The Hidden Truth Behind War With Russia

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The plot behind Ukraine is far deeper than anyone is willing to talk about publically. Yanukovich was corrupt and his sons were acting like a protection racket. Yanukovich was keen on joining the EU but the treaty had a clause in there that would have put Ukraine in NATO through the backdoor. Ukraine would have to comply will all the rules and regulations of NATO without formally being admitted.

Worse still, Ukraine was to trade exclusively with the EU when Russia was its main trading partner and its fuel came from Russia. That is why Yanukovich backed out and that is what began the whole uprising. To appease the protestors, Yanukovich agreed to early elections in nine months. This is where the US Neocons were hard at work to actually see the uprising as an opportunity and they wanted to install their own people. That was all in the leaked phone call of Victoria Nuland.

Zelensky was elected with overwhelming support to create peace which was exactly OPPOSITE of the objectives of the American Neocons. The Ukrainian Nationalists (Nazis) threatened to kill Zelensky if he pushed for peace with Russia. Zelensky did a political flip-flop and yielded to the Nazi movement. Reliable sources insisted that the Nazis threatened to kill Zelensky to prevent any peace with Russia.

Don’t forget McCain and Lesley Graham even addressed the Ukrainian Nazis promising them to support back in December 2016 after Trump was elected, but before he was sworn in. The Neocons were hard at work to ensure that there would be no peace with Russia.

The entire Russiagate has been discredited but we must understand the reality of international relations. Hillary, who is a Neocon and was friends with John McCain to the point he is the one who handed the fraudulent Steel Dossier to James Comey at the FBI, was instrumental in the failed takeover of Russia by the bankers blackmailing Yeltsin and interfering in the 2000 election which brought Putin to power. Some think that Hillary concocted the whole theory that Trump was a puppet of Putin. The Neocons even spun the story that Putin was ex-KGB and that meant he wanted to resurrect the old Soviet Union which was also a lie.

With the seriousness of these actions, we are now heading into war over fake news. Obama had refused to provide military aid to Ukraine and the entire Russiagate was to box in Trump who was then advised to provide military weapons to Ukraine to prove he was not a puppet of Putin. It was the Neocons who were trying to push Trump into an eye-to-eye confrontation.

Can you imagine that what Kennedy did to the Neocons was reject their advice and in the Cuban Missle Crisis this resulted in a monumental shift in US-Russian relations. It forced both to realize that they needed each other and that confrontation was not the answer. This probably cost Kennedy his life. I believe the Neocons had him killed and Oswald was hinted that he was somehow connected to Russia. The CIA refused to release the files and the only reason is to hide the fact that the Neocons took out Kennedy.

By creating Russiagate, the main objective was to prevent Trump from working any peace deal with Russia. Can you imagine if the Cuban Missile Crisis took place during the Trump Administration, the Neocons would have been in their glory warning Trump any peace deal would confirm he was just a puppet of Putin. That would have e guaranteed war – not peace.

Reliable sources also claim that the transcript of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky that was used for impeachment was not the full conversation. Trump had assumed that Zelensky was serious about peace and would have supported that decision. But this would have been seen as making Trump the puppet of Putin. This scenario was vital to prevent peace and eventually put the pieces in place for the war that now cloud the horizon.

The DEMONIZING of Trump began to PREVENT world peace and to strip Trump of any ability to reach a peace deal with Russia. Putin did NOT want to reestablish the old Soviet Union, but instead, he saw the rise of China economically and sought to bring Russia into an economic player on the global scale. He wanted to be remembered for being the leader who brought Russia to its economic greatness.

The image of Trump and Putin had to be manipulated to direct the world into the new political agenda leaving these two leaders who wanted to make their respective nations great again. So far, they have accomplished their goals with strategic cunning and manipulation.

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Fusk Jews
Fusk Jews
April 18, 2022 9:28 am

the entire world is a theater and we live in the Truman Show.

riv city
riv city
  Fusk Jews
April 18, 2022 9:44 am

Yeah – he might as well be the hag’s puppet…

  Fusk Jews
April 18, 2022 9:46 am

I was going to post this directly in response, but decided it belongs here.

The narrative is always changing.

This is from 2014.
Excerpt from video link:

[[[Having lived in the former USSR before immigrating to the US, Dmitry Orlov has an invaluable perspective on both the US and Russian perspectives, as well as Ukraine.

With the western propaganda flying thick and heavy, it’s more important than ever to cut through the chaff and learn what we can about the most important geopolitical realignment (and renewed tensions) in recent memory.

Well, look, Russia is a place that’s extremely dynamic as changing response to challenging environment, to changed environment, very popular throughout the world, at peace with most of the world, even with nations that are at war with each other, both sides will still talk to Russia and have friendly relations. Russia has a splendid relationship with both Israel and Iran for instance.

The United States is a nation that can’t get anything together, can’t get anything on, not education, not healthcare, nothing. It’s basically sinking into a cesspool of its own making it can’t respond at all. And now, it is basically being shown up to be quite incompetent in playing this international game. Now, what happens if you can’t play a game by the rules is you’re penalized and you forfeit the game. So, either the US leadership will learn how to play by the rules or they forfeit. I see those are as the only two real outcomes.

There’s a difference to how the Russians approach the world and how the Americans approach the world. So, for instance, Americans like to threaten. If you don’t do this, then we will do X, Y and Z. That’s a typical American behavior.

That’s not something that the Russians would ever do because they don’t threaten, they just act because if you threaten, then you take away the element of surprise which is very important. The other thing is Americans refuse to talk to their enemies, they won’t negotiate with terrorists, they won’t do X, Y and Z and can’t be reasoned with at all. You can just listen to them and do what they say or they’ll bomb you whereas the Russians always talk to their enemies. Russia keeps the channels of communication open.

And the other thing is that all of this endless trash talking is very detrimental to the business of democracy and there’s been a constant stream of basically garbage emanating from the west, some of it social media, some of it through the old fashioned press. But, just basically all kinds of lies and disinformation and slander, which makes the tedious business of diplomacy establishing various links at various levels very difficult, if not impossible. So there’s just this incredible level of disgust with their, as they say, partners in the west in Moscow and the result is they’re not really eager to talk anymore. They’re not very interested in communicating. They’re far more interested in acting. So, what we’ll probably see is a constant stream of surprises coming from Russia that will be completely unannounced and not predicted by anyone.]]]

Dmitry Orlov: Russia’s Patience Is Wearing Thin

April 19, 2022 4:52 pm

Within the scope of that essay, it is clear which is the more Christian nation.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 2, 2024 9:31 pm

Russia is not the enemy.
It never has been.Look within. Look who controls.
Look to what family is worth over 100 trillion dollars.
Look to ancient money lenders.
Pro tip.

April 18, 2022 10:32 am

Probably one of the dumbest articles I’ve ever read.

April 19, 2022 6:27 am

I bet you think the United States can win a war waged against Russia.

April 19, 2022 4:53 pm

You have intuited there is dumbness, but your coin toss failed you.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 18, 2022 10:42 am

Don’t forget that the December meeting in Ukraine where Miss Lindsay Graham promised that 2017 would be the year that the US and Ukraine would take the fight to Russia had as another attendee (besides McCain, piss be upon him) my home state neolib “Snow Woman” Amy Klobuchar. She usually only surfaces to sponsor some nice-sounding bill like price controls on epic pens, but she’s also an institutional democrat hack, proving the bipartisan nature of the drive to destroy Russia. She was also counted upon to end her farcical presidential campaign at precisely the right moment to add her voice to Jim Clyburn’s and ensure that the somnolescent Biden become the Democrat nominee.

  Iska Waran
April 19, 2022 4:54 pm

That pederast is all you need to know about SC.

Doc MartinAnonymous
Doc MartinAnonymous
April 18, 2022 10:46 am

I spent the entire drama of the Cuban Crisis in the Dry Tortugas 100 miles from Havana. 98% of Americans are too young or too stupid to remember why or what happened back in 1962 when the entire world was on the precipice of WWIII. We are now on that precipice again and nobody cares. I wrote a detailed book entitled “It’s Over”. Few bought or read it. That’s okay. If truth was recognized and acted upon all of the empires of history would not have all fallen after about 200 years. The US is over and will never again be the republic envisioned by our founders. The hardest truth for most people to accept is that their coveted belief has crashed and burned and will never rise again.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 18, 2022 2:48 pm

Another filthy stinking ugly poisonous seed sown by the ZOG State Dept in 2014 has come to full bloom in the Ukraine; FJB is doing his best to grow it into a huge war of the US vs Russia but Putin is 10X the man FJB is and it will end in another expensive humiliating American military defeat, in Sanctions that blow up in our Economic ass, and a US Regime Change by Nov2022. We can build back better only if we shit can the Democrats and every stupid cockeyed liberal policy they ever crammed down our throats.

April 18, 2022 5:08 pm

THE truth is Josef Bitem is an asset to the Russians to starve and plunder America. He is being blackmailed into it by his son Hunted Bitem’s business relations to Moscow.

April 18, 2022 7:30 pm

If this is the hidden truth from Clinton, then why is she not in jail, please tell me that rather than exposing all these lies, are the laws in America not being up held, does the law only come into affect on the ordinary guy and not the corrupt Washington Criminals. Please answer me that.