‘Mr Plod’ in Big Trouble – Ukraine Rolls on as Censorship Expands across the Media Landscape – whilst the British Economy is Dying – Letter from Great Britain [02-19-22]

GOOD NEWS! My book, “The Financial Jigsaw”, has now been accepted and published at my academic network.  Scroll down and Hit:  ‘View Full Text’ button for the complete book:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020   I will be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

BREAKING: A new attempt will be made to force publication of the full Sue Gray report on whether No 10 parties broke Covid laws. If passed, the “humble address” motion tabled in the House of Commons by the Lib Dems would compel ministers to release the documents within two days of the Met concluding its investigation. A vote could take place next week, with Tory MPs urged to give their support.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:  “If you are in a prison, but like it there, are you then unfree? Indeed, if you like prisons, you may even be prepared to incarcerate yourself.”  QED: You only know it’s a prison if you know you are a prisoner; viz, do people with smart phones, using the NHS app to isolate for ‘n” days, know they are being corralled?

BEFORE we get on to Britain’s problems, we have Ukraine to think about this weekend.  David Stockman at ZH has an excellent essay incorporating the history of this chimeric nation which places the present drama into context – IMHO is a must read:

“In fact, the Kiev government’s current Washington-supported brouhaha about “returning” Crimea is a naked case of the hegemonic arrogance that has overtaken Imperial Washington since the 1991 Soviet demise. After all, during the long decades of the Cold War, the West did nothing to liberate the “captive nation” of Ukraine — with or without the Crimean appendage bestowed upon it in 1954.

In fact, it was the NeoCon meddlers from Washington who crushed Ukraine’s last semblance of democratic governance when they enabled ultra-nationalists and crypto-Nazis to gain government positions after the February 2014 coup, which threw-out Ukraine’s legitimately elected, Russia-leaning president.

In this context, moreover, the history of the 1930s and 1940s must never be forgotten here. Stalin decimated upwards of 15% of the Ukrainian population during the Holodomor (starvations) and then moved huge numbers of Russian-speakers into the Donbas to safeguard its chemical, steel and armaments industries from the defiant locals who were sent to Siberia”. [NB: Collectivisation led to a drop in production, the disorganization of the rural economy, and food shortages. It also sparked a series of peasant rebellions, including armed uprisings, in some parts of Ukraine. The result of Stalin’s policies was the Great Famine (Holodomor) of 1932–33.]

“Thereafter, when Hitler’s Wehrmacht came charging through Ukraine on its way to the bloody battle of Stalingrad. Thus began the mass killings of Jews that continued through 1944. An estimated 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews perished; and all of these depredations were assisted and often executed by local Ukrainian nationalists. Then, of course, the tide turned and the Red Army came marching back through the rubble of Ukraine on its way to Berlin.

The Soviets launched an equally brutal scorched earth counteroffensive westward, searching high and low for traitors and collaborators among the Ukrainian population who had allegedly aided the Wehrmacht. So it may be fairly asked: What Washington lame brains did not understand that triggering “regime change” in Kiev in February 2014 would reopen this entire blood-soaked history of sectarian and political strife?” A fascinating history yet again exposing the crass misplaced foreign policy of Imperial Washington which surely must soon see its imminent demise: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/stockman-were-not-useful-idiots

BACK TO BRITAIN: where BoJo has exposed the hidden corruption within our ruling class – Ian Hislop and team eviscerate the parliamentary ‘old boy’s network’ in this recent 24 minute clip. Ian Hislop, Solomon Hughes and Richard Brooks of Private Eye attended the parliamentary ‘Select Committee on Standards’ to give evidence recently.  Proceedings became combative and at times cringeworthy as the journalists began reading out the attending MPs’, who were meant to be asking the questions, own registers of interest as examples of the lack of transparency in British politics. Tories, Sir Bernard Jenkin and Alberto Costa, both seemed quite distressed.  A must watch to see them squirm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3O8mwDFo4M

FROM LATE LAST WEEK:  The Metropolitan Police (the ‘Met’) have lost their chief honcho under suspicious circumstances which will probably never see the light of day. Cressida Dick has been forced out as head of the Metropolitan police after London’s mayor accused her of failing to deal with a culture of misogyny and racism in Britain’s biggest force.

Sadiq Khan had previously put Dick “on notice” that she had to rapidly reform Scotland Yard or lose his support for her leadership. His confidence in her was shaken to breaking point by a scandal at Charing Cross police station where officers shared racist, sexist, Misogynistic and Islamophobic messages.

Dick was responsible for the PartyGate investigation, which could decide the fate of Boris Johnson as prime minister. As Peter Walker points out, if the investigation lingers beyond her tenure, it will be the hottest of political potatoes to pass to a successor. Dick will stay in her role for what is described as “a short period” whilst a new Commissioner is appointed.

A number of MPs called for Dick to resign in March 2021 after her officers arrested women taking part in a vigil for Sarah Everard, who had been murdered by one of their colleagues. In September the home secretary, Priti Patel, announced she had extended Dick’s five-year term for another 24 months, being unconvinced that any prospective successors were ready. Dick began as a constable in 1983 and became Met commissioner in 2017. Her career in the senior ranks has been battered by several controversies, including the notorious killing of Jean Charles de Menezes by police who thought he was a suicide bomber.

AND THERE’S MORE – much more: Dame Cressida Dick’s total failure, in the face of overwhelming evidence, and a total loyalty to officers that superseded all else. The public’s interests came a very distant second, and increasingly they knew it.

“The under-fire Met police are – reluctantly and belatedly – investigating multiple alleged criminal breaches of the law by the denizens of Number 10 Downing Street, the very people who made those laws. That should be mind-blowing enough, and certainly is for the majority of ordinary British people, who have spent many weeks now feeling deeply furious and unforgivably mugged off by their overlords, while they were living under the most draconian restrictions imposed in peacetime.

But there is [even] more. There really are Conservative MPs who have spent a lot of those past few weeks explaining, on the record, that members of the government breaking their own laws isn’t that big a deal. Mind-blowing again – and yet there is even more. Off the record, some Conservatives are now saying that should the prime minister be found to have breached the law and be served with fines or multiple fines … well, that isn’t too big a deal either, and he could certainly carry on being prime minister afterwards!”  What can I add to this utter hubris?  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/11/farewell-cressida-dick-the-met-chief-only-interested-in-one-thing-ignoring-bad-coppers?

SOhere’s in-depth gory detail. Five years ago; one of the most iconic, male-dominated and important institutions in the country, would be led by a woman. Dick posed for photos with the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who had championed her. “This is a historic day for London and a proud day for me as mayor,” he said. “how-cressida-dick-support-as-met-chief-unravelled

AND DICK’S REPLACEMENT?  Yes, rest assured someone like Nadine Dorries would be straight out of the traps to dump on the BBC for disloyalty or bias or creating something more popular than her. And no doubt Nadine would be ably assisted by whoever Priti Patel (our abrasive Home Secretary) appoints to replace Cressida Dick. It’s called sticking together, isn’t it? In the end, low calibre and underperforming politicians seem to like low calibre and underperforming public officials. Everyone gets something out of it, with the sole exception of the entire British Public!

MEANWHILE IN UKRAINE the crisis, manufactured by the Globalist Banksters, is not going away anytime soon.  Last week, Sir Keir Starmer (the leader of the opposition Labour Party) visited NATO’s headquarters and said Labour “is standing by the UK government’s approach”, but accused ministers of not doing enough to tackle Russian “dirty money” flowing into the UK.  But we know why that is, don’t we?

The bulk of Brits have no idea that the City of London is an integral part of the Britain. It has its own independent status. The City of London is a city, ceremonial county and local government district that contains the historic centre and the primary central business district. Even the Queen has to ask permission to enter the square mile. This video explains it well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np_ylvc8Zj8  It seems the banksters have control through devious means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_ZpXyrFSds

Starmer rebuked Britain’s ‘Stop the War Coalition’, which has Jeremy Corbyn in its leadership, as “naive” and giving “succour to authoritarian leaders who directly threaten democracies”. But he would say this wouldn’t he?  He’s just another flunky of the WEF gang determined to impose their Great Reset and what better way to keep the ball rolling than getting a war underway?  It’s a play script that is as old as the hills – we are not fooled – follow the money and the gas & oil.

Joe Biden has also warned that “things could go crazy quickly” in Ukraine and urged American citizens to leave immediately. In Berlin last week, Russia and Ukraine said they had failed to reach any breakthrough in talks involving French and German officials. The UK’s defence secretary, Ben Wallace, is due to continue the diplomatic round in Moscow.

CENSORED on the Internet.” “Michael Parenti summed this up perfectly in his 2015 book “Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies” with this passage that was recently shared by Louis Allday:   “But they don’t care about what we think. They turn a deaf ear to us,” some people complain. That is not true. They care very much about what you think. In fact, that is the only thing about you that holds their attention and concern. They don’t care if you go hungry, unemployed, sick, or homeless. But they do care when you are beginning to entertain resistant democratic thoughts and especially libertarian ones. They get nervous when you discard your liberal complaints and adopt a radical analysis. They do care that you are catching on as to what the motives and functions of the National Security State and the US global empire are all about at home and in so many corners of the world. They get furiously concerned when you and millions like you are rejecting the pap that is served up by corporate media and establishment leaders.  By controlling our perceptions, they control our society; they control public opinion and public discourse. And they limit the range and impact of our political consciousness. The plutocrats know that their power comes from their ability to control our empowering responses.” Authored by Caitlin Johnstone: https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/dont-underestimate-how-badly-the-powerful-need-control-of-online-speech-a9378cf036b4

AND this is how the Predatory Globalists censor all contra-indicating comment against the official narrative. They apply MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS – is a term recently popularised by Dr Malone’s recent blockbuster podcast which has sent the Globalists apoplectic. “This behaviour is not “normal.” Those under mass psychosis have simply formed a bond so strong that actual facts no longer matter — for they are now the virtuous ones.

Anyone who doesn’t constantly virtue signal to the collective is an enemy. Through fact checkers, social media, and big tech control, this collective focusses their rage and hatred on those who have not fallen victim to the spell. Those not under the spell are evil, need to be locked up, arrested, and are deemed domestic terrorists by the collective.

Critical thought, logic, and reason rest in their graves as mass psychosis maintains its grip on millions of fearful, anxious, and aggressive loners who have found their place in the virtuous and caring aggregate horde.

While this outlook may seem bleak, the good news is that we can fight this mass psychosis by continuing to counter the narrative which is driving it, thereby shaking others out of their hypnosis by repeatedly exposing them to actual reality.

What’s more, it means these horrific things that many people are saying online, like the unvaccinated should be excluded from society or locked up, isn’t necessarily coming from a place of evil, but it’s more of a psychological process their minds are doing to help them survive their false reality”. https://thefreethoughtproject.com/google-manipulates-results-as-searches-mass-formation-psychosis-explode-due-to-collapsing-covid-narrative/

BUT NOW THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH: “and the more CNN and others try to silence Rogan, the more damage they do to their own brand. Though it has been incredibly difficult for independent media over the last 6 years of censorship and biased “fact checks,” those of us who held on through the hard times are here and we are building a new way of sharing important news through honesty and transparency.

To the three hundred people who still take CNN and the others seriously, we urge you to get outside of your box. Challenge your ideas and don’t be afraid of admitting mistakes The only way out of complete societal destruction is free and open discussions and intellectual humility. Those who constantly attempt to silence that discussion and who show no intellectual humility are not your friend and you’d be wise to wake up to this fact before it’s too late:”   https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cnn-is-dying-and-them-comparing-joe-rogan-to-jan-6-proves-it/

HOWEVER THE SCAMDEMIC has not ended yet – it’s on-going – even with the heroic Canadian Truckers. Omicron might well be the trigger that sets off the heart attack bomb hiding in plain sight this year. There is a great deal of information about ADE; Here being induced by these genetic therapies yet the MSM are bleating about where these adverse heart conditions can be found.  Maybe they protest too much?

“Explaining heart attacks that haven’t happened yet.  There was a lot of this in 2021, especially through the second half of the year.  And not just heart attacks, articles were popping up all over the media explaining strokes, blood clots and heart disease that hadn’t actually happened yet.

The omicron variant was initially said to have cardiac symptoms that were unheard of in previous variants.  Depression and anxiety were reported to be on the verge of increasing heart disease by 5% nationwide in the UK, they’re calling it “post pandemic stress disorder”.

The cold weather is blamed too. Young people smoking weed is blamed for increasing heart problems, as is bad diet.  A vitamin deficiency is causing a spike in strokes, apparently. A lot of these people suffering the spike in heart attacks are “seemingly fit”.

Why are the media pumping out explanations for an increased risk of blood clots and associated diseases?  Well, when you factor in that the (untested and unnecessary) “vaccines” all have heart problems and blood clots as “very rare” complications; it doesn’t take a genius to put the pieces together.”  This is a story we should all be following in 2022 among other crises worth watching: https://off-guardian.org/2022/01/02/this-year-in-the-new-normal/

They were accused of sorcery but they were just ordinary women. Libby Brooks reports on a Scottish campaign to pardon those persecuted in witch trials 300 years ago. Scottish campaigners such as Zoe Venditozzi, the co-founder of Witches of Scotland, say it’s time to reckon with this forgotten and shameful episode in their country’s history. About 3,837 people, 84% of whom were women, were tried as witches, and the majority were then executed and burned. The Guardian’s Libby Brooks has been following the campaign and she notes the Scottish government’s historical treatment of witches still holds lessons for today.

But does it? Has science really delivered us from those dreadful, medieval beliefs that caused so much human agony and misery?  Maybe ‘following the science’ is just as much an illusion? https://off-guardian.org/2022/02/13/the-triumph-and-victory-of-science/

AS THE ECONOMIES of the West continue their inevitable decline, USA is not alone.  Hugh Charles Smith shares some personal experiences about living in, what he calls, “Crapification“. “The crapification of the U.S. economy is now complete. The only thing left is the tiresome waiting for the implosion of the entire travesty of a mockery of a sham. The U.S. economy has fundamentally changed, and not for the better. There are numerous dynamics behind this decay, and I’ll discuss a few of the more consequential ones:” Read on for some clues: http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-crapification-of-us-economy-is-now.html

RESIST & CHALLENGE the MSM NARRATIVE:  “Thanks to the tyrannical actions of Chrystia Freeland — a Davos group devotee and the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada — the people of Canada are now rapidly withdrawing their funds from Canada’s largest banks. https://drtrozzi.org/2022/02/18/the-foul-regime-of-trudeau-freeland-has-no-ethical-bottom/

Two days ago, Freeland announced that Canada’s financial terrorism laws would be expanded to seize all funds — bank accounts, crypto, crowdfunding hubs, etc. — belonging to individuals who supported the peaceful convoy trucker protest… even if that person merely donated $10 to the convoy”  . https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-02-17-canadian-bank-runs-appear-to-be-under-way-trudeau-declares-war-on-citizens.html

ADVERSE REACTIONS:  “The UK Government has announced that it will now offer the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to all children aged between 5 and 11 off the back of advice given by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to do so.

But with over 1.2 million adverse reactions including 2000 deaths reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as of 2nd Feb 22, questions are being asked of how the JCVI have come to the conclusion that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.” BUT they don’t – so why?  “We suspect if you were to follow the money you would find out exactly why. But the decision to recommend the experimental jab be offered to children as young as 5 is nothing short of criminal.”  https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/02/17/adverse-reactions-covid-vaccines-kids-5-11/

UNTIL NEXT WEEK:  “Don’t Stay Safe — Enjoy Life” – REMEMBER:  Tell Your Truth– Gently; Don’t Comply – Gently: Laugh At Them – Gently:  SPREAD THE WORD:  YOUR DAILY COVID NEWS (cmnnews.org)

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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February 19, 2022 10:50 am

It seem like every time I deal with an employee of any business these days, it’s like it’s their first day on the job. Actually, it’s like they never had job before in their life.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 19, 2022 11:23 am

We took our car in for service this week and there was ONE service writer with experience (probably less than 1 year) and the other 3 were in their first week. It took 45 minutes for our work order to get closed after the work was completed.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 19, 2022 11:26 am

Peter – I continually notice all of the foreign names in leadership positions – Khan, Patel. Could this, per chance, have any effect on the problems roiling London? Diversity is NOT a strength.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Austrian Peter
February 19, 2022 6:16 pm

Peter- I am anxiously awaiting the necktie party, but after seeing what happened in Ottawa last night and today, I don’t think enough people have the wherewithal to subdue TLPTB and their armed goons. The Lord Jesus has the power and will oversee their demise in His perfect timing.

February 19, 2022 12:00 pm

This is the first I’ve heard of Cressida Dick (what a name!) being booted. Good riddance!