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Las Vegas Oddsmakers are Never Wrong!

Guest Post by Wayne Allyn Root

I’ve been a Las Vegas oddsmaker and sports gaming expert for four decades-long before I became known as a nationally syndicated conservative talk show host. I understand odds and gambling in a way that no other conservative media personality, host, or politician in this country could.

And I can tell you something is very wrong with this presidential election. It reminds me of a fixed football game. Remember the famous fixed 1978 game between the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles. The Giants quarterback handed the ball off. The running back didn’t want it. It fell on the ground. Herm Edwards of the Eagles picked it up and ran it into the end zone with seconds left for a last second victory. Every bettor in the world knows that game was fixed. It doesn’t matter if you can prove it. We all know.

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Erasing the White Male

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

For a number of years I have witnessed the disappearance of the white male from the publications and fund-raising materials sent to me by Georgia Tech and Merton College, Oxford University. The materials feature women and foreigners, and I am puzzled that the institutions believe that a person who remembers his college differently from what now exists can resonate with the fund-raising materials. The materials remind me that the educational institutions that I attended no longer exist. It is strange beasts for which they appeal to me for support.

Georgia Tech was a state supported school for in-state male students.  The tuition was nominal.  Merton College was a men’s college, and those in attendence were mainly British. Today both have large foreign and large female  contingents.

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How easy it is to be “dangerous”

Guest Post by Simon Black

Early in the morning around 3am on March 24, 1603, Queen Elizabeth I died after ruling over England for more than four decades.

Her successor was proclaimed only hours later– James Charles Stuart, who at the time was serving as King of Scotland.

James was known as a religious hardliner. He became obsessed with hunting down witches during his reign in Scotland, and even personally supervised the torture and execution of young women who had been accused of witchcraft.

And almost immediately upon being crowned King of England, he issued harsh warnings to anyone who wasn’t strictly following the faith.

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What you’ve been asking for: A (fairly) complete list of (some of) the most significant claims of 2020 election miscounts, errors or fraud.

Guest Post by Sharyl Attkisson

It’s easy to find articles claiming that there was no election fraud, or that it was “not widespread,” or that it was not enough to “make a difference.” It is less easy to find some of the actual complaints and allegations, unfiltered and undistorted.

Here is a (fairly) complete list of (some of) the most significant claims involving 2020 election miscounting, errors or fraud.

Please note that this resource lists allegations. It is intended neither to validate nor disprove any particular claim. The information and links help provide counterpoints to widespread, one-sided media reporting so that you can research and make your own judgements. All elections officials accused of improper counting or fraud have denied any improprieties.

The legislatures of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona are holding public hearings on election fraud issues.

Read: Hard-to-find election stories and links

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Guest Post by Ray Jason

Let me state this simply and clearly: There is a disease out there ravaging our planet that is far more horrible than the Wuhan Virus.  Allow me to name it for you.  It is Schwabfluenza.

      It is named after the self-appointed High Potentate, Klaus Schwab, who wishes to impose the worldview of himself, and his obscenely rich friends, on everyone but themselves. He knows what is best for us – the little people.

       Has he gained this expertise by mingling with us and experiencing our lives? No, he has discovered the need for his mastery over us, by attending conferences where the participants arrive in private jets. The organization that he founded and heads, which is called the World Economic Forum, is the driving force pushing for The Great Reset.

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LA County Supervisor Eats At Restaurant Hours After Voting To Ban Outdoor Dining

Authored by Andrea Widburg via AmericanThinker.com,

In the early days of television, Sheila Kuehl had a role in a now forgotten show, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, which ended in 1963.  She then became a leftist, a lawyer, and a politician.  Despite the long interval between her Hollywood years and today, Kuehl still clings to that lampooned Hollywood notion about stars versus “the little people.”  How else can one explain that, after railing against restaurants and voting to shut them down, Kuehl promptly went to a nice restaurant for dinner?

During the lockdown, politicians continued to draw their taxpayer-funded paychecks and telecommute from the comfort of their homes.  Meanwhile, they targeted small businesses that depend on dealings with the public.  More than any other business, restaurants were in Democrat politicians’ crosshairs.

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Winding Up Americans

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas via International Man

Winding Up Americans

For the last four years, Americans have become increasingly polarised – divided between Democrat crusaders who are determined to save America from becoming a racist, sexist Nazi dictatorship under Donald Trump, versus Republican crusaders who are determined to save America from becoming a liberal Marxist state under a Democratic reign.

This fervour has become so extreme that families can no longer meet for the holidays without a conversational blow-up. No longer are people “entitled to their opinions.” This has become a crusade between Good and Evil. (“I’m good. You’re evil.”)

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In National Survey Of Favorite Foods, Lukewarm Bowl Of Porridge Wins 80 Million Votes

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—In a surprise result from a national survey of favorite foods, the winner, with 80 million votes — blowing away the previous record of 69 million votes — was a lukewarm bowl of porridge. The soggy bowl of chopped grains has apparently exploded in popularity around the country and is now handily the most beloved food of all.

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Submitted by CCRider

According to what we are being told by Trump’s lawyers the voting fraud is astounding. The accusations we’re being told include mail-in ballots with no creases in them and the envelopes missing. The swing states all stopped at one (apparently) given time. A consequential number of ballots were delivered in the middle of the night, the majority for Biden with no down-ballot votes. Observers denied access to the vote counting and statistical anomalies of precincts that are metaphysical impossibilities. Sidney Powell called the evidence coming to her like “out of a fire hose”.

Question #1:
This amount of fraud is so blatant and easy to expose it strains credulity to imagine any sensible person thinking they could get away with it. Was the DNC simply panicking at the last minute as Trump vote totals blew Biden’s away or are there other reasons?

Question #2:
If Trump uses his constitutional remedies to bypass the Electoral College and rely on state governments to determine the election winner the streets will explode. Millions of low information voters now take for granted Biden is president-elect, told by the corporate media and big tech. Will Trump exercise that option and what will be the result?

Has Bibi Boxed Biden in on Iran?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Has Bibi Boxed Biden in on Iran?

So, again, why would Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu authorize Mossad to send an assassination team to Iran to kill the nuclear scientist? And why now?

If Israel, as is universally believed and has not been denied, was behind the assassination of Iran’s leading nuclear scientist, questions arise:

Why would the Israelis kill him? And why would they do it now?

The scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, it is conceded, was a leader in Iran’s nuclear bomb program, but that program was disbanded in 2003.

Under George W. Bush, in 2007, all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies declared with “high confidence” that Iran no longer had a bomb program.

Four years later, the same intel agencies affirmed that finding.

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No Smoking Within

Guest Post by Eric Peters

A reader pointed out an interesting parallel between the wearing (or not) of the Holy Rag and smoking (or not).

Both are moralizing crusades – in the name of public health.

Smokers were systematically excluded from public (and private) areas, beginning with a general campaign of pariah-ization. Second-hand smoke is killing people! It is a health hazard to expose people to your filthy habit.

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Corona Virus Guidelines

Submitted by aka.attrition

Here are the official Coronavirus Guidelines:

1. Basically, you can’t leave the house for any reason, but if you have to, then you can.

2. Masks are useless. But they will protect you. They can save you, no they can’t, they’re useless, but wear one anyway. Now they’re mandatory. But maybe. Or not.

3. Stores are closed, except for the ones that are open.

4. You should not go to the hospital unless you have to go there. Stay out of the ER at all costs unless you’re having a medical emergency then it’s okay.

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