Is There Ever any Good News?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

It appears that in 2022, the world is going to have a rude awakening. The good news is slowly but surely people are starting to realize they have been played. This sick idea of destroying the world to “build back better” green is just amazingly stupid. These people have NO IDEA of how an economy forms no less how civilizations emerge. People come together because the benefits outweigh the solitude. A synergy emerges that is greater than the individual parts. You do not need to bake bread because someone else does and that allows you to pursue your talents. These people do not respect how civilizations rise and fall. All these see is their power.

The good news is that there are pockets of resistance and we see people migrating and abandoning the cities. This is all shifting and reordering society and indeed it may be reshaping society into an us-v-them type of conflict, but this in itself is proving the very doom of these masterminds and they will fail. I do not believe you need to wait beyond 2022. You will see the resistance forming openly and there will be governments that start to crumble. This triumvirate will collapse in their own stupidity in trying to create a green new world. They not only fail to grasp how civilization is created, but they even have latched on to this old Malthusian idea of a population that will itself undergo cycles and will see a sharp contraction in the years ahead.

The rise and fall of civilizations have been tied to climate. They ignore history and refuse to comprehend that there are simply cycles to everything. When Rome was the dominant power, there was pollution and CO2 which was created by burning wood. The first clean air act was put into law in 535 AD. These people act like we will all become extinct unless we reduce CO2 to zero. They have no science to back them up, just a book that put the theory about CO2 creating one of the extinctions without any evidence — just assumption. If we take the graph from the paleontologist Peter D. Ward’s book, Under a Green Sky” published in 2007, this is what has inspired this whole climate debate and there is no evidence that it was CO2 that created an extinction of hundreds of millions of years ago.

So yes, the bad news is that these people even exist and they sadly have the money and influence to steer our republican governments against the people for their own benefit. The good news is that they are failing, and by 2022, their hard-pressed attempt to seize dominant power will be exposed. Thereafter, we will see a conflict between rising resistance against this brain-dead idea of redesigning the world economy. Thus, the good news is they fail!

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April 30, 2021 6:11 pm

Abandoning blue shit hole cities and bringing it with them. Yeah, such is Texas. I was checking out my state senator. Live in a rural red county but portions of Austin and San Antone are in the district. Austin is 100 miles away. Gerrymandered bullshit

April 30, 2021 6:23 pm

It is the same everywhere these born and breed city dwellers go. They have pie in the sky ideas of living off the land, sea and air. Then they want payday everyday with no work on payday. Shun the imports & turn them away. You will not be sorry you did. If you can’t do that then do as my stepdaughter did to me. She put me through hell for seven years before she told me, I wanted to make sure you were real.

April 30, 2021 6:35 pm

Oh yup. Agree. I wrote off a couple of friends back in November. And they are rednecks that are liberal and lived in the country for their whole lives. Glad you and your stepdaughter get along. I have 3, and they don’t like me. That’s ok. They are all grown but still young. You get my respect when you work and help out. They left the nest and found another.

Left the house at 17. Not because I hated my parents. I just wanted to be on my own. And you know what’s great. They were supportive. I was the youngest. They weren’t happy that I left per se, they were seeing that there efforts were coming to fruition.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
April 30, 2021 8:53 pm

Best men or women don’t marry someone w/ baggage ( kids) from a former marriage.My nephew did and they finally divorced. I know others who married someone w/baggage ended in divorce.

Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
April 30, 2021 6:30 pm

The parasites are doomed. Good folks will find a way.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Rusty Pipes
May 1, 2021 4:48 am

Of course the woke agenda will ultimately fail. It’s retarded. The problem is that it’s failure isn’t immediate, it takes time and causes lots and lots of damage that also takes time to recover from.

  Rusty Pipes
May 1, 2021 11:09 am

Sure, the parasites will die once they’ve killed the host(society, culture, nation). New host will arise, new/old parasites will already be in place. Wash, rinse, repeat and voila … human history. There’s nothing new under the sun.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 30, 2021 6:39 pm

Earth abides.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 1, 2021 11:11 am

Good for it. Mother nature is a bitch who wants you dead. Will people who cherish liberty abide?

no one
no one
April 30, 2021 6:44 pm

Bill Gates wants everyone to eat bugs to get revenge for at all the times he was forced to involuntarily eat bugs as a youth. It’s surprising he hasn’t tried forcing everyone to get wedgies and swirlies to get revenge for all the times he got those, too.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
  no one
April 30, 2021 8:56 pm

Gates can eat cat droppings, I can furnish them in a zip lock bag if he pays postage. May even throw in a some Mrs. Dash. A friend will send some horse manure.

April 30, 2021 6:49 pm

It is my hope some organization is compiling an extensive list. It will be a list of those who thought they could band together as conspirators to exert their power and influence in creating their vision of a New World Order. An Order that destroys the world’s economies, political structures and lives of its citizens.
The damage they have done to individuals is incalculable. The same with countries and the world as a whole.
Their misdeeds should be etched in stone. Then, these same stones used upon them to exact humanities costs of lives destroyed. True justice will be served upon them for their wickedness. Let this become a warning for those in the future who might consider such evil.

April 30, 2021 7:03 pm

What the hell is this? The Armstrong Daily News site?

How in the fuck is the world “going to have a rude awakening” in 2022 when people have “NO IDEA of how an economy forms”?


“The good news is that there are pockets of resistance and we see people migrating and abandoning the cities.”

Holy shit, Armstrong is eating magic mushrooms.

— Doctor: “I have good news.”
— Patient: “What?”

— Doctor: “Your cancer left your lungs.”
— Patient: “Awesome!”

— Doctor: “It’s now migrated to your liver.”

April 30, 2021 8:21 pm


Yea…Armstrong to me is a well-intentioned 70/30 guy.

However…I will take care of the 30% his secular prognosticating never mentions or has a clue about.

“The good news is that there are pockets of resistance and we see people migrating and abandoning the cities.”

Yep…’Good News’ (every single unintentional pun intended) for the Remnant.

(And a lot of us in the Remnant will soon die as martyrs…in different ways…that Armstrong is completely clueless about).

May 1, 2021 9:41 am

i’d rather die on my feet sticking to the truth than sell my soul for a lie.

April 30, 2021 8:29 pm

Is there any good news?


Not when you have to sell books, sell “Socrates Subscriptions,” sell conferences, sell newsletters, generate page hits, generate “likes,” generate subscribes, generate “donations,” or even just try to increase your dopamine levels.

C’mon, you’re just being silly here.

April 30, 2021 8:54 pm

I’m enjoying it all. I’m 70, wife’s well taken care of when I go, the VA has a hole waiting for me at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery , I drink my Smirnoff at night, I get up make coffee for me and the old woman then take my heart (Golden Retriever) to a couple of parks for an hour and a half, then I come home and putter until 4 PM then mix myself (and the old woman if she wants one) a drink. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. But the ultimate in being at peace comes from the awareness that I don’t have to, nor will I, take shit from anybody for anything. As I stated in another thread, everything I was taught to honor and revere in my life has been shit on. God, Family, Country, shit on. Shit on by lesser men. Men who sold their childrens’ birthright for a lackey’s wages. So I’m good to go. The alphabet agencies want to surveil me? Knock yourself out. I ain’t hidin’ nothin’. As I said I’m good to go. I’m reminded of that saying when I was a kid. “Yeah? Well fuck around and find out”. :>) QUIET MIKE

May 1, 2021 4:08 am

Great post

Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite
Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite
April 30, 2021 9:55 pm

It might not seem like it now, but Americans are starting to chafe at this government. The media spouts off about how wowee-zowie the Dems are and how things are going to be indescribably wonderful under their rule leadership but most of are not buying it. Most of us are staying low in the tall grass, waiting patiently and biding our time.

It’s coming.

April 30, 2021 10:07 pm

Huge hail, killer tornados, miserably hot in summer, freezes in the winter, bitter bible clingers with shotguns; DANGER! Stay away, avoid, move elsewhere…