Suicide by Obedience

Submitted by Brewer55

Understanding the new paradigm is an important part of survival. So many are crushed by ignorance in changing times, unable or unwilling to recognize the shift, even if the shifts are sometimes dramatic and observable. The human brain persists in presenting the world as it was yesterday, relying on experience and habits to guide one through the world without having to relearn every aspect of one’s existence on a daily basis, but once the future separates from the past, it takes an enormous amount of mental energy to adjust. This is a death sentence in existential crises.

The powers arrayed against the individual, against the world system of self-governance, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the Western nations rely on the mental confusion of the average person to drive through impossible, contradictory and misleading policies and laws keeping the people off-balance. Just when they start to get a handle on some new aspect of life, they push more, harder. There’s a lot of power in the ability to render most people ineffective by constantly changing the premise by which they make decisions.

For example: Should I go to the doctor? Which doctor? Which hospital? Are they interested in helping to alleviate one’s health issue, or just salivating over killing their elderly patients and collecting $48,000 a piece? If you can’t trust your doctor, who can you trust? A priest? A teacher? A district attorney? A secretary of state? Who? A neighbor who had a Biden sign in his yard until he could no longer afford to pay his water or electric bill, but only then pulled it out? When you go to work, are you going to be forced to accept some new vaccine for the most recent globalist-produced ailment? What happened to Monkeypox? One couldn’t turn on a radio or television, read a newspaper or internet site without the threat of Monkeypox being front and center, then it disappeared. Was it because only gay men got it from sexual intercourse and it was showing up in children? Was it threatening their narrative and exposing the LGBT agenda of child sexual grooming all with the Marxist intent of destroying the family unit, turning children against their parents? What school would you send your child to now?

This is all designed to drive a wedge between individuals and the services and shops they traditionally use. It forces them to think about what purchases they make and from whom. Everyone is confused, disappointed, shaking their collective heads in wonder and amazement at the depth and commitment of the communists to impose all of these restrictions on the people, holding stores, schools, hospitals, even churches hostage against their resistance to participate in a medical experiment that is so grossly in violation of the Nuremburg Codes that it’s shocking to witness.

It’s not the ability to do so, it’s the will to do so that’s shocking to the senses. Businesses have always reserved the right to refuse service to anyone, but they rarely exercised that right, preferring profit. Corporations have literally gone bankrupt, or on the verge of it, to push this modern, woke ideology. Businesses, as I had come to understand them over several decades, were designed to make money over and above every other consideration, including safety in a lot of cases. Corporations had a duty to do so for their shareholders. That has somehow gotten flipped on its head, capitalism turned against its own principles.

The modern world is all about force, not cooperation; war, not peace; cancellation, not consideration. Free speech has been abandoned and soon free thought. I’m writing my novels and trying to get them out before all of my sources of revenue dry up largely because of this blog. It’s not simply about money, but the subject matter of those novels is freedom, self-reliance, honesty and integrity in a real-world setting, something I hold dear, that America used to champion, so they’re soon to be cancelled and removed from shelves and listings. It’s literally a race in the final days before it all comes crashing down, these thoughts and ideas banished forever from human understanding. (Rogue is now available in paperback)

The important message I want to relate right now, is this is all a diversion. All of these domestic issues, the insanity of drag queen strip-tease in schools is designed to enrage and distract us from the fact that literally every nation in the world owes more money than can possibly be repaid; it’s a shell game that’s running out of time. It’s the economic monstrosity of the world that’s driving nuclear war, because, like 9/11, there has to be a dramatic and terrifying moment in order to institute an earthquake of new, more-restrictive laws; in this case the great reset by which all government and banking debt will be erased, but not yours, not your car, your home, just theirs and they’ll use your assets to free themselves.

The governing powers are so jealous of our every penny, that soon they’ll just take it. Forget taxes, forget legality, they want it and we have it and they have the forces to take it. There are no principles involved here. To do that, they need a war, they need a crisis and they’ve long ago stopped caring what is right, proper or legal. Everything they’ve done in the past two years proves that point. If they’re willing to kill you, they’ll surely rob you.

Nothing will stop it. Nothing can be done about the entirety of Western civilization committing suicide by obedience, except disobedience. It’s probably too late for that to have much effect, but its a question of dying on your feet or on your knees. No matter what happens, there will be enough leftists/communists left to blame it all on our founders and capitalism. The importance of Nine Principles of Freedom, I think, is a starting point for whoever is left in deciding what sort of society to rebuild after the cataclysmic events to come.

In the chaos of post-nuclear war, there’s a chance to resettle and reorganize, but the globalists will have to be confronted directly. They’re instigating this nuclear exchange to arrive at that chaos to institute their vision. Nothing says that those who understand the principles of the republic can’t exploit that breach just as well as they can.

None of this matters if it’s an all-out nuclear exchange, there won’t be enough left to worry about. What I anticipate is a few tactical nukes traded, just enough to render any government inoperable. I believe they have a plan in place to institute a functional government, take over radio, television and the internet to proclaim their system in place, “now that we’ve established communication with Russia and China (probably a lie) forestalled any future attacks, we’ll send out emissaries to all states to establish a new chain of command. Don’t worry, we have this under control. Return to work, enjoy life. Instructions will be forthcoming on the new currency, the new social and professional norms.” Then come the purges and executions probably performed dispassionately by recently imported armies through the southern border with the primary order of killing anyone guilty of whiteness.

If we don’t step into that breach and refuse, be willing to lay down our lives to resist that sweeping change, you might as well put a Trump 2024 sign in your yard and wait for the Stasi.

If, by some miracle, all of it can be headed off, there’s the longer, tougher road of disobedience that will take an extraordinary shift in personal dynamics to save anything of the world we knew prior to 2019. Even then, it was a disaster. You have to go further back, much further.


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October 26, 2022 6:43 pm

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October 26, 2022 6:48 pm

ha ha ha… mysterious medical event.

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October 26, 2022 7:33 pm

Enlighten us on this nobody?

October 26, 2022 8:23 pm

He dropped dead live on air the other day. Curious that.

October 26, 2022 9:22 pm

I am sure the demons delight in these public spectacle suicides.

October 26, 2022 10:20 pm

Without a doubt.

October 27, 2022 7:07 am

Death becomes you Tim. Schadenfreude is a great word.

October 26, 2022 7:29 pm

The latest example is the best, with Ye and his supposed anti-Semitism. Ye is excellently playing his role in this drama, just like his homegirl Candace. It’s great theatre, and what’s more, it’s a welcome distraction to Ukraine, which I’m really tired of hearing about, if only because it’s more Tribe staging.

If you can’t see that Ye and Candace are being well-paid for their time — do you honestly believe a multi-billionaire, who made his riches polishing their Louis Vuitton Richelieus, is going to just throw away his fortune (and his livelihood) because he suddenly got Woke? No, Ye and Candace are black faces: the only ones who get air-time these days, but they wouldn’t be on TV if they weren’t actors and reading the script (or at least having it read to them, let’s not get ahead of ourselves).

Because that’s what this is, it’s a two-fold operation: first, to “out the Jews” (but never the Zionists/Freemasons) who control everything, then show, with plenty of MSM coverage, just what happens to those who dare; and second, to promote blacks. This is how they are trolling us now, by demonstrating that only blacks have the stones and are unafraid, and that Whites are powerless, weak fools. One only has to watch a few commercials to see how blatant this has become.

So, all of this is just another psyop, elevating blacks against their inferior White counterparts. Don’t let the window dressing stop you from realizing it’s still just a fucking window, no matter how much you try to hide it. Ye is conveniently hitting on all the pressure points White America is concerned about, while the MSM follows him around with their cameras; but let a White guy try to do and say what Ye is, and not only the Tribe but his own kind will denounce him, as with Andrew Anglin.

October 26, 2022 9:17 pm


Dude that was in the BLACK! (Every pun intended).

“Because that’s what this is, it’s a two-fold operation: first, to “out the Jews” (but never the Zionists/Freemasons) who control everything, then show, with plenty of MSM coverage, just what happens to those who dare; and second, to promote blacks. This is how they are trolling us now, by demonstrating that only blacks have the stones and are unafraid, and that Whites are powerless, weak fools. One only has to watch a few commercials to see how blatant this has become”.

Candace Owens’ GLORIFi tied to Rothschild & Sons

Candace Owens’ GLORIFi funder tied to Rothschild & Sons – BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY – Babylonian Fake Jewish Radhanite money, that also funds military DRONES

We smelled a rat when we first saw Candace Owens marry British George Farmer and discovered that his dad Michael Farmer is attached to the Pilgrims Society and CityofLondon gold rigging action. We prepared this report on Candy and her British ties:

October 26, 2022 10:37 pm

Look…my jaded jade jade is so jaded…it’s jade is jaded.

I recently defended Ron Paul from attacks of being Controlled Opposition (C/O) as the attacks had nothing behind them but the vauge accusation.

I have ate up everything this atriculate and fetching woman has said for a long time.

However…this is detailed, massive, and specific.

I want them to be wrong…

To be continued…

October 27, 2022 2:38 am

“is going to just throw away his fortune (and his livelihood)”

OK, so tell us -just for the record- what would convince you, that somebody, anybody, rich had a real epiphany and realized there are more important things than wealth?

October 26, 2022 7:33 pm

Continuing along the theme of this article and “Each Man Must Choose For Himself” from a few days ago….

A Time to Dig Trenches

Afrikaners have struggled for centuries with many of the existential questions that are only now emerging for the West. In South Africa the future has already happened; political options for decades have been limited to a choice between center-left, leftist and far-left, and many Western utopian visions continue to crash, burn and get stripped for parts. Accordingly, few of us here in South Africa still labor under the delusion of thinking that political parties will save us. But this doesn’t mean that we’ve lost hope.

As a ninth-generation Afrikaner, or Boer, one of the main lessons that communities like mine have learned is summed up by Russell Lamberti’s phrase: “There is a time to move and a time to dig trenches.” Neither of these choices is inherently right. But because I believe that if Afrikaners do not have a future in Africa, we do not have a future at all, I’ve chosen to focus my own energy on the trench-digging industry…

Over the past several decades South Africans have mainly chosen to emigrate to Western, Anglosphere countries. These emigrants concluded that the time has come to move, and that movement closer to the cultural and political power centers of the Western-dominated global order was their best bet. As Russell Lamberti put it: “[w]e now live in a world of people on the run.”

But the problem with constantly moving to higher ground to escape the rising tide is that you eventually run out of higher ground. If you recently emigrated, or semigrated to what you deem a more defendable position, you now have a duty to take root and hold your ground there. The harsh reality is that, at some point, you will have to make a stand. If not you, it will be your children…

The time has come for Western communities to stop running and start digging trenches. These trenches will have to be dug in the field of parallel institutions and in the ground of identity and the mountains of heritage. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said: “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” Just as a military and economic balance of powers facilitate world peace, a healthy pride in one’s own cultural identity is essential for coexistence with other cultures.

A Time to Dig Trenches

October 27, 2022 12:20 am

I brought up the Nuremberg Code aspect of the scamdemic to my father in law. He scoffed. At that point I realized how fear can ruin anyone’s sense of right and wrong.

October 27, 2022 1:08 am

There will be no nukes and no drama. Those who have the means will be allowed to relocate to the areas and states with “reasonable” laws, while those without the means will end up eating ze bugs. Class war is a bitch.

October 27, 2022 2:41 am

Which would be such areas?

October 27, 2022 6:37 pm

I recently moved to a different county in the same blue state. The difference is definitely there. So it may not even be necessary to relocate to a different state (at least for a while).

October 27, 2022 2:32 am

You need to get beyond ‘freedom.’

The question is, who is correct:
a) “[Del Noce realized that] all of Marx’s thought is a consistent development of the radical metaphysical principle that freedom requires self-creation, and thus the rejection of all possible forms of dependence, especially dependence on God.”

b) Your [always limited] freedom is served best, by taking history/tradition as a guide and finding the correct authorities to trust, because human life is too short to figure out everything important entirely on your own.