Asymptomatic Spread Doesn’t Exist

Submitted by Cow Doctor

Guest Post by Frank Salvato

COVID, Fauci

In complete contradiction to the popular narrative used by Democrat politicians and governors across the United States, a new study of 10 million people in Wuhan, China – ground zero for the COVID virus, showed that asymptomatic spread of COVID does not occur, nullifying all reasoning for business closures and lockdowns.

The study, published in the November issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Nature Communications, studied 9,899,828 residents of Wuhan, screening them between May 14, 2020 and June 1, 2020. The results provided clear evidence as to the possibility of any asymptomatic transmission of the virus.

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Are ‘Never Trumpers’ the Future of the GOP?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Are 'Never Trumpers' the Future of the GOP?

If the past is any guide, not only are the reports of the death of Trumpism premature, the probability is that Trumpism has put down roots in our national politics that are not soon, if ever, going to be pulled up.

Denouncing the $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill as a parsimonious “disgrace” and hinting at an Alamo-style finish on Jan. 6, when Congress votes to declare Joe Biden the next president, Donald Trump is not going to go quietly.

The anti-Trumpers and “Never Trumpers” celebrating at Christmas 2020, in this “dark winter” of Joe Biden’s depiction, are assuring each other that Trumpism and Trump are dead and gone for good in four weeks.

The future of the GOP, they suggest, belongs to the Republicans who resisted and renounced Trump through the last five years of his candidacy and presidency.

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8M Phone Calls And 1M Doors Knocked, Minorities Targeted; Leader Vows To Make America Ungovernable

Via nkit

We’re in a communist revolution here in the USA – and 95% of the public are completely in the dark. The mainstream media will never call out communists – no matter how blatant they are. That’s why our country is being turned upside down and hardly anybody seems to know why.

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Texas enters the Union – 1845


Six months after the congress of the Republic of Texas accepts U.S. annexation of the territory, Texas is admitted into the United States as the 28th state.

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“When I say cut taxes, I don’t mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing.”

Ron Paul

“If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future.”

Winston Churchill

“The idea that even the brightest person or group of bright people, much less the U.S. Congress, can wisely manage an economy has to be the height of arrogance and conceit.”

Walter E. Williams

“If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.”

Noam Chomsky

2020: America’s Wake-Up Call

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

2020: America's Wake-Up Call

Who could have predicted how dreadful a year 2020 would be.

By this New Year’s Eve, 19 million to 20 million Americans will have contracted a deadly virus in a pandemic that exploded out of China to carry off 333,000 Americans, one of every 1,000 of us.

As 2021 begins, Americans will be dying at the rate of 10,000 a week and contracting the virus at a rate of more than 1 million new cases a week.

Yet, during that same year, miracles occurred. Vaccines were created, tested and mass-produced by Pfizer and Moderna that could, with 95 percent effectiveness, stop this virus cold.

If Americans can reach “herd immunity” — from having caught and survived the virus or having been vaccinated against it — the COVID-19 pandemic might be contained by the summer of 2021.

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Watch Out for the Shoeshine Boys

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas via International Man

Shoeshine boy

There’s an investment legend that, in 1929, Joseph Kennedy (father of the late US President), living in New York City, stopped on the street to get his shoes shined.

At that time, shoeshine boys were ubiquitous in the business district of New York.

The shoeshine boy offered Joe some stock tips. Joe decided that, when even shoeshine boys are offering stock tips, it’s time to get out of the market. He sold off his entire portfolio immediately, and the crash came soon after, leaving him with his wealth intact, at a time when so many others had lost theirs.

Is the story true?

Well, this is one of those instances in life in which it doesn’t really matter whether the incident actually happened. The lesson to be learned from it is true, either way.

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In Part One of this article I laid out the case the “dark winter”  narrative and how an experimental vaccine marketed like a tech product by Big Pharma and their cronies are part of a globalist scheme to reset the world and force us into subservience.

Now we get to Biden’s campaign slogan, which began to be adopted in August 2020, and was beaten like a dead horse just before and after the rigged election. “Build back better” must have played well among the useless eater, mouth breather demographic, when tested by Biden’s handlers. Biden would pop his head out of the basement periodically to stumble through a teleprompter speech where he was instructed to utter “build back better” three or four times.

Sustainable Development Goals: How can they be a handrail for recovery?

Then the contemptibly compliant corporate media expounded on the narrative as a brilliant plan by the wise statesman Joe Biden to save America from the murderous machinations of the evil orange man. Again, Google Trends reveals the coordinated effort to use this phrase in their efforts to steal the presidential election. If you think this was just a brilliant strategy by Biden’s handlers, you haven’t been paying attention. This is the globalist slogan to change the world.