Holy Crap! What If JILL Biden Is Running The Show??

We don’t mention that K*ntasaurus much here.  Maybe we should  This is quite an illuminating article regarding her pathos.  I’m going to surmise she is even more Evil and Power Hungry than that Hillary C*ntham.  Seriously, ill Jill may truly be the nastiest of all of the Whores in Babylon.  Also, the article mentions a medical malady new to me,  the Dunning-Kreuger effect which, I believe, affects several people on TBP.


What if it was Jill Biden who ordered the calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan?

By Patricia McCarthy

Many Biden watchers have long observed Jill Biden’s grasping obsession with becoming the First Lady.  Throughout the campaign as Joe Biden’s failing mental abilities became more and more obvious, did she love him enough to end it?  Oh no, not Jill.  She continued on with her elder abuse.

Jill Biden without makeup

One explanation may be her long fascination with Edith Wilson.  She admired and apparently coveted the role that Mrs. Wilson filled after President Woodrow had a stroke in October 1919.  Edith Wilson hid the seriousness of her husband’s condition and took over the job of running the country until the end of his term in March 1921.  While Edith claimed only to be a “steward” of her husband’s presidency and that she took over with the full approval of his doctors, in truth she was quite a bit more controlling than she said.  Consider this passage from the Edith Wilson Wikipedia page:

“Edith took her role very seriously, even successfully pushing for the removal of Secretary of State Robert Lansing after he conducted a series of Cabinet meetings without the President (or Edith herself) present. She also refused to allow the British ambassadorEdward Grey, an opportunity to present his credentials to the president unless Grey dismissed an aide who was known to have made demeaning comments about her. She assisted President Wilson in filling out paperwork, and would often add new notes or suggestions. She was made privy to classified information, and was entrusted with the responsibility of encoding and decoding encrypted messages.”

Woodrow Wilson had his first stroke at age 39 in 1895 which left him with weakness in his right arm and hand.  He had several more minor strokes but recovered, though it took a year before he was able to use his hand to write.  In 1912 he suffered from several more Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs).  A month after his inauguration he experienced yet another neurological episode which left his left arm and hand weakened.  His brain was being damaged by cerebral vascular disease. He continued to suffer from painful headaches and high blood pressure.  This was all hidden from the public who elected him to a second term in 1916.

Perhaps this medical history explains Wilson’s overt racism, a form of mental illness.  Edward Weinstein, a professor of neurology wrote a book about Wilson:  Woodrow Wilson:  A Medical and Psychological Biography.  He noted Wilson’s increased paranoid and suspicious nature; after the strokes, he became more secretive, more egocentric.  Sound familiar?

Joe Biden had two aneurysms when he was 45.  He underwent two surgeries, one in February, one in May of 1988. He has also undergone plastic surgery on his face and a hair transplant on his scalp.  That’s a lot of anesthesia and invasive procedures above the neck for one man.  Is it any wonder he is losing his grip on reality?  And if anyone has been painfully aware of his decline it is Jill Biden.

Why on earth did she not put an end to his campaign?  Perhaps because she planned or hoped to reprise Edith Wilson’s role when the time came.  Nothing else explains her stubborn and cruel dedication to Joe’s presidential aspirations.  Did she look forward to following in the footsteps of Edith Wilson?

What if it was Jill who urged Joe to overrule the military brass about fleeing Afghanistan in the middle of the night and insisted that he give the order that even Joe would not have given if he had been sentient?  The Dunning-Kreuger effect is a “cognitive bias in which people wrongly overestimate their knowledge or ability in a specific area. This tends to occur because a lack of self-awareness prevents them from accurately assessing their own skills.”  Is not that a perfect analysis of not-a-doctor Dr. Jill?

If the Biden presidency were a TV movie-of-the-week, couldn’t we all see her pushing her poor husband who is slipping into dementia to be her placeholder until she can effectively take over his job?  This would explain Biden’s repudiation of the advice given by Milley, Austin, and McKenzie, if what they have testified is true, that they each advised leaving at least 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.  Dr. Jill, like Joe, wanted a big, heroic speech for the 20th-anniversary memorial for 9/11, and Jill, having exactly zero military expertise but believing in her own superior intelligence, might have either insisted Joe order the thoroughly untimely withdrawal or she conveyed it to them herself in his name as the Edith Wilson of this administration.

In July 2020 Stephen Kruiser wrote a column titled “Jill Biden Wants to Trash Her Husband’s Dignity to be Edith Wilson 2.0 positing the notion that it was Jill running for President.  He followed up in June 2021, reiterating his belief that Jill Biden’s Edith Wilson moment had arrived.  Given the tragedies that have accompanied the abandonment of Afghanistan, Generals Milley, Austin and McKenzie cannot be excused for following orders the consequences of which they knew would be grievous.

Is not one of them familiar with the Nuremberg Defense?   Following order does not confer innocence but may lessen punishment.  These three generals should all be forced to resign, no matter who gave the order to abandon Bagram and Afghanistan to the Taliban. Instead, as we saw in two days of testimony in the Senate and House, not one of the three will accept responsibility for the tragic outcome of their actions.

Did they suspect those orders might have come from Jill given Joe’s impairment?  Would they, under those possible circumstances, carry out such a catastrophic plan doomed to failure and death?  Just speculating here but given Jill’s aggressive ambition to live in the White House and her admiration for Edith Wilson, especially given her carefully planned photo-op at the Presidential desk on Air Force One awhile back, one has to wonder.



Jill Biden must be well aware of how her family has achieved their massive wealth.  She must feel some level of gratitude to China for much of it thanks to her husband’s and stepson’s many illicit “deals” made with that country.  Then there are the millions given to the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania.  See Miranda Devine’s book, Laptop from Hell.  With the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden has handed China potentially trillions of dollars of mineral wealth.  Joe and Jill’s grifter ways of saying thank you?

Jill Biden must be well aware of how her family has achieved their massive wealth.  She must feel some level of gratitude to China for much of it thanks to her husband’s and stepson’s many illicit “deals” made with that country.  Then there are the millions given to the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania.  See Miranda Devine’s book, Laptop from Hell.  With the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden has handed China potentially trillions of dollars of mineral wealth.  Joe and Jill’s grifter ways of saying thank you?

We won’t know the answers to what precipitated the most ruinous foreign policy blunder in US history for years to come, but one day the truth will become known.  Chances are though that Jill had much to do with making it happen for it is she who controls Joe.  It is likely that he would listen to her over anyone else.  It will be decades before there is full knowledge of the horrific damage done by this administration both domestically and on the world stage.

SOURCE: Americanthinker.com


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 2, 2021 8:49 am

One day we may know the truth of JFK’s assassination, but I doubt it.

  TN Patriot
October 2, 2021 10:15 am

Military coup d’etat by the MIC …. just like Eisenhower predicted.

  TN Patriot
October 2, 2021 11:39 am

We know it was a hit, just not sure who all the parties were, apart from the Secret Service…

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 2, 2021 11:42 am

I thought from day one that Lady Bird was behind it. She was the one always pushing LBJ and Dallas gave her the home field advantage.

October 2, 2021 9:00 am

Joe has always been a puppet. He is an empty shell of a person, and the plastic surgery and hair plugs confirm that.

He and Jill got together via cheating.
Both of their moral compasses are firmly stuck between “bad behavior” and “morally repugnant”.

Joe was a fairly blatant racist when younger, his dementia has just changed the verbiage.

His son has had a long-term hard core drug habit and seems to enjoy the company of gangsters and hookers. Crack users have a high rate of relapse and are liars and manipulators to get what they perceive as their needs met.

Joe has had zero issue with letting a crack head collect bribes and create bullshit artwork for a more ‘legitimate’ source of bribes.

In any reality other than the moronic one we are currently dwelling in, this man would have been shamed out of office long ago.

The powers that be have seen Joe as a useful idiot for a long, long, time and have every intention of riding this busted out pony for as long as they can prop it up.

October 2, 2021 9:02 am

I have no doubt she’s the whisper behind the throne. No-one could do a thing to Blowhole Joe without her knowledge and at least tacit consent.
I just read this a couple of days ago. I’ll just throw it out here and see where it goes… 🙂

Psychologist Andrew Danvers wrote in Psychology Today (Dec 20, 2020), “Dunning-Kruger Isn’t Real.”

The Dunning-Kruger effect is commonly invoked in online arguments to discredit other people’s ideas. The effect states that people who know the least about a topic are the most overconfident about that topic while people who know the most tend to be more humble and accurate in their self-assessment. It seems intuitively right, and it’s often a way to undercut people who present their opinions and arguments with “absolute certainty” that they’re right. The only problem is that the Dunning-Kruger effect itself is wrong.

How to Turn Dunning-Kruger Inside Out

October 2, 2021 10:25 am

Am glad to see you here, Mr. Thistle.

What is weird is I also copied something about Dunning-Kruger as well.


Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly overestimate their knowledge or ability in a specific area. This tends to occur because a lack of self-awareness prevents them from accurately assessing their own skills.


Understanding the Dunning-Kruger Effect
Who Is Impacted
How to Avoid It

As for Jill Biden wanting to run the show like Edith Wilson did when Woodrow fell ill, well I think there is a lot to that.

A lot of damage has been accomplished by allowing policy wonks without a firm grasp of real world situations to dictate policy they have only limited academic familiarity with. Jill Biden is obviously such a policy wonk, as Edith Wilson was as well.

So, good point and I hope all is revealed soon.

October 2, 2021 10:33 am

Morning, Mags.
I see her as just the most immediate puppet, the one who gives Blow-Joe his instructions because, in his dementia, he’ll listen to her. I’m sure there’s several layers between her and the string-pullers. If she was one to balk, she’d be gone in a blink. That’s why I referred to her as the whisper behind the throne, and not the power…

June 29, 2024 9:09 am

Talk a “Blast to the Past” moment! Howdy!

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
October 2, 2021 11:44 am

TS…that has been my findings as well. The Dunning-Kruger finger is a crutch for stupid people.

  Abigail Adams
October 2, 2021 5:29 pm

Too good not to print.

What a comeback! The very people claiming to be the most knowledgeable about Dunning-Kruger know the least about it. Put this article in your defensive toolkit. In our experience, the opposite of Dunning-Kruger is often observed: the best experts in the world on Darwinian evolution are often the worst dogmatic ” blowhards.”


How to Turn Dunning-Kruger Inside Out

comment image

October 2, 2021 9:16 am

Good grief Stucky, you are one stupid SOB if you think Jill or Joe is running anything. The Kabbalists running the show wouldn’t trust you or the Bidens to run a lemonade stand. Typical of stupid people, you think you are the brightest bulb in the house, so you accuse others of having Dunning-Kruger.

“Also, the article mentions a medical malady new to me, the Dunning-Kreuger effect which, I believe, affects several people on TBP.”

October 2, 2021 11:47 am

Yes of course it was a joke sez the kid with his hand in the cookie jar.
Here is your opening statement. Show us where the joke is inserted.

“We don’t mention that K*ntasaurus much here. Maybe we should This is quite an illuminating article regarding her pathos. I’m going to surmise she is even more Evil and Power Hungry than that Hillary C*ntham. Seriously, ill Jill may truly be the nastiest of all of the Whores in Babylon. Also, the article mentions a medical malady new to me, the Dunning-Kreuger effect which, I believe, affects several people on TBP.



Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
October 2, 2021 12:13 pm

“Be kind to your web footed friends, a Duck may be somebody’s mother” but if you find one named Dr. Jill, have at it.

October 2, 2021 12:19 pm

Stucky, I found a new time sponge channel for you.

A lot of scum in America now. They get charge three times more when the steal.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
October 2, 2021 11:44 am

LOL, fritz.

October 2, 2021 9:36 am

Entire family is human trash.

October 2, 2021 10:17 am

The good ones died young.

October 2, 2021 9:45 am

I think this is somewhat overblown although it’s easy to imagine this vicious old crone manipulating Mortimer Snerd. But the real power centers aren’t going to stand for amateurs running the show. My sense of it is that the Magic Malatto is actually the Edgar Bergan.

I also think the part about Edith Wilson running the show is also overblown. My sense of it is it was Col. Edward House (who was a proxy for the banksters). You always follow the money.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
October 2, 2021 9:56 am

Every Presidency since 1945 has been run by the MIC.

  Quiet Mike
October 2, 2021 10:17 am

Since 1776 might be closer to the truth. Washington was laying the groundwork from at least 1770 and his contempt for the common man who did most of the fighting and suffering is well recorded.

October 2, 2021 10:04 am

She probably thinks she is running things and maybe to a point. TPB are willing to let her screw the country up. They would never let her actually fix anything, though.

October 2, 2021 10:57 am

Hey Stuck, on a completely different topic,
TFI recently posted a few music videos
of some seasoned musicians reportedly over in Russia (Leonid & Friends)
doing covers of a couple of tunes by Chicago. They’re outstanding.
Good looking female back up singer, too.
Thought you might appreciate.


Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
October 2, 2021 11:20 am

Dunning-Kreuger effect and cognitive dissonance run hand in hand.

October 2, 2021 12:10 pm

They claim that Wilson’s useless wife was running things after his stroke. He was little more than a puppet of the Money Masters and the globalist scum all through his presidency, and there is no reason to think that she didn’t simply do as she was told too. Presidents haven’t been in charge of anything since likely Jefferson.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 2, 2021 12:56 pm

I don’t know which is more hilarious – that she’s a “doctor” or that she dresses like one – Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.

June 29, 2024 8:58 am

Think you have got this wrong, because of the family business they can make her do what they want – while they run the country in the background. Hence no laptop here, no charges for Hunter or Joe and brother.

June 29, 2024 9:18 am

Don’t underestimate the sinister motives of the childless stepmother imprinted with the worthless curriculum of ivory tower academics, finding herself in a family of immoral reprobates connected to some of the most powerful people in the world who happen to be stupid but narcissistic enough to disregard the evidence of their own stupidity even when the laptop is staring them in the face.

She is the one convincing Joe to ignore the obvious. She’s the only one who can really convince him and I cannot imagine the lengths she goes to in order to convince him he’s the virile aviator he believes himself to be.
