This is just a regyoulah short history post. Did you know Poland saved Europe’s ass from the Mooslims?  I did not.  I do know the Polish folks have awesome food.  Every two weeks I go to  Syrena Polish Deli    to stock up on awesome meats and bakery items. Other than that, my knowledge about Polish history might only fill one typed page.  This makes me an idiot.

Flag of the United States and flag of Poland

Posting this in honor of our own John Pietrusiewicz, and all other TBPers of Polish heritage, which I believe are numerous.  It would be nice if you folks could post other Polish historical stories of interest. I’m sure there are many such stories unbeknown to many of us.


Will Poland Have to Defend Europe from Islam Again?

By Gunnar Heinsohn


In 1621, the city of Chocim in today’s western Ukraine witnessed a mighty battle between the Polish-Lithuanian Empire and an invading Ottoman army.  Chocim is rightly remembered by Poland as a victory, although the conflict ended in a political draw.  But this stalemate was fought by only about 50,000 men against three times as many Turks and Mongols.  After the death of the Polish commander-in-chief, Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, it was Stanisław Lubomirski (1583–1649), not yet forty years old, who turned the tide in favor of Warsaw.

Chocim was not the first battle in this war against Muslim aggression.  Already in 1619, Poland’s King Sigismund III Wasa (1566/1587–1632) had saved the ruler Ferdinand II (1578/1619–1637) by defeating Hungarian vassals of the sultan, saving Vienna and Germany’s imperial crown.

Chocim prevented a further expansion of the caliphate, but much of Hungary remained Turkish, and the sultans were only waiting for a new opportunity to push westward.  In 1672, with 80,000 men, Muslim forces were able to reconquer Chocim and entire Polish provinces.  Against Hetman Jan Sobieski (1629/1674–1696), however, the Ottomans suffered a second defeat at Chocim in 1673.

The significance of these Polish accomplishments did not go unnoticed in the free Republic of the Netherlands.  Dutch artist Romeyn de Hooghe (1645–1708) — forefather of all bloggers with his engraved texts critical of the times — sensed the deeper meaning of Poland’s victories at Chocim.  For the first time, the Occident was now able to defend itself.  That is why de Hooghe immortalized Sobieski in 1674, showing him as a Hercules and savior of Europe.

The Dutch intellectual was not mistaken.  In 1683, Sobieski, king of Poland since 1674, risked everything in a do-or-die battle against the Turkish army besieging Vienna, whose emperor, Leopold I (1640/1658–1705), had already run away.  This valiant defense of western Europe was the result of Sobieski’s grasp of the continent’s strategic situation.  Despite the entreaties of his revered French wife, he had refused an alliance with Louis XIV (1638/1643-1715), who was an ally of the caliphate.  Violent encounters with the sultans and their mega-armies, which Poland had experienced in horrific ways, forbade any such favor for the “Sun King” of France.

Sobieski knew well that whoever controlled the Austrian capital would attack Poland again.  Therefore, his own protection and the salvation of Europe coincided in the stirring charge of the Polish hussars downhill to the gates of Vienna.  All by itself, the name of this Polish king terrified Muslim warriors, who fled the field of battle.  As in 1621, a Lubomirski, Prince Hieronim Augustyn (1674–1706), stood out militarily and was the first to reach the walls of the nearly razed imperial city.

The Polish victories over the Ottoman invaders ended some four centuries of the continent living in fear of the banners of Allah.  The Muslim chain of triumphs began in 1291, when the last Crusader state, Acre, was defeated, and reached its first climax with the Ottoman slaughter of the Greeks of Constantinople in 1453.  Muslim domination ended in 1699 with the Peace of Karlowitz between the Ottomans on the one side and Poland, Venice, the Vatican, Russia, and the Habsburgs on the other.

From 1700 on, the then–125 million Europeans had only their continental equals to fear.  The ever more innovative technologies emerging from Europe’s property economy, along with a merciless suppression of birth control that caused a population boom, became the pillars for the Occident’s conquest of the Earth.  In 1914, there were 500 million Europeans, four times as many as in 1700.  But population pressures cause conflict.  In the three decades up to 1945, around 70 million people were murdered outright, annihilated by famines and bombs, or killed on battlefields.  As Europeans by the millions became cannon fodder, birth rates dropped by at least 40 percent around 1915, heralding a long unnoticed decline.

In 1919, Poland, now re-established as an independent nation, was immediately attacked by Bolshevik troops.  In 1920, the Bolsheviks were defeated before the gates of Warsaw.  Germany and the West remained safe from a communist onslaught for the time being.  But the peace with the Soviets of 1921 proved to be as meaningless as the agreement with the Turks in 1621.  The next attack came in September 1939, after Hitler’s Germany had begun its genocides by exterminating the Polish intelligentsia.

After 1970, Europe’s falling birth rates — first noticed in West Germany — dropped below the self-preservation level of 2.1 children per woman’s life.  At the same time, all wars to defend Europe’s colonies, where birth rates were three to four times higher, were lost.

In 1914, Europe had about 330 of every 1,000 military-age men (15–29) worldwide, and, in addition, could employ the most lethal weapons.  In 2021, however, the future of the European Union depends on about 33 children of every 1,000 of the same age (0–14 years) born worldwide.  In Africa and the Arab world alone, there are 315 such children.  Of the E.U.’s global share of 34 children, six live in Germany and three in Poland.  Even together, they could make little difference against the enormous numbers on the opposite coast.  After all, Europeans have to compete with East Asia’s model students (150 of 1,000 children globally) at the same time.  (For percentages of children, see here.)

In 2015, Berlin announced that Europe’s borders cannot be defended against their illegal breaching by the youth of Africa and the Islamic world.  In November of that year, the author was shocked by one of his students at the NATO Defense College in Rome.  The Royal Air Force colonel loudly wanted to know why Germany was once again plunging the continent into ruin.  The officer had just learned in the author’s lecture that Muslims had increased their population twelvefold since 1900, from 150 million to 1.8 billion, and had reached Europe’s 1914 world share in young men of military age.  In 2015, some 800 million people in economically hopeless territories were already planning to emigrate to Europe and North America.  The fear of Islam, overcome in 1700, was back with a vengeance.

Understandable is the hope of young Muslims to escape their domestic bloodshed by moving to Europe.  It was Europe in 1945 that invented the right of asylum.  Now, in 2021, the great power Russia, via its satellite Belarus, is pressing young Muslims through the borders installations of Poland and Lithuania into the E.U., in order to further increase the burdens of western Europe.

Unlike the Germans of 2015, the Poles of 2021 immediately fortified their borders.  No one had to prompt them.  They followed the lessons of their history.  Many — even from within their own ranks — slandered the often battered country for its courageous resolve.  But the unflagging operations of the Polish forces also inspire hope in countries such as Spain and Greece on Europe’s southern frontiers.  By standing strong along their own borders, the Poles are refuting claims that the continent was defenseless.  Even from the German capital are now heard timid comments on the cluelessness and irresponsibility of the Merkel years.

For the violent border-breachers, there is Warsaw’s willingness to refrain from the use of lethal weapons until further notice.  This may not be much, but compared to the alternative, or even to the many battles since 1621, it is not a little thing, either.  Nevertheless, there is a lot to gain from practicing the effective closing of a border.  The Polish example has become a valuable lesson for the entire continent.  As in centuries past, what is difficult but unavoidable for Poland is proving to be crucially important for the future of Germany and the rest of the European Union.

SOURCE: American Thinker


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
December 18, 2021 1:37 pm

Poland and it’s ally Hungary along with some former parts of Czechoslovakia and a few other contingent countries are defending their borders and will likely soon break from the EU and become a de facto regional power. As such they will become the closest thing to what the US was long ago and supposed to be today.
The evil fuqueres are all over them and Dementia Joe is demanding Hungary ( also demanding Bolsonaro’s Brazil) allow Dominion voting machines next year-or else!!

Twat Waffle
Twat Waffle

Visgrad Group.

Georges S
Georges S
December 18, 2021 1:43 pm

Hello Stucky, did you know that once Poland was invaded in 1939, some Poles escaped and started the Resistance in France before the French.
Also, a bunch Polish maff (they didn’t know t’was wayciss and prolly didn’t give a damn about it) deciphered the first style enigma machines, thus decoding German messages. (Sorry Matthew McConaughey https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0141926/)
Then you had the Polish winged Hussard, they spread fear.
https://www.history101.com/polish-winged-hussars/comment image
Of course another lesson of history had to include Napoleon Dabrowski Legion without which he couldn’t have taken Italy nor could he have escaped Russia;
The Polish national anthem is called the Dabrowski Mazurka

Dąbrowski Mazurka

Georges S
Georges S
  Georges S
December 18, 2021 1:51 pm

I still have my ancestor’s saber which he used against Russian in 1812. Made in Warsaw, it has a steel scabbard weights about 4.5 pounds. It wasn’t made to cut, it was made to crush. Still had the brownish red splotches on it. Wonder if I could find some of Russian DNA.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
  Georges S
December 18, 2021 3:44 pm

My Dad used to tell a funny story how he captured a little Russian when he was five years old. The truth was the kindhearted people sent the little Bolshevik home with my Dad so he wouldn’t be killed.

Johhny S.
Johhny S.
  Georges S
December 31, 2021 5:00 pm


You ok son? How is your mother’s basement living?

– Johnny S.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 18, 2021 1:52 pm

Great respect for Poland. Lately, though, their young people seem to have fallen away from their faith and started believing it better to be progressive EU-types, celebrating “abortion rights”, gay rights and the rest of the anti-human program. They’re like the Irish in that regard. Shameful. Fuck the E.U. Fuck the Euro. Stand up for your nation, its faith, its culture.

Georges S
Georges S
  Iska Waran
December 18, 2021 1:53 pm

Oddly it is in Northern Poland that those movement originated (Gdansk), the same city Solidarnosc started out.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Georges S
December 18, 2021 2:32 pm

Maybe because they’re further away from former Yugoslavia?

Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
  Iska Waran
December 18, 2021 8:47 pm

Gdansk or “Danzig” has a lot of people with German heritage. Krauts seem to be a bunch of idiot Progs in recent times. Makes a fella glad his ancestors got the hell out of most European countries.


I have pictures of old Kraut ancestors in their Kaiser uniforms-wish I knew their stories.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
  Iska Waran
December 18, 2021 3:46 pm

Like most young people with no discipline, they lost their way. Hopefully, they will awaken before it’s too late.

December 18, 2021 1:54 pm

Yes Stucky ….. as someone who watched the expansion of the Muslim world into Europe, turning it into Eurabia, I have long been aware of these historical facts. Most of us who became aware early on in the 1970s, that Muslim immigration represented a Trojan Horse for the conquest of any nation, have held these early heroes up as the standard for stopping the barbarians at the gates.

Islam is not a religion, since only 14% of its verses have anything remotely to do with anything spiritual or pertaining to God. It is an ideology and the rest of its scripture is a handbook on how to deal with anyone standing apart or refusing to join Dar al-Islam — the House of Islam — which according to their false God, Allah, the holdover from their moon-worshipping days, is to either convert or tax the infidel, Jew and Christian; and, if they resist converting to Islam for too long, kill them.

The Muslim theologists break the world into two parts. The House of Islam which constitutes all believers and all Islamic countries, and what they call Dar al-Harb, the House of War, and everything and everyone who is not under the control of Islam. Essentially, it is an extremely fascist ideology that utilizes the harshest legal code in the world, the Sharia.

They hold Mohammed up as their model of the perfect man, a man who was a pedophile, robber and murderer, and they give his words in the Hadith equal weight with the Koran.

Part of the problem with reforming Islam is found in the Hadith and Mohammed’s declaration that the Koran, as written is the final word on all topics and anything that contradicts it must be rejected and even destroyed; but Mohammed’s own hypocrisy is found in the Hadith, in his own command that his last words take precedent over everything previously stated. This is known as “the Abrogation Clause”, and it’s the reason fundamentalists follow the most violent form of Islam, since Mohammed’s last words were captured for posterity in the Verses of the Sword, some of his most violent commands that were issued shortly prior to his death.

Islam is responsible for more deaths across its history than any other ideology in the history of humankind, because of its followers adherence to Islam’s Supremacy Clause and the Koran’s dictate to wage Holy War until the entire world is brought into the House of Islam.

And, as I watched Muslims from all over the world entering the U.S., especially after the Ayotallah and his Revolutionary Guard took our Embassy in Iran and France started allowing open Islamic immigration after the Strasbourg Convention in 1975, along with the exponential increase in Islamic terrorism, I knew that I would work all my days to ensure that their hordes did not overrun America and to to it what they have done to Europe.

Europe is lost. France and Germany will be Muslim majority nations by 2035, and both are nuclear armed, and members of NATO. Turkey was erroneously given membership to NATO, and before long, NATO and all its armaments will be controlled by Muslims. Even Russia has a heavy Muslim presence in the ranks of its armed forces and a growing Muslim population.

But, as luck and fate would have it, I needn’t have been so concerned with Muslims destroying the country, since the Enemy From Within and our own Home-Grown Communists are doing a pretty fine job of it right now.

America is beset by too many enemies from all directions today, whether one speaks of China or Russia or Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and at the worst possible time, as a willing complicit TRAITOR holds the Oval Office.

We’re in some deep shit. Waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 18, 2021 2:33 pm

Reason # 498 why NATO should be dismantled.

December 18, 2021 2:46 pm

By your standard, Judaism is also not a religion. They just lie about it more (if that’s possible).

December 18, 2021 3:51 pm

Not an accurate statement Ken. Most of Judaism is based on theological tenets and the Torah, Christianity’s Old Testament. The point You may have ignored is the fact that 86% of Islam deals with humanistic and arbitrary edicts and diktats that derived primarily from the words, and supposed words, of Mohammed.

However Judaism does have a mystic side that I wouldn’t exactly describe as Godly, in its Lurianic Kabbalah mess that bespeaks more of devil worship, in my opinion.

Once you read the Koran and the Hadith, which I have, most people will arrive at the same conclusion. It’s an evil, murderous, vile, reprehensible, disgusting fascist ideology, that history reveals has been exponentially worse that Nazi Socialism or Communism under Stalin and Mao.

But to Your point, yes … there are many troubling aspects to Judaism, especially if we look at the Hassidic Jews. And they all speak horribly about the gentiles and Christians, the Goy, whenever they believe no one else is listening in.

Thanks Ken.

December 18, 2021 5:13 pm

It’s purpose when it was created was alway and is still to drive destroy Christianity and in particular White Christians. It is a product of Edomite Judaic Talmudism or Babylonian witchcraft/ Kabbalism.

Anyone notice in spite of their rhetoric they rarley attack Jews. Especially ISIS. The jews in Iran have no intention of leaving and are in no danger.


Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
December 18, 2021 8:52 pm

There are 500,000 Iranian Jews in California alone.

  Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
December 19, 2021 12:48 am

Is there a point you are making? There are Jews in all the Islamic countries who are doing just fine.
I’m not sure it’s because they love the hebes as much as fear the finacial consequences of killing them.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 19, 2021 11:13 am

Yeah, the point is at least a half million problems with the above statement.

  Harrington Richardson
December 19, 2021 11:45 am

So you are doubling down on your stupidity. Got it.

December 18, 2021 10:14 pm

Now do the Talmud.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 19, 2021 1:07 am

For starters, Jeremiah’s Scribe Baruck is probably the writer of Deuteronomy, the key parts of 2Kings, and the prose of Jeremiah (there were other writers like J, P, etc). He did it in Babylon sometime 588-538BC; and then the Jewish PTB claimed to find “the lost book of Moses” while cleaning the Temple in Jerusalem upon their return from Babylon. King Josiah called all the people together, read Deuteronomy, and all the people pledged to destroy all other religions and to forever obey their god (ie, the religion largely created by Baruck called Judaism).

December 19, 2021 8:43 pm

>>>Most of Judaism is based on theological tenets and the Torah

My understanding is that modern Judaism (as opposed to that of “Temple times”) is in practice based on the Talmud. I’m no religious scholar, but several Jews have told me as much, and one old ultra-orthodox college roommate spent the bulk of his life studying Jewish scripture, which consisted almost entirely of Talmudic texts.

December 19, 2021 9:46 pm

Judaism is the Talmud. Only 42,000 of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin returned from Persia. The remainder were Edomites, Canaanites who went with them and whie there began practicing Babylonian Kabbalah. When they returned they joined with the Edomites, Kenites, Canaanites and others who had been moved in to replace the Israeli Judaens.
By the time of Christs arrival in Jerusalem these Edomite imposters had taken over the Temple and most of the Rabbi’s or Pharisees and Saducee’s were Edomites all with the help of Herod an Edomite. They replaced the written Torah with the Oral which allowed them to change it entirely. Also the Edomites had been the scribes of the region for quite a long time and were able to corrupt important words (words have meaning) in scripture and in writing the Masoretic text even erased 1,500 years from the patriarchs ages to permit them to claim a much longer time in Egyptian captivity than was in the Samaratin Hebrew text or Greek septuagint. This mistake (sarc) allowed the imposters to insinuate themselves into the tribe of Judah to legitimize the hoax. Turns out they were quite adept at hoaxes as accounts of WWII will attest.

Twat Waffle
Twat Waffle
December 18, 2021 2:08 pm
December 18, 2021 2:14 pm

“Then, sometime around September 11, as the Muslims were about to burst through, the desperate commander fired distress rockets into the night sky to give “notice to the Christian army” — that is, the relief force Vienna had beyond all hope been counting on — “of the extremity whereto the city was reduced.” Understanding exactly what these rockets signified, cries of “Allahu Akbar!” followed them, as the Ottomans implored their deity to “obliterate the infidels utterly from the face of the earth!”

It was then that it happened: “After a siege of sixty days,” wrote an anonymous eyewitness, “accompanied with a thousand difficulties, sicknesses, want of provisions, and great effusion of blood, after a million of cannon and musquet shot, bombs, granadoes, and all sorts of fireworks, which has changed the face of the fairest and most flourishing city in the world, disfigured and ruined [it],” continued the verbose writer, “a vigorous defense and a resistance without parallel, heaven favorably heard the prayers and tears of a cast down and mournful people.”

To the city’s great joy, Starhemberg’s distress rockets were answered by a hail of fireworks that lit the night sky. A Holy League, consisting of some 65,000 heavily armed Poles, Austrians, and Germans, all hot to avenge the beleaguered city, had come. Even worse for the Ottomans, they were under the overall command of the formidable king of Poland, John Sobieski, who firmly believed: “It is not a city alone that we have to save, but the whole of Christianity, of which the city of Vienna is the bulwark.””


December 19, 2021 4:22 am

Raymond Ibrahim has authored several books about the history of Muslim conflict; very informative-plus he covers the Polish involvement in detail.

December 19, 2021 4:58 am

imagine if the west had stood with us greeks when we held back the tide of islam for so many centuries, instead of sticking the knife in our back in 1204…
imagine if any jon sobieski type of leader had ridden to the relief of constantinople in 1453..
or perhaps if in 1071 when the seljuk turks were just spilling into asia minor, if we werent also being invaded from the west by normans in our outposts in sicily and southern italy..
or perhaps if during the great saracen siege of constantinople in 717 a caliphate at the peak of its power if the popes in rome,which was still formally territory of the (eastern) roman empire at the time, had cared to send any help in men or treasure or even just some words to inspire some of their frankish followers to help defend christendom?
or perhaps the same, during the (even greater in ferocity, from the hysterical fanaticism of the newly created caliphate) saracen siege in 678?
when in 626 the persians had occupied everything from egypt up to the shores across from constantinople, and their avar (steppe nomads) allies had occupied all the northern balkans right up to the walls of the same city… and the emperor heraclius himself was absent, leading his army through the mountains of what’s today northern iraq, to take the fight to the heart of the persian empire… when the fate of the entire west (even bede up in britain still remembered the pax romana and the unified western civilization) hung on a thread.. we defeated them and held back the persians- we came within a hair’s breadth of our own lives in the process, that war leaving us thoroughly exhausted just in time for the screaming fanatics of mohammed to come raging out of the desert at us. what help came from the west then?
jon sobieski did save christendom in 1683. but for there to have even been anything to save, that storm had blasted and hammered against the greeks since a thousand years before.

December 19, 2021 8:52 pm

You wanna help from da West? you gotta play ball with da Pope!

December 19, 2021 8:48 pm

Speaking of old European grudges, while the Poles and Germans were riding to the defense of besieged Vienna, the French were busy providing the Turks with both loans and siege engineers… and were also busily annexing the Duchy of Lorraine.

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2021 2:15 pm
i forget
i forget
December 18, 2021 2:19 pm
John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 4:08 pm

I grew up in Polish Paradise in Chicago, Milwaukee Avenue. There was a polish deli and bakery every block.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 4:39 pm

Norm Macdonald was Polish – as he explained on Conan’s show many years ago. It’s on YouTube.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
  Iska Waran
December 18, 2021 7:56 pm

I saw him on tv a couple times. He is hilarious. One of these naturally funny people.

December 18, 2021 2:45 pm

I was sure that was actually the Hungarians. I guess not. Or maybe that was a different time.

December 18, 2021 6:14 pm

You may be thinking of General John Hunyadi and the repulsion of muslims/turks at either budapest or belgrade. Imagine a john the baptist-like bare foot priest grabbing the banner and with only his encouragement of “come on men, pick up your weapons and engage the enemy. Protect your land and people” to help rally the troops. Yeah that was John Capistrano. We need more priests like that.

I think Hunyadi would qualify as a ‘badass’ to keep with the post theme. Late 1400s i think…

December 18, 2021 3:31 pm

“The next attack came in September 1939, after Hitler’s Germany had begun its genocides by exterminating the Polish intelligentsia.”

Let’s have some truth in advertizing.

Polish President said in early 1939. “Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it, even if she wants to.”

Poland wanted and agreed to be the catylist that would propel Germany into WWII and guarantee we would fight on the wrong side, murder untold millions and ensure the Banksters would be in a position to force the innoculation and death of so many in the near future we can’t begin to count with the Covid scam.

Of all the crimes of WWII, one never hears about the wholesale massacres that occured in Poland just before the war.
Thousands of German men, women, and children were massacred in the most horrendous fashion by press-enraged mobs. Hitler decided to halt the slaughter and he rushed to the rescue.
Young German boys when captured by the Poles were castrated. -Leon Degrelle
pp 58

Roosevelt was on the phone continuously in this pre-war period, encouraging the Poles to act intransigently.
ihr.org Mark Weber, “President Roosevelts Campaign to Incite War in Europe, The Secret Polish documents.
pp 59

British War guarantee of 31 March 1939.
The British promised to wage war against Germany if only Poland would succeed to get Germany into the war, even by agression.
This immediately intensified Polands rabid incitement against Germany.
pp 55

These are all excerpts from the book, “How Britain initiated both World Wars” by Nick Kollerstom.

December 18, 2021 6:52 pm

They are way down on the list of pikers in the world of atrocities. I was showing how they used them to goad Hitler into attacking and agreeing to be Britain’s, America’s and the Soviets excuse for WWII which had been arranged by secret agreement.

The result nearly wiped both Poland and Germany out. The US and Britain lost very little by comparison and they and the Soviets gained control of the entire globe.

December 18, 2021 3:31 pm

The big question, Can Poland do it AGAIN?

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 3:35 pm

Just spotted it. Many thanks and blessings. Another face of the Stuckman is revealed. A heart of Gold. Us Polish people have always loved freedom. Read Henryk Sienkiewicz’s historical novel With Fire and Sword. It gives a history of the Polish- Lithuania Commonweath of the 1600’s. Just awesome reading.

December 18, 2021 3:43 pm

A customer asked, “In what aisle can I find the Polish sausage?”
The clerk asks, “Are you Polish?”
The guy , clearly offended, says, “Yes I am. But let me ask you something.
If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
Or if I asked for some Irish whiskey, would you ask if I was Irish?”
The clerk says, “No, I probably wouldn’t.”
The guy says, “Well then, because I asked for Polish sausage, why did you ask me if I’m Polish?”
The clerk replied, “Because you’re in Home Depot.”

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 3:57 pm

Remember the three Polish cowboys.
Gene Dobre
Gene Kuya
Gene Autry

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 18, 2021 4:40 pm

Hey that’s Norm’s joke. Except his was 5 minutes long, as was his wont.

The Boogie Man
The Boogie Man
December 18, 2021 9:48 pm

A businessman boards a flight and is lucky
enough to be seated next to an absolutely
gorgeous woman. They exchange brief hellos
and he notices she is reading a manual about
sexual statistics.

He asks her about it and she
replies, “This is a very interesting book about
sexual statistics. It identifies that American
Indians have the longest average penis and
Polish men have the biggest average diameter.

By the way, my name is Jill. What’s yours?” He
coolly replies, “Tonto Kawalski, nice to meet

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 21, 2021 12:43 am

How can you tell if a polish woman uses a dildo?

Her teeth are chipped.

December 18, 2021 8:59 pm

The cost of living is roughly half of what it is in Georgia. I just found out my full retirement plans have been pushed out 4 to 5 years. I could liquidate my estate, emigrate to Poland and live at a higher standard of living than I am currently at? Warsaw has become the New Amsterdam with the red light districts and tea houses. All I have to do is convince the wife…

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 19, 2021 1:24 am

If fat stupid Black pig Stacy Abrams becomes governor in the next election, you could probably fill a cruise ship of people to go with you.

  rhs jr
December 19, 2021 4:19 am

Dominion is working on that right now.

December 19, 2021 12:22 am

‘The next attack came in September 1939, after Hitler’s Germany had begun its genocides by exterminating the Polish intelligentsia.’

Did they turn them into soap and lampshades as well? Boot polish perhaps?

December 19, 2021 1:44 am

Sadly, I do believe it was death by masturbation machines, in this case. I would have expect the old “bending a shotgun barrel through a mousehole” trick, but it was the machines again.

Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford
December 20, 2021 2:22 pm

The “bending shotgun barrel” is my personal favorite.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 19, 2021 3:04 am

Great write-up Stucky thank you and well found. I will be posting more about Poland in my Christmas Day Letter – look out for it – it’s an eye-witness account of living under the boot of totalitarianism and how the Poles fought back and finally won.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
  Austrian Peter
December 19, 2021 12:33 pm

Looking forward to it.

Georges S
Georges S
December 19, 2021 4:37 am

Stucky, just found an interesting info on a French page and from there I search for its English counterpart. You could write an intro to it to make another post about Poland.

Warsaw Declaration against the New Totalitarianism

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
  Georges S
December 19, 2021 3:41 pm

Nice find. Reminds me of Jefferson.
“…I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
When I saw that for the first time. It just touched my heart and made me realize how Wonderful our founding fathers were.

December 19, 2021 3:37 pm

Brewed exclusively in the same brewery since 1856 is my favorite Polish thing
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