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     When the world weighs heavily upon me, I find comfort in a modest little cafe that overlooks an even more modest little park, here in the Archipelago of Bliss. Many people would probably describe it as a run-down, dilapidated park. But I love it because it is a refuge from the frenzy and artificiality of El Norte.

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Submitted by new advertiser Mount Sinai Refuge

What is your plan in case things get much worse here in the USA? Are you ready to suffer potential food supply disruptions, increased 5G exposure and chemtrails, smartmeters, forced vaccines, fluoridated water supplies, GMO food, and a host of other evils and judgements? Proverbs says, ” A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.” While there is no totally escaping the evils of this world it is possible to move from a dangerous location to safer one.

For this reason Mount Sinai Refuge is offering a place for you to have a better opportunity to live in peace far from many of the dangers and problems that are coming upon the US now and in the future. Would you like to have a place far out in the country with your own food forest that can produce an abundance of fresh organic food and with unlimited fish and wild game…a place where there are are never any chemtrails, flouridated water, GMO foods, smartmeters, or riots? If so, then check out our website and contact us for more information.


Click here to view Refuge project


The Power Of Bad Ideas

Guest Post by The Zman

Dissidents tend to think of politics as the driver of social change. Elections have consequences, as the winners get to shape public policy, which guides the cultural evolution of society. There is some truth to it, but in reality, politics, as in elections and campaigns, are the product of social change. The real action is upstream where attitudes are formed and morality is structured. Convince people that something is morally wrong and this belief will turn up at the ballot box.

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No Flu This Year?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Is there no flu this year or is flu “the second wave of Covid?”

Don’t expect any honest answer from health authorities.  They have the fear running strong, so strong that people are submitting to needless lockdowns that are causing economic havoc to their lives and to mask mandates that do more harm than good.

What is it all about?

Is it simply about vaccine profits for Big Pharma?

Or is it about getting people accustomed to arbitrary orders unsupported by legislation?  Isn’t what we are experiencing a takeover of our lives by the executive part of government?

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Hero or Traitor?

Guest Post by John Stossel

Hero or Traitor?

President Donald Trump should pardon Edward Snowden.


I know, it’s embarrassing — Assange, Manning, Snowden… Who did what?

I got them confused before I researched this topic. National security isn’t my beat. I finally educated myself this month because I got a chance to interview Snowden, the CIA/NSA employee who told the world that our government spied on us but lied to Congress about it.

Now Snowden hides from American authorities.

We talked via Zoom.

Fourteen years ago, when Snowden worked for the CIA, and then the NSA, he signed agreements saying he would not talk about what he did. I confronted him about breaking his promise.

“What changed me,” he answers, “was the realization that what our government actually does was very different than the public representation of it.”

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2020: The Gossamer Light of Tyranny

Guest Post by niebo

It appears that we, as a nation, have lost the security of our elections (thus, the sanctity of our elections), that we have lost the integrity of the courts to uphold the law of the land, and the two losses together render said law, the Constitution for the United States, null and void. Without faith in our elections and without faith in our judiciary, for all of our love of freedom, there is no hope for justice, no hope for the lawful representation of the will of the people. The contract is breached. Lawlessness has triumphed and corruption, conquered, and in this year of magnificent loss, it is clear that, chief amongst all others, we have lost our Republic.

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The COVID-19 Data Is A “Travesty”


Although people have tragically died from Covid-19, the way the Covid-19 death data is recorded in many countries around the world has produced, and continues to produce, an inflated death toll. This inflated death toll has then been, and continues to be, used by fascist-style bureaucracies, in conjunction with scientific priesthoods, to terrify the general public into obedience.


One of the most basic laws of statistics is that correlation does not equal causation. Although this may sound complicated, it’s not. It simply means that just because there is a correlation between two variables, or to put this another way, a close relationship between two things in the world, this does not mean that one thing is causing the other thing to happen.

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The Strange Election Looking Forward

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

This turnout for this 2020 election shattered previous highs, including 2008 when Barack Obama defeated John McCain, 1960 when John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon, and 1908 when William Howard Taft defeated William Jennings Bryan reaching 66.2%. That came out to just over 155 million votes. That was about 15 million more than what should have been expected. We warned that you could can clearly see there is a Directional Change due in 2021 and that we should expect now a rising trend in political turnout into 2022. Some were projecting a turnout of 140 million with 80 million voting by mail.

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Billionaire Investor Thomas Kaplan: “Gold Prices to Move ‘Way Past’ All-Time Highs”

From Birch Gold Group

Thomas Kaplan: Gold Will Soar Way Past New Highs

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Billionaire investor sees gold blazing far past August’s high, gold is scheduled for a re-run in 2021, and hoard of medieval gold coins unearthed in an English back yard.

Gold’s new all-time high is just the start, says billionaire investor

The bull run in gold that saw the metal blaze to a new all-time high of $2,071 in August might have, at first glance, been a result of the pandemic. To be sure, the prevalent uncertainty and the multi-trillion dollar stimulus dump did their part in elevating prices above the previous high set in 2011. In an interview with Kitco, billionaire Thomas Kaplan explained why gold is really in a prolonged bull market that started in the early 2000s.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The Boston Tea Party – 1773


In Boston Harbor, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians board three British tea ships and dump 342 chests of tea into the harbor.

The midnight raid, popularly known as the “Boston Tea Party,” was in protest of the British Parliament’s Tea Act of 1773, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company by greatly lowering its tea tax and granting it a virtual monopoly on the American tea trade. The low tax allowed the East India Company to undercut even tea smuggled into America by Dutch traders, and many colonists viewed the act as another example of taxation tyranny.

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