rationalist
  hardscrabble farmer
November 14, 2022 11:48 am

My wife recently had symptoms and got two positive covid tests. After two days on the FLCCC protocol, with ivermectin as the headliner, she was over it.

Internet desk reference
Internet desk reference
November 13, 2022 9:16 pm

It sounds like a parasitic infection.

  Internet desk reference
November 13, 2022 11:06 pm

Ivermectin works well on parasites, One of WHO’s ‘essential medicines!’

If Ivermectin isn’t available: I’ve helped 3 people (one twice) get over Covid in 2.5 days with Artemesia Annua (wormwood) + lots of C and D + Berberine, Quercetin and Zinc, and NAC. NAC is great at clearing the lungs (BTW it was banned on Amazon). (NIH has some info on its site about Artemesia Annua and covid. )

Mercola recommends diluted H2o2 nebulized at first sign of illness.

November 14, 2022 5:44 am

Yeah, I have been recommending the H2O2 treatment for decades now and really “pushed” it at the beginning of this mess. Maybe he got the idea from me. It has saved my life on at least one occasion. I use a cool mist humidifier though I did buy some nebulizers just in case when we all thought this might be the big one. CS has also been suggested, but I have had no need or chance to try it. H2O2 usually for me (and others in my family who have used it) works with one treatment, though I tend to wait till it gets bad enough to see if the body will kick it to build up antibodies.
I’ve been taking chaga, and so far have not had a bad case if a case at all, even when others around me try their best to give it to me. Chaga has the side benefit for me I found out, that it keeps / knocks the inflammation out of my ankles (as well other places) so as I’m no longer a gimp.
Will it work for others and their inflammation misery? Won’t find out till you try and it is pretty low risk to consume. They say gout is one thing it could cause, but I’m apt to gout and haven’t had a case of it either since using chga. I almost think my problems were / are caused by lyme disease, which come to find out chaga is a treatment for.
Doesn’t take that much, I just break off a small piece with my desk dykes and chew on it till it is gone and do this once a day till the pain goes away when I feel it coming on, and then stop. I stay pain free for some some after that. The correlation is so strong that the chaga is the reason there is no doubt works. I ordered my chaga off ebay from some feller up in Michigan by the pound.
Most recommend taking a chunk and making a tea out of chaga, but that seems wasteful to me. I would at the very least grind it up fine to make the tea to get the most of it, though you could make your own capsules out of it to that way too.

Ooze the other one
Ooze the other one
November 15, 2022 7:50 am

Automatic upvote for anyone who keeps a pair of “desk dykes.”

Thanks for the information about Chaga. I’ve been on the fence as to which therapy I should dedicate my meager funds toward. I have also had great success with H2O2 in the past. I have serious upper respiratory problems and have had them since the early 1970s.

Thank you for taking the time to write your comment. Your testimony has added to that of others whose opinions I have come to respect.

  Ooze the other one
November 15, 2022 12:43 pm

WTF is a desk dyke?

November 14, 2022 7:32 am

I’ve learned that Artemesinin is very difficult to absorb and has to be taken specifically on certain way or it has little to no effect.

I prefer this , taken on an empty stomach, with grapefruit juice, black pepper and Sodium Butyrate is shown by research to be absorbed quite well.

This paper deals with absorption for cancer therapy , but it can work just as well for Covid or variants.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
November 14, 2022 11:53 am

There are many medications, etc., that should NOT be taken with grapefruit juice … a mystery to me …

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
November 14, 2022 11:51 am

NAC was banned on AMZN, but it’s been there for about 6 months or so again — just confirmed it a minute ago.

  Anthony Aaron
November 15, 2022 12:46 pm

Yeah, what’s in it this time around? After not being able to get ivermectin paste at Rural King, they suddenly had it again. But the formulation is different (more like glue than a paste/gel)…

  Internet desk reference
November 14, 2022 6:31 am

As an aside, I have “burped up” acid when sleeping before. I coughed for 2 days, scorched my throat and I must have inhaled a small amt while I was still half asleep. Nothing helps once it’s in the throat and lungs but time, water/milk/Tums…nothing alleviated the burn and cough.

Phlegm buildup in the stomach can cause acid reactions so it could have been a confluence of events with the original respiratory virus and inflammation in the bronchii as the instigator–just guessing.

November 14, 2022 7:44 am

Try this. Works for me. I make the tea because it coats my throat.

4. Reduces Digestive Issues
Is marshmallow root good for acid reflux? Yes — digestive uses for marshmallow root include lowering or preventing heartburn, stomach ulcer symptoms, diarrhea and constipation.

Animal research shows it coats the inside of the stomach and prevents acid from causing discomfort and “burning,” while also providing anti-inflammatory effects.

Interestingly, the mucilage properties of marshmallow seem to remain stable in the body all the way through the digestive system until they reach the colon. This means they don’t change form while passing through the digestive tract and therefore are useful for soothing symptoms of inflammatory digestive disorders.

Marshmallow Root: The Ultimate Gut and Lung Protector

November 14, 2022 9:11 am

Baking soda in a glass of water, Bada fucking Bing, cured.

November 14, 2022 1:10 pm

A temporary and potentially harmful fix that offers zero relief for inflamed and sometimes diseased tissue. smh…the stupid is off the charts.

November 14, 2022 2:43 pm

It was just an alternative to help.

On another note you don’t have to be a fucking CUNT about it.

November 14, 2022 3:56 pm

Sorry, advice that only exacerbates a problem set me off, especially considering chronic acid reflux is a serious issue. It nearly destroyed my throat and led to other serious issues as well.
It’s a low acid that’s the problem and baking soda only makes it worse. The lower sphincter muscle need high acid to signal it to close. What you want is more acid in the stomach , not less. Something like Betaine HCI, taken with food can help in the long term, but short term , the throat needs healing from acid burn and that’s where coatings like Slippery Elm and Marshmallow tea come in.

Bada fucking Bing, cured.

November 14, 2022 11:58 am

When an , ahem, “DR” proclaims that marshmallows are made from marshmallow root out the gate, and is that uninformed with basic fact comparisons of marshmallow root and the sweet sticky confection of a marshmallow…… hard to take the author seriously to read further.
Marshmallows 101:
store bought, commercially made:
corn syrup, sugar, modified corn starch, detrose, water, gelatin, tetrasodium phrophosphate, (whipping aid), natural and artificial flavor, coloring
home made:
gelatin, water, granulated sugar, corn syrup, salt, vanilla , confectioners’ sugar, cornstarch

So, ” DR.” where is the marshmallow root “from which marshmallows are made”?

November 14, 2022 1:01 pm

Do some research before commenting, dumbass.

The word “marshmallow” comes from the mallow plant species (Althaea officinalis), a herb native to parts of Europe, North Africa, and Asia which grows in marshes and other damp areas. The plant’s stem and leaves are fleshy, and its white flower has five petals. It is not known exactly when marshmallows were invented, but their history goes back as early as 2000 BCE. Ancient Egyptians were said to be the first to make and use the root of the plant to soothe coughs and sore throats and to heal wounds. The first marshmallows were prepared by boiling pieces of root pulp with honey until thick. Once thickened, the mixture was strained, cooled, then used as intended.[3][4]

Whether used for candy or medicine, the manufacture of marshmallows was limited to a small scale. In the early- to mid-1800s, the marshmallow had made its way to France, where confectioners augmented the plant’s traditional medicinal value with indulgent ingredients utilized by the Egyptians. Owners of small candy stores would whip the sap from the mallow root into a fluffy candy mold. This candy, called Pâte de Guimauve, was a spongy-soft dessert made from whipping dried marshmallow roots with sugar, water, and egg whites.[5][6] It was sold in bar form as a lozenge. Drying and preparation of the marshmallow took one-to-two days before the final product was produced.[7]

November 14, 2022 1:16 pm

Great, a name caller. How mature of you.
That was in days past.
Today it is not used whatsoever.
I presume that this “DR.” was not from the 1800’s or early 1900’s? Or the Middle Kingdom of Egypt?
And the article was written in 2021?
Apparently you should drop a note to the good “DR” and inform him that he is a dumbass for making such a broad ignorant statement about marshmallows that are no longer made that way and haven’t been for a long time. “marshmallow root — from which marshmallows ARE made — ”
Shall we discuss Mead next?
Oh and thanks for the cut and paste.

November 14, 2022 1:50 pm

How ’bout this shit for brains. The recipe for making non- processed marshmallows remains intact today. Corn syrup does not have to be used, plus your nonsensical spew has nothing do with the healing affects of marshmallow root. Way to obfuscate a topic without adding one iota of value.

November 14, 2022 1:51 pm

comment image

November 13, 2022 9:39 pm

It sounds like you actually had the Vid, based on what I read about it.

Keep up the shit-stirring Stucky- TBP wouldn’t be the same without it.

November 13, 2022 9:42 pm

Thoughtful stuff, Stuck. Enjoyed reading it, more so than some of your more “emphatic” posts….which, though unpleasant, did serve to clear the mental palate.

I live in PA and believe that it could be the Texas of the northeast, but could never figure out the stupidity of the electorate. After this Covaids bullshit, I’ve pretty much written off most of that same northeast.

Nature bats last, and natural (God’s given) law will probably give it to all of us compromised humans good and hard.

November 13, 2022 9:44 pm

Sure glad you made it, Stucky! I always enjoy your comments and articles.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
November 13, 2022 9:46 pm

Glad you’re feeling better. You should have been wearing a mask.

I enjoy your articles/comments, but understand your fatigue. I’m there too. Just kinda over it all.

Edit: Oh, almost forgot. Love ya, Stucky. But you already knew that.

  Abigail Adams
November 13, 2022 10:14 pm

Masks don’t do a damn thing, didn’t you read the ‘mask expert’ article?

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
November 13, 2022 10:54 pm

It was a joke.

  Abigail Adams
November 14, 2022 10:54 am

Masks don’t work. The science says so. Plus they are extremely unhealthy and can lead to premature death.

November 13, 2022 9:51 pm

It is clear to me that what you had was atypical monkeypox. Congratulations on beating it.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 13, 2022 10:47 pm

It can’t be that. That’s only guys who get banged in the butt.

November 13, 2022 11:57 pm

lol, beating it.

November 13, 2022 9:53 pm

Happy you toughed it out. The Fetterman thing is the Global Banksters letting us know, they will do whatever they want. That includes putting in a half brain dead stroke patient. I have always believed that the key to life is having a greater Spiritual understanding of your place in the universe. Remember that Bob Dylan song.
It may be the devil and it may be the lord. Your gonna have to serve somebody. Serving God is voluntary. Serving Satan is not. Gods blessing is life eternal. Satan’s reward is enslavement in the lower worlds.

November 13, 2022 10:04 pm

Damn, that sounds like a terrible ordeal. I, too, am glad you made it through.


comment image

November 13, 2022 10:09 pm

Stucky, first, I’m glad to hear you are on the other side of the funk you had. From the description you gave, I understand your fear on wondering if you would get through it. It sounded very nasty.

Secondly, I think you wrote a very honest and moving assessment of things that moved me. I think it is because I’ve had similar thoughts in recent days, especially on where we are as a nation. I’ve been moving emotionally through the various forms of grief. I grew up in the same America as you (I’m 67) and it is unrecognizable. I’ve allowed myself to get too deep into all the corruption and darkness and it has worn me down. I’ve gotten both angry and depressed and this is not healthy.

I’m not sure yet what exactly I’m going to do about it but, I know I need to find some balance in staying informed but not being so plugged in.
We must remind ourselves that Jesus told us in His Word that these days would come but, we are not to fret as He has overcome the world.

Hang in there, brother, and keep the faith!

November 13, 2022 10:13 pm

I tested positive for ‘covid’ three months ago, I’ve had colds that were worse. Keep your vitamin D level up and your weight down is the best way to beat it.
When I got it first day was ear and sinus congestion, took some Sudafed. Second day, moved to my lungs. Very heavy feeling. Took Mucinex for a week to make sure it didn’t stagnate and turn into pneumonia. Didn’t cough anything up but in a week I was mostly better, just a little weak for a few days.

November 14, 2022 10:17 am

Why did you get tested? For work or something? What test was it? I understand there is no test for Covid just antibodies or something.
I’m really curious as I do not trust anything about this business.

November 13, 2022 10:16 pm


If you would have put out a call I would have sent you some Ivermectin post haste buddy!

Glad you are ok!

Remember Pine Needle Tea will flush out the Spike Proteins…just hold the bird shit!

by Kim Molisani January 27, 2022


November 14, 2022 1:11 pm

White pine needle tea. Some species of pine needles can be toxic.

November 13, 2022 10:19 pm

rely on Belief (God + prayer + positive thinking), my natural immune system, and vitamin supplementation which pulled me through.

And, yes, I also kept my mind occupied with several favorite Bible verses.

Great witness. Excellent formula for defeating covid or any other serious obstacles that need to be overcome.
Praise the Lord!

November 13, 2022 10:32 pm

In the Air Force I joined a Jesus People Group known as The Way.

Oh my God I cant believe it. I also was in “The Way” —International at Knew Knoxville? With Wierwille and Martindale? Is it the same Way? I learned how to read and study the bible. Met some wonderful people but it crashed and burned also leadership may have wrecked many lives. A bitter sweet era of my life but forever grateful to the WOW sisters who intervened the night I was planning a smash and grab at a local music store Lawrence Kansas 1982 or I would have spent half my life in prison or worse.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 14, 2022 9:20 am

These days you could probably do that in Lawrence, be arrested, and let go either with no bond or maybe a small bond. Johnny’s Tavern has closed because the city put a homeless camp right behind the parking lot and homeless people were wandering around the parking lot aggravating the staff and customers and using the lot as a toilet. The owner said the city has to put up a fence and he will not open again until the city (who is dragging their feet) gets the fence up.
Johnny’s is an iconic bar and grill that has been there since 1953.

  Mary Christine
November 14, 2022 11:53 am


November 15, 2022 11:40 am

yep, very interesting. I took PFAL class in and out for ten years. Never fully committed as they demanded unquestioning loyalty. Some topics were out of bounds and very secretive polices created much suspicion.
Curious: What do you think about that book? I am not a believer in the Trinity doctrine after reading that book but its been a matter of internal conflict ever since. I believe in Jesus Christ as the “Son of God”. No where in my bible does it ever say “God the Son” but at the same time I do believe Jesus is the God of the old testament in the burning bush. He existed before he was born – a parodox for sure – and have come to the conclusion that I will never know more about God than what Jesus Christ is.

November 13, 2022 10:37 pm

You did not have a bug. Your body got busy getting rid of your toxic buildup from consuming lousy food. So many poor folks who think they have too much acid in their gut and throat are actually deficient in acid thereby causing the stomach to belch up into the esophagus. That is the acid burn. Remedy? Stop with the freaking antacids and consume kefir and other foods that are rich in biota. And stop, STOP, eating crap food. Best to go carnivore and eat grass-fed beef. No pork, no chicken. Beef. Liver is your friend you should not avoid. For more info check out Dr. Saladino.

November 16, 2022 3:01 am

Weird. I wrote an apology and quite a bit of information of a different sort, but that piece has been expunged. I know not why. Anybody know why?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 13, 2022 10:55 pm

Glad you’re better but mostly glad you’re not giving in to cynical agnosticism. Contemplating the Eternal One is a great choice. A buddy of mine decided he wants to be nicer. I suppose I could try that.

Red River D
Red River D
  Iska Waran
November 14, 2022 9:53 am

Being nicer is for fags.

Just do gooder!!!

November 13, 2022 11:04 pm

But imagine how much worse it could have been if you had taken the Jab…..

November 13, 2022 11:23 pm

Stucky – Glad you’re feeling better.

November 13, 2022 11:42 pm

Read this free book first: This info has been available since early 2020.

Then spend USD60 for a quality nebulizer compressor. For one month every day nebulize 3% hydrogen peroxide 3 minutes with a face mask (breathe in thru the nose out thru the mouth) and then 3 minutes with the mouth tube (in thru the mouth out thru the nose). After one month do the regimen 2-3 times per week.

Your recent comments have begun to sound like those of a querulous old man who is reacting to events rather than thinking ahead and anticipating potential events. Maybe you can find a geriatric-related blog to post to and thus free up valuable space on TBTP.

November 13, 2022 11:43 pm

It appears you were in the valley of the shadow of death, Stuck, and it was truly terrifying indeed. Glad you are feeling better and on your way back to green pastures and still waters.

November 13, 2022 11:56 pm

What, 2-3 pounds?

Bunkered in Wyo
Bunkered in Wyo
November 14, 2022 12:19 am

Thank you for your thoughtful words! Very well said.

Sen. Cornynholio
Sen. Cornynholio
November 14, 2022 1:39 am

Continue with your “heresy” and go get some damned horse wormer, in case you need IVM again. About a week ago I began felling off, temperature went from my normal 97.6 or so to 98.9 so I took Pony Paste for 3 days and all is well. Me and my 2 therapy ponies share! Pretty sure I had the ‘rona way back in FEB2020, wasn’t bad but I did lose taste / smell for a month or so. I am 60 years old, unvaxxed, ain’t going to ever be vaxxed, no flu more shots, no shingles vax, no pneumonia vax, to hell with all that BS. I got enough jabs for 10 people during my 9 years in the TX Air Guard, no more jabs, more vitamins, more minerals !

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 14, 2022 2:06 am

Here’s an anti hegemon tune:

November 14, 2022 3:30 am

Healing crisis.

November 14, 2022 4:49 am

Glad you made it – but I can only look in wonder.
Will you now at last atone and look up the nearest farm supply store and go buy the effing dip horse paste?
Not even pulling your leg here.

November 14, 2022 5:39 am

Stucky- Thank the Lord you have overcome the Covid (?) or whatever malady that had gripped your body. This was one of your best articles to date IMO, I too conquer illness with shear will and leave the medical profession (and I use the term loosely and with great disdain) out of the equation. You have truly evolved since I arrived at TBP, for the best I think, by not believing in the construct.

Your quest to understand the Eternal One starts with yourself, your soul is eternal and must be protected from the trickery of this Earthly plane of existence. Just being good and decent and caring about humanity is enough to fill the rest of your days old friend. Glad you are better and back on the road to good health.

November 14, 2022 6:33 am

I survived the same shit, Stucky. Back in November 2019, and again in January of 2021. I also had Swine Flu back when it rolled through Texas, about a decade ago. I was ready to meet my maker while suffering those last few flu episodes. Exactly the same symptoms you described, plus my anaphylaxis made for very scary moments of no breathing for easily 20 seconds during the worst coughing fits. Yep. I totally empathize, Stucky.

Your sentiment regarding continued interaction and posting here on the TBP is totally understandable, even for a newcomer like myself. I’m just now catching up on all the years of wisdom and observations made by contributors like yourself. “Fresh meat” can make for renewed debate enthusiasm, sometimes. For example, I am a firm believer in a “globe” model for earth, not a flat one. Yet, my career of 18 years put me in a unique position to confirm or deny the flat earth concept. I have always been willing to be proven incorrect in my assumptions. And, I try to always debate with zero ad-homonym replies. My course of study at college helped me to immerse myself in the era when trigonometry was a new science. And, I was able to connect with the sense of discovery with the same methods employed to determine the diameter of our planet. I is an excited discovery that, to me, is a testament to mankind’s innate ability to make sense of large, complex problems. This sailor spent many hours on the bow of the ship watching other ships, tall radio towers, and tall smokestacks for industrial facilities appear on the horizon. The tops of those items were always the very first points visible. As the distance between our ship and the object of interest closed, more of the object would be revealed from behind the horizon, from the top down. Every single time. I will still try to test this theory until the day I die. That’s why I totally respect anyone who is of the belief our world is flat.

Be well, Stucky. Take care of yourself. This newcomer to TBP thanks you for your voluntary contributions to our society as a whole.

November 14, 2022 9:42 am

It would be interesting for you to take up David Weiss’ challenge. Show us the proof for the globe. I’m serious and not snarky. You brought it up.

As far as the flu I just got over these symptoms with a lot of sneezing. The part that rhymes is the acid. I started zinc, but was prepared with ivermectin in case it got worse. I do some other things but not vitamins (kefir, eat well/fresher ice, chaga tea, smoke : ). Anyway pretty much gone. I also reminded myself this used to be called a cold, though I don’t like to dismiss peoples’ testimony that theirs seemed ‘different’.

I am going to add chlorine dioxide (Mms, whatever) starting this week. I looked into it before the plandemic as water purification -we have gravity fed water which is beautiful but needs purified (have UV unless the power goes out). I think there is definitely something to this parasite angle and have since it seems all the parasite medications work plus the cancer treatment reports.

November 14, 2022 1:45 pm

I did bring it up; I know this is a “third-rail” subject for some people. I’m not trying to stir anything up and I definitely didn’t read any snark into your challenge.

Personally, I’m satisfied with my own journey to prove or disprove the big idea of a globe earth. It really comes down to a personal journey for me, regarding this question. I approached my journey as a doubter of a globe theory and eventually proved to myself that we do live on an oblate spheroid. I took myself through the steps of discovery with a willingness to adhere to my personal observations, whatever they might be. I can’t lead anyone through the steps I took to reach my conclusion, they are mine and not really relatable to anyone else. It’s taken me almost 50 years to convince myself. Working on the open ocean for 18 years was the deciding factor. How can I relate those personal experiences in a textual or mathematical proof that will convince someone who hasn’t studied geodesy nor cartography.
I’m always ready to contemplate differing evidence. But, I have a life to live. If others can’t be bothered to do the actual mathematics and physical observations, that isn’t my problem. Not being snarky here, either. I have used the scientific method of proposing a hypothesis that could be disproven… and I have yet to find evidence to do so.

Like I wrote above, I totally understand and support those who question the physical dimensions and geometry of our planet. Question authority! Take that meme of Agent Scully with the poster behind him that reads, “I Want To Believe,” and change it to, “I Want To Be Proven Wrong” for me in this discussion. David Weiss can challenge people all he wants, that’s fine by me. Answering his challenge offers no reward for me that I care to claim. If anyone wants to spend a week with me discussing this at my new home, I’ll find a way to make it happen. Otherwise, we’re all just looking for more divisions to keep us distracted from the important things in our day-to-day lives.

In the end, distractions like this topic are not conducive to building a better community. We, as humans, are great at pointing out our differences, but we seem to be very hesitant to reaffirm our commonalities.

Gravity water filters! Love mine. Owned it since 2002. I used to work for the State of Texas Public Water Utilities Division. I know to avoid tap water like the plague! Looks to me like you’re keeping on top of the health issues. Keep healthy, Guest! We need more critical thinkers who don’t snark! J

Ooze the other one
Ooze the other one
November 15, 2022 7:31 am

Thanks, Stucky. I like this crazy joint. Lots of excellent mentoring and life-experiences to learn from here.

Glad you’re back!

November 14, 2022 7:08 am

What ever you had, had S F A to do with “covid”. Looks like your immune system cut in and worked. Damn good thing you didn’t take the shots.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
November 14, 2022 7:08 am

Stress is number 1, Say a prayer to God for guidance. Keep good company, even a dog is good.
Stuck, all irreverence aside, if you don’t have a dose or 2 of Horse Paste, you are a dumbass. Check the list of essential medications, horse paste is on the list. Eppie pens can be worth their weight in gold too.
WHO is a shitbag org IMO but
Diet, fasting (this might be most powerful) and aerobic exercise, lay off’n the donuts.

November 14, 2022 7:12 am

Our election system is undeniably corrupted and nothing but a charade. So, why do people say things like “the people of PA voted for him?” There is no telling if they did or didn’t. It is highly unlikely that they did.

November 14, 2022 7:20 am

You’re right,. This cytokine tornado ain’t your regular flu. My wife first, and then I had a similar experience with what I call the crippling croup. We both stayed in bed for several days, and I lost my sense of taste, too. And the cough and have feeling in the chest lasted for 3 weeks. And, this with Ivermenctin.
Thank God its passed now and I never want to do that again.

“Eventually, the spirits find their way back into the house. ”

This parable reminds me of the so called Reformation wherein the Protestants cleaned the Church of one evil spirit , but eventually introduced thousands more in the empty albeit orderly facades they masquerade as churches… not sayin’ it is , but it fits.

Anyone interested in the history of how Protestantism really gained the upper hand over Catholicism, read Phillip II by William Thomas Walsh. It’s both fascinating and unsettling to see the money lender influence in all things spiritual to secular going back centuries.

Glad you’re feeling better Stuck…there pots to be stirred, even yet.

Philip II: (1527-1598)
William Thomas Walsh

“It did not occur to the kings that if the money-lenders ever got
power enough, if they ever got from under the public-spirited
repression of the Church, they would destroy their own masters.
Kings were not generally as far-sighted as money-changers, and
much less so than priests. This is not to deny that clerics sometimes
condoned usury and profited by it, or that some kings repressed it.
Human affairs are never so simple as that. But there was a line of
cleavage: the Church on one side hostile to usury, the kings
compelled to make use of it on the other.

As the moral influence of the Church was weakened in the
political and economic spheres, in consequence of a series of
calamities for which she was not to blame—the Black Death, the
papal exile at Avignon, the Great Schism, the return of paganism
with the Renaissance—usury began to accumulate wealth and to
organize its influence. With canny insight it threw its influence, by
and large, against the power of Church and State, supporting now
one, now the other, until, by a see-saw process, it succeeded in
weakening both.

It early identified itself with the forces of heresy in religion and
liberalism in politics, until Protestantism at last gave money-lending a certificate of respectability, until a Lord Bacon could write a serious defense of it, and Harrison (in Holinshed) must chronicle the capitulation of the new Protestant England to “usury, a trade brought in by the Jews, but now perfectly practised almost by every
Christian, and so commonly that he is accompted but for a fool that
doth lend his money for nothing.”5 ”

November 14, 2022 7:58 am

Body detox…

November 14, 2022 8:00 am

I’m glad your doing better. Once that germ realized where it was, it probably wanted to get out as badly as you did.
As for fester, God gave us the tools to change all this if we are willing to except and use them. Being polite is not a solution when dealing with an adversary that wants to kill you. It’s like your children, if they have no healthy fear of you, they will eventually walk all over you, some will even learn to hate you.
Dogma, well that’s a whole other personal journey for me. We all have our dogmas, the only difference for me is, you don’t have to follow my dogma nor will I try to convince you I got it right and you got it wrong to my own personal satisfaction. Like you say, “I’m right, you’re wrong. Deal with it.”

Saami Jim
Saami Jim
November 14, 2022 8:05 am

Happy to hear you are recovering, Stucky.
Yeah, I get your “everything fatigue”.
I have it also, similar to yours.
I do not have “Stucky fatigue”, so I hope you sick around.

November 14, 2022 8:46 am

It’s too bad you didn’t have an albuterol inhaler to help dilate your bronchial tract. I’ve had asthma since I was a kid, every once in a while an attack will leave you gasping for air as you described. It’s scary indeed. It’s been 8 years since my last bad episode. But I keep it around to prevent wheezing. When you are wheezing you are damaging your lungs, so maybe you need to get on it for a few weeks till you are healed

Dr. Zedder Strangelove
Dr. Zedder Strangelove
November 14, 2022 9:24 am

Happy your back. The cat came back. Whatever you do for the next ten years, I can tell you this. Make sure you have enough popcorn.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 14, 2022 9:27 am

Glad you are better. Try not to overthink anything. There are so many mysteries in the universe that we don’t know about you could spend a lifetime trying to figure things out.
Personally, I do not think the Book of Revelation is God’s plan for the end of the world. I think it’s full of clues that we will look back on sometime in eternity and think “Oh! That’s what that meant!”
Taking a break is a good thing. There is nothing wrong with trying to be nicer, either. It’s never wrong to try to make someone else have a better day.

November 14, 2022 9:30 am

I will say the few times started getting sniffles hit the Ivermectin for a few days (pony paste) and problems gone.

I suppose not covid(the flu)but have helped many this way and so far/so good.

I will also say if just a placebo effect,well……,as results were good am fine with placebo cures!

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November 14, 2022 9:42 am

On a side note,glad you survived!

Now,listen to the folks here and be better prepared if it comes back,though if prepared seems to avoid for most part,as with others would have overnighted you some paste,(and sent ya’s a bill later!).

comment image

You made the news!

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
November 14, 2022 9:52 am

If I had known, I would have personally driven to NJ to bring you some Ivermectin, Stucky. Glad you didn’t need it.

November 14, 2022 10:02 am

The wife and I had diagnosed covid a year ago. It was unpleasant but not too awful. Right now we are recovering from diagnosed RSV infections we picked up while on vacation in Kansas City. It is worse than covid. We both got very sick. However, it is notably different than covid. We both had the same coughing madness that you described. Neither one of us coughed that much with covid. Plus, covid had a dry cough – you just did not cough up much of anything. With RSV we were drowning in lung goo. I am not a doctor but I would suggest based on the symptoms that maybe you did not have covid – you may have had RSV.

November 15, 2022 1:13 am

Yes, this is a good description of RSV. I can make the comparison because almost exactly one year ago I felt like I had been ‘poisoned’ for lack of any better description. Massive amounts of drainage, loss of taste and smell, constant soaking sweats, headache, cough, couldn’t eat, etc., etc. IF a venomous creature had bitten me I suspect similar symptoms so Fauci must’ve cooked up some nasty gunk. Never had I experienced anything like it in over 65 years.
Fast forward to fourteen days ago and I became ill just as Stucky described. I was afraid it was a ‘poison’ repeat but turns out it was RSV, for sure. I work in three different elementary schools and it was flying around all of them– Choking cough literally non-stop but thank goodness I didn’t have the reflux or would have been worse. I took Ivermectin and other items I’d kept in stock from prior illness but honestly it wasn’t the same as before. Basically needed sudafed, mucinex, advil and budesanide nose drops (found them over the counter at a safeway pharmacy and kept them on hand from last year). Wished I would’ve had the nebulizer so will make that a priority buy. RSV hits babies and oldsters like me hard but my immune system still worked fine, just took a little longer and was quite normal in about a week. The coughing was pretty terrifying late at night but all the old tried and true remedies eventually saw me through. Never had the constant soaking sweats or taste/smell loss so it had to be something different than the ‘poison’.

November 14, 2022 10:10 am

But, the key is when Jesus says “So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” Thus, it is more than just a spiritual principle about a possessed individual but, rather, it is a prophetic warning about a possessed culture and civilization.

I am surprised, but shouldn’t be, that you see this. And yes, I fully agree, its the principle thats profound and only buried shallowly here, but most only see and talk about the surface point(s). Being alone with your thoughts can be either a frightful or rewarding experience.

While I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, these experiences are invariably jolts to the spirit. Imo, most avoid thinking, preferring to have some ‘pastor’ regurgitate some canned lessons rather than searching and chewing over scriptures. Its easier to less work and no responsibilities for oneself, cause thats the pastors job after all.

People change.

Called priorities. Sorry you had to go thru this illness coupled with ur momma’s fall, hope shes doing better now. But if it brings clarity and a road to spiritual peace then its been worth it, no? Anyrate, even tho ur still a cranky contenscious old fart you’d still be welcomed at my place. We could argue, push each other around, then sit and have a nice cool ale on the deck watch’n the stars theatre lights brighten up. It’d be grand…

November 14, 2022 10:36 am

Glad too that you recovered from whatever it was…

Like you I have tired of writing things that have been written a hundred before.

better to keep it simple…

I’m getting too old to be mucking it up along the boards anyways…

November 14, 2022 8:06 pm

RiNS- The nasty news just keeps oozing out of Canukistan. You lads should be as mouthy as possible on the boards. Fedelito is “WINNING” unless ya’ll give him the finger and start complaining. It’s like Canada just faded out of sight and mind after the threats. Where in the world is Frances Marion ?

November 14, 2022 9:29 pm

Well Bea these days a fella needs to take things one game at a time. As for Francis Marion, like me, he might just be sitting on the end of the bench not worried so much about getting a shift

As for Fedelito is “WINNING”, well, don’t worry my friend. Because trust me were still giving him the finger and complaining hoping for his end. Besides it’s early in the series and he only has a couple wins as it stands. For shit monkeys like me, it’s best to just keep my stick on the ice knowing that the fourth win is the hardest to get.

In the meantime isn’t great watching Justine implode as he is being led around that ASEAN summit sucking Joe Biden’s dick. he might have a two-goal advantage but that is often a lead that is the hardest to protect.

As for all the setbacks, well, it is true that the woke forces reigning in Ottawa are firing a lot pucks our way. But so most are missing or hitting the goal posts instead of going in the net. And as long as the rules aren’t completely upset I will continue to sleep good at night knowing that posts are part of our goalie’s equipment.

The good news is that once again, I have good access to the internet. And that means I might be dropping by more to shoot a few pucks on this thread.

November 15, 2022 8:41 am

RiNS- Fedelito is a wanker and a continuation of his real father. You Canucks have God on your side, I just hate to see you abused.

November 15, 2022 1:52 pm

There will come a point when someone will snap and cross-check Justine in the face (as I saw, on TV, Eric Lindros do to Ulf Samuelson about 25 years ago), or worse … think Wilf Paiment.

November 14, 2022 10:49 am

In regards to the Stomach Acids you experienced, that was Acid Reflux. Take 2 Generic Prilosec (Omeprazole) before you go to bed. 95% of the time it will keep it from happening. You can find Omeprazole at your local Dollar General Store. Your welcome.

November 14, 2022 11:04 am

This site (TBP) has posted countless articles to give folks time to prepare in the event of someone in their family catching covid. There’s even been articles on this site (TBP) about how to stock up in advance with Ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the benefits of each, and how things like how Quercetin and HCQ get zinc into our systems better than taking it alone. My (currently living at home) son came down with covid and the entire family immediately went into treatment and prophylaxis mode using those same previously posted suggestions. We kept his symptoms mild and neither his mom nor I came down with it. And we, too, are of the unclean/pureblood persuasion. Thanks for the previously posted articles. We took some of them to heart with great results.

(Edited to add) I stand partially corrected. The info came from this site and from Busted Knuckles. (Y’all link back and forth so much it’s hard to keep track.)

From Ann Barnhardt, The is the best dosing table I have seen. study it, print it off. Caveat: This is for entertainment and information purposes only, it is not to construe medical advice. If questions, or concerns consult with your health care professional.


November 14, 2022 11:31 am

Sounds like you may have had some aspiration pneumonia on top of everything else.

November 14, 2022 11:44 am


Procure Ivermectin. I had similar symptoms, took the Hydroxy ++ meds, and got worse. Dr prescribed Ivermectin. 15 mg starting dose, 3mg/day thereafter. Was 100% better within 3 hours of initial dose. I’m J&J vaxed (wish I hadn’t) and no boosters. Similar old fart age. Have CHD and other medical issues.

Just stash Ivermectin for later use or to help others.

alice d. millionaire
alice d. millionaire
November 14, 2022 12:03 pm

an upper respiratory bacterial infection, possibly
at our age pneumonia can be fatal

Toujours Pret
Toujours Pret
November 14, 2022 12:39 pm

Have experienced said symptoms but not at the level described. Aspirin, fasting and prayer to The Most High that if it isn’t my time to leave then bless and not curse have worked for me. Suspect what is being sprayed overhead and 5/6 G are involved.

“… I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t give a rat’s ass about these things anymore. …”
If you stay on the stated path then Welcome to the Club!! What more is there to say? Continued apathy or push for change? Time will tell.

November 14, 2022 12:54 pm

Glad you’re better and kicked the bug.
This was one of your most interesting posts for me, especially the religious aspect.
I’m exact same age, and am with you on maybe a decade left; halfway through the 4th quarter!
I want to ask if you know or follow Ann Barnhardt? (I saw her mentioned in regards to Ivermectin).
I’m a fan of hers, mostly for her vehement opposition to the current (anti-) Pope. Not sure if it’s in the Bible, but there must be a rule somewhere that communist faggots aren’t eligible.
Ms. Barnhardt is a convert to Catholicism, and a fierce supporter. My mom was also a convert, and devout Catholic, probably qualified for sainthood.
Having grown up in a Catholic family, an alter boy who learned the mass in Latin, I’m keenly sympathetic to how you are feeling about our remaining time. Just want you to know I look forward to whatever you have to share on TBP in the future.