Will God remove his protective hand?

First drag queen certified as a candidate for United Methodist ministry ‘speaking in a new way to new people’

Isaac Simmons is the first openly gay man to be certified within the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and, as far as anyone can tell, the first drag queen certified in the United Methodist Church.

Ms. Penny Cost delivers a message during the Hope United Methodist Church virtual service in Bloomington, Illinois, on April 11, 2021. Video screengrab

Ms. Penny Cost delivers a message during the Hope United Methodist Church virtual service in Bloomington, Illinois, on April 11, 2021.

(RNS) — A few things were different about Sunday’s virtual service at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois.

For one, there were a few more wigs on screen.

There also was “a little bit more makeup,” said Ms. Penny Cost, that Sunday’s preacher.

Hope Church celebrated Drag Sunday on Sunday (April 11) with a message by Ms. Penny Cost and music, readings and prayer by other drag artists from central Illinois and beyond.

The service also came in response to pushback and questions the church has received over the past few weeks.

The Illinois Great Rivers Conference’s Vermillion River District Committee on Ordained Ministry recently unanimously certified Hope Church’s director of operations, Isaac Simmons — who goes by Ms. Penny Cost in drag — as a candidate for ministry in the United Methodist Church.

Simmons, 23, is the first openly gay man to be certified within the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and, as far as anyone can tell, the first drag queen certified in the United Methodist Church.

Isaac Simmons — who goes by Ms. Penny Cost in drag — is candidate for ministry in the United Methodist Church. Courtesy photo

Isaac Simmons — who goes by Ms. Penny Cost in drag — is a candidate for ministry in the United Methodist Church. Courtesy photo

“It is mind-boggling simply that it’s 2021 and I’m the first, but also it’s incredibly humbling,” he told Religion News Service.

“For the amount of pushback and the amount of hate that I have faced — simply by existing, let alone for pursuing ordination — I have received, I’ve been poured into even more love and support,” he added.

Not long after the vote, Simmons’ story was picked up by conservative United Methodists.

“How many churches in their district or conference would be comfortable with a minister who is a drag queen? Would the people in the pews say his faith and works honor God and align with the Wesleyan tradition?” asked blogger Dan Moran of the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

The pushback that followed was scary, Simmons said. He wrote for the Reconciling Ministries Network blog that he has been called “the anti-Christ,” the “spawn of Satan” and — his favorite — “a bad copy of Jack Lemmon’s performance in ‘Some Like It Hot.’”

But Simmons said he also has received a lot of support from across the denomination.

Among those celebrating his candidacy is Jan Lawrence, executive director of Reconciling Ministries. Lawrence said that while she hasn’t met Simmons yet, she views him as “an example of someone we can learn from as we understand his story.”

“In my book, he is a rock star for being bold enough to open himself to the criticism that he is experiencing now,” she said in a written statement to RNS.

“The intersections of his faith, his queerness, and his performances as a drag queen may be questioned by some. Yet, he brings his full self to his ministry which is exactly what we expect of our pastors.”

Simmons is only a year into what is about a five-year process to be ordained in the United Methodist Church, he said. His candidacy comes at a time when the United Methodist Church is deeply divided over issues related to the inclusion of its LGBTQ members.

The denomination, one of the largest in the U.S., is expected to consider a proposal to split when its global decision-making body, the General Conference, meets over nine days in August and September 2022 in Minneapolis. That meeting already has been postponed twice because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Meantime, Simmons said, he sees his candidacy as “a sign of validation,” not only that he is seen, loved and called by God, but also the LGBTQ United Methodists he hopes will follow him.

“Queer folks, trans folks, people all over are seen loved and called, and I hope that it’s indicative of the change that is coming,” he said.

Simmons became a United Methodist while at Illinois Wesleyan University, where he is studying business management and religious studies.

He ran into Hope Church at Bloomington’s Pride Fest and thought, “If a church comes to support me, I need to go and support them.” He showed up that Sunday and never left.

Ms. Penny Cost, the drag persona of Isaac Simmons, poses for a photo. Courtesy photo

Ms. Penny Cost, the drag persona of Isaac Simmons, poses for a photo. Courtesy photo

A “nerd at heart,” he said, he threw himself into Methodist history. The “love and grace” he sees at the foundation of Hope Church and the United Methodist Church appealed to him. So does the fact he believes that when the denomination “came out on the wrong side of history,” it then “worked to repair it and to change and to prevent it from happening in the future,” he said.

His studies brought him to drag, too, as he worked on a research project on the use of carnivalesque to subvert systems of oppression.

“For me, there is nothing more carnivalesque than drag, because it is something that is full of laughter and full of love, full of support, but also full of protest, full of change, full of demanding justice,” he said.

“And so it’s this beautiful art form that allows folks an opportunity to engage with darker topics such as theological oppression in a way that welcomes them into it and makes them feel as if they can do it without shame.”

Ms. Penny Cost is a “1960s church lady” who allows people to think about the ideas they have of a stereotypical churchgoer, Simmons explained.

Her name comes from the biblical story of Pentecost, a moment in the midst of fear and uncertainty when tongues of fire came to rest on Jesus’ disciples, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in different languages. She often wears bright red wigs — her own tongues of fire.

“For me, drag is my way of speaking in a new way to new people,” Simmons said.

Drag Sunday at Hope Church looked like “basically just a church service that just happened to be performed in drag,” Simmons said. The service featured special music written for the occasion by Sharon ShareAlike, a well-known drag artist, along with an offering and a benediction.

The message by Ms. Penny Cost continued the church’s sermon series on the life of Jesus based on the Gospel of Mark.

“Today we are living just a little bit more into this idea that the church is not defined by the four walls that make it up, but by the expansive acceptance of its heart,” she said.

First drag queen certified as a candidate for United Methodist ministry ‘speaking in a new way to new people’

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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June 9, 2022 7:35 am

Stuff like this always happens at the very end of your civilization. Frankly, I’d be surprised if we didn’t see lunacy such as this. A healthy society has the will to keep madness like this in check but we no longer have that will.

June 9, 2022 7:38 am

If God hasn’t removed his “protective hand” after the murder of MILLIONS (!!!) of unborn American children, then I rather doubt he’ll do so because some fag-tranny-drag queen was ordained by the United Methodist “Church” …. which has been a demonic shithole of depravity for a very long time.

June 9, 2022 7:42 am

A very long time? I don’t doubt you but, how so?

June 9, 2022 7:49 am

I don’t know how long either but, the United Methodist Church that I grew up under, went off the tracks years ago with leftist/liberal ideology.
Like our founding fathers, I’m sure the founders John and Charles Wesley are turning over in their graves to see what the protestant church they founded has become.

There is a great sifting going on.

June 9, 2022 7:49 am

comment image

They have been social justice warriors since the 1960s and one of the first churches to ordain homos. Extremely liberal theology. For example … man is innately good, not sinful. Minimize God’s transcendence. Jesus is basically a nice guy wise teacher … Son of God, not so much.

Edit to add; there are two Methodist churches. The original and now liberal one … and the Conservatives who left and formed another branch … Global Methodists or something like that.


“Why I’m No Longer a United Methodist”


Why I’m No Longer a United Methodist

June 9, 2022 8:27 am

I was raised 7th Day Adventist. I think I should be grateful for that. No, I’m not saying the 7th Day Adventist church is perfect.

Fielding Mellish
Fielding Mellish
June 9, 2022 11:27 am

George Carlin Returns Better than ever, delivers monologue on on being ‘woke’ and other similarly ridiculous current matters (Satire)

First let me say……boy I go away for 14 years and look what happens. Donald Trump President? Joe Biden President?….Are you nuts? Oh well…it could be worse…Hillary could be President!

Come out, come out wherever you are! The big bad Croner is not going to get ya. The things that have happened since I’ve been gone. What’s wrong with you people? Didn’t I warn you about these bloodsuckers that run the world? Why are so many of you wearing masks? What did I say about germs? You look like a bunch of wannabe Bonnie and Clyde’s. Maybe you should go rob the Fed. They are your real masters and the crooks that run the world. Are you afraid that a few little germies are waiting to bite you as you run up and down the supermarket aisles? I used to swim with the fishes in the Hudson River and my immune system is going great. Well, not really I am dead after all. Nonetheless what are you people thinking? You let Bill Gates run your computers and now you are letting him run your lives. You need to reboot him right up the ass. Oh..and get ready…the ‘Moneypox’ virus is coming next. It’s going to be a big money maker for Big Pharma and just because it is free doesn’t mean it is free. You will get stuck with the bill in your taxes!

Gee I woke up this morning only to discover that I am not ‘woke.’ I may be awake but I’m not ‘woke.’ Does that make any sense? Have you heard about this? You’re not ‘woke’ unless your sense of reason is asleep. First though, to be truly ‘woke’ You have to be a victim, I am a victim…. You’re a victim. We’re all victims….victims of something called life and you know what….. life is unfair, get over it. In 100 years you will all be dead and forgotten. How fair is that? You know what Google brain defines as ‘woke’ which, by the way, should be ‘Awake’ if you want to use the word correctly after all ‘Woke’ is past tense and does not really work as it is being used. It sounds stupid. So to be ‘woke’ means:

alert to injustice in society, especially racism.

Really, you mean we have injustice in our society? Wow, imagine that. I don’t own a yacht like Bill Gates and I consider that to be unjust…what can I do? I don’t have a mansion on Martha’s Vineyard like the Obama’s. That doesn’t seem fair does it? Should I call those geniuses of judicial equanimity at DOJ to see how they can screw me over?

Do we have racism in our society? The only racism I can see is toward white males of European descent. If you look at the schools, colleges and corporations they seem to hate everything white. I saw a commercial the other day for Hostess ‘ Twinkies, but the only thing white in the commercial was the cream inside the Twinkie. Speaking of this beloved consumer good, have you ever seen what goes into a Twinkie? No wonder they call it a consumer good because the ingredients will literally consume your life…and if that is not enough…you can deep fry the sucker just like they do at the state fair. Talk about toxic…and by the way have you noticed the way the packaging for these treats and delectable candies are shrinking in size but going up in price? What’s that all about? I told you we’re being played.

Look what’s happened to the world. I go away for 14 years and what the fuck. Look What’s happened to the world and I thought things were bad back then. Are you kidding me? I heard about the ‘great reset.’ Brain child of a man named Schwab. The only thing he’s good at swabbing is a bad case of hemorrhoids. What is this great reset? Sounds kind of cool and kinky although I don’t trust these bastards who run the world. So now the great reset is all the rage among the ‘woke’ zombies of the Idiocracy. What are we living inside a giant TV set? Hey the TV’s not working folks…better call the cable guy!

Speaking about the so-called ‘Great reset’ everybody seems to be talking about ‘building back better.’ I know the Ukranians would like to build back better. Just call Lockeed Martin, Boeing or one of those mammoth defense contractors they would like to help Ukraine build back better….for a measly few hundred billion. Talk about creating your own marketplace…what a deal. Blow it up and then build it back. By the way have you ever asked yourself what war is good for? It’s good for the arms companies that make the bombs. I mean who ever heard of a product that is never replaced…and that is what would happen if peace were to prevail.

What about systemic racism and Critical Race Theory…Oh boy anything to get those reparations eh? I got news for all those people that want to be compensated because one of their relatives several centuries ago was a slave. Get over it. Guess what over 360,222 northern soldiers, mostly white, died to free your ancestors. Chew on that. By the way what if you are only one eighth black, excuse me, ‘African American,’ does that mean you only get one eighth of the payment? Who is going to figure out how to measure the percentage of your racial background? I know.. You got it….. the ‘Department of Reparations’ a brand new government agency that we the taxpayers get to pay for. The new director…get ready for this…The good Reverend Al Sharpton.

To all you ‘snowflakes’ out there I hope that I have invaded your safe spaces with my slew of microaggressions. Maybe that will wake you the hell up!

Why is it that nobody is happy with the gender they are born with or with their natural hair color. What’s with all the tattoos? Why am I being persecuted for being a cis gendered dead person? Go ahead cancel me…I’ve already been canceled from life. Oh…and…LGBTQ what the hell is that anyway? What does it stand for…..Let’s Go Back to Tranquil Quietude. That’s where I am headed….bye!

  Fielding Mellish
June 10, 2022 5:37 am

This is funny.

Fielding Mellish
Fielding Mellish
June 9, 2022 11:23 am

There is no God….That should be obvious by now.

  Fielding Mellish
June 9, 2022 12:49 pm

Psalm 14:1a The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 9, 2022 1:32 pm

been reading through the psalms. about half of them dwell at length on “god, where are you? why are you letting the wicked get away with all this? why are you not granting our army victory? why are the nations celebrating our defeat? god, arouse yourself! defeat our enemies! send prosperity!”

June 11, 2022 1:58 pm

A fool quotes.

The intelligent analyze.

Fielding Mellish
Fielding Mellish
  Fielding Mellish
June 10, 2022 5:18 am

People often mistake not believing in ‘God’ as atheism. It is not. I don’t believe in the old man with the white beard above the clouds. That does not mean that I don’t believe in a higher power or a higher order. To me ‘God’ is a great mystery and does not have and con not have a human label that means anything. The ‘God’ of the old testament is not a ‘God’ that I would want to worship. ‘He’ (as if ‘God’ could have a gender) was war like and mean and, in effect, the God of the Israeli tribe. Any real ‘God’ would never be exclusive. Any ‘God’ that would be a ‘God’ is not a ‘God.’ I do believe in freedom of religion and that all people should worship as they please.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

― Epicurus

  Fielding Mellish
June 11, 2022 1:45 pm

Oh there’s a God alright! He’s just waiting and biding His time. He knows the ending! After all He wrote it! Look up, it’s nearly time for all true Christian’s and Messianic Jews to go! But then you don’t think there is a God do you. I feel sorry for you, just as I feel sorry for everyone who doesn’t know the truth.👵😇

June 11, 2022 1:53 pm

Please read the Epicurus quote above your post.

Which accurately describes “GOD”?

Or explain why none apply. After all, “I feel sorry for everyone who doesn’t know the truth.”. Enlighten us.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 9, 2022 7:55 am

The United Methodist Church is no longer “United” and is disintegrating as it devolves further and further into satanism. Are there enough millstones in the world for those who lead the little ones astray?

  TN Patriot
June 9, 2022 9:04 am

Nobody really makes millstones anymore. Sad.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
June 9, 2022 12:35 pm

Cinder blocks work pretty well.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid

Concrete galoshes a la Jimmy Hoffa, IYKWIM.

Toujours Pret
Toujours Pret
June 9, 2022 7:59 am

The god that they’re serving reads like the one that said (paraphrasing) “i will make myself like the most high.”

June 9, 2022 8:15 am

God will not intervene.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
June 9, 2022 1:24 pm

Dont tell the faithful that LLPOH lol.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 9, 2022 1:35 pm

he does.

from time to time.

not often.

June 9, 2022 8:18 am

Please…………….shoot this sick twisted motherfucker !

June 9, 2022 8:30 am

This is just the beginning.
Just wait until the restrainer is removed.

June 9, 2022 8:33 am

Stay away from any church whose first 3 letters are “Uni”. They are satanic.

June 9, 2022 8:37 am

Already has.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 9, 2022 1:36 pm

not yet. still a long way down. and still quite a few people who try to follow him.

June 9, 2022 8:45 am

The Methodist “church” has now officially become an apostate cult, rather than a Christian denomination. They need a modern version of Paul’s letters to the churches pointing out their errors, but they would ignore it and “contexualize” their apostacy (upper Midwest Bishop’s favorite word). As far as this mentally ill degenerate, his only “ministry” is that of the great deceiver.

June 9, 2022 8:45 am

Organized Religion=$$$

The message = I read the book so you don’t have to and hears what it said you need to do. Can I get an Amen!
The message = 10% of your income will bring you Salvation and Prosperity, Praise the Lord!.
The message = The Lord has changed with the times. He loves you for who you are. Shout it out to the Lord!
The message = Jesus has shown me what you need to do to be happy, healthy and wealthy. Rise up in the Lord!
The message = Don’t focus on how much you have or don’t have. Focus on what you can do for the Lord. Praise Jesus!

Add at infinitum:

June 9, 2022 8:55 am

Yes, I can see how anyone would come to this conclusion. I need to start going back to church to see how far things have fallen. A person has to find the right church.

June 9, 2022 9:25 am

Good luck with that in todays religious institutions. 501c3 and the threat of losing that tax shelter alters the true message. The clergy today are careful not to offend potential donors, so the message is tailored to skip over the scary or offensive stuff. Anything that could affect the bottom line profit(not Prophet).

2 Timothy 4:3
3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.

1 Timothy 1:10
10 for the sexually immoral and males who have sex with males, for slave traders, liars, perjurers, and for whatever else is contrary to the sound teaching.

Isaiah 30:10
10 who say to the seers, “Do not see,”
and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us what is right;
speak to us smooth things,
prophesy illusions,

June 9, 2022 10:26 am

I do not doubt you.

June 9, 2022 12:39 pm

Isaiah 30:10
10 who say to the seers, “Do not see,” and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us what is right;
speak to us smooth things,
prophesy illusions,

“Prophesy Illusions”
This is what the People want. That explains every thing that is going on…….the Masses want Illusions.

Fuck these people.

June 9, 2022 9:43 am

It is known as the apostate church. Paul wrote of this in Second Thessalonians about the coming of The Lord.
From the Amplified Bible translation:

‘Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the [c]apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed], 4 who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above [d]every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God.’ 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Antichrist can be anybody (see 1 John 2:18) that does not believe in the finished work of Jesus The Christ. This article shows that the falling away is happening, and has been for quite awhile, it was only a matter of time.
There is no need to blaspheme God’s name, He does not work on your time scale. But be aware that when He does act that there will be no more warnings. It will be just like God closing the door of the Ark.

Fielding Mellish
Fielding Mellish
June 9, 2022 11:21 am


ran t 7
ran t 7
  Fielding Mellish
June 9, 2022 1:41 pm

it’s a good question. the early old testament way is “do good, god rewards you. do evil, god punishes you.” by the late old testament it’s “we’re god’s people no mater what and in the end he’s going to cast our sins behind his back and make us the rulers of the world just because.” in the new testament it’s “confess your sins and god will forgive you your sins.” the “protecting hand” thing no longer seems to be operative.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 9, 2022 11:54 am

Auntie can envision future inclusions for United Methodist church bulletins from this innovation:

Drag Queen Sunday School (it IS for the children after all).
Assless chaps night BINGO.
Fellatio Fellowship Fridays.

Romans 1:27

ran t 7
ran t 7
  Aunt Acid
June 9, 2022 1:42 pm

remember all the things we thought were too ridiculous to happen, but did?

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
June 9, 2022 12:28 pm

I can never forget Henry Fielding’s comments from the 1700’s in “Joseph Andrews.” Methodism is “Nonsense and enthusiasm.”

ran t 7
ran t 7

isn’t it all usually exactly that?

June 9, 2022 1:34 pm

I guess the UMC worships Satan now.

June 9, 2022 5:47 pm

That stupid shithead doesn’t know how lucky he is to be “on the right side of history” thus far. For most of recorded history his coming out and so called ordination would have resulted in: take your pick 1. stoning, 2. burning at the stake, 3. castration followed by hanging or 4. simple hanging by the nuts until dead.
God’s ways are not my ways so I can’t speak for his protective hand.