Lies, Lies, Lies

Guest Post by Batiushka

Lies, Lies, Lies

Introduction: Narcissists All

One of the laziest but most effective forms of lying (propaganda/spin) is not simply to tell the opposite of the truth, but rather to lie by attributing to your enemy your own weaknesses. That way you do not have to invent anything, you just make a transfer. An example is how the Kiev regime, which at that time had lost 60,000 dead from their armed forces and claimed that the Russians had lost 60,000 dead from their armed forces, rather than the actual figure of 6,000 (1). Children do this: ‘It wasn’t me, it was him’. This is in fact a form of psychological transfer, used by all narcissists and gaslighters: ‘You are the one who is ill, not me’. And it typifies the narcissistic (‘West is best’) Western mentality.

Thus, in 1854 Commodore Perry forced Japan by military threat to ‘trade with’ the USA, in order to ‘take it out of its isolation’ and that led to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those who lived in those two cities then much regretted their lack of isolation. And as for the USA? It was itself still in a state of cultural isolation, having learned nothing from age-old Japanese culture, but instead imposing its own anti-culture on all and sundry. Or then there was that war criminal General Curtis LeMay who boasted of his potential to ‘bomb back into the Stone Age’ in order to bring freedom and democracy, when in fact his brain was in the Stone Age and he had no idea what freedom and democracy are. Or there is the statement that Russia is corrupted by oligarchs, when in reality ‘Russian’ oligarchs (most of them are Jewish) are purely Western creations from the 1990s, following the model of the only system that the Western world has ever practised – Feudalism, with its economic serfdom (2). What are Musk, Bezos, Gates and Buffett, if they are not oligarchs/feudal magnates?

This technique was clearly displayed in the 2006 Litvinenko and 2018 Skripal cases in the UK. In the first case, a Russian traitor and British spy was murdered by polonium. Now, if you wanted to murder someone (who presented no threat to you) without incriminating yourself, would you rather not just employ a hired killer who would leave no trace? It would be much cheaper. Interestingly, polonium is a very rare radioactive substance, but is available to British secret services. In the Salisbury case of the Skripals, involving a retired British spy, who seemed to be wanting to repent for his treason (he had already served his sentence in a Russian prison), and who was poisoned with a substance available in only about three places worldwide, one of which is twelve kilometres away from where he lived in one of the most fearsome chemical weapons establishments in the world. His murder was bungled, on which Skripal and his daughter were then abducted and ‘disappeared’ (to New Zealand?), though an innocent woman did die of the poison. When questions were asked about some very strange aspects of the case, the British media were issued with a ‘DSMA-Notice’, censoring them and forbidding them to report any further on the matter.

Below are just a few examples of this psychological transfer taken from the current War on Russia (WOR) being conducted by the Western elite in what is still for the moment known as the ‘Ukraine’:


1. This is a war for the freedom of the sovereign and democratic Ukraine.

Now anyone knows that the Ukraine is run by the hated SBU, or Secret Police, which threatens to examine every e-mail, Viber, Whatsapp or Telegram message for any evidence that you may not support the Kiev regime, which overthrew the previous democratically-elected in 2014 and has genocided part of its population. (By the way, if you do not support the Neo-Nazis in Kiev, expect to be waterboarded – after all the SBU are CIA-trained). The Ukraine – a sovereign country? It is in fact a US vassal, a colonial client-state, which has no sovereignty at all and is run by Jewish (Poroshenko, Kolomoisky etc) and US (Hunter Biden and Monsanto) oligarchs.

2. Ukrainians are against Russia.

Some are. Some are not and they greet Russian logistical aid as liberation. The conflict in the Ukraine is basically being fought between US-backed and Russian-backed Ukrainians. Not surprising when you consider that the Ukraine is a purely artificial State, constructed by monstrous, Non-Russian, Marxist dictators, Lenin in 1922, Stalin in 1939 and Khrushchov in 1954. Interesting to see how the ‘Free World’ fully supports the tyrannical decisions of Communist dictators….

3. The war in the Ukraine started in 2022.

It started in 2014 with the coup d’etat which cost the US taxpayer $5 billion. Read a little history.

4. The rouble will be rubble.

Claimed by Biden last February, the opposite soon became true. It is already the euro and sterling that are rubble.

5. The Russian economy will be in tatters.

Claimed by Biden last February, the opposite soon became true. It is Western economies that are in tatters.

6. Russia is Bankrupt

Claimed by Biden last February, the opposite soon became true. It is Western economies that are bankrupt and above all the Ukrainian economy, which depends on a transfusion costing the US taxpayer $1.5 billion per month. According to today’s edition of the Rothschild comic ‘The Economist’, the Russian economy has never done so well.

7. Putin is dying of cancer and has only weeks to live.

Claimed last February, he seems to have made a miraculous recovery since! Whereas Biden is clearly not always compos mentis….

8. Putin is mentally ill.

Is this why he can make high-level speeches with powers of analysis and depth of logic completely lacking in any Western politician? Biden, Johnson, Truss, Zelensky? Here is where you should be looking for mental illness.

9. The Russian armed forces have run out of fuel.

Claimed last April about the armed forces of the country with the largest oil reserves in the world. On the other hand, Kiev forces clearly lack fuel.

10. The Russian have run out of ammunition.

Claimed last April, they have no shortages at all. After all they have a huge and independent arms industry, with arms so technologically advanced that they do not exist anywhere else in the world. (After all, 80% of the International Space Station is Russian-made). On the other hand, Kiev ran out of ammunition just about that time and now NATO supplier-countries are also running out.

11. Ukrainian refugees are fleeing the war for Europe.

Yes, they are. Over 2,000,000 have fled the Kiev regime’s genocide in the Eastern Ukraine and Russia has more Ukrainian refugees than any other European (yes, Russia is a European country) country. I personally know some of them. In Western Europe we also have a lot of Ukrainian refugees. But with rare exceptions, until now they had no reason whatsoever to flee non-War zones where they lived, apart from the large numbers of young men fleeing conscription into the Kiev Army (bribes of up to $5,000 dollars were being paid to Ukrainian border-guards to get out last March; I know cases). Most of them here in Paris are doctors, dentists, interior designers and other professionals, middle-class and upwards, with German cars much better than those owned by the average Western European. They simply left the Ukraine (where in 95% of the country no war was apparent until a few days ago) to get residence permits in Western European countries. Indeed, 4,000,000 of them have returned to the Ukraine since May, when they realised that Western European streets are not paved with gold and that here you have to work for a living.

12. Russians Commit Atrocities

According to the State-controlled media in Kiev, Russians love to waste their missiles on civilian apartment blocks and cultural edifices, like the Philharmonia in Kiev. They also love to murder civilians, especially babies (though not this time round in Belgium or Kuwait, only in the Ukraine) and they especially target hospitals and primary schools. As the filming from Bucha showed, Russians generally murder people three days after they have left the area (by long-distance hypnosis?) and lay out the bodies of their own supporters from local morgues, face down at regular intervals along roads. This is a great aid to filming.

13. The Russian have killed millions of civilians.

Where are the bodies? On the other hand, the graves of the 14,000, including 400 children, murdered by Kiev since 2014, are visible to all in the Donbass.

14. The Russian have lost hundreds of thousands of troops.

Since fewer than 100,000 have been used, this would be rather difficult, unless the Russians have a technique for resurrecting the dead several times over. If it were true, there would be a public outcry in Russia at such losses. On the other hand, Ukrainian losses….

15. The Russians have so few soldiers that they are recruiting new ones in prisons.

The fact is that the Russian Army, at 1,000,000 and with 2,000,000 reservists, is one of the largest in the world. As for recruiting in prisons, this is the technique of the French government. Any convicted murderer in France is offered a choice: Go to prison or else join the Legion (the Foreign Legion).

16. Russia is preparing to start a nuclear war.

The only nuclear threat made so far has been that made by the British Truss. However, since British nuclear weaponry depends on the USA, she will not be allowed to use it without US permission. And the US are frightened.

17. Putin’s operation is doomed.

Claimed by Western journalists in September 2022, the statement has yet to be justified. On the other hand, the Ukrainian operation…

18. The Russians blew up its own Nordstream Pipelines.

Obviously: The Russians are so logical that they always blow up their own pipelines, especially when Biden has announced that he would do something like this, the former Polish Foreign Minister has thanked the USA for doing it, and the pipelines are in NATO-controlled waters, infested with NATO submarines, underwater drones and divers, and the pipelines are not being used anyway because of illegal sanctions.

Conclusion: Mental and Spiritual Feudalism

I am sure that readers can find a host of other examples, the fruit of the creative writing of State-controlled Western media. We mentioned above economic serfdom, the result of Feudalism, which was nothing but a protection racket run from castles (bizarrely now become tourist sites), surrounded by their concentration camp villages. Indeed, the Italian mafia is only a late leftover of Norman-introduced Sicilian Feudalism, which, like its later form of Capitalism, never knew the difference between price and value. However, worse than economic serfdom is mental and spiritual serfdom. And this is the fruit of the institutionalised system of lies, called the State-controlled Western media.

13 October 2022


1. This miraculous multiplication reminds me of a Ukrainian Uniat (Greek Catholic) bishop I met many years ago. When I asked him, how many Ukrainian Greek Catholics there are, he answered: ‘700,000, but at the Vatican we always tell them 7,000,000. If you don’t multiply the real numbers by ten, they won’t take you seriously’.

2. For the academically-minded, regarding the history of the development of Feudalism around the eleventh century, French historians are the best, naturally, given that Feudalism began there. See, for instance: La Societe Feodale, Marc Bloch; L’An Mil, Georges Duby; L’An Mil, Henri Focillon; L’Europe est-elle nee au Moyen Age, Jacques Le Goff; Le Pape Leon IX et la Reforme de l’Eglise 1002-1054, Charles Munier; Les Grandeurs de l’An Mille, Pierre Riche. In English, apart from Richard Southern’s studies, you have a translation from French with The Feudal Transformation 900-1200, Poly and Bournazel; and original works by, for example: The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change, 950-1350, Robert Bartlett; The First European Revolution 970-1215; R.I. Moore; The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250, R.I. Moore. In German, apart from the older studies of Tellenbach, you have especially Karl Leyser’s Am Vorabend der ersten europaeischen Revolution. Das 11 Jahrhundert als Umbruchzeit and his lecture in English The Ascent of Latin Europe.

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Georges S
Georges S
October 14, 2022 7:13 am

Someone didn’t know he was supposed to play dead longer (look on the left side of the screen).

  Georges S
October 14, 2022 11:56 am
  Georges S
October 15, 2022 2:05 am

“I’m getting better…”

October 14, 2022 8:23 am

16. Russia is preparing to start a nuclear war.

The only nuclear threat made so far has been that made by the British Truss. However, since British nuclear weaponry depends on the USA, she will not be allowed to use it without US permission. And the US are frightened.

What if the existential threat turns out to be nonexistent?

What were we blowing up in the atmosphere other than a lot of money?

October 14, 2022 10:17 am

The crazy part of that nuclear test was the Tsar Bomb was designed with twice the yield of what exploded that day of 50 – 58 Megatons TNT equivalence. In the lead up to the test, the Soviets, worried that bomb on exploding would ionize the atmosphere to the point of setting the air on fire, decided to dial it back a bit.

How crazy is that!

Adding to that was the very real possibility that the plane delivering the bomb would be incinerated. As it stood, the T-95V flying that day barely made it out of blast radius…in a test should stand as a warning today. And yet and still the West continues to preen virtue all the while threatening the Russians with annihilation. The presumption being that the Russians can’t return the favour.

The Russians have over 6000 warheads of various shapes and sizes and yet still to this day the West insists on talking to and about Putin and the Russian nation as if they were Hussein, Gadhafi or Assad who lead Iraq, Libya or still lead in the case of Syria…

The warmongers and shithawks prance around with the Green-screen Chicken in Kiev in the lead, preaching the value their doctrine in The Ukraine. They presume to have convinced the public in the West that their threats have no return spring attached to them. The logical conclusion is non-binary because they all have one.

It’s all fake and they, the warmongers and shithawks, are assholes!

October 14, 2022 2:27 pm

the West insists on talking to and about Putin and the Russian nation as if they were Hussein, Gadhafi or Assad who lead Iraq, Libya or still lead in the case of Syria

How Russia Views America

A review of the book “Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse”
by Andrei Martyanov

A Waning Military Superpower

The sections of the book on American military prowess are where Martyanov’s expertise really shines through. Martyanov claims that a revolution in military affairs has already destroyed the foundation of American post–World War II hegemony and that America simply has not yet awakened to this reality. This is due to the fact, Martyanov says, that the United States has “lost both its competitive edge and its competences in some crucial fields such as building complex machines, commercial aerospace, and shipbuilding.” Effectively, he argues, the United States has already lost the arms race. Martyanov compares the efficacy of America’s Tomahawk missile with Russia’s Kalibr. He argues that both weapons have seen ample usage in recent years, and Russia’s missile is far more effective against missile defense. He points out that 70 percent of Tomahawks launched at Syria in April 2018 were shot down.

But this is not Martyanov’s core critique, which is that the American military is simply not tailored to the needs of today’s world. It is structured for incursions against much weaker opponents—such as Iraq in 1991 and 2003. But it is not in a position of strength when faced with a peer that can compete in terms of troop deployment and firepower…

Alex Vershinin at the UK’s Royal United Services Institute has estimated that the Russian military has been using around 7,176 artillery shells a day. He then compares this with American productive capacity. His conclusions are stark: “US annual artillery production would at best only last for 10 days to two weeks of combat in Ukraine,” he writes. “If the initial estimate of Russian shells fired is over by 50%, it would only extend the artillery supplied for three weeks.”1

In June, Ukraine’s deputy head of military intelligence, Vadym Skibitsky, admitted the gravity of the material challenges. “This is an artillery war now,” he said, “Ukraine has one artillery piece to 10 to 15 Russian artillery prices. . . . We are losing in terms of artillery.” Skib­itsky then asked that more munitions be sent from the West, but as Vershinin’s analysis shows, it is likely that we simply do not have them in sufficient supply and cannot produce them. As early as April, Germa­ny’s defense minister Christine Lambrecht admitted as much: “In the case of deliveries from Bundeswehr stocks, I have to be honest, we have now reached a limit,” she said.

Vershinin believes that the United States no longer has the arms manufacturing capacity to act as the “arsenal of democracy.” The Russo-Ukrainian war, like World Wars I and II, has been fought on an indus­trial scale. To fight it, the resources of a strong industrial economy must be deployed. Needless to say, the West has allowed its industrial capacity to erode considerably, having outsourced much of its manufacturing to poorer regions of the world. This is also visible in another surprising recent development. After putting a great deal of effort into lobbying the Australian government to buy submarines from the United States under the aukus deal, it was recently revealed to Congress that the United States does not actually possess the manufacturing capacity to produce these submarines in a timely fashion.

How Russia Views America

October 14, 2022 8:37 am

Its been nothing but lies all the way down.

comment image

October 14, 2022 10:22 am

Can’t get this song outta head after reading this thread..

October 14, 2022 10:38 am

This is the one in my head…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 10:51 am

Catchy tune, RiNS. Somehow I don’t remember it. It got left off of the 37 Songs About Lies list.
and so did the Castaways “Liar, Liar”

37 Best Songs About Lies, Liars & Deception (Of All Time)

  Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 10:56 am

Luvin’ that video MC about liars too! Never heard this song either! But I’m a Gen-xer so what can I do. Anyways I have to admit I was hoping for a wardrobe malfunction in that bit. The fine young lady dancing at about :30 almost lost a strap and flashed a boob!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 11:00 am

Once you get it in your head you can’t get it out. It’s 60’s thru and thru. I knew that was an 80’s song. Looked it up. 1980 exactly. The club genre when they did the 10 minute mix tape on the dance floor and you kept wondering if it was ever going to be over so you could catch your breath…lol!

  Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 11:11 am

So true! those were good times..

My friends and I would listen to Heavy Metal at home and then go out to dances that played that stuff. What fun we had! None of this rap, angry woman, autotuned crap that is on radio now. People had fun. Most songs were like an episode of Seinfeld and about nothing at all. Laughing was still in vogue, not the broken angel woke shit that prevails now….

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 12:08 pm

Lol! I had a group of guy friends along with my BF who all hated club music. Rock and roll only. I had to go out with girlfriends to have a chance to dance at clubs.

  Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 11:15 am

MC- If memory serves me that is what was termed a Go-Go Dancer. There were clubs where there would be many of these dancers in cages. One such club was The Whiskey A-Go-Go. Fringe was big in the sixties.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 12:12 pm

I think so but I was in grammar school in the 60’s. I had a pair of go-go boots I got for Christmas, though.

There is a club about 30 miles away called Funky Town. Fun place to people watch. A lot of people dress up in 70’s and 80’s garb and dance to club music from then. They have a cage anyone can go in and dance! You see a lot older of Gen-Z’s and younger Millenials there.

  Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 11:21 am

On the right night, with the right mood…and a few vodka and tonics I can still get my 67 year old wife (AKA the Petite Flower) to dance like this!

And she still looks gooooooooood doing it.

October 14, 2022 11:34 am

Girls looked a lot different in the sixties. Land whales were a RARE sighting. Same goes for males, people work hard to be unattractive now. That helps with the whole depopulation thing the (((controllers))) are working on.

October 14, 2022 12:06 pm

Had a sister 18 months younger who had the following close girlfriends over for slumber parties in high school…Marylyn, Vickie, Gina, Pam, Linda, and Carol.

(Be still my pounding testosterone pumping heart during secret meetings under the picnic table in the backyard at midnight – 1st and 2nd base felt like HOME RUNS during the World Series!)

Every single one a looker…at one time or another dated every single one.

Something like this:

comment image
I remember a couple of plump girls…one who I really liked and had a roaring fun fling with…but fat bodies and or whales were rare.

October 14, 2022 12:29 pm

That was your perfect opportunity for a “panty raid”, Mark. Always leave the crowd begging for MORE.

October 14, 2022 1:11 pm


Three of the six eventually had a lot more than their panties raided.

Ah sweet bird of YOUT!

I saw one of them at my sister’s funeral last year, and every time I looked at her table during the dinner after (and everyone had been drinking)…she was staring and smiling right at me. Once upon a time we had had a six month ‘Wild Thing you make my heart (and body) SING fling! That was hotter than a pepper sprout…but I took off to live in Mardi Gras land, work on an oil rig, and live like an extra in a Marx Brother’s movie.

She made the mistake of showing me her HOPE CHEST…and that was not the kind of chest I was interested in…she had a rack. (Color me gone).

I don’t know what she had told her husband but he treated me like he knew I had deflowered her…and acted like I had left my finger prints all over her…so I kept my distance…the guy was shooting serious eye daggers.

She still looked pretty…but compared to my wife she had lost her shiny shine shine luster…

Ah sweet birdies of YOUT!

October 14, 2022 10:09 pm

LOL, Yout…. how quickly it doth flee.

October 14, 2022 11:02 pm

(God does have a sense of humor…that fact I was raised in Jersey proves that).

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 12:13 pm

Me, too, Mark! Well, not for a while until my hips are working again…lol!

  Mary Christine
October 14, 2022 1:48 pm


My wife can do all of these and more…I can WATCH!

The Twist – The iconic 1960s dance hit.

Mashed Potato – The dance made popular by Dee Dee Sharp’s song Mashed Potato Time.

The Monster Mash – The Halloween classic favorite.

The Madison – The popular line dance.

The Hully Gully – “Shake your shoulders and wiggle your knees.”

The Pony – Another great dance created by Chubby Checker.

The Hitch Hike – Marvin Gaye’s iconic dance that accompanied his hit song became an instant favorite.

The Swim – The timeless dance that had you swimming on the dance floor.

The Locomotion – The silly dance that had you dancing in a chain formation like a train on the dance floor.

October 14, 2022 12:04 pm

I’ve read that stuff about the Russians running out of missiles/bombs. I imagine warehouses full of them.

October 14, 2022 12:30 pm

NOT lies …..

1)- Terror on the Bridge was nothing but a small Pyrrhic victory for the Ukienazis … seeing how both auto and rail serviced resumed in roughly 14 hours.

2) From reading comments on Russia oriented websites, Terror on the Bridge is Russia’s 9-11. No, not in number of deaths! Rather, the bridge’s symbolism to the Russian people; the bridge is a visual symbol of the return of Crimea to Mother Russia. The attack is viewed as an attack on the entire Russian security apparatus, a personal terror attack on Putin, and a big “fuck you!!” to every Russian citizen.

3) A Red Line has been crossed … if not Putin’s red line, then certainly the Russian people’s red line. If there was any doubt in the Russia populace that Ukraine needs to be denazified and demilitarized, well, those doubts just vanished. There will be punishments.

4) The new Big Kahuna, General Sergey Surovikin, aka “General Armageddon”, aka “Cannibal”, has full carte blanche to deliver the Russian version of Shock & Awe.

— Over 60 percent of Ukrainian power grids … gone
— 75% … of internet traffic … gone
— Ukie secret service/intelligence office in Keeeev …. flattened and gone
— Elon Musk’s Starlink netcentric warfare has been “disconnected” by the Ministry of Defense

5) According to Pepe Escobar this Shock and Awe will continue as follows;

— “First: Overload of the Ukrainian air defense system (already on).

— Second: Plunging Ukraine into the Dark Ages (already in progress).

—Third: Destruction of all major military installations (the next wave).”


And the Chechens haven’t even arrived yet!!

My friends, are there troubles in your life? Lost yer job? Wife left ya? Hooked on meth? Dog shit in yer bed? Even the blue pill won’t give ya a Stiffy? Take comfort dear ones, rejoice, be glad, cuz …. at least the Good Lord didn’t make you a fucken Ukie!

October 14, 2022 1:16 pm

We need to worry ourselves with making sure this doesn’t happen to us.

October 15, 2022 12:23 am

Since it was such a boon to Russia maybe the bridge bombing was a false flag? Lot’s of B.S everywhere so take everything with a pile of salt.