How Do We Pay Our Bills?

Senior couple checking retirement accounts at home - annuities and retirementMy wife Jo had some CDs mature. If we renewed them at the current .4% rate, she would take an 80% income cut. She remarked, “That’s not enough income to pay the bills. We don’t want to tap into the principal each month to make ends meet.”

What would be a perfect retirement plan?

I retired in 2005. We wanted to live comfortably off our life savings for the duration. Here is what we were seeking:

  • Enough income to maintain our current lifestyle.
  • Protect our buying power from inflation.
  • Guaranteed income, no worry or stress.
  • Grow our nest egg so we could leave something to future generations.

We put 70% in FDIC insured CDs and the remainder in the market, staying ahead of inflation. It did the job – for three years!

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LA Imposes Toughest Lockdown Yet To Avoid “Devastating Tipping Point” As COVID Hospitalizations Soar

What a fucking joke these totalitarian asshole politicians are. They are shutting down a city of 10 million people because 40 really really old people died yesterday with Covid. For some perspective, 85,000 people per year die in LA. That means 233 people per day will die from something in LA. That’s a fact. So 17% of them are dying with Covid. I bet the deaths from the flu are down 75%, because Covid is the flu. WTF. We’ve turned into a country of pussies.

Via ZeroHedge

Echoing the situation back in March when California was the first state to issue a ‘stay at home’ order, the Mayor of Los Angeles late last night ordered Angelenos to stay home, warning that the city is approaching a “devastating tipping point” as the US and the state of California see unprecedented numbers of new cases, deaths and hospitalizations.

Last night the state of California reported more than 20k new COVID infections, the highest daily tally of any state. LA County has been particularly hard hit.

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Mauldin: This Was All Predicted 10 Years Ago

Authored by John Mauldin via,

In 2010, the scientific journal Nature published a collection of opinions looking ahead 10 years, i.e., where we are right now.

Nature then published a short response from zoologist Peter Turchin in its February 2010 issue.

Quantitative historical analysis reveals that complex human societies are affected by recurrent — and predictable — waves of political instability (P. Turchin and S. A. Nefedov Secular Cycles Princeton Univ. Press; 2009). In the United States, we have stagnating or declining real wages, a growing gap between rich and poor, overproduction of young graduates with advanced degrees, and exploding public debt. These seemingly disparate social indicators are actually related to each other dynamically. They all experienced turning points during the 1970s. Historically, such developments have served as leading indicators of looming political instability.

Very long “secular cycles” interact with shorter-term processes. In the United States, 50-year instability spikes occurred around 1870, 1920 and 1970, so another could be due around 2020.

We are also entering a dip in the so-called Kondratiev wave, which traces 40- to 60-year economic-growth cycles. This could mean that future recessions will be severe.

In addition, the next decade will see a rapid growth in the number of people in their 20s, like the youth bulge that accompanied the turbulence of the 1960s and 1970s.

All these cycles look set to peak in the years around 2020.

Again, that was from 2010. Right on schedule, we are experiencing the “instability spike” Turchin says tends to come along every 50 years.

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Walter E. Williams 1936-2020

Guest Post by Thomas Sowell

Walter E. Williams 1936-2020

Walter Williams loved teaching. Unlike too many other teachers today, he made it a point never to impose his opinions on his students. Those who read his syndicated newspaper columns know that he expressed his opinions boldly and unequivocally there. But not in the classroom.

Walter once said he hoped that, on the day he died, he would have taught a class that day. And that is just the way it was, when he died on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

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Delusional Never Trump Losers Think We’re Going to Take Them Back

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Delusional Never Trump Losers Think We’re Going to Take Them Back

I’m not sure what is the most distinguishing characteristic of the Never Trump sissies. Sure, they are contemptible worms who care about nothing but extending their pathetic grifts – and it’s not like the Grima Wormtongues of conservatism have any saleable skills other than treachery. This is, of course, why these grody creatures are naturally drawn to D.C., where their loathsome skills are appreciated.

But scumbags are a dime a dozen – what truly distinguishes these geebos is their bizarre confidence that someday us conservatives are going have an epiphany that we need them back and come begging them to return to their former glory as the Republican establishment’s managers of America’s decline.

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5 Burning Questions About The New COVID Vaccine

Authored by Kit Knightly via,

The United Kingdom government yesterday announced its approval of the first Covid19 vaccine for general use. 800,000 doses are slated to be released for general use by the end of the week, and has already signed a contract for 40 million more doses (to go along with over 300 million doses of as-yet-unreleased vaccines from other companies).

With the newest phase in the Covid19 roll-out set to begin, it’s time we addressed the five biggest questions about this vaccine, its effectiveness, its safety and whether or not we’ll be forced to use it.

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The Grand Inevitability of Unavoidable Endings

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

It is true people are known by their actions. We are what we do. Or, more specifically, we are what we do and not what we say we’ll do. Actions speak louder than words.  It means if the swamp were to be truly drained, there would have been a steady progression of media revelations indicating genuine results during the Trump administration. Therefore, to quantify any progress of swamp draining, I collated headlines in a series of articles posted in the spring and summer of 2018. The objective at that time was to identify actual trends prior to the midterm elections based upon reported news, instead of political spin, empty promises, smoke and mirrors.

The final compilation of the series of articles was posted on September 1, 2018 and was entitled “Destination in Sight”. It summarized specific trends in accordance with previous monthly postings and there were two prominent progressions identified: 1.) The advancement of Socialism and 2.) The technological ascendency of Orwell’s Big Brother.

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4 Reasons to Consider Portugal for Your Plan B

Guest Post by Simon Black

In September 1968, after four decades iron-fisted rule, Portugal’s de facto dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar, suffered a freak accident that caused a massive brain hemorrhage.

Miraculously he survived. But he never recovered from the injury, and his enemies seized on the opportunity to remove him from power.

Salazar had ruled since 1932. You don’t hear much about Salazar because, compared to his contemporaries like Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, he wasn’t so bad.

But his policies completely ruined Portugal’s economy.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Last AMC Pacer rolls off assembly line – 1979


On December 3, 1979, the last Pacer rolls off the assembly line at the American Motors Corporation (AMC) factory in Kenosha, Wisconsin. When the car first came on the market in 1975, it was a sensation, hailed as the car of the future. “When you buy any other car,” ads said, “all you end up with is today’s car. When you get a Pacer, you get a piece of tomorrow.” By 1979, however, sales had faded considerably. Today, polls and experts agree: the Pacer was one of the worst cars of all time.

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“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

Garry Kasparov

“While the Senate goes on break during a deadly pandemic, they’re telling us peasants to go back to work, because the billionaires need more billions.

Some of you will die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

Oliver Markus Malloy

“There have been as many plagues as wars in history; yet always plagues and wars take people equally by surprise. Stupidity has a knack of getting its way; as we should see if we were not always so much wrapped up in ourselves. In this respect our townsfolk were like everybody else, wrapped up in themselves; in other words they were human: they did not believe in plagues.”

Albert Camus, The Plague

“Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.”

John Milton, Paradise Lost

Dominion Whistleblower Testifies On “Complete Fraud” At Detroit Voting Center

Via ZeroHedge

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems who was present during the Nov. 3 election at Detroit’s TCF Center testified at a Senate Committee hearing on Tuesday, telling the panel that she saw fraud throughout the day, as well as on Nov. 4, according to the Epoch Times.

What I witnessed at the TCF Center was complete fraud. The whole 27 hours I was there, there were batches of ballots being ran through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted 8 to 10 times. I watched this with my own eyes; I was there to assist with IT,” said Melissa Carone, who added that there were ‘completely untrained’ people working night shift – including a friend she’s known for two decades.

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Better Than Charity

Guest Post by John Stossel

Better Than Charity

Many of us will give money to charity this month. Americans give more than any other people in the world.

Good for us.

56 years ago, because American charities hadn’t ended poverty, politicians said they would end it. They declared a “war on poverty.”

That “war,” so far, has cost $27 trillion.

Some people were helped. But the handouts also had a bad effect.

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Edward Snowden on Hacking the Election

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I get some emails from Democrats arguing there is no proof of the machines switching votes. As Edward Snowden posted, this is a video from 2019 that sounded the alarm. I was the keynote speaker at the Hacker Convention in Miami back in 2016. I dare say everyone in attendance was capable of hacking these voting machines.

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The United States And The Road From Abundance To Bondage

Guest post from John Wilder at Wilder Wealthy Wise.

“Is life in bondage better than death?” – The Ten Commandments

I heard Leftists can’t find tasty mushrooms:  someone said they lost their Morel compass.

Henning W. Prentis, Jr., presented a speech at the mid-year graduation of the University of Pennsylvania in 1943.  Mr. Prentis was the President of the Armstrong Cork Company.  Now, you might think that a cork company would only be of interest to the Swiss Army, but Armstrong was a different breed:  during World War II Mr. Prentis had Armstrong Cork making .50 caliber ammo, tips for warplane wings, sound insulation for submarines, and camouflage.

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