
Gov. Andrew Cuomo book on COVID-19 response out in October

Gov. Cuomo to receive International Emmy Award

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California Sheriff Slams Gov. Newsom’s ‘Dictatorial’ Lockdowns, Won’t Be ‘Blackmailed, Bullied Or Used As Muscle’ To Enforce

Via ZeroHedge

The sheriff of California’s fourth-largest county has slammed Gov. Gavin Newsom over the most recent COVID-19 lockdown orders, and says that his department won’t be “blackmailed, bullied or used as muscle” against residents during the pandemic, after they were told “there was a potential he would be withholding federal and state funding from counties who did not enforce the orders.”

In a Friday evening video posted to social media (which currently has 4,700 ‘thumbs up’ vs. 141 ‘thumbs down’), Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco called out Newsom’s “dictatorial attitude toward California residents while dining in luxury, traveling, keeping his business open and sending his kids to in-person private schools,” which he called “extremely hypocritical.”

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The Vaccine Rush Is A Race Against Capital Flight

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

There is no greater story today than the race to get a vaccine for COVID-19 into the hands of as many people as possible. It’s not because the vaccines on order are so effective or that COVID-19 is so deadly.

It is needed because of the perception that COVID-19 is so deadly that a vaccine will provide some form of relief.

That perception is genuine in the minds of those still fearful of the virus.

But that perception is itself a political agenda created to keep enough people fearful of the virus that they will welcome the vaccine. This is simply manufactured demand and it has infected the entire market complex.

This was a race against time to keep the COVID-19 story relevant until they could get a vaccine together to build the next layer of the Great Reset’s foundation.

That’s why perception needed to persist through immense political blackmail engaged in by world leaders and their agents in the media.

This is why now that the election is mostly over, we’ve entered the next phase with endless propagandizing about second waves and huge (and mostly fraudulent) PCR positive test results giving governors cover to issue increasingly strident new lockdown orders in California, New York, Michigan and all over Europe.

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John Titus on Central Bank Digital Currencies

Submitted by CCRider

I have an ad hoc committee of economic thinkers I rely upon to help me steer through this economic storm we find ourselves in. The names will be familiar to TBP’ers: Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Jim Rickards, and James Corbett. I will now add the name of John Titus. His YouTube channel is BEST EVIDENCE

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Tip of the fraudulent iceberg {elections and voting}

Tip of the fraudulent iceberg {elections and voting}

The Presidential voting fraud scandal may be one thing – but it should (for the critical thinker at least) make you wonder about the rest of the “governing” bodies in America.

Besides the tool-bags in Washington DC, just think about all the other “elected” officials across the country.

  • There are around 20,000 City “Mayors” out there.
  • We have 50 “Governors.”
  • And countless other “officials,” in places at the County level, municipal level, and even some Sheriffs as well.

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Carolina/Georgia Legal Defense Fundraiser – Kings Mountain Area

Submitted by Brewer55

Via NC Renegade


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Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom To Move Around”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer says that those who refuse to take the COVID vaccine won’t have “freedom to move around” and will have to continue to wear masks.

Dr. David Williams was asked if he “would make some sort of mandatory vaccination recommendation.”

Williams acknowledged that “we can’t force someone to take a vaccine,” but when on to explain how people who didn’t take it would have their freedom of mobility severely restricted.

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Why I Mask

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Authored by Sam Younnokis via,

Masks are useless as well as uncomfortable.  I believe they actually increase the odds of the wearer coming down with a case of COVID infection.  They make it hard to have intelligible conversations and hide what few smiles people may still be having.  Yet I do mask.

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2020: A Retrospective From 2025

Authored by Tom Trenchard via,

Donald Trump and the Altogether True and Amazing Origin of the United American Counties.

2020 marked an epoch in American history, standing alongside 1865, 1787, and 1776. First there was the COVID-19 pandemic, then there were the racial protests and riots throughout the summer, and then there was the disputed presidential election. Finally and most cataclysmically, though, 2020 witnessed the initial formation of the United American Counties (UACo) within the former United States of America. Five years later, it is only now becoming possible to assess the most important causes and consequences of this momentous development for American political society.

As with most politically revolutionary events, the Declaration of UACo Independence was almost entirely unforeseen before it occurred, but almost inevitable in hindsight. By the early 2010s two things were clear:

(1) Americans had become increasingly polarized in their worldviews and political beliefs; and

(2) These polarized halves of the U.S. were increasingly sorting themselves into either urban or suburban/rural areas.

Trump’s election in 2016 put a spotlight on these political realities; as Trump frequently boasted, the 2016 electoral map looked like a sea of red surrounding islands of blue. In 2020, that situation was essentially unchanged.

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Letter from Great Britain – 12-05-20

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and now is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”

NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected]. Also a hardcopy of the book, “The Financial Jigsaw” is available priced at £25 GBP plus P&P in A4, workbook format, bound with clear plastic covers, printed locally on demand.

My county of Somerset is in the tier 2 category which means that, apart from the usual social distancing, gathering in homes and mask-wearing, our local pubs are only allowed to open if they are providing ‘substantial meals’.  Whilst my genial host, Mike, at our local Sun Inn offers meals, his main income (80%) comes from liquor sales so it is not viable for him to open for trade.  He will remain closed until either the spring brings relief or in the forlorn hope that we go down to tier 1.  Therefore my major source of comfort and local news has been cut off for the duration – I will have to rely on local press reports for inside information and gossip – not a pleasant prospect for the coming months.

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Guest Post by Ray Jason
     For nearly a decade I have tried to convince friends and strangers that my Sea Gypsy Tribe concept is an excellent strategy for dealing with possible societal catastrophes. Unfortunately, my attempts have been mostly ignored.
       But now, with the global repercussions from the Wuhan Virus; and the riots and bedlam in the USA dominating our daily lives, it is a good time to renew my efforts. I also like the symbolic value of doing so in 2020, since 20/20 vision signifies clarity.
      One of the criticisms directed towards writers like myself, is that we point out problems, but never advance solutions. This is definitely untrue in my case. For years and years, I have written essays that offer a genuine and specific strategy for dealing with looming disasters.

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