Donald Trump: A HERO Fighting Big Tech For Us

The Donald is taking on Dorsey, Zuckerberg, and Pichai. All by himself. For YOU, the true American Patriots. Love him, or hate him, that’s just fine … but, RESPECT him for this battle he is fighting!  The author of this article ain’t wrong.


“Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is the one maverick who can free Americans from the Big Tech gulag”

SOURCE: Robert Bridge @ RT

Despite their historical disdain of the Soviet Union, Americans are now prisoners of their own electronic dictatorship that crushes political dissent. Can Trump’s battle against Big Tech return free speech to the land of the free?

These days, there are no late-night knocks on the door signaling the deportation of some unfortunate ‘comrade’ to a penal colony on the outskirts of the empire for the crime of ‘wrongthink’.

The overlords of Silicon Valley have effectively streamlined brutal totalitarian techniques, concealing the iron fist of repression inside the velvet glove of algorithms, fact checkers and ever-changing ‘community standards’. But make no mistake, the result is the same: the disappearance of individuals who dare hold opinions at variance with those at the commanding heights of our technocracy.

Just ask former US President Donald Trump, who is currently waging a legal battle against Big Tech for banishing him from the modern town hall comprised of Facebook, Twitter, and Google-owned YouTube. But as the 45th president has emphasized, this legal challenge is not primarily about him – please stifle your belly laugh – but rather an effort to stop those companies from “aggressively blocking the free flow of information on which our democracy depends.” Perhaps there would be less suspicion if these companies behaved themselves as politically neutral animals, but that is anything but the case.

The claim that Silicon Valley is actively working on behalf of the Democratic Party has been the central argument of various congressional inquiries for years now. The scenario is familiar to all and proceeds as follows: about once a year, the CEOs of the big three tech monopolies – Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Sundar Pichai of Google – are paraded like peacocks before a show trial where they are given a dressing down by outraged members of the Republican Party. After pleading their innocence and love of free speech regardless of political membership, blah, blah, blah, they slither back to Silicon Valley where they continue in their duplicitous ways.

By way of a thought experiment, consider what the response would have been from the titans of Big Tech had the damaging contents of a laptop belonging to, say, Donald Trump Jr. been discovered by a computer repairman prior to the 2020 presidential election. It’s easily imaginable that every single media outlet would have jumped on the story like a pack of rabid wolves, enjoying the unbridled freedom in distributing that news from every available platform.

Now consider what happened when the New York Post, the fourth-largest publication in the US, broke the news – just one month before the presidential election – of potentially incriminating emails discovered on, yes, Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Big Tech, acting with remarkable synchronicity, clamped down on the Post like a vice, preventing it from disseminating the story. Twitter went one totalitarian step further, locking down the newspaper’s account altogether, preventing it from communicating with its readers until it agreed to delete the original tweet featuring the Biden story.

Briefly, the Post article demonstrated that Hunter Biden had introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma less than a year before the elder Biden pressured Ukrainian officials into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. The Post also reported on Hunter Biden’s business dealings with communist China. The trove of emails suggest that now-President Joe Biden had been less than truthful when he told reporters he had “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

What were the consequences of Big Tech stifling this sensational story? Nothing less than preventing the reelection of Donald Trump, it appears. A survey conducted by The Polling Company for the Media Research Center (MRC) showed that 45.1% of Biden voters said they were unaware of the laptop story.

“According to our poll, full awareness of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led 9.4% of Biden voters to abandon the Democratic candidate, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump, giving the President 311 electoral votes,” reported the MRC.

However, the excessive powers enjoyed by Big Tech have very real consequences for average people as well. Jennifer Horton, a school teacher from Michigan, has joined Trump’s lawsuit against social media giant Facebook, arguing that the platform suspended her account for 24 hours in April after she posted comments questioning the wisdom of mask use among children.

Fenton was not mindlessly peddling ‘fake news,’ but rather fears that have been endorsed by scientific research. Last month, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a peer-reviewed study that proved that long-term mask-wearing is hazardous to the health of children due to the “elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air.”

And here is where the story takes a tragic turn. On April 17, Horton turned to the missing persons pages on Facebook after she found out that her brother had gone missing in Tennessee. On April 29, Horton’s account was frozen for a full day “due to her [mask] post,” her lawsuit says.

When her brother was found dead some two months later, “she was left devastated, wondering if she could have prevented his death had she been able to communicate with her network on Facebook. At one of the most difficult times of her life, when communication with her ‘network’ was the most important, defendants took her voice away from her due to her post regarding masks,” the lawsuit reads.

Most Democrats, however, too consumed by their visceral hatred of the former US president, cannot see the forest of Big Tech abuses for the trees of political expediency. There is no doubt that those Americans who espouse Democratic views will be rooting for Trump’s lawsuit to fall flat. That is unfortunate, and terribly short-sighted.

These people have no problem watching their political opponents on social media being exiled to an archipelago and literally disappeared – think Alex Jones – from that warm, cuddly place known as reality. And who knows? If the Republicans also enjoyed the protections that come with Big Tech power, they would probably be crowing in delight, too. The point is, however, Silicon Valley should never play favorites when it comes to US democracy. Too much is at stake.

Just as the Soviets from times past airbrushed those dispatched to the gulag out of the historical record, the Big Tech monstrosities of our modern times are able to disappear those voices they disagree with. There is absolutely nothing American about such actions, which fly in the face of the First Amendment.

The Democrats now entrenched in the White House should understand that one day the shifting winds of power may dramatically change course and they will find themselves on the receiving end of brutal, totalitarian-style censorship and erasure as well. Better pray for Trump’s victory today than risk being memory-holed by Big Tech tyrants tomorrow.


Thanks to “messianicdruid” for posting his favorite rap song. The Donald just isn’t going to take SHIT from Big Tech anymore. If you can afford it, send The Donald twenty bucks, ya cheap bastards!


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 3:13 pm

comment image

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 3:24 pm

It was originally a Q post (before Trump tweeted it) as well as that “We’re not going to take it” video you posted.

July 14, 2021 3:34 pm

You mean he’s going to fix a totally corrupted system, by using the corrupt judicial system?

July 14, 2021 10:15 pm

When you wish upon a star. Makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires. Will come to you. If your heart is in your dreams. No request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star. As dreamers do.

Georges S
Georges S
July 15, 2021 12:52 am

comment image

July 14, 2021 3:45 pm

No lawsuit is going to fix the problem with 50,000,000+ million people. Big Tech is just the tip of the intolerable problem we face, and losing legal battles will not change their beliefs or their support for their ultimate goal.

July 14, 2021 3:45 pm

Trump is no hero….

He twiddled his thumbs after 1/6 and now 500 languish in jail, some in solitary confinement till trials he hasn’t so much lifted a finger to help out with legal funds.

July 14, 2021 3:49 pm

RiNS- It’s like these people have sellective memory. MAGA! SS must be on the payroll.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 3:51 pm

You’re delusional if you seriously believe anybody pays money to hear my opinions.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 3:58 pm

SS- You are a smart woman, too smart to have missed four years of the non-savior fukery. If you will spend countless hours of cheerleading and Trump-thumping for free then maybe Kool-aid is your favorite summer beverage.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 3:59 pm

I fully 100% support both Trump and whoever is behind the Q posts.

July 15, 2021 12:42 am

Yes, The Trump fuckery was soooo bad so I daresay you should be rejoicing in the appointment of Biden. What’s that, you don’t have anything to say about Biden and his handlers? Nary a peep about the state of things since the stolen elections but reams and reams of Trump bashing all day, every day. Is Trump trashing all you got? It seems so. Tsk.
How come you aren’t talking about the millions, yes millions, of illegals storming the country since that mean ol Trump isn’t in office?? Cat got your tongue there? How come you aren’t bitching about the Critical Race Theory support by Biden? Pushing Obamacare and gun control and vaccine door to door invasions are great aren’t they? They sure are better than having that ol’ meanie Trump in office.
All the green energy initiatives are spiffy too, mean ol’ Trump was doing away with them so you should be happy to have Biden and the whore in office. Admit it, your’re tickled shitless that Biden is now ‘in charge’ and that ol’ meanie Trump is gone.

Maybe you could just for once give your persistent TDS a rest?

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
July 15, 2021 9:51 am

So anybody who points out Trumps flaws and doesn’t say anything about Biden has TDS? Got it. What can one say about Biden that hasn’t been said before. At this point what difference does it make?

Trump had his chance to lead. He had one moment and he let it slip. Id say that TDS is a double edged sword. Those who still make excuses for him could be diagnosed with mild TDS.

If he wanted to make a difference, he should have. He could have pardoned Assange as a parting shot. Nope. Too much friction towards his owners.

This lawsuit is just more pathetic BS. How bout using your considerable resources on behalf of the American people. File a class action lawsuit Mr ex president. All of us who get banned, shadow banned, or otherwise harmed by social media would gladly join in, then you would be doing something of value. As it is, its once again about you, and you alone Mr ex president. When these people finish it’ll be like you weren’t even here.

  Norman Franklin
July 15, 2021 2:02 pm

My point is that you butthurt babies are STILL going on about Trump while the world burns around you. Biden is the president, not Trump, the stolen election is going to have serious repercussions, and while you bitch incessantly about Trump you take focus away from where it should actually be directed. Your vindictiveness causes you to live forever in the past and gives you excuses to do NOTHING about the present. Whiney little babies one and all.

July 14, 2021 3:51 pm

After 4 years of ZERO deep state arrests, HORRIBLE hires and Trump’s jawboning the Fed to keep endless money flowing to the globalist elites, I cannot BELIEVE people still think this man is your friend and some kind of hero to the average American. I guess it’s easier to be fooled than to ever ADMIT you were fooled.

I voted for the man in 2016 but it took all of about 6 months to realize what was going on when he started hiring Goldman Sachs and neocon globalists. Most people STILL can’t see they’ve been played. Sad.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 3:54 pm

No President has ever gotten to pick his entire cabinet. They always have to give positions to donors and party members. Do you think LBJ was Kennedy’s first choice or that Reagan wanted GHWB? It’s called POLITICS for a reason.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 4:15 pm

“It’s called POLITICS for a reason”. ___________SS

You’re exactly right and that TPTB run shell game is exactly what we don’t need going forward, O’ Forgetful One.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 7:12 pm

Soooooo – you’re right. Trump is just another politician saying things to pander to his people and delivering nothing of substance at all. So, why should we support him if he doesn’t have the balls to change anything?

July 15, 2021 12:44 am

Golly, its great to see all the Biden supporters here. You Trump bashers are great, keep it up, Biden and the whore appreciate your efforts.

July 14, 2021 4:29 pm

Anyone who imagines that anyone can change the system from the inside needs to research this date: November 22, 1963

July 14, 2021 8:48 pm

gave you thumbs up but you need a name

July 14, 2021 4:15 pm

Oh for fucks sake. A comment thread extolling the virtue of the self proclaimed vaccine king, MIGA king, who failed the first time because of all the nasty folks who tricked him but he’s back bigger than ever and will battle big tech and save us. I’m guessing a coin flip to see if Sessions or Barr will represent him in the case. And then beyond that, mention of the greatness of Q. Really, I mean really you still think someone is going to come and save you – ask Julian Assange how the vaccine king treated him.

July 14, 2021 5:18 pm

Thousands of people STILL go

to the riots and looting in South Africa. What was that book about people going mad in crowds? What is your point?

Trump saves

Please start the list of who trump has Saved. Well, other than Jared’s father that is.

haters deny

I deny the injections work, am I a hater?
Actually, I deny Covid 19 even exists, am I a hater?

July 14, 2021 7:53 pm

Confucius say you will be coherent, better able to explain yourself, more intelligent and less of an asshole if you will remove trump’s cock from your mouth. You have a special insight into the fraud, you believed him when he said he would build the wall, put her in jail, reduce taxes, and not cum in your mouth – he lied to you on all accounts right?

July 14, 2021 9:26 pm

Oh, screenshotting that one for posterity.

July 14, 2021 10:07 pm

Maybe she should be ILuvTrumpsCock

July 15, 2021 12:48 am

Removing Trumps’ cock? What does Bidens asshole taste like? You are licking it assiduously while bashing Trump incessantly and you aren’t smart enough to grasp that fact. Carry on with playing your broken record.

July 14, 2021 8:41 pm

This is how I know people are stupid regardless of their infantile political associations.

July 14, 2021 10:05 pm

me thinks you are trolling…

July 15, 2021 12:53 am

Methinks and meknows you are trolling, trolling, trolling…Rawhide. Don’t try to understand them just toss and throw that shit….fest

July 15, 2021 11:46 pm

I don’t give one fuck for anyone who gives no respect for me, giddyup yo ass.

July 14, 2021 4:25 pm

This article about Trump’s entry into the arena to watch the big fight recently held in Las Vegas is amazing. He received a colossal greeting from the audience. According to this author (who was there), it lasted 10 full minutes with choruses of “USA, USA, USA! ESPN, who was airing the event never mentioned a word about it. You Trump lovers (and I am not one) will love it.

WAYNE ROOT: UFC Fight Night with Conor McGregor is More Proof Election Was Stolen

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 4:36 pm
  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 4:44 pm

I’m sure Trump enjoyed the cleavage. Damn sure I do.

July 14, 2021 8:29 pm

The Democrats now entrenched in the White House should understand that one day the shifting winds of power may dramatically change course and they will find themselves on the receiving end of brutal, totalitarian-style censorship and erasure as well. Better pray for Trump’s victory today than risk being memory-holed by Big Tech tyrants tomorrow.

The “winds of power” are shifting in the Establishment Democrats’ direction for good. They have nothing to worry about.

Next on the totalitarian tee will be the far left maniacs who’ve saddled up with the Democrat Party, once their usefulness as a cat’s paw and battering ram has been exhausted in the war against Traditional America.

July 14, 2021 8:41 pm

I’m all for MAGA but Trump? He didn’t do shit in 4 years. He was not stupid enough to believe Comey, Barr, Sessions blah blah blah were MAGA. That leave only none explanation for his actions or inaction.

July 15, 2021 8:20 am

He was elected so he should be prez.

However he hasn’t done or said anything to save HIS political prisoners, and he was mr. warp speed. That’s enough for me.