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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Aircraft squadron disappears in the Bermuda Triangle – 1945

Via History.com

At 2:10 p.m., five U.S. Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers comprising Flight 19 take off from the Ft. Lauderdale Naval Air Station in Florida on a routine three-hour training mission. Flight 19 was scheduled to take them due east for 120 miles, north for 73 miles, and then back over a final 120-mile leg that would return them to the naval base. They never returned.

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“Nemesis, the goddess of retribution and vengeance, the punisher of pride and hubris, waits impatiently for her meeting with us.”

Chalmers Johnson

“There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1936

“Grades don’t measure anything other than your relevant obedience to a manager.”

John Taylor Gatto

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Mark Twain

Nice Guys Finish Last

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the main battles within Western liberal democracies over the last seventy years has been the war between partisanship and objectivity. Those on the side of partisanship see politics as a war between interests, like labor versus capital or minorities versus the majority. Objectivists see politics as a battle about finding the best solution for the problems of society. For them, even their own narrow interests must take a back seat to the truth. Being right counts for everything.

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The Establishment Relies on its Lies Being More Convincing Than the Truth

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Barr, Durham and the rest of the Republican Establishment have sacrificed President Trump and American Democracy in order to preserve the Establishment’s reputation.

As I predicted in 2016, Trump had no understanding of Washington and no idea of who to appoint.

As I also predicted, Trump was staffed by the Establishment with an Establishment government. Trump thought, based on his experience as boss, that the boss was the boss, but as I learned from my quarter century in Washington that is not the way Washington works.

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Selfless Democrats Go To Fancy Restaurants, Parties To Show Public What Not To Do

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—With the pandemic still ongoing and many people still getting infected with COVID-19, Democrats have been especially strict with their constituents, enforcing the harshest lockdowns and restrictions on gatherings. Fearing that’s not enough to get their point through, Democrats have gone the extra length of illustrating to the public exactly what they shouldn’t do by engaging in those activities themselves.

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NASDAQ green lights seedless watermelons to join company boards

Guest Post by Simon Black

NASDAQ is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world and home to most of the biggest names in tech.

Companies worth a total of $17 TRILLION– nearly the entire size of the US economy– are listed on the NASDAQ exchange, including Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.

You’d think the executives behind NASDAQ would be remarkably sharp people who understand what it takes to build and run a wonderful business.

But here we are again with another sign that the world has lost its mind.

NASDAQ has now joined with other woke warriors in trying to mandate that all of its listed companies meet minimum diversity requirements.

Specifically, the wonderful wizards of WOKEDAQ insist that every company should have at least one woman on its board, plus one person who is either an ethnic minority or LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ.

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Jupiter and Saturn Will Align to Create the First “Christmas Star” in Nearly 800 Years

Via Pop Sugar

As 2020 comes to a close, the solar system has decided to grace us with a cosmic Christmas miracle that hasn’t been witnessed in nearly 800 years. On Dec. 21 (aka the December solstice), Jupiter and Saturn will align so closely in the night sky that they’ll almost appear to collide from our vantage point here on Earth, creating a radiant point of light often referred to as the “Star of Bethlehem” or the “Christmas Star.”

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Who knew Covid causes Janky Leg?

I present to you…

“Masking is a cult.

My 86 year old aunt, who has some health problems fairly typical of a woman her age, and who lives next door to me, buys into the mask nonsense hook line and sinker.

However….she will pull it away from her face because she says it feels like she “cannot breathe”. And so the very act of pulling it away from your face negates the thing you are trying to prevent (as if it could).

Yet pointing out that fact is met with a blank stare and the human equivalent of the blue screen of death.

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A Hall of Smoke and Mirrors

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

If the drawn-out election melodrama were a movie, think: Seven Days in May meets Six Days in October meet Burn After Reading. You get a nice serving of treason in high places with a side-dish of Cuban Missile Crisis end-of-the-world existential angst, and for dessert, a comic fiasco of bumbling government depravity as served up by the Coen Brothers. The Democrats, you understand, are the party of chaos, yet President Trump’s attempt to impose order on the scene has the quality of clown car driving to put out a fire.

It’s almost impossible to see through the smoke-and-mirrors of all news media. The captive Left media won’t cover, or even pursue, legitimate news stories that counter its precooked, self-serving narratives, while much of the alt.news on the Right seems to emanate from TinFoilHatLand. Fact and emotion corrupt each other until truth itself is cancelled, disgraced, and deplatformed. Meanwhile, authority hides offstage wringing its hands, affecting powerless impartiality.

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Ignoring the War Risks of Red Lines

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Ignoring the War Risks of Red Lines

When America did nothing after Obama’s red line was crossed, U.S. credibility suffered.

In early August 1990, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded and occupied Kuwait and declared it to be his nation’s lost 19th province.

Said George H. W. Bush, “This will not stand!”

Translation: Get out of Kuwait, Saddam, or we will come over there and throw you out.

Six months later, after a five-week air assault on Iraq, a U.S.-led army of 500,000, in a 100-hour ground war, sent Saddam’s legions back up the road to Basra and Baghdad.

President Bush was a serious man.

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