Oh where or where has my little truth gone, oh where oh where can it be?

Are deaths up enough to prove the Covid death numbers touted by the MSM are correct or not?


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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
December 31, 2020 9:14 am

We have become so corrupt we can no longer help ourselves when we need to most. Doomed I telling you doomed.

  Hollow man
December 31, 2020 9:27 am

Well, in Britain they just arrested a woman for filming an empty hospital, can’t be having that truth getting out.


December 31, 2020 11:53 am

Because I had to open an email account I have not used for several months, I’ve come face to face with a rather hilarious but sad set of emails I shared with our buddy from the streets of Mayberry. For some reason, ec and I spoke a common language formed in a shared experience in Air Force culture — my having been the student commander to another road guard, yet it really could have been me and he. He was very careful, creating a couple of gmail accounts to contact me at my gmail account before finally sharing his real name and a real email addy. And he always made fun of me saying addy.

He did tell me he was sick but he did not indicate it was terminal. I do see I sent him an email with an attachment… I was writing a lot in those days and, in hindsight, I realize I was trying to force an ending to my story which was no longer possible after the lockdowns started in March.

As for Covid deaths? Haven’t you seen that 94% of the reported deaths are actually due to other causes… the dying patient just happened to test positive.

Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
January 1, 2021 7:40 am

As usual, these media goons are very careful about showing only enough to create a “story”. It’s called reporting by omission. He’s only showing you the yearly death totals for the 2 previous years. He mentions that the CDC website goes back 7 years but he won’t show you that because it would show dramatically lower death totals in those years compared to the 2 years said goon wants you to see, and that won’t fit his narrative. If you look at each year from 2013 on, the death rates have risen approximately 1.2% per year. I’m assuming this is due to our population rising. 2020 may well show a slightly elevated death toll from Covid compared to previous years, but as with many things, context is everything.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
January 1, 2021 10:14 am

I’m going to add a quote from another blog I visit. Seems appropriate here…

THAT’S the reason no one is getting the shot
Even if it was a gar-ron-damned-teed lifesaving shot
Fucking the Overlords have burned the societal trust capital to the ground

No One Trusts Them Anymore
It took a hundred years to build up ‘trust in Government’
It took a week to nuke that fucker from orbit.
And it’s getting worse