HMG Budget (MTFP) – BBC Bias – Bankers in Charge – Energy PsyOp & Price – War on Language – China Latest – Letter from Great Britain [10-29-22]

“If I don’t know – I can’t act” – Knowledge of The Word is Spiritual Power

LATEST KEY FINANCIALS: Markets have stabilised; UK Natural Gas has fallen to below 200- rising a bit now; But  UK Inflation 10.1%  rising;  HMG 10 Yr Gilts 3.5% yield falling;  GBP (cable) v USD  1.16:$  rising.  These data give the Chancellor some fiscal room, allowing a shift of the Budget date to November 17 thus allowing more time to construct the crucial “Medium Term Fiscal Plan (HMG’s 5year plan),  MTFP

This is going to be tricky, balancing the needs of the bankers versus the markets, whilst addressing HMG’s massive projected GBP110 billion annual budget deficit going forward based on Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget. This is the size of Sunak’s fiscal problem; no wonder he’s not going to COP27!

The pressure from Trades Unions for wage increases to match inflation has the potential, to not only disrupt the economy through labour strikes, but also could return Britain to a wage/price inflation spiral which I experienced in the 1970s.  I don’t envy the ‘Establishment Gnomes’ attempting to balance all these forces especially because there are 12 million pensioners, most of whom vote, and who are expecting the ‘Triple Lock’ for April 2023, which is a promise to raise the state pension in line with 10.1% inflation, (as measured by the Consumer Prices Index for September the previous year), or 5.4% growth in regular pay, or a minimum 2.5%, whichever is highest. The pledge was first introduced in 2010 and featured in the Conservative Party’s 2019 election manifesto.

INTERLUDE: Interesting fact: California might be a democratic stronghold – but it has a very powerful economy! California’s economy is set to surpass Germany’s. This would make it the fourth largest in the world, were it an independent country. The American state’s GDP will put it in fourth position on the planet, following the US, China and Japan.  Umm, ‘Little Britain’ is an economic midget but a financial powerhouse!

“California is about 1.7 times bigger than UK which is approximately 243,610 sq km, while California is approximately 403,882 sq km, making California 66% larger than UK. Meanwhile, the population of UK is 65.8 million people (28.5 million fewer people live in California).”   So what does this say about the productivity of UK?  You can do the math – bankers don’t do productivity!

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:  IS THE BBC BIASED?  My friends and neighbours often ask me why the BBC is so biased and promotes government policy.  The BBC is owned and paid for by the British government through the ‘licence tax’ at £159pa per household, (by historical accident), so it’s not surprising that this massive institution follows HMG directions – so easily visible during the last 2.5 years – especially now as the next round of ‘Vaxxes’ are promoted ad nauseam –they are not giving up – far from it – the bureaucratic machine grinds slowly and finely.  It’s the Establishment you see, hidden behind the curtain.

My maxim is ‘always follow the money’ so let’s look at the BBC finances; when I did so I was shocked as it’s something I have never considered before. The BBC annual income is £5.33 billion of which the licence income is: £3.8 billion!  Here are the current statistics which clearly answers this crucial question:

AND ANOTHER QUESTION – Why are we not having a general election after ‘Lettuce Liz’ resigned? Surely this is in our unwritten constitution – time to go to the people?  Here is an explanation: “There are essentially two routes to an early general election before that date. The first of these is for the new Prime Minister to ask the King to dissolve Parliament. The second route, by convention, is if the House of Commons pass a vote of no confidence in the government”. Full details here:

AND a fun BTW –”South Africa’s government said it has “no reason” to apply sanctions brought against Russian tycoon Alexey Mordashov and that his $500 million mega yacht is free to dock at its ports.”  The suid afrikaanse mense know which side their bread is buttered! Perhaps Britain, the EU and von Leyen et al will learn from applied common sense – or not?

BREAKING NEWS (for the week):  Monday October 24: BoJo dropped out of the leadership race; the door was fully open for Rishi Sunak to enter No.10; which happened today.  However the Tories may still be dead-in-water in the 2024 election battle although much water is to flow under the bridge before then. Is it possible for Joe Public to forgive the ‘CaTrusstrophe’ through the oft quoted “electorate’s famous short memory span?  The bigger picture is that of a landslide defeat for the Tories in the next general election – time will tell.

A survey of 2,400 voters by ‘Find out Now’ and ‘Electoral Calculus’, showed that the Tories would take 23% of the vote under Sunak, with Labour at 53%.  Translated into seats, it would mean a majority of more than 400 for Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party.  But this is really a snapshot of the moment – rather academic and not to be taken seriously as a projection forward two years.

But all is not what it appears to be; Hat Tip: “In a shocking development, Klaus Schwab and the globalist WEF cabal have selected a Goldman Sachs banker as the next UK Prime Minister. Shockingly, he is strongly in favor of central bank digital currencies CBDCs) They aren’t hiding anything anymore and they’re daring you to stop it”:   Watch CBDCs in China 4 years ago:

The question remains: Do you want the social mayhem of ‘freedom’ we have in the West or would you rather live in a safe and organised society which China is building? BUT it relies on compliance.  Is there another way?  Follow my work as I write ‘The Financial Jigsaw – Part 2’ and publish articles as I go:

However, for Britain, the markets love Rishi Sunak – for now – as he works towards CBDCs: The yield on Britain’s 10-year gilt  tumbled to below 3.5% on Friday, the lowest in over a month as investors welcomed the news that former Chancellor Rishi Sunak became the new Prime Minister.  Now we await a massive scrap between HMG and the public sector unions among many others – I can hear the squeals already!

Tuesday October 25: Liz and Rishi went to see the King to resign and be appointed respectively. I would love to have been a fly-on-the-wall when Rishi chatted to King Charles – I am betting the WEF was not too far away!

History has many lessons: “In May 2020, the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s ‘Sustainable Markets Initiative’ launched The Great Reset“ project, a five-point plan concerned with enhancing sustainable economic growth following the global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.”  This is a long and revealing 1950s history that pinpoints the weird things that went on from that decade onward: UFOs to Unicorns:  This is when the Globalists’ machinations first took root after decades of planning.

BRITAIN’S FINANCIAL CRISIS – October 2022 – Following on from last week – the Bankers are in control because they can create money out of nothing – with just keystrokes! “And you will never understand American history or the history of the Occident durin’ the past 2000 years unless you look at one or two problems; namely, sheenies and usury. One or the other or BOTH.  I should say, both.”Ezra Pound   Here is a synopsis taken directly from the book:

“In a ‘History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind’ ex-South African banker Stephen Goodson explains how the Central Banking “scam” originated, and how those who run it have throughout history used their power to subvert governments, and manufacture wars that not only produced vast profits, but frequently to topple ‘regimes’ whose banking system was not under their control.

The ‘scam’ of the money-lenders is the ability to literally create money from nothing, and then lend and accumulate interest on “credit,” and then re-lend that interest for further interest, in perpetuity, that creates pervasive, worldwide debt, from the individual, to the family, to the entire state.

The ability to operate a fraudulent credit and loan system has long been known, and with all the slickness of a snake-oil salesman, the money-lenders – the same types Jesus whipped from the Temple – have persuaded governments that banking is best left to their private interests.

The cultural and material progress of a civilization will often relate to the degree by which it is free from the influence of debt, and the degradation that results when the money-lenders are permitted to abuse their power. Hence, Goodson shows that both World Wars, the Napoleonic wars, the American Revolution, the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, the regicide of Charles I of England, the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and the revolution against Tsar Nicholas, among much else in history relate to this “Hidden Hand”.

If you wish to have a real understanding of history – look for the influence of the bankers. This is the key to understanding the past, the present and the future.”  FOLLOW THE MONEY.

A QUESTION OF ENERGY SUPPLIES: Notice how HMG PsyOp works. First they issue vague indications of some restrictions in the coming months, such as recent hints that peak-time electricity blackouts may be necessary in mid-late winter, early in 2023 – aka ‘Load Shedding’ as it is labelled in Cape Town – which has been ongoing for at least 20 years to my knowledge as the South African grid, fails. I experienced this during the 2000s and found it not to be a big deal – there are many innovations that can make life bearable, even enjoyable..

In my experience, ever since 1946, Britain’s electric grid has been constant and reliable except for a short period in 1974.  To reduce electricity consumption, and thus conserve coal stocks, the Conservative Prime Minister, Edward Heath, announced a number of measures under the Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 on 13 December 1973, including the Three-Day Work Order, which came into force at midnight on 31 December 1973:

Actually we managed very well; I still hold the fuel ration books issued at the time. I am fairly certain HMG will do a similar thing this winter because they need to again reduce electricity consumption.  We have had it too easy for nearly 50 years; we have been using oil and gas too liberally, almost lavishly, like water.   In fact oil has been cheaper than water before duties and taxes for a long time.

This has all come to a screeching halt, not caused by the Russian SMO, but which has had the effect of bringing the inevitable crisis forward.  Time to start reorganising our life-styles; I shall be writing a Special Report on ‘Domestic Energy-Use Optimisation’ in good time for the winter, having gone through the last one! Gail Tverberg explains why this has happened now and it isn’t about running out of oil but rather the costs associated with delivering oil products to the end user:

I describe all this in my Book:

BUT EUROPE HAS ITS OWN ENERGY PROBLEMS: Hat Tip: Philip Pilkington at ‘Macrocosm’ who writes: “Right on cue, articles are coming out telling us the energy crisis is over. The Financial Times journalist Chris Giles is ahead of the pack with an piece titled ‘The End of Europe’s Energy Crisis is in Sight’.(Spoiler; it isn’t – as Philip deftly proves – it’s jurno-hype).

We all know what is going on here. Since the war started in February, many journalists have seen their role as cheerleaders. They have strong feelings about the war and so they want to put a positive spin on the potential downsides. Many predicted sanctions would crush the Russian economy. They didn’t. Instead, we got a serious energy crisis in Europe. Now the game is to ‘prove’ that this crisis does not exist or at the very least, to try to downplay its severity and map out a path forward.

Let me try to appeal to these peoples’ own interests. If we continue to get policy in Europe wrong, Europe will become weaker relative to Russia. It will become poorer and unable to send arms to Ukraine. This is obvious. So if you are in a position of influence over economic policy, your wartime duty, as it were, should be to ensure that policymakers and businesspeople have a solid grasp of the actual problems – so they can deal with them effectively. If journalists try to find the best ‘spin’ for the problems, rather than helping us face them head on, they will weaken Europe and strengthen Russia.

I have no idea why people cannot grasp these obvious points. Although I suspect it has something to do with the dark powers wielded over them by the little blue bird.” Read an excellent analysis: https://macrocosm.substack.-on-the-energy conundrum

INFLATION WATCH:  But all this inflation is really about the price of energy.  Karl Denninger has a salutary lesson for all of us: “You see, diesel isn’t just what you think of, although that’s bad enough.  That is, big trucks without which you get nothing.  Basically every item you buy from any place, anywhere, makes at least the last mile of that journey by truck.  Most of it makes a very large percentage of its journey by either truck or train — both of which run primarily on diesel fuel.  That includes the gasoline you buy at the corner station.”

SURVIVAL MONITOR:  WHO BLEW UP THE PIPELINE? Have an enjoyable seven minutes observing the Nazi Globalists frantically covering their false flag operation.  Trouble is, they have a 77-year history of so many screwed up false flags that it’s getting tedious to watch. [Hat Tip my great friend Kent, somewhere in the USA]:

Unfortunately this is an escalation which is playing with nuclear fire, but these maniacs don’t care because they believe they are fireproof. “Per Ardua Asbestos” is their motto (Blow you Jack, I’m fireproof) which was displayed on our RAF squadrons when they bombed their way to victory in 1945 (or not).  I ask the inappropriate question: “Did the Nazis really lose WW2, after all our sacrifices, or are they alive and well and living in Ukraine?  “I am only asking the question, Sir, I am not implying anything, you understand.”  But some of our leaders do have an unusual family connection to the Nazis of WW2. Hum – maybe I will do more digging?

THE NARRATIVE BATTLE: Kit Knightly has some good observations about the Vaxx battle:  “We at OffG – and many of our fellow alt-media sites – have been reporting for over a year now that the Covid “vaccination” campaign will never end.  In short, you will NEVER be “fully vaccinated”.

Note the war on language by controlling definitions: “They also recommend “adjusting your vocabulary” with their suggested new alternative: “up to date”, a frank admission that the Covid boosters will keep on coming, potentially forever.  Essentially, having spent 18 months convincing millions of people to get “fully vaccinated”, they’re now messing with language again to reverse course and strip that designation away.

Meaning all those people who dutifully took their clot-shots are not only no longer considered “fully vaccinated”, but never will be, and are now not even allowed to use that phrase because it creates a false impression.  The good news is that vaccine uptake is slowing – it has been for months – and this transparent effort to lay the ground for future booster campaigns will likely fall flat on its face.  And finally, to all the (formerly) “fully vaccinated” out there, we are sorry…but we did try to tell you this would happen.”

FINALLY:   CHINA IS NOW 100% totalitarian: Xi Jinping had his predecessor, Hu Jintao, former General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party from 2002 to 2012, forcibly removed from the 20th Chinese Communist Party Congress during a live international broadcast on Saturday:  you can’t make this up!

In this fascinating interview, via ‘Real Vision’,  Shih and Maggie discuss Xi Jinping’s increasingly suffocating grip on power, the difficulty of understanding their intentions toward Taiwan, and China’s many economic problems.  Shih believes that Xi Jinping’s “extend and pretend” approach could achieve positive growth over the next few years, but the Ponzi-like characteristics of the Chinese economy are spreading, and it will be extremely difficult for Beijing to avoid a major disruption down the road.

UNTIL NEXT WEEK:  For more, read: “The Financial Jigsaw”: Scroll:   including regular updates.  Archive & Finance articles are HERE   For free PDF copy e-Books, Parts 1 & 2,  email; [email protected]

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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October 29, 2022 1:28 pm

“This is going to be tricky, balancing the needs of the bankers versus the markets,”

Uh huh. Britain has reached the Point Of No Return.

No matter what is tried … Plan A will fail. So will Plan B. So will Plan C. What comes after “Z”?

The Stucky Plan for British Citizens; Plan A, if you’re a Brit ===> leave ASAP!” Plan B, starve and freeze until you croak. Plan Z, hope like fuck for a Rapture. There are no other plans.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
October 30, 2022 2:06 am

The CBDC and The Mark Of The Beast are different sides of the same Cohen. A Christian that accepts either sells his Soul and collects Death. We need to forget our differences and join in the common cause of survival; to become among the appx 1/3 of survivors (Zec 13).

  Austrian Peter
October 30, 2022 10:51 am

Do you follow The Duran?

Gonzola’s sardonic tone is hard to take and his new channel juggling is a bit hard to follow, but he has some no-nonsense observations you cannot get elsewhere.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
October 29, 2022 6:31 pm

Alternatively, they could put paper bags on their heads and lay in the floor to wait for the end, a la Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 30, 2022 1:52 am

Plan Z is ReZist the Beast (ZOG). I suggested Plan Putin but y’all ignored it; 30 tongue lashes! Putin Nationalized the property of Oligarchs and used it to Make Russia Great Again. I suggested making Charles an offer that he cannot refuse for Farmland , close your border, homestead the new farmland, grow food and sell it to EU for gold etc. Catch whatever fish you desire, dig coal, make things people need, trade with who you can, fuck over EU Nazis every way possible; they will collapse like Soviet Russia. Japan did it twice, China did it, Russia did it, the Confederacy did it, Germany did it twice, South Korea and Taiwan did it. GB can do it again. Declare war on the US, surrender, and apply for assistance.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
October 30, 2022 10:07 am

Amen my Brother(s), let’s Roll.