Clarence Thomas Weighs in On Diversity

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Supreme Court is likely to rule that colleges may no longer consider race as a qualification for college applications. This has been a problem in America for many years as colleges aim to admit racially diverse incoming classes and overlook test scores in the process.

Even Elizabeth Warren falsely claimed to be Native American to gain access to a job at an Ivy League school, earning her the name of “Pocahontas.” The SCOTUS 6-3 conservative-liberal majority is reconsidering Affirmative Action in general. Justices Kagan and Jackson threw around the word “diverse” many times, but Clarence Thomas said that “diverse” has not been properly defined.

North Carolina Solicitor General Ryan Park told Thomas that diverse means “a broadly diverse set of criteria that expands to all different backgrounds and perspectives and not solely limited to race.” Thomas said he failed to see the educational benefits. “I’d like you to tell me expressly when a parent sends a kid to college that they don’t necessarily send them there to have fun or feel good or anything like that,” Thomas pressed. “They send them there to learn physics or chemistry or whatever their study. So tell me what the educational benefits are.”

When Park said that students perform better in a diverse environment, Thomas said he has heard “similar arguments in favor of segregation.” Thomas has long been a critic of Affirmative Action and believes it is in itself racist. He explained his beliefs in 2003:

“The Constitution abhors classifications based on race, not only because those classifications can harm favored races or are based on illegitimate motives, but also because every time the government places citizens on racial registers and makes race relevant to the provision of burdens or benefits, it demeans us all.”

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 2, 2022 9:09 am

So I am guessing that this ruling will happen just in time to affect the midterms?

Just guessing.

FWIW we have been bombarded with commercials for the Democrat contenders in NH, Maggie Hassan, Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas. Their biggest issue is abortion, about 80% of their commercials focusing on that single issue with a scant 20% on Social Security/Medicare. So they are placing all of their bets on the people thinking that abortion is the most importantissue we face.

I’ll be curious to see how that translates in the final count.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 2, 2022 9:26 am

Next year ruling.

November 2, 2022 9:31 am

10,000 Abortions Prevented in First Two Months After Roe v. Wade Overturned

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  hardscrabble farmer
November 2, 2022 9:32 am

SCOTUS always saves the most contentious decisions for late June, just before they adjourn and flee the District of Corruption. Taking up the case before the midterms will be the impetus, if any, for activists.

November 2, 2022 9:13 am

Diversity merely puts appearance above ability or quality.

November 2, 2022 5:11 pm

There is a direct correlation between how brown the people of an area are, and how shitty that area is.

And it’s not because of colonialism, or racism, or any other excuse you want to make up for them.

November 2, 2022 9:26 am

The root word of “Diversity” is “”Divide” as in Divide and Conquer. If you have 2 functioning brain cells you should understand that this is all that it’s about.
Divided you are weak
Divided by Race, Skin color, Ethnic background, Religion, Class, Wealth, Political party, Sexual preference, Male vs Female it’s all you see.
UNITED we are strong, we all belong to one race, the Human race. It’s time to put aside all of the petty differences
and come together as One Strong United group, if we can do that, WE can decide what happens in this world.
It’s up to US, no one else. If we can’t get our shit together, then they win. And THEY do not have your best interests in mind.

November 3, 2022 9:04 pm

I’d say kill yourself, but the diversity will do that for you,

November 2, 2022 9:26 am

Given Asians score about 200 points higher on the combined SATs than whites, best be careful what you wish for. 40% of Asians score 700+ in Math/English, vs 10% for whites. About a third of all students in the best universities will be Asian, about 20% will be Jews, with most of the rest will be whites. Then the Asians and Jews will outwork the whites at university, and the bulk of the doctors, scientists, lawyers, etc. will be Asian and Jews. That is how it will go.

November 2, 2022 5:12 pm

Jews aren’t disproportionately represented among the wealthy because they’re “smart,” but because of their extreme nepotism, ethnocentrism, and because they’re good at cheating.

Nicholas Lemann wrote a book called “The Big Test” where he talks about how jews cheat their way into Ivy League schools through the Kaplan prep course. If they’re as smart as you claim, why would they need to cheat?

And if success was determined by intellect, White men would be more than proportionally represented among the U.S. wealthy – because there aren’t just more genius-level IQ White men than genius-level IQ jews, the number of genius-level IQ White men is greater than the *total* population of jews – but we’re not seeing that. White men are grossly underrepresented. Why is that?

November 2, 2022 9:50 am

Diversity Bridge Is Falling Down:

Diversity Bridge Is Falling Down, My Fair Lady

Page 2:

Diversity Bridge Is Falling Down, My Fair Lady

November 2, 2022 10:07 am

Affirmative action is obviously racist as it judges worth based on color not merit. Although the left love all things racist and perverse.

November 2, 2022 2:18 pm

Diversity means few whites
True diversity means NO whites!