Biden Told To Say No More Meat To Combat Global Cooling

Submitted by Doctor de Vaca

Guest Post by William Briggs

So the oligarchs had Biden mask up and meet our other rulers, via Zoom, to discuss our next big panic. Global cooling.

According to one report, “President Joe Biden’s ambitious plan to slash greenhouse emissions by 50 to 52 percent over the next decade could prompt sweeping changes that could affect how Americans eat, drive and heat their homes.”


How Biden smash? Biden take charge! By taking away your meat and having you consume oligarch-owned corporate-produced high-margin food-like plant-and-chemical-based concoctions. Yes, the oligarchs will grow wealthier once you’re forced to give up the healthiest food there is, but you will do your part in ensuring global cooling doesn’t contribute to a tenth of a degree change in globally averaged temperature in the next century.

Specifically (same source):

Cutting red meat consumption by 90% and animal products by 50%

Americans may have to cut their red meat consumption by a whopping 90 percent and cut their consumption of other animal based foods in half.

Gradually making those changes by 2030 could see diet-related greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 50 percent, according to a study by Michigan University’s Center for Sustainable Systems.

To do that, it would require Americans to only consume about four pounds of red meat per year, or 0.18 ounces per day.

It equates to consuming roughly one average sized burger per month.

What would all those corporate-owned burger joints do, complain? No, sir. They’ll make the switch to chemical cuts and serve up “impossible” and “beyond meat” “burgers”. And charge more for them, likely, to both increase their profits and convince you it’s your fear-based duty to pay more and “save the planet”.

My dears, the planet isn’t going anywhere and is no need of saving.

A terrible side effect of global cooling, or rather our rulers’ pushing it, is “studies”. We will be faced by a barrage of “research shows” headlines “proving” that whatever scheme experts think up is absolutely utterly imperative and necessary and mandatory and so strongly needed that indeed it is even too late to do anything but we must still do this.

The University of Michigan, as you have seen, is given credit for some of these “studies.” The Beyond Meat company commissioned one such study from UM’s “Center for Sustainable Systems“. And Lo, this study found—or is discovered more appropriate?—Beyond Meat good, real meat bad.

This is terrible news for, among other, polar bears, those photogenic but brutal creatures who eat a ton of seals, ripping the meat off these slippery beasties while they’re still alive. Going to be tough to continuously ship in tons of Beyond Seal to ravenous bears.

But never mind that. Let’s look at the “study”, commissioned by Beyond Meat in their quest to discover whether real meat was better or worse than the fake meat they were selling. What do you think they found—or discovered—in this study? This:

Based on a comparative assessment of the current Beyond Burger production system with the 2017 beef LCA by Thoma et al, the Beyond Burger generates 90% less greenhouse gas emissions, requires 46% less energy, has >99% less impact on water scarcity and 93% less impact on land use than a 1/4 pound of U.S. beef.

So important was this finding—or discovery—they used italics to announce it. That’s how you know it’s true.

Looks like money well spent for Beyond Meat! But don’t applaud yet, because there’s more!

The Center for Sustainable Systems kept at it, finding—or discovering—meat accounts for “56.6%” of “greenhouse gases contribution by food type in [an] average diet.” Not 56.5%. No way. It was much more serious. It was 56.6%. That level of numeric specificity is what makes it science.

The same kind of science like economics. And you know how accurate and useful that science has been.

The Center also helpfully tells us to hate beef the most, followed by cheese, pork, poultry, eggs, and milk. In short, all the best and healthiest foods.

I was happy during the Trump interregnum not to have to write about global cooling, because I had grown sick unto death of it in the years previous. I knew it wouldn’t last, and I loathe being dragged back into this.

Because nothing has changed.

They’ve been trying to ban meat for a long time. Here’s a January, 2019 headline: “Meat consumption must drop by 90% to avert climate crisis, report warns“.

Funny this Lancet study comes to the same exact precise 90% number as the new UM study, ain’t it?

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rhs jr
rhs jr
April 24, 2021 8:39 pm

Let’s do a clinical trial with impossible shit bergers: Let the Michigan football team eat them for four years and then compare their team’s muscle gains, athletic performance, etc, to Ohio State which will eat a normal American diet. Of course medical observers will have to take periodic Michigan stool samples to assure Michigan is not violating the test parameters. My money says the impossible shit meat will lack enough of the nutrition of natural meat that the Michigan team will start to become as malnourished as street beggars in Bangladesh.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
  rhs jr
April 24, 2021 8:57 pm

From a Veterinary classmate, this went viral

Stangle: Impossible burgers are made of what?

Guest Opinion by Dr. Jim Stangle, DVM: The Impossible Whopper Retraction (Sort of)

  rhs jr
April 24, 2021 8:59 pm

Ohio State could eat literal pig shit and dingleberries for 4 years … and they would still beat Michigan.

Guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, “Wanna hear a Michigan joke?” The guy next to him replies, “Well before you tell that joke, you should know something. I’m 6′ tall, 200 lbs. The guy sitting next to me is 6’2 tall, weighs 225. The fella next to him is 6’5, weighs 320. We’re all Michigan fans. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?” The first guy says, “Nah, not if I’m gonna have to explain it 3 times.”

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
April 24, 2021 9:43 pm

you can be funny sometimes, but mostly not

  80% Fraud
April 24, 2021 9:47 pm

I’ll take “sometimes”!! Thanks.

Give it some time. I tend to grow on people over time … like a beloved wart.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
April 24, 2021 10:12 pm

yeah Im watching you, already ordered wart remover

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
April 24, 2021 10:11 pm

I wonder if this came true would they protest? I live in farm country, does this mean only the farmers eat meat?

I gave up hunting, all clean and oiled waiting, I heard moose is pretty good, any recommendations? Plenty of white tail here, not my preference unless I need meat.

Silver and barter with the farmers or a hunting trip, if this happens, I wont go without meat, period noway no how

April 24, 2021 10:15 pm

Biden heard “meat”, “combat”, “cooling” …. and then said,”Sure, we can send refrigerators to our troops in Ukraine!”

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
April 24, 2021 10:21 pm

hahahaha, yeah problem is I quit making the commercial ones, let them eat cake.

they will have to line up 10,000 side by sides from china, oops no they wont china toured our commercial refrigeration plants to, guess it don’t matter its Russia, plus hunter still needs to get paid if Russia takes over or the boss don’t get his cut either

April 24, 2021 10:24 pm

Wait. So, the company Beyond Beef is sponsoring a study to see if THEIR product is better than real meat? WTF!!!! No conflict of interest there folks, move along.

These assholes who want to stop Global Warming. Let’s say whatever schemes they hatch actually work, and the Earf actually cools down. I have a question. How do you stop the cooling process??” What? Is there some kind of fucking switch in the White House labeled “Stop Earth Cooling”? Shit, we could find ourselves in a deadly ice age.

Try growing your Impossible Burger veggie shit when it’s below freezing, ya friggin morans!

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
April 24, 2021 10:34 pm

yeah that ball of fire in the sky has nothing to do with cooling and heating, the science is settled.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
April 24, 2021 10:37 pm

Its like Greta getting out a compass, asking which way the solar panels face, south it is Greta your right, genius at 18

April 24, 2021 11:55 pm

shoot shoot shoot the deers.

April 25, 2021 7:19 am

and thump the bunnies, if necessary.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 25, 2021 7:20 am

“That means an impossible whopper has 18 million times as much estrogen as a regular whopper. Just six glasses of soy milk per day has enough estrogen to grow boobs on a male. That’s the equivalent of eating four impossible whoppers per day. You would have to eat 880 pounds of beef from an implanted steer to equal the amount of estrogen in one birth control pill.”

The rise of the moobs.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  hardscrabble farmer
April 25, 2021 12:20 pm

Well they are encouraging all this transgendering in our to reduce the population – especially the white population. So this is in line with that.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 25, 2021 7:16 am

I’ve written about feeding grocery store cull to our pigs and poultry. Every once in a while a block of that fake meat stuff will turn up in a bin.

The pigs won’t eat it and the chickens won’t eat it.

Make of that what you will.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
  hardscrabble farmer
April 25, 2021 9:19 am

That doesn’t surprise me at all…not so dumb animals.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 25, 2021 11:03 am

and chickens will eat nearly anything. They only thing I’ve seen them refuse to eat was a moldy, not sure what it was, back of the spare fridge, failed attempt at recreating primordial ooze. They looked at it long and quizzically but backed off.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 25, 2021 6:02 pm

It is not impossible for the human mind to take nutritional cues from diet, but it requires mindfulness and eating healthy and consistent. When I get into that zone, I can just feel what I need to eat. I imagine animals have less BS to cut through in their heads.

April 25, 2021 7:17 am

A local hunter/taxidermist I know was hanging a turkey at his shop and let me take pictures of the magnificent animal.

I mentioned that I completely understood why Ben Franklin thought the turkey should be the national bird. He said he was glad the eagle won because otherwise, turkeys would be almost extinct like eagles.

He is of the opinion that protecting eagles actually endangers them.

I imagine he is right.

Perhaps we should start worhipping cattle like they do in parts of India.

April 27, 2021 12:51 am

I like all birds, but turkeys are retarded if they don’t have enough pressure from predators (including us).

Eagles are almost extinct?

April 25, 2021 10:40 am

If people actually knew what it took to make this faux-meat shit, and what was actually in it, they would stop eating it. But they don’t want to know. They want to virtue signal their way right into a dietary early grave, their lives being replete with man-boobs and low sperm counts for the men, and girls going into puberty at 5 years old. Of course, early puberty in kindergartners just another marketing bonanza for feminine products. Tampon dispensers right next to where they hang up their coats, adjacent to their hand-print Turkey cut-outs on the wall.

Yeah, yeah, I have heard “But pup, Asian women have a lot of health benefits from eating soy”. Ok, let’s look at that.

Asian people’s consumption of Soy is in the fermented form. Fermentation changes the structure of the Soy, making it far healthier. So just saying “they eat more soy” is disingenuous and doesn’t paint the whole picture.

Frankenmeat has high amounts of soy protein isolates. These are NOT good for you. Low sperm count, loss of libido, mood swings, depression. Who is eating all this crap? What do they act like when they consume all this garbage? I think if you do the math you can see what is happening here.

Isolates have also been found to stimulate estrogen-dependent tumors in breast cancer. Great. Sounds good.

Unfermented soy is high in phytates. Phytates prevent the absorption of minerals like iron and calcium. So let’s feed this to developing kids and see what happens. Makes total sense.

And then we have the production method. Soy is processed with ACIDS. Then they are neutralized in aluminum tanks, which allows the aluminum to absorb into the soy. Just an FYI, our bodies have ZERO USE FOR ALUMINUM IN ANY AMOUNT. High aluminum levels have been found in Alzheimer’s patients. Aluminum competes with calcium, and the aluminum will win.

Hexane is used in the process as well. Go ahead, read about Hexane. A lovely chemical neurotoxin. Yummy.

The franken meat stinks so bad it has to undergo a steam process to get the stink out.

The list goes on, and please do the research yourself.

Bottom line, our bodies were not meant to consume anything like this, ever. Yet we are being told we must for the “good of the planet”.

China owns Smithfield Farms, on the largest hog producers on the planet. Hogs are being shipped to China, while these hog farms are a major source of hellish pollution:

So maybe the answer isn’t franken meat? Asking for a friend.

April 25, 2021 11:14 am

So just saying “they eat more soy” is disingenuous and doesn’t paint the whole picture.

Lies by omission are still lies. They do not want you informed just follow the line please.

Soy was really being pushed hard some twenty years ago, if memory serves, right along with more militant feminism. Single mother families were promoted and encouraged by government, maleness was attacked by being labeled ‘toxic’, its kewl to wear black skinny jeans and man buns, soooo progressive.

When the countries males have been conditioned to be feminine and self loathing then the risks to them becoming a threat to the existing PTB is greatly diminished.

May I have another soy latte double double extra soy foam please…

April 25, 2021 12:19 pm

The Beyond Meat link you posted is a fountain of great info! Thanks.

I had an Impossible Burger ONCE … last year … my seester brought it. She said it tasted just like real meat. This is an odd think to say by someone who hasn’t eaten meat in over two fucken decades!!

It did NOT taste “just like meat”!!!

Now, this is where I might get a few down votes … can we get it to 500, please? …. it wasn’t all that bad! Really. What can I tell you? Will I ever have another one? Nope.

April 25, 2021 6:06 pm

Low levels of anything are not going to kill you, but it all adds up. The regulatory agencies in charge keep allowing a little here and a little there and pretty soon we are talking about quantifiable toxicity, instead of the qualitative toxicity that allows corporations to get away with poisoning the planet.

April 25, 2021 12:04 pm

I think they were talking about global warming. Global cooling(that’s actually happening) isn’t talked about. I guess the idea is to have people as unprepared as possible and to have as many people die as possible,” to save the earth” It’s funny how when I read articles about our Gov. and their actions going into the future I keep coming to the conclusion that it will end bloody.