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2020’s Good News

Guest Post by John Stossel

2020's Good News

Was 2020 the worst year ever? The media keep saying that.

We did have the pandemic, a bitter election, unemployment, riots and a soaring national debt.

But wait, look at the good news, says historian Johan Norberg. His new book, “Open: The Story of Human Progress,” points out how life keeps getting better, even if people just don’t realize it.

2020 was “the best year in human history to face a pandemic,” he says.

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WHO: Bigger Pandemic Than COVID Is Coming

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

The World Health Organisation has warned that a worse pandemic than COVID could be around the corner and that what we’ve seen so far in 2020 is “not necessarily the big one”.

With global lockdowns, international stripping of freedoms, and the decimation of small businesses and the economy on the whole, it is difficult to imagine how it could get any worse.

Yet the WHO is predicting that could very well be the case.

The head of the WHO emergencies program, Dr Mike Ryan, said during a media briefing that “this pandemic has been very severe … it has affected every corner of this planet. But this is not necessarily the big one.”

This is a wake-up call. We are learning, now, how to do things better: science, logistics, training and governance, how to communicate better. But the planet is fragile,” Ryan added.

“We live in an increasingly complex global society. These threats will continue. If there is one thing we need to take from this pandemic, with all of the tragedy and loss, is we need to get our act together. We need to honour those we’ve lost by getting better at what we do every day,” he continued.

Ryan also stated that despite the vaccine, the virus is set to become endemic, and will never go away.

“The likely scenario is the virus will become another endemic virus that will remain somewhat of a threat,” Ryan said.

Professor David Heymann, the chair of the WHO’s strategic and technical advisory group for infectious hazards, added that “it appears the destiny of SARS-CoV-2 [Covid-19] is to become endemic, as have four other human coronaviruses, and that it will continue to mutate as it reproduces in human cells, especially in areas of more intense admission.”

Elsewhere during the briefing, WHO chief scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan said that the roll out of vaccines does not mean social distancing or mask wearing can go away.

“I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on,” Swaminathan said.

The comments come after Swaminathan warned that the restrictive lockdown measures won’t let up until “the end of 2021” when “population immunity” is achieved.

“It’s going to take till the end of 2021 till we start seeing some level of population immunity coming up in some countries,” Swaminathan said last week.

As we reported two weeks ago, The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), based in Sweden, has found that the majority of nations across the globe have implemented COVID related restrictions that have severely eroded the liberties of their citizens.

The study revealed that 61 per cent of countries have used restrictions “that were concerning from a democracy and human rights perspective.”

“These [restrictions] violated democratic standards because they were either disproportionate, illegal, indefinite or unnecessary in relation to the health threat,” the group declared in its report.

If a greater pandemic is coming, as the WHO promises, then it is clear to see that such erosions of freedom will be amped up even further, if the same pattern is followed.

Observations On The Drug War

Guest Post by The Zman

For generations now, libertarianism has been synonymous with the legalization of recreational drugs. It is probably a bit unfair, as libertarianism has a lot more to it than just legalizing weed, but there is no getting around the fact that they have been obsessed with the topic for a long time. Libertarians take the broadest possible view on what could be considered recreations drugs. Their belief is that people can figure out for themselves what drugs they should or should not take.

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The Fraud of Feting the First Female President

Via Blue State Conservative

The Democrats’ obsession with identity politics explains why Kamala Harris is being celebrated, while other, equally deserving women are ignored.

 In recent days, the Electoral College confirmed that Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th, 2021, as the nation’s 46th President. With many questions surrounding his agehealth, and mental acuity, a Biden presidency ipso facto portends a Kamala Harris presidency. It seems less a matter of if and more a matter of when she becomes the nation’s first female president.

Make no mistake; her swearing-in will mark a watershed moment. There will be resplendent galas, festivities, celebrations. A national holiday of sorts might even be declared (at least by the media, who also like to declare presidential victors prematurely). And you know what? Good for America. Not only have we elected a black man as president—twice—now we can have a woman in the Oval Office. Perhaps it’s finally time to put these antiquated claims of racism and sexism to bed.

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Plato’s Cave, Bonfires, And They Live

Guest post from John Wilder at Wilder Wealthy Wise.

“Put the glasses on! Put them on!” – They Live

Jack Nicholson gave us a Colonel of truth in that movie.

Living in the country has advantages.  One of them is being able to conduct experiments into nuclear fusion without a license.  Oops.  Did I say that out loud?

The other is that I can make a bonfire the size of Delaware.  Why would I want to do that?  Just like making my own fusion reactor, why wouldn’t I want to do that?

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Did You Know? 9 Topics to Share

Guest Post by James Grundvig

On December 8, 2020, the wheels of the Operation Warp Speed train began to slip off the rails. The confidence game thrust upon the public by the global medical cartel, with fake news and false data emblazoned in every headline, has fallen short of convincing people to blindly step in line, roll up their sleeves, and take the shot.

Reports of foot blisters and Bell’s palsy—a form of facial paralysis—impacting some people who took the trial vaccines doesn’t bode well for DNA-altering vaccines that have never been experimented on the human race until now. In another ominous warning sign, the Pfizer COVID data recommends those who are allergic to the ingredients in the shots should avoid taking them.

Wow! That is what tens of billions of dollars and years of research have produced, hyper fast-tracked in Operation Warp Speed? Strange and deadly adverse events?

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Mysterious Disappearance Of Flu In San Diego Prompted Call For Audit Of COVID Records

Via 21stCenturyWire.com,

One of the most bizarre features of the alleged COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ has been the mysterious disappearance of the seasonal flu in medical and public health record keeping. It’s as if the Flu just vanished into thin air after being the most common perennial seasonal respiratory virus.

As it turns out, recorded seasonal influenza cases have literally nosedived by 98% across the globe.

This improbable phenomenon has led a number of experts to ask, “Has Covid killed off the flu?”

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Marshall Law For Dummies

Everything I know about Marshall Law in America couldn’t cover a 50-word article. So, since many here seem to think it is a good idea, I did some research.

What is Martial Law?

“Martial law” has no established definition. But, there are reasons for when it can be imposed. (See next question.)  In general terms, these are the “features”;

— used in an emergency (see next question)

— the military replaces civilian authority

— local police no longer enforce laws … soldiers do

— military officers, not elected officials, make policy decisions

— military tribunals replace civilian courts.

When is it usually declared?

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Is there Hope?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The future certainly looks very dark. Let us hope it is darkest before the storm. We in the United States perhaps have the best resources to resist. Yes, crime is soaring because they have destroyed the economy. Gun permits are the #1 commodity right now. They have been using the universities to sell their agenda for the last decade. I would seriously refuse to pay for any education that is on the list of the World Economic Forum.

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