The Crack-Up is Coming

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Some Federal Reserve officials are calling for tougher banking regulations in order to prevent the Fed’s low interest rate policy from leading investors to take “excessive” risks that will create asset bubbles. The Fed is understandably worried that these bubbles will burst leading to another market meltdown. However, the boom-and-bust cycle will not end because regulators stop investors from taking “excessive” risks. Almost every bubble and economic downturn America has experienced over the past 107 years was caused by the Federal Reserve’s manipulation of the money supply. Continue reading “The Crack-Up is Coming”

A Resolving Picture

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Much as Chief Justice John Roberts would like to be the finger down the Deep State’s throat to trigger the up-chucking of Mr. Trump from the nation’s gullet, it looks like he won’t get his chance in the new 6-3 disposition of the US Supreme Court. So far, it is Justice Samuel Alito in the lead, preparing a landing zone for the President’s case against the state of Pennsylvania in its shabby-ass attempt to stuff its ballot boxes with iffy mail-in votes. I believe that case is going to be heard, and Justice Robert’s position will be moot.

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CDC Study: 85% of Coronavirus Patients Reported Wearing Masks ‘Always’ or ‘Often’

Via Breitbart

Young men wearing facemasks due to the coronavirus pandemic are seen in Los Angeles on June 29, 2020 where the largest single-day number of new COVID-19 cases in the county since the pandemic began was confirmed, with a spike among the younger population. - The coronavirus pandemic is "not even …

An overlooked study published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that cloth face coverings or masks are mostly ineffective in preventing the spread of the Chinese coronavirus as promoted by public health officials.

The CDC conducted the study, largely ignored by the media, in the U.S. in July and made its findings public in September. It compared 154 “case-patients,” those who tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus disease), and a control group of 160 “control-participants,” those who were symptomatic but tested negative.

CDC researchers examined participants who reported wearing a cloth face covering or mask at least 14 days before illness onset, which falls into the incubation period of 2–14 days estimated by the agency.

The researchers found that 71 percent of the case-patients contracted the virus despite reporting “always” wearing a cloth face covering or mask at least 14 days before illness onset, and 14 percent contracted the virus despite reporting “often” wearing one at least 14 days before illness onset.

That indicates 85 percent of the COVID-19 study participants contracted the virus even after either always (71 percent) or often (14 percent) wearing a face covering or mask, suggesting the masks are not entirely effective at preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

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Dershowitz Says Supreme Court May Rule To Let Legislators Pick Alternate Electors

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times,

Attorney Alan Dershowitz said on Sunday that he believes the Supreme Court may get involved in adjudicating on whether state legislators have the power to pick alternate Electoral College electors who would vote for President Donald Trump if legislatures determine there was voter fraud, even after an initial slate of electors has cast its votes on Dec. 14.

Dershowitz made the remarks in an interview with Fox News in which he was first asked about what he thought of claims made by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, who said there was a pattern of fraudulent activity that swayed the election in favor of Democrat Joe Biden.

“There certainly is probably cause for investigating and looking further. Giuliani has made very serious accusations. The question is which institution is designed constitutionally to look into it? Is it the state legislature? Is it the courts? Is the clock running in such a way that there won’t be time to look into this?” Dershowitz replied.

His reference to time running out presumably refers to the Electoral College Dec. 14 meeting, at which electors cast their presidential votes.

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Not Voting For The Republican Senate Candidates In Georgia Is Stupid

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Not Voting For The Republican Senate Candidates In Georgia Is Stupid

Let’s not beat around the bush – the idea that somehow it’s a genius, 5-D chess strategy to punish the Democrats for cheating in the last election by handing them the next election (and the Senate) by boycotting the Georgia run-offs is so transcendently dumb that it’s awe-inspiring. It’s really remarkable not only in how absolutely idiotic it is, but how it also manages to combine substantive foolishness with doing exactly what the liberals want done.

Make Chuck Schumer smile by teaching the GOP some unspecified lesson. Good plan.

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The Displacement of the Straight White Male

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Nasdaq stock exchange has told its listed companies that they must appoint to their boards a “self-identified” female and a lesbian or transgender or some other sexual deviant or be delisted from the stock exchange.

Think about this.  A stock exchange has no right to structure the corporate boards of the companies listed on the exchange.  That decision is for the boards and the shareholders of the companies.  It is none of Nasdaq’s business. If a company’s shareholders and board think that having sexual deviants on their boards would improve the company’s performance, they can search out such people who might make a good board member.  But it is none of Nasdaq’s business.

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Citi Sees Gold Following 1970-80s Bull Market Run to $2,500

From Birch Gold Group

Gold Prices Following 1970-80s Bull Market Run to $2,500

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Two analysts see $2,500 gold on the way, why comparisons between gold and Bitcoin are limited, and JPMorgan beats other banks with record gold-backed revenue.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – FDR reacts to news of Pearl Harbor bombing – 1941


On December 7, 1941, at around 1:30 p.m., President Franklin Roosevelt is conferring with advisor Harry Hopkins in his study when Navy Secretary Frank Knox bursts in and announces that Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor. The attack killed more than 2,400 naval and military personnel.

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“First, God created idiots. That was just for practice. Then He created school boards.”

Mark Twain

“Where liberty is, there is my country.”

Benjamin Franklin

“I am a revolutionary, so my son can be a farmer, so his son can be a poet.”

John Adams

“The era of resisting big government is never over.”

Paul Gigot

Another Diaper Departure

Guest Post by Eric Peters

One of my best friends – I will not mention his name, for reasons which will become apparent – just got ejected (almost violently) from the Roanoke cop-op in the Grandin Road area of Roanoke, Va.

I mention their name for reasons that should already be apparent.

My friend has been a long-time customer of the co-op’s and has known people who work there for years, including a woman he thought he was on friendly terms with. He just discovered the true nature of their relationship.

As he walked in the store – his face showing – he was met with a barrage of importuning, directed his way by the woman he thought he knew.

“You have to wear a mask!” she exclaimed.

Continue reading “Another Diaper Departure”