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Georgia Gov. Kemp Calls For Signature Audit Following CCTV Footage Of Late-Night Ballot Malarkey

Via ZeroHedge

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) has called for a signature audit of the 2020 election after CCTV footage from election night appears to show several Atlanta poll workers engaged in late-night ballot fraud.

I called early on for a signature audit,” Kemp said in an interview with Fox News‘s “Ingraham Angle,” adding “I think it should be done… I think, especially with what we saw today – it raises more questions.”

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The Leftist Obsession With Parler Reveals Their Infatuation With Thought Control

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

In my recent article ‘Power Is An Illusion, Control Is A Facade’ I outlined the realities behind power structures and how people dominate other people by conditioning them with false assumptions and misplaced fears. For example, many people make themselves easy to control by remaining dependent on governments during crisis events and emergencies; if you actually believe the government will protect you from any and all eventualities then why would you ever learn to protect and provide for yourself?

The infantization of a society makes citizens easy to dominate.

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How the Election Was Stolen in Michigan

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This is an extremely important explanation of the Computer Algorithm used in Michigan to commit election fraud, which is organized fraud committed by election officials, not fraud committed by voters.  Experts give a clear explanation in the video below, but it is often helpful to have an overview before the lesson begins.  I will have a shot at providing one:  Experts show that the higher the percentage of Republicans in a voting precinct, the lower the percent of the vote that went to Trump. 

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Smog kills thousands in England – 1952

Via History.com

Heavy smog begins to hover over London, England, on December 4, 1952. It persists for five days, leading to the deaths of at least 4,000 people.

It was a Thursday afternoon when a high-pressure air mass stalled over the Thames River Valley. When cold air arrived suddenly from the west, the air over London became trapped in place. The problem was exacerbated by low temperatures, which caused residents to burn extra coal in their furnaces.

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“Most of them became wealthy by being well connected and crooked. And they are creating a society in which they can commit hugely damaging economic crimes with impunity, and in which only children of the wealthy have the opportunity to become successful. That’s what I have a problem with. And I think most people agree with me.”

Charles Ferguson, Predator Nation

“Those among the rich who are not, in the rigorous sense, damned, can understand poverty, because they are poor themselves, after a fashion; they cannot understand destitution. Capable of giving alms, perhaps, but incapable of stripping themselves bare, they will be moved, to the sound of beautiful music, at Jesus’s sufferings, but His Cross, the reality of His Cross, will horrify them. They want it all out of gold, bathed in light, costly and of little weight; pleasant to see, hanging from a woman’s beautiful throat.”

Léon Bloy

Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

I parted ways yesterday with a friend of more than 20 years’ standing over his sickness – and my refusal to indulge it or even pretend to ignore it.

This ex-friend says I should don the Holy Rag because “I might be asymptomatic” and because I ought to “show a little respect for your fellow man” and that “It’s not all about you.” He added: “Grow your own food and you don’t need to interact with people. But if you want the benefits of society you have to participate and conform a bit.”

Italics added.

So I said good-bye.

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Yes, They Cheat. We Have to Win Georgia Anyway

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Yes, They Cheat. We Have to Win Georgia Anyway

I’m neither heartbroken nor surprised that President Kushner didn’t get a second term. The good news is, Republicans are finally talking about vote fraud!

Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:

1) End mail-in ballots;

2) End early voting;

3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021.

Donald Trump spent four years trying to out-pander the Democrats, the end result of which was that he slightly increased his minority vote — which he still lost — while sacrificing a chunk of the numerically larger white male vote.

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The New Corporatism

Guest Post by The Zman

In the industrial age, the power centers in Western societies were capital, the government and the workers in that order. Because money is power, the capitalists could exert influence over governments, so they were at the top of the power structure, but that had its limits. Government has the monopoly of force and must be responsive to the people, even in private government. Labor, of course, had numbers and even in the most repressive regimes, numbers count for a lot.

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2020 Rated Worst Year Ever, Provided You Never Lived At Any Other Time In History

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—Across the country, there is general consensus that 2020 has been the “worst year ever.” According to studies, 82% of Americans agree that 2020 has been a terrible year of unprecedented suffering and misery. Experts confirmed that 2020 was indeed the worst year, provided you have never lived in virtually any other time period in all of human history.

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‘Immunity Cards’ To Be Issued To All Americans; Enable CDC To Track COVID-19 Vaxx Status In Database

Via ZeroHedge

On Wednesday the Department of Defense released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card as well as vaccination kits, according to CNN.

“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” says Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”

What’s more, vaccination clinics will also report to their state immunization registries which vaccine was given so that third parties can verify one’s vaccination status regardless of what their card says (or if they’ve lost it).

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Doug Casey on America’s Ideological Divide and What Comes Next

Via International Man

America’s Ideological Divide

International Man: Throughout his presidential campaign, Joe Biden said that this would be a “dark winter” in the US.

What would a Biden/Harris administration do next?

Doug Casey: When Joe Biden was in his basement, he must’ve watched Game of Thrones again and again. Biden thinks he’s John Snow saying, “Winter is coming.” He’s right about that. But he’s no John Snow.

The government can definitely make it into a dark winter, indeed, so it’s interesting that he said that. The government can create huge economic destruction just by continuing their foolish lockdowns. But, as they say, “we can do more!” Biden wants more regulations. He wants more money printing. He’s said that he wants much higher taxes.

We can expect the economy to get a lot worse. Joe’s prediction about a dark winter is absolutely right from an economic point of view. And, even more important, from a personal freedom point of view. We’re going to have a lot more State control and less personal freedom. The COVID hysteria is a godsend for them.

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