Is Jon Rappoport Correct?

SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Proven To Exist; I Can Do This Forever

First of all, very high praise goes to Christine Massey, for her work in exposing the coronavirus fraud. In a half-sane world, she would have received many awards by now.

Her latest communication reads: “Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of ‘SARS-COV-2’ isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever” [1]

I urge readers to visit Massey’s site and read her new article and follow all the links. Her findings are stunning. She and her team have made about 40 FOI requests to public health agencies in various countries, requesting proof that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. You’ll see from the responses that not one agency has records demonstrating isolation.

Continue reading “Is Jon Rappoport Correct?”

The Disappearing Retirement Fund

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas via International Man

retirement fund

As a general principle, I’ve always tended to avoid entrusting others with my money. I’ve avoided funds, as they are often based upon investments that are peaking or close to peaking. I’ve avoided pension funds, as they’re often structured in a similar manner.

And whenever by law I’ve been required to be invested in such funds, they’ve rarely been successful over the long term. In the end, I would invariably have made more money by pursuing those investments that had great promise but at the time were unpopular (and therefore underpriced).

As dubious as I tend to be of conventional investment schemes (and those who broker them), I am doubly dubious of any government-run scheme. Governments, historically, have proved to be poor money managers, and politicians tend to place more value on big promises that garner votes than on delivering on those promises.

Continue reading “The Disappearing Retirement Fund”

The Great Conjunction Next Week

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Numerous people always ask if astrology is incorporated into Socrates. The answer is no. From what I can say is that what I see is a complex network of numerous variables that keeps the global econo0my functioning. Trying to say that something will happen in the market because of a planetary convergence that people have been tracking for centuries is subjective to me. That said, planetary conjunctions may not be the cause of some event, but they may be part of a complex network that is behind events.

Continue reading “The Great Conjunction Next Week”

WHO (Finally) Admits PCR Tests Create False Positives

Authored by Kit Knightly via,

Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical…

The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives.

While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months, so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?

The “gold standard” Sars-Cov-2 tests are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR works by taking nucleotides – tiny fragments of DNA or RNA – and replicating them until they become something large enough to identify. The replication is done in cycles, with each cycle doubling the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles it takes to produce something identifiable is known as the “cycle threshold” or “CT value”. The higher the CT value, the less likely you are to be detecting anything significant.

Continue reading “WHO (Finally) Admits PCR Tests Create False Positives”

Western Public Health Officials Are Intentionally Withholding Life-Saving Safe Treatments for Covid

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I have pointed out to you in a number of postings to this website that known cures for Covid are being suppressed.  HCQ, for example, is being intentionally kept from people who as a result needlessly die from Covid.  In other words, it is the intent of public health authorities for Covid to be deadly. It will be difficult for you to accept that public health officials are sentencing people to death in order to fatten their own pockbooks. But that is a fact.

In the article below, we have yet another expert’s affirmation of the efficacy of HCQ and a damning indictment ot those public health officials who withhold it and use the presstitutes to demonize it.  Dr. Harvey Risch is Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale University. He is an expert, and he reports known empirical evidence proving the effectiveness and safety of HCQ.

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California Declares Christmas Caroling A Felony

Via The Babylon Bee

SACRAMENTO, CA—California has leveraged one of its recent emergency declarations to declare Christmas caroling a felony.

Christmas caroling is now punishable by 25 years in prison, as it’s detrimental to the public health. In addition to being a potential super-spreader of COVID, Governor Gavin Newsom says he “hates singing” and wishes people would just “cut it out with all the jolliness and joy.”

Continue reading “California Declares Christmas Caroling A Felony”

Peter Navarro Issues Report on Voting Irregularities: ‘The Emperor, In the Election, Has No Clothes’

Submitted by West Coast Deplorable

Via Epoch Times

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro listens to a news conference about a presidential executive order relating to military veterans outside of the West Wing of the White House, on March 4, 2019. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

Peter Navarro, who serves as an adviser to President Donald Trump, concluded in a report on the integrity of the 2020 election that the allegations of irregularities are serious enough to warrant an urgent probe and substantial enough to overturn the results.

The findings of the report (pdf), released on Dec. 17 and titled “The Immaculate Deception,” support the claim that the election “may well have been stolen” from Trump. Navarro, who is director of the White House Office for Trade and Manufacturing Policy, produced the report in his capacity as a private citizen.

Continue reading “Peter Navarro Issues Report on Voting Irregularities: ‘The Emperor, In the Election, Has No Clothes’”


Lines PolkaDots Rainbows Oh My

In a hurry? Throw everything in sight ON. Got polkadots and beetlejuice pants? Put em on! Have a Bill Cosby hoody? Put that thing ON! When there is a sale at Walmart, you get serious and turn it on when needed. Did anyone notice the shoes he’s rockin?


Lady, if we got paid based on how ugly we are, I’d be a millionaire by now. Welcome to America where you get money for being hot, not the other way around.


Check out DJ Rollback on the one’s and two’s! I wonder if he is spinning the PoWM rap?

Continue reading “WAL-MART FREAKS OF THE WEEK”

When Deplorables Become Ungovernables

Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

China, Russia and Iran are the top three existential “threats” to the U.S., according to the National Security Strategy. Three features distinguish the top three. They are all sovereign powers. They are under varying degrees of sanctions. And they are the top three nodes of the 21st century’s most important, evolving geopolitical process: Eurasia integration.

What do the three sovereigns see when they examine the dystopia that took over Exceptionalistan?

They see, once again, three – discombobulated – nodes in conflict:

  1. the post-historic Pacific and Atlantic coasts;
  2. the South – a sort of expanded Dixieland;
  3. and the Midwest – what would be the American heartland.

Continue reading “When Deplorables Become Ungovernables”


Hat tip to Chemist46 … who posted an article titled “The End Is Coming Very Soon, and Few Americans Are Willing to Do Anything to Stop It!” all over the damned place. lol. Well, it IS a good article.

Q1: Are we really truly living in the end days?  (Why, or why not?)

—-[Note:  Feel free to interpret the “end days” from  a religious perspective (“It’s in the Bible, Stucky!!”) or, a secular one.]

The next two questions only pertain if you believe we are living in the end days.

Continue reading “Stucky QOTD: THE END IS NEAR!!!”

Letter from Great Britain – 12-19-20

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and now is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”

NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected]. Also a hardcopy of the book, “The Financial Jigsaw” is available priced at £25 GBP plus P&P in A4, workbook format, bound with clear plastic covers, printed locally on demand.

This week in the UK we witnessed a revision of the tiered lockdown rules and it is not pleasant. It’s time to review the facts.  I have spent the past nine months scrupulously examining the facts; I am a committed unbeliever.  I do not wear the mask of allegiance marked out by a lanyard around the neck.  Here, in UK, our government propaganda continues without remission, only complete divorce from the outside world can afford protection.  This is brain-washing on a global scale.  The incremental take-over of advertising slots by the government’s ‘nudge unit‘ is complete.  Even adverts by the usual corporates and the big supermarkets are made nauseous by mealy-mouthed assurances of “safe” shopping.

Continue reading “Letter from Great Britain – 12-19-20”