Stucky QOTD: School Bus Cowboy

“[The couple below] converted a simple school bus into an unbelievably comfortable home. The entire bus is designed to be off-the-gird giving them perfect freedom to roam wherever they choose.”

Folks who convert school buses do so because they believe a bus is far superior in durability and safety than any RV;  from brakes to suspension to whatever, the lives of children are at stake and the regulations reflect that. Not to mention buses can easily rack up 500,000 miles without major problems.

I am seriously giving this life style some consideration.  I am single (for now), older, no kids or pets to drag along … no encumbrances whatsoever, really.  When my mom dies and I move on (and I still like the NE Arkansas area a LOT) …. why should I once again tie myself down to one house, one location, until I die??  Been there, done that. This lifestyle appears to be quite exciting!  Maybe I’m missing something.

Q1:  Would you consider this life style NOW?  If not, would you consider it later when you also have no encumbrances?
Q2:  How about some Pros and Cons of this lifestyle?  Especially, are there any “showstoppers”?


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 1:16 pm

Interested in the pros and cons as well, just thinking of buying an RV already made

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 2:11 pm

Not in Frankistan Stucky, to many technocrats making rules.. Don’t worry you will start to feel soon, if you haven’t started yet.

  Georges S
May 16, 2021 8:16 pm

You can convert them to look like something else, like a cargo hauler sort of thing. Some call it stealth camping. Possibly throw off the rule makers for a while.

  Georges S
May 16, 2021 2:55 pm

His unit is probably a lot more sturdy than a ready made unit.
He and his wife also have intimate knowledge of every tiny piece of that Bus and could probably make most repairs by themselves.

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 1:17 pm

You two should seriously consider getting a room.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
  Georges S
May 16, 2021 1:39 pm

Hahahahaha 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🥴😆🥴🥴😉
Sometimes when I start reading comments and the shit flinging I feel like I’m back in grade school… about 4th to 5th grade.

Georges S
Georges S
  Doctor de Vaca
May 16, 2021 1:43 pm

Pff I’ve seen at work with people in their 40’s and 50’s. But yeah it does reminds of grade school behavior.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Doctor de Vaca
May 16, 2021 3:03 pm

And usually, the one hurling the insults had a crush on the other.

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 2:15 pm

Point taken..

May 16, 2021 2:45 pm

I found this article by bigot Meghan Rabbitt . Can you believe that in the current year, people still believe that there is a biological difference between the brains of men and women. Take Stephanie for instance. If she had a penis , she’d be just another emotion driven , revenge seeking dude acting out of obsession instead of reason.

Why Women’s Brains Are More Vulnerable to Disease, From Anxiety to Alzheimer’s
Changing hormones and chronic stress wreak havoc on the body—but you can fight back.

May 16, 2021 3:00 pm

Stucky is gay for Loopster from Oz and you’re gay for Stucky but only get to blow him when Loop is busy. Don’t you tire of sharing him with Rins?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
May 16, 2021 3:02 pm

Commas are your friend.

May 16, 2021 3:03 pm

Great coal burner music. Step…do you have more?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
May 16, 2021 3:04 pm

Nah, find your own gay shit.

  Georges S
May 16, 2021 2:34 pm

Stucky is not gay.
He doesn’t get enough sleep because that would take time away from the constant validation he requires here… so he gets a little “crabby”.
Bitter, lonely, and probably day drinks…. I pity the old dude.

May 16, 2021 1:19 pm

The tampon jihadist strikes again.

A Guy Gets Hit With A Flying Tampon And Freaks Out! EPIC …
Search domain

Lol at this

May 16, 2021 1:22 pm

Go do that! Why the hell not?!

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 16, 2021 1:27 pm

Lived this lifestyle for one year, two years ago. Loved it. Will do so again after my kids are grown and gone. Con: you really need to plan in advance and make reservations. I say that’s a con because I’d prefer a more spontaneous life rather than everything so planned out months in advance.

  Abigail Adams
May 16, 2021 8:19 pm

We roadied it during a winter, loved it. We only made reservations a few days before we were pulling out to go somewhere else. Usually we picked out of the way places and had no trouble getting anything, and when we couldn’t find a place… we just stopped at the interstate pullouts and rest areas.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 16, 2021 8:35 pm

Good to know. We did a tour of the National Parks across the nation for about a year. Also went up Oregon coast and spent some time there. So…we were tourists visiting popular spots. I wanted to find spots last minute and decide in the moment how long I wanted to be there and when I wanted to move on, but if I didn’t have a reservation, I was SOL. So…had to stay on schedule. That was my only complaint. Otherwise, it was an amazing experience and can’t wait to do it again. My kids aren’t interested in that lifestyle full-time, so will have to put it on hold for now.

Had plans to do this in Canada last year…had the reservations and all paid for…but, alas, the globalists had other plans for me.

When I’m able to do it full-time, a home base will be a must…for holidays and such.

May 16, 2021 1:28 pm

I love this YT channel, he puts out a new video almost every Thursday. He recently purchased a Short bus which IMHO would be perfect for you Stucky.

May 16, 2021 7:53 pm

A short bus for Stuck? He is 8 feet tall.

Jai Seli
Jai Seli
May 16, 2021 1:41 pm

In so far as both the “motive” and maintenance of said is not “self-sufficient/sustaining”, “off-grid” remains an illusion, both physically and mentally. Every additional day that the “Nov4 election jacking”, CCP/Gates/Fauci fear-porn PLAN/SCAMdemic distraction, Sliden O’Biden/Kamel-Toe-Hoe facade “FARCES” remain UNresolved; is a day closer to . . . “back to SQUARE ONE”.

May 16, 2021 1:43 pm

I’m thinking of all the stories you could write about as you travel….

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 1:50 pm

Kind of my plan actually and since I live in France I would call it: “Before it disappears” because I would go from one historical site to another and they are vanishing rapidly.

May 16, 2021 1:48 pm

1. You will constantly be looking for a cheap place to park. You will get run-off from same when you do, so you will then park in one of those depressing RV campgrounds and pay for the fucking privilege.

2. You will frequently be dealing with fucking sewage. Nasty business as you will get shit on you no matter how careful you are.

3. Yeah, looks comfortable in the pictures, but it ain’t. Too cramped and when you wake up in the morning you will see this ceiling that in good time will make you feel poor, wretched, confined, and wondering what the fuck you are doing there?

4. Want some loneliness? There is something about days without end whether driving around or parked in an RV that kills your get up and go, so you watch movies on a small screen, which eventually puts an end to your will to live.

5. In the camps there will be womens. All of them looking for the likes of you. All of them plump, hairy, and with food stains on their clothing.

6. Then, just before you lose all but the last ounce of your piss and vinegar, you drag yourself and your large vehicle to a lot to see what you can recover from your initial cost, and you will find that tens of thousands of other schmucks have theirs up for sale, too. That is when you know you fucked up for sure, though about the 40th time you get shit on your hand and a few drops on your face you will find that that is competitive.

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 1:54 pm

I do like living alone, I do not watch tv, just research my computer, enjoy working and don’t mind dirty work. So I guess I’m good to go. Will buy a new DSLR mid-format because my Pentax K200D is getting old..

May 16, 2021 2:28 pm

Brother in law bought a used RV for $30,000, mostly for acting a fool at sportballs events , but didn’t bother with insurance to cover back yard explosions though. It happened around 2 am and was a total loss and clean-up was costly too.
Since then I’ve learned that gas leaks and explosions are not extremely rare for RV owners.

May 16, 2021 2:34 pm

Stephanie could probably get you a spot near her single wide at the Sandspur Acres trailer park. You ain’t lived ’till you spend a weekend partying trailer park style.

May 16, 2021 3:04 pm

Stephanies friends are straight, yours are gay. You should download one of those gay straightener videos.

May 16, 2021 3:18 pm

gamma boy white knighting. Isn’t that just soooo brave.

👻 (ghost)
👻 (ghost)
May 16, 2021 3:19 pm

August is hot…come in September!

May 16, 2021 7:56 pm

Stuck – not all parks are bad. Some are great – wide open, treed, privacy. And you meet some very interesting people in parks. I think the disadvantages are overstated.

Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
May 17, 2021 8:12 am

For us, the most undesirable part of RV/camping is actually staying in a campground. It’s so hit and miss with the good and bad ones. In the most popular CGs you will be crammed in like sardines in a can, and the noise can be annoying. We always try to look for camping at dispersed or primitive CGs. You’re more alone but with less amenities. Something to ponder.

May 16, 2021 5:25 pm

Good grief you’re depressing. Get some pills or jump.

May 16, 2021 7:55 pm

Re #2, sewage, that is just flat out wrong. We have a Dometic system, and have never gotten a drop of sewage on us. You are doing something wrong.

May 16, 2021 2:07 pm

I have thought of getting some type of small RV that sleeps two or three…but I would keep it in the woods on my farm…to accommodate family I hope to house during the coming shitstorm.

That could be extremely valuable.

May 16, 2021 2:10 pm

Nope, because tires, gas, maintenance and the now lockdowns, plus total reliance on JIT. You’re more secure in a shack with a garden spot.

Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson
May 16, 2021 2:39 pm

We full timed for several years and it was great. Toured most of the west up and down the Rocky Mtns. Never set foot/wheel in CA, WA, or OR. Tons of Federal land in the Western states, especially BLM where one can set up for free off-grid. Tons of great online sites that can give one a good overview of the process and lifestyle.
However, as with most things, there are downsides and I agree with flash on the Just in Time issue. No way to store extra food and supplies. Not sure that is a good idea right now.
Here is a link to numerous links for background:

May 16, 2021 3:12 pm

Back before their were many roads, no gas stations , and only a general store for resupply, folks around here used to pay their property taxes in white likker and there was no other tax to speak of. Now, it’s according to where you see this Great Reset aheadin’ that ought to determine whether you put more stock in traveling or standin’ still. Getting caught on the wrong side could be costly.

May 17, 2021 1:23 am

For laughs watch the movie “Lost in America”

May 16, 2021 2:52 pm

It is difficult to live in such a small space.
With that said…..
We have been CONDITIONED to need a large space to live and CONDITIONED to have a lot of STUFF.
I am just a guilty as many of you.
It may be foolish to only rely on bicycles as secondary transportation.
I would trailer a small car
I did not pay attention to the cost of the upgrades but it does look like the cost was well north of $100,000 dollars.
I am sure the cost would be recovered by selling the primary home even after possible capitol gains taxes paid.
The cost of the remodel would be offset by no property taxes even if a small lot with power is used as a home base.
I do admire them for their efforts and commitment.
We all need to learn to live with less.

May 16, 2021 7:58 pm

Or pull a travel trailer. My recommendation would be a fifth wheel type, if possible.

May 16, 2021 8:33 pm

We drag a 22ft 5th wheel which I like. Easy to drop and hook up don’t need another person for this. Drop the trailer and you take ur truck to get groceries or go see some touristy sites or whatever floats ur boat.

Mines a 4×4 so I can drop the trailer and go bushwhack’n, fish’n or scower’n for firewood. Won’t go any other way no more.

May 16, 2021 11:43 pm

Brian – good job and exactly how we go about it, but we pull a travel trailer as fifth wheelers have not taken hold in Oz as yet. A really good thing about the fifth wheelers is that the tow point is forward of the back axle. That is a huge advantage – it makes towing really easy. They are easier to handle, and eliminate the added length of the front tow bar, eliminates much of the imbalance a heavy tow ball puts on the back wheels when pulling a trailer, etc. The only downside is it takes up a fair bit of room from the truck bed. But it is a perfect set up esp. for 2 people.

May 17, 2021 11:25 am

Because the the trailer is smaller theres not much in the way of storage. The hitch takes up some room but the box on mine is a full 8ft. So when we travel I stick things like a small genset, camping chairs etc all around the hitch. Theres never been any issues if you don’t pile stuff higher than the hitch itself. I take out two pins and my hitch comes out easy peasy if I need the full box.

But you are correct, 5th wheels are much easier to hookup, and tow. The biggest problem I see is people buying these freak’n HUGE trailers with pullouts on them, them they stuff them with everything they can from the house, over loading them. Then hook a small pickup like an F250 or chev 2500 to them and rocket down the highway. insane.

May 16, 2021 2:53 pm
TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 16, 2021 3:01 pm

My Dad and I converted one into a camping bus back in the late 60’s. As a family, we had a lot of fun with it and it gave Mom some sense of a house, rather than the totally off grid camping we had done since I was an infant. We did not have a bathroom, so had to find camping grounds with facilities we could use for toilet and shower.

Cons: You have to have a place to park it and it needs to include water and sewer.
You will be paying rent for this parking spot
Driving it down the road is not the easiest thing to do, especially if you are on some small highways and/or mountain roads. It gets more difficult as you get older and your eyesight/depth perception deteriorates.
They are typically gas guzzlers.
They tend to be not very well insulated and they get cold in the winter and hot in the summer
The more you drive it, the more maintenance it will require
The less you drive it, the more it will deteriorate due to lack of use

Pros: Very easy to pick up and go when you are ready
You can follow the seasons quite easily
It is small and easy to clean
Like a turtle, you always have our house and bed with you when you travel

If it was me, I would buy a small tract of land, 5 acres minimum and use it as my base. I would have a small house with all of the amenities I needed and venture out when I was ready. With all of your friends on TBP, you could go from place to place and used their driveway for a few nights. Just remember what Benjamin Franklin said

comment image

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
May 16, 2021 4:23 pm

My supervisor at work is looking at something similar. Flat fee for the year and park at one of their facilities for zero additional if I understood him correctly. The downside is that you must have self-contained sewer and electric which this bus does.

Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
May 16, 2021 5:19 pm

Plus: not having to mow the lawn.
Minus: having to empty the poop tank.

May 16, 2021 6:26 pm

TN Patriot hit the nail on the head — You will ideally need a base ..doesn’t have to be big or fancy but should have a small house with water, sewage and electricity that can be used as a home base for the times you are not travelling. If you are forced to be on the road permanently the shine will quickly wear off. On the other hand using this in the good seasons has many perks.

I read Travels with Charlie when I first moved to the USA and got excited about driving and seeing the country. From my base in Denver I did see the surrounding states, but did not venture further because Gas at 4 mpg gets very costly — Believe me you will soon stop wandering around aimlessly when stopping regularly at the gas pumps. 2) These buses are NOT fun in the winter (they really don’t like ice or snow, and are cold as hell at night) so you may want friends down south or your home dock/base in a warmer climate. 3) They are cramped and you will find you have very limited storage space. 4) On the positive side I met and made many wonderful friends during the time I owned my old Dodge RV. (But I had a base and parked the RV in the winters)

Overall a fun way to travel the country, meet wonderful people (even some of those hair womenz) and generally live an interesting life, but full time without a base, not so much.

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 11:16 pm

Same here I taught about finding an abandoned town in the Cathar region of France (there are plenty of them) and use it as a base camp.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
May 16, 2021 6:36 pm

I could never stand up straight in a school bus after about age 15. I think you have an inch or two on me.

Always remember Stucky, if it has tits or tires it will give you trouble.

May 16, 2021 7:58 pm

There is a fair bit of maintenance on these things.

May 16, 2021 7:07 pm

You have short height busses and tall height busses. There a great bus chassis and some not so great. The Freightliner with the Mercedes engine is a great platform. The same year model Freightliner with the Cummins, not so much. There are certain year models to stay away from as they were plagued with recurring issues.

Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
May 16, 2021 7:14 pm

Somehow, I think Stucky would wind up on the short bus.

May 16, 2021 7:52 pm

I just got back from two weeks caravanning, as we call it here. We quite enjoy the getting away. Went out to the historic desert areas of South Australia, wandering through ruins of the early settlers, offroading, visiting the sheep stations, etc.

We are now planning a much longer trip along the eastern seaboard and outback Queensland.

Tanks for this, Stuck.

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 11:18 pm

Wonder who gave you a thumb down for your post.

  Georges S
May 16, 2021 11:39 pm

George – a wonder of the universe, isn’t it. Guess there is at least one person who does not like people going on vacation. I think it makes me an elitist communist. 😁

Georges S
Georges S
May 16, 2021 11:48 pm

Jalousie has always been a great promoter of hatred.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 16, 2021 8:03 pm

I respect these people but no way. I just wonder how well their daughter will socialize. Being an only child born to older parents (57/44) myself, that’sd a HUGE concern to me. I was awfully awkward until I discovered beer.

May 16, 2021 8:51 pm

Stucky this man has forgotten more than most people ever knew about RV/Bus camping and has it all archived on youtube.

May 16, 2021 8:54 pm

We/re no pro’s and all I can do is share our experiences.

We love the road life, me especially, hate being sedentary and whats holding us in place is currently my wifes parents, at 98 this year. We like being able to pull up whenever the urge to roam hits, we don’t plan to far in advance because things change and so do plans.

Our 5th wheel isn’t big, older 22 ft we bought cheap,$4000. Still in good shape, no leaks. Some comment on the small interiors but for us it isn’t a problem. We just don’t sit in it very long. Mainly used to sleep in, cook a meal and get out of weather when needed. Otherwise we prefer to sit outside and marvel at creation around us. Sit by the fire.

If you are in a park even for a few days, you’ll likely find more than a few friendly faces. Most will chat briefly and most know when to say cya later and leave you alone. When the itch was in bloom we’d look for a place with hookups so we could empty the tanks, and have some steady power and fresh water.

A cheaper way to see if its for you is to buy a cheap, older rv, or rent one. I’m willing to bet there are more than a few people here that can tell you what to look for and what to avoid if you want to buy a trailer/5th wheel etc.

The downside, is like some have identified. No storage for long term. You can carry a couple weeks or more of food, carry limited water and have to eventually empty holding tanks. But, if trouble brews with weather, people, fires etc you can pull out in very short notice and be a hundred miles away in a couple hours. Provided you don’t always have a near empty tank of fuel.

The other thought is you may not need to sell your house either. You could rent it and yes we know all about shitty renters, we’ve had more than a few of those. That rent is a monthly income that won’t eat into your savings and will give you plenty of road living cash. Not sure the taxation where you are but the rent can be a tax deduction and in case of a disaster or real hard times the house can become a refuge.

Just some thoughts…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 16, 2021 9:04 pm


It seems to me that if you get yourself a new gal, the odds that she’ll want to go where you go when you go are about one in 50. You’ve been married twice. I’d call that good enough. That’s just me, though. Sorry if that’s pessimistic.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
May 16, 2021 9:16 pm

Yep. Great idea.
But, I just said, heck, buy a boat.
Same thing only I get to go to islands.
Plus – bigger and cheap (wind is free).
But, if you want to see Yellowstone, the bus is the best.
Two good options.

May 17, 2021 1:12 am

Cons: Normally one must pay to park. Those charges add up. But then again, one can volunteer at parks and get free parking and hookups. Ran into a couple that do that. South in winter and North in Summer. But then there are those that micturate in gallon plastic bottles and throw it out the window.

$$$$ to drive from location to location.

May 17, 2021 8:51 am

Still need a place to secure the guns, ammo, and pm’s.