Saxo Bank: Overwhelming Demand for Silver Will Push 2021 Prices to $50

From Birch Gold Group

Saxo Bank: Overwhelming Demand for Silver Will Push 2021 Prices to $50

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Industrial demand to push silver prices to $50 in 2021, what Swiss gold data tells us about global gold demand, and why space mining will most likely remain confined to science fiction.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – USSR established – 1922


In post-revolutionary Russia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is established, comprising a confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation (divided in 1936 into the Georgian, Azerbaijan, and Armenian republics). Also known as the Soviet Union, the new communist state was the successor to the Russian Empire and the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism.

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Another Big Lie – The Stock Market

Along with almost everything sane people use to believe was the Truth in America, the US Stock Market is just one more lie.    It has turned into a game of the Fed and Corporate Boardrooms, not free market Capitalism.

If you do invest in stocks (and don’t believe anything I say here as I am not an investment adviser nor am recommending anyone buy or sell stocks specifically in this article nor I do not own, rent, lease or have interest in any company owned by Hunter Biden and his Pop) you should at least know that little fact.   Finance is boring, so will try to make this 10% interesting (the other 55% will be about math).

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In Part 1 of this article I laid out the case the “dark winter” narrative and how an experimental vaccine marketed like a tech product by Big Pharma and their cronies are part of a globalist scheme to reset the world and force us into subservience. In Part 2 of the article I revealed how the “build back better” narrative is part of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset plan to implement a one world command and control dystopia, managed by billionaire oligarchs and their dark forces.

Davos Votes on WEF Police Bill With Some Saying They're Fed Up - Bloomberg

Their “new normal” tripe is built on a foundation of falsity. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 killed 50 million people when the population of earth was 1.8 billion, or 2.8% of the world population. This China flu has contributed to the deaths of 1.8 million people with a worldwide population of 7.8 billion, or .023%. The world was not locked down by totalitarians, no vaccine was created, the flu dissipated over time (probably due to natural herd immunity), people continued to live their lives, and the world returned to normal without global elites dictating how we had to live.



Corporate profits are at the same level they were in 2005, but the stock market is up 300% since 2005. I was taught stock prices were a function of corporate profits. They taught me the discounted cash flow method of calculating fair stock valuations. It looks like the Federal Reserve has just turned the stock market into a casino, where valuations, profits and cash flow are meaningless. The damage they are creating will be fatal.


My Rambling Screed

Guest Post by Freed Radical

So I thought that before I join the revolution and lose my life in defense of freedom I’d just go ahead and publish my rambling screed. You know, that long document that martyrs leave behind railing against the machine, the man, the system, or whatever. Perhaps by doing this I can get some good edits under my belt because it would be embarrassing to publish a first draft rambling screed loaded with typos or factual inaccuracies. (Is that white privilege?)

This also allows CNN and other high quality news outlets to have my rambling screed on file, like they do with obituaries of famous people, but ready to excerpt, distort, criticize, and ridicule after my untimely yet heroic passing (though I do not feel a bit suicidal).

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2020: The Year the Tree of Liberty Was Torched

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon

No doubt about it: 2020—a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year for freedom—was the culmination of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad decade for freedom.

Government corruption, tyranny, and abuse coupled with a Big Brother-knows-best mindset and the COVID-19 pandemic propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which nationwide lockdowns, egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, and pay-to-play politicians were accepted as the norm.

Here’s just a small sampling of the laundry list of abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that have been heaped upon us by the government over the past two decades and in the past year, in particular.

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The Nashville Bombing vs. The Oklahoma City Bombing

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Nashville bombing raises questions about the Oklahoma City bombing.  In 1995 the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was blown up.  Allegedly, the building was destroyed by a fertilizer bomb in a Ryder rental truck parked on the street.  The Murrah building had massive reinforced concrete columns, some being  3 feet thick if memory serves. The front third of the building was destroyed with columns turned to dust.

The guilty parties were allegedly Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.  According to reports, the blast killed 168 people, injured 680 others, and destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius along with 86 cars and caused $652 million of damage in 1995 dollars.

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Guest Post by Southern Sage

For years I have been skeptical – to say the least – about the globalist conspiracy theories. No longer. These evil bastards really do exist and they really are working together to implement their crackpot ideas. It reminds me of the late 19th and early 20th century, the so-called Gilded Age, when many Americans began to suspect that the side that won the Civil War was controlled by a greedy, grasping, amoral, corrupt gang of early “Masters of the Universe”, who used their money to buy Congress and turn the laws to their advantage.

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Fantasy Camp

Guest Post by The Zman

A popular aphorism on this side of the great divide is a line from the poet T. S. Eliot who wrote “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.” Most of the time it is part of a general critique of the age, with regards to the human condition. Our betters, rather than face the reality of the human condition, concoct comfortable sounding fantasies to explain the inequality of man. The reason Johnny can’t read, for example, is because of some flaw in the schools, not the mating decisions of his ancestors.

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WHO Chief Scientist Warns “No Evidence COVID Vaccine Prevents Viral Transmission”

Via ZeroHedge

Once again, the WHO has stepped in to offer some confusing comments about the coronavirus vaccine, warning that there is “no evidence to be confident shots prevent transmission” and that people who receive the vaccine should continue wearing masks and following all social distancing and travel guidelines.

The comments were made by WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan during what appears to have been a virtual press conference held Monday.

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In Darkness Visible

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The signals from the political establishment to Donald Trump ring pretty clear now: get thee hence, thou big-bottomed orange menace to order and sanctity! Has ever a president been lonelier at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave? Lincoln’s “team of rivals” in the drear winter months of 1864 seem downright chummy in retrospect and, of course, poor Richard Nixon stayed swozzled on scotch whiskey during the darkest nights of Watergate, when he reputedly wandered the West Wing halls conversing with portraits of his predecessors.

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